» Fantasy » Forbidden Love, J.M.Hurley [thriller book recommendations TXT] 📗

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wore a huge smile on his lips, as if this was great news. Tori resisted the urge to hiss, something she enjoyed doing when she was mad, it made her feel like Dracula or some other legendary vampire. “Are we all good then?”

Randy nodded and glance toward the door, “Yes, we’ll read up and everything will be fine.” He didn’t even so much as glance towards Tori, he just shook the doctor’s hand then headed for the door.

Tori resisted an exasperated sigh as she dropped off of the cot and slowly trudged behind him. Her skin felt raw and burnt, which wasn’t too far off. The doctor had smeared burn ointment on her wounds but it had only worked so much, her skin was still red and patchy. Her normally silky long hair was charred at the tips and she had a feeling her eyes were redder than blood itself. As she walked, her feet groaned in agony from the pressure and she struggled to keep up with Randy who was walking at least ten feet and growing in front of her.

“Hey, wait up!” Tori called as she fell forward into the mud. It felt like fire against her sensitive skin and she bit her lip to keep from screaming. Soon after biting down, she tasted blood in her mouth from her cracked lip and she expected to feel her pointed fangs expanding from the familiar taster, only they didn’t. Beginning to feel panic rise in her throat she tore one of the pamphlets from her pocket and flipped through it quickly, her eyes scanning for anything like, ‘looses fangs’ ‘doesn’t suck blood’ ‘isn’t a vampire’ but none of the phrases were there. “Randy!” she screamed and he finally turned and jogged back to where she was.

“What, what’s wrong!” he asked with a half concerned half tired voice. He glanced down at Tori, then at the booklet in her hand. “Say something,” he prompted as he reached for her.

Tori shook her head, feeling tears in her eyes, “I’m not a vampire.”

Randy looked surprised then shook his head, “No, of course not, you’re a lideric now.”

Tori felt her heart give a distinct thud then she looked up at him, “You knew? You knew I wasn’t a vampire this whole time?”

Randy blinked as if confused, “I, I read one of the pamphlets, it was in there. It said that when you died, you lost being a vampire.”

Tori felt nauseated and sick. She’d been a vampire her entire life, all of her friends were vampires. How sick was it that out of everyone she knew, not one of them even knew about lideric, yet alone was one. How had she missed this blaring fact? She didn’t care that Randy kept staring at her like she was crazy. She didn’t care that the blood thirsty wolves could arrive home any minute. She didn’t care that all she had to do was read up

on the pamphlets. All she cared about was her old life, she wanted it back.

“Why do you even care?” Tori asked with revulsion in her voice as she shot a desperate glance up at Randy.

“What?” Randy asked, his eyes sparkling with confusion, “Look, Tori, why don’t we talk about this later after we’ve-”

“No! We’re talking now!” Tori insisted as she slowly stood and looked Randy directly in the eyes, “I want to know why you care so damn much and I want to know now!”

Randy looked absolutely and utterly confused, “What the hell do you mean why do I care?” he asked and Tori snorted.

“I mean, you’re a wolf, and I’m…I was a vampire. We don’t mix! We’re supposed to hate each other and most of us do! So why do you even care?!”

Randy drew back, hurt showing clear in his eyes as he stared at her. “I care because I’m different, I thought you were too.”

Tori laughed, “Please! You’re just like them, and so am I. We’re no different, we’re not better nor worse. We just need to end this now, stop pretending this is normal or this could work in the slightest.”

Randy shook his head and now it was his turn to laugh, “You really fooled me, Tori, I really believed you weren’t like them. I really believed I should help you. Why? Why did I risk my own life for you? Because that’s what good people do and I thought you’d see that… that you’d agree. But it was just you playing me, you deserve all of the pain you get from here.”

That last sentence made Tori’s heart shudder, you deserve all the pain you get from here

, his words kept running through her mind even after he turned and left her there. She was burnt, muddy, disheveled, and broken. Tear streaks stood out on her muddy face and she felt torn apart. She already regretted what she had said, but should she? She hadn’t really said anything that wasn’t true, that’s all she’d wanted, was to tell the truth. Sighing, she shoved the booklet back into her pocket and began trudging off in the direction that she assumed was home,
heartbroken, skin searing, mind reeling, and all so very alone.


Feeling groggy and disorientated, Mystica rubbed at her drooping eyes. She was lying down, a familiar old shirt of Daniel’s was wrapped around her shoulders and the pillow under her cheek smelt like Armani Code, the cologne he frequently wore. Mystica struggled to remember everything that had happened in the last 24 hours but it was blurry. As she sat up slowly, trying to recall some of the patches in her memory, she listened to the nature sounding from outside. It was no longer raining or storming, but quiet. The birds chirped quietly, twittering back and forth between each other and grasshoppers seemed to answer them. A chilly spring wind swept in through the partially shut window beside her and she shivered.

She’d conjured up most of her memory by now. She knew Tori had been missing and she was looking for her, she knew she’d ran into Daniel and hadn’t been able to resist letting him tag along but she couldn’t remember where Daniel had said he was going or when he said he would be back. Judging from a quick peak outside, it was nearly dusk, the sun setting meekly in the distant sky. The scenery was beautiful, it looked as if an artist had sprayed both red, pinks, oranges, and blues throughout the sky, mixing them into a gorgeous texture with white fluffy clouds to outline it.

It was then that Mystica heard distant twigs cracking and she whipped her head around. “Hello?” she called hesitantly as her eyes scanned the premises. There was no answer that she could hear except what she could’ve sworn was the glimpse of a giggle. Stepping forward, she called again in a threatening voice, “Who’s there?” Still, no one answered, there was just the slightest amount of tension in the air, as if the spy partially wanted and partially didn’t want to be caught.

“Hello,” a casual voice said from behind her, “don’t worry, I let myself in.” Flipping around to face them Mystica gasped. She’d been expecting Daniel or maybe one of the wolves but not Jason. He was dressed casual, jeans and a Hollister t-shirt and his blonde hair was swept back with slick gel. He stepped forward and Mystica took a step back. She hadn’t forgotten the last time she and Jason had talked, how he’d pushed her into the wall, and this time, there was no Daniel to save her.

The Rest of Chapter 10 is Comming Soon!:)

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Text: No part of this book is to be copied or redistributed in any manner.
Publication Date: 08-22-2011

All Rights Reserved

To all of my fans. It's especially for you. :)

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