» Fantasy » Red Witch, hima [electronic reader txt] 📗

Book online «Red Witch, hima [electronic reader txt] 📗». Author hima

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helping me decide what I wanted.

She smiled sweetly. “The king wants to see you all…” she said. We nodded and walked in…”Give us some time to alert all my warriors…” was all he said. “There are my people out in the palace grounds…Could you see to their necessities…?” I asked.

The king ordered his men to look after them, “Nessa…show your sister to her chambers…”he said. “How did you…?” “A man will always heed to love…”She said smiling.

She showed me into my bed chamber. I had totally forgot about Lia… I sent a message to her about my where abouts when I heard a silent knock on the door. Alec walked in, I went into his arms at once.

“Why did you…?” I was cut off by his tender kiss. “When you withdrew on that day, I thought you never liked me that way so…” I cut him off by another kiss. We stood there enjoying the warmth in love.

Dusk broke through the sky, I found myself in the arms of Alec as I woke up to the mornig light, I kissed him gently and went to see how the preparations where going on.Lyall was standing by the door considering if he should knock or not. “All ready to go…”he said. I nodded.

By noon, we reached eastern mountains and once we pass through the we’ll reach Madira. We sat for a while and cotinued on the way… I heard Zera soaring up above in the sky…”She said there is someone lurkig in the woods…” I stood straight and conveyed my message to Alec and Lyall. Lyall sniffed the air and pointed towards the right bushes. He jumped into the bushes when we heard a cry of pain.

Lyall was strangling a dwarf… “Lyall…let him go…” he released him reluctantly. “Why are you here…?” I commanded. He bet on his knees… “I come here to serve you my queen…” he said. “Don’t believe him, the dwarves are always traitors…” Lyall growled.
“No…my queen. We have been seen as traitors for years but not anymore, we dwarves stand by truth in this times… We wanted to gift a world with no evil to our children…”he pleaded. I found nothing but truth in his words.

“Raise…You shall be given a chance but know this traitors are not in my good eye…” The dwarf nodded. He made a funny sound with his lips and many dwarves rounded us in a second. They all bowed to me… “Our gratitude for giving us a chance to prove our loyalty…” they said in unison.

By dusk we reached Madira… all the residents of the Madira waited for my arrival. A maid walked in strides towards me… “Attend to their needs…”I said to her. She scurried towards the group… I walked towards Zera…She was grinning ear to ear…”What…?” I asked. “I was surprised to see Zera’s whole family in the back yard of the castle grazing on leaves…”

“I thought you served none…” I asked her family… “We come here to aid my daughter in times of need…” she said. “We have brought visitors too…”she said and gestured me to see.

There were huge red scaled dragons… frying the trees around them. “They are our other family and they agreed to help us on one condition…” she said.

“Name it…” “That they should be allowed to serve the witches as we do and they should be treated not like some mosters…” “You are not monsters…I always had a fascination about the dragons I read in my books…” I complained like a child. I could see their lips curl up. They are smiling…I thought.

Lyall walked to me and stumbled back as soon as he saw who I was talking too. I laughed at him. “Hey…this is my friend Lyall… a werewolf…”I said. “ You are talking to dragon…?” He pretend that he was dizzy. I slapped him.

“Someone is here to see you…”he said and led me to the castle. “Mom…” I said as I saw her in flesh and blood for the first time… “My child…You have done wonderfully…”She hugged me feircely. She kissed me on the top of head. “Come…” she walked me to the great hall where heads of each witch clan sat.

“My home…My people…”I thought. “They walked one by one towards me and said how well I did and how they are so proud of me…tears slipped out.

The next three days were a blur people trained among themselves for the battle and others began to join us… Riona had a pact with the trolls years ago so she went to remind them of it. She said that they would join us in the day of war which would be a surprise element for them.

My vision of war unnerved me all the time when I was all by myself… the final day has come as we everyone took positions… Children and women were sent deep into the castle dungeons to prevent them from gettig hurt.Alec, Lyall and the elf king positioned up the men at various stations…

Dragons were the first line of attack, they sent scorching flames at anyone that passed the borders, The witches alighted to the sky to prevent the attack from sky, gaint birds flew and clashed against one another, their feathers rained through the sky… I called for Zera and flied on to the sky above everyone targeting everyone who came too close to the knigdoms outer walls, I soar high to see the enemy numbers, we were out numbered. There are many of them… some of them broke through the castle gates and entered in… Lyall and Alec were engaged in feirce battle. Many people were getting hurt and the bloodshed continued, I scanned for mother and spotted her engaged in feirce battle with one of the witches…I am sure that she was doing good but I remembered my vision and checked her surroundings…It was too late before I spotted Serena and stopped her… She used dark magic against mom when she was dealing with another one… Serena…I felt pity for her all these days but today she will pay for all that she was doing… I surged an immense bolt of energy into my hands and whispered threw it her, she stared at me for a second and then blasted into millions of pieces. Mom was faliing down from as her great bird disappeared.

Zera soared down and picked her up before she felt the ground…She let me down… my mom was lying still on the floor, I should have prevented it…It was all my fault, I get to know her and she leaves me alone…this is not fair…

“It’s not your fault…we can never prevent something that has to happen…”I felt a chilly hand on my shoulder. I saw my mother’s spirit lingering above me.

“Don’t worry about me, my love… I finally get to live with your dad…” she said as her words echoed the sky brighten up and the clouds moving close to form the images of mom and dad… Dad extended his hands towards her, mom gracefully took his hands with a good bye kiss to me.

“Take care of yourself and Lia…” Dad whispered. As the sun began to go down, the enemies retreated back to their camps… There was much loss…Many lives are lost. Lyall’s pack Alpha lost his life saving a dwarf. One of the dragon got hurt and one died. The trolls never came to our aid.

“Sera…” Alec came running towards me. “Lia…is hurt…”he said. That did it to me… I couldn’t lose her too, I ran fast into the castle rooms…The fairies were lying around her…She lost color and looked drained of energy…The fairies tended to her… I clutched her hands… “Stupid girl…Why did you come…?”I scolded her. Alec hugged me as I cried into his shoulders, Lia was fading away quickly… “Do something…”I shouted at the other fairies standing by her. I couldn’t see it anymore…I had lost my parents and now mom and I can’t stand by to see Lia… I cried.

“Get up…” I heard a familiar voice.I was shocked to see grandma applying herbs on to Lia’s wounds. She made her drink some green, slimy liquid. We all waited her to see if it had any effect. It didn’t work…All hopes shattered in me… I sobbed on to his shoulders unable to see what was to come…

“Look…”he said raising up my chin, I saw her fingers twitch, she coughed and everyone gasped as she woke up as if from deep slumber coughing…

“What was that gross thing…?” she complained. I rushed to her hugging her feircely. Lyall hugged her at the same time…”What happened did I get some lottery or what…?” she humored. I withdrew from her laughing. “I missed you…” I said smiling.

The fairies one by one left as they saw it’s a family moment assured of their queen’s safety.” Grandma…I’m so glad you came…”I said giving her a hug. “You were right about me being in the wrong notion… It cost my two daughter’s lives to know that…” as her eyes moistured with tears.

My confidence rose as I saw her, Lyall was craddling Lia in his arms never letting her go. “I never saw that coming…”I said eying them. Lia blushed and Lyall growled.
I turned towards Alec to see blood dripping from his brow, I hadn’t noticed that until now. Grandma tended to it as I fussed about how selfish I’m to not notice his pain. “It’s nothing…” He assured me.

Grandma left us alone to have a talk. “I’m sorry…”I cried. “Don’t be…you have lot of things going on and it’s nothing…”he said pulling me closer to him. I nodded ad he kissed me on the forehead.

I looked at Lia entwined in Lyall’s arms… “I never thought of it…” I said. “For a clever person…you miss so many things…”Alec said winking. “You knew…?” I asked. “Even before Lyall could understand his feelings towards Lia…”he said winking.

I woke up as I had yet another vision… I couldn’t let this happen. My heart raced at the image of Alec lying on the floor lifeless. What should Ido…? I can’t lose him… I sobbed until he woke up from beside me and pulled me into his laps… “Is everything,okay…?”he asked. I nodded how could I say such thing to him…

With morning, My nerves failed me, I couldn’t face this day…not at the cost of my love… I’m being selfish as ever, I couldn’t risk the life of my people at this time, they were here by trusting my words, if I failed them… I stared at the people waiting at the palace gates; were's, vamp's, fairies, dragons, witches and many other mythical creatures that I couldn't name.

"It's time, my Queen." one of the maids who attended me said.

I left pushing through the thick wooden doors to the gathering, heart thudding. I took a deep breath before opening the door to the community hall where I was going to address the people of Madira, My Kingdom.

I stole a quick glance over the crowd. They were full of hope. Would I be able to do this right? What if I failed them?

Alec squeezed my hand gently. His Eyes were back to that creamy brown color; his handsome face had a scar now. If I hadn't gone through the bitter experiences for the
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