» Fantasy » Red Witch, hima [electronic reader txt] 📗

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past month, I could easily imagine him as a high school hottie rather than a Vampire Royal.

"You'll do great," Alec whispered.

"We are always with you," Lyall said with those deep wolfish eyes.

“I had to do this…” I said to myself. “I gave them my plan of attck today and assured them with my whole heart that I would keep them safe.”

Alec and Lyall took positions… I placed a protection charm around Alec putting all my life souce into it. I learned this charm from Zera, Great birds bound themselves to us in such a way that if the witch dies so would it but the vice versa doesn’t happen. And I plan to kill Damphir before anything before he gets to Alec.

Damphir lead the enemy troops since Serena died. He was pretty much invicible in the field, I saw Alec heading towards him and quickly jumped in between them. I stopped Alec by raising his hands.

“It’s great pleasure meeting you Sera…I was told of your rare beauty but all their words would never justify your beauty… I planned something different for you after you lose the war.” He said. Alec growled as he planted his idea of what he wated to do to me… He leaped on to him and they fought feircely, I was kept busy by a group of vampires but from the corner of my eye, I saw Alec and Damphir literally at each other’s thoughts.

“I have to do something before the inevitable happens…” I formed tow balls of fire in my both hands and directed one of them towards Damphir and another one towards the vampire that attacked me.

Damphir was too wuick to eye, he stepped back and Threw Alec in the path of my energy… Alec let out a shrill cry of pain and fell lifeless on the floor, Damphir laughed evilly and kicked Alec’s body that lay on the ground… “You made things easy for me…You killed him for me…” I laughed.

I slumped on to the ground, I felt all my energy drain away… I felt empty inside… the world freezed around me…finally the one thing that I feared had happened. My heart shattered as I saw his lifeless body on the ground…Nothing mattered any more to me… Why should I live or for whom do I have to live?

Damphir dragged me away from Alec’s body… I didn’t want to get separated. “ You have to fight… for people whom you promised freedom…” Riona’s voice echoed through the sky.

“How could people believe that a petty charmer like you could help them…”Damphir laughed. Riona’s words showed me my destiny… I grabbed all the energy that is left in me into finger tips and chanted the death curse that I saw in dark magic spells. It would drai away the magic in this place but it should be done it’s necessary… I decided and mumbled an apology to the spirits of nature for taking away their source of energy.

I aimed the bolt at Damphir with one swift move, it was all too quick for him to react as he was so much immersed in taunting me about how he would use my body to sate his lust. His evil luaghter echoed one last time in the universe… And as he struck the ground so did I, my eyes darted towards Alec before the darkness consumed me.

“Use the apples wisely…” The nature spirit was chanting in my dreams… My eye lids flickered and started to open slightly… my vision was blury, I blinked twice to clear it to see Lia’s face staring above me… “Oh my god! You are awake…” she cried.

Lyall helped me up to sit…I glanced around and met so many familiar faces but not the one that I wanted to see, Why wasn’t he here…?That’s when it hit me, he is dead… My heart clenched at the very thought. How could I live when he was dead? “Alec…”I muttered crying. Lyall enveloped me in his arms ad cradled me in his arms… I cried more and more as I truly felt his loss.

“I thought you would be happy finally relieved of every burden…” A familiar voice echoed. I jumped up in bed as I saw the very face that I thought I wouldn’t see again. I showered him with kisses as his merry laughter echoed in my ears.

“I thought I lost you…”I cried. “For two days…I thought the same…” he whispered. “It’s a good thing you put a protection spell around him, when you threw the energy at him, it backfired since the source is same but rendered him unconscious…” Grandma said walking towards my bed.

“But…I had a vision…”I said. “Yeah! Didn’t you think that you saw his lifeless body…” she said.I nodded. “The vision was fulfilled but you didn’t predict the next part of the vision so the confusion…” she said.

I nodded giving her a tight hug…”I think you should rest for a while…”Alec said. “I have my whole life to rest, for now I need to get things into order…” I said. I gave quick orders for the maids to gather everyone at the palace grounds…

“ I need to talk to you something in private grandma…” I said. Everyone left us alone, Alec reluctantly left my side with a quick kiss on the forehead.

I noticed all of my people waiting for me in the palace grounds… It turned out that the trolls after all joined in the war and they were an element of surprise since seeing them most of the enemy camp ran away.

“The day we have all waited and faught for has come…the fruits of glory shall now be enjoyed for generations… Madira shall no more be a kingdom of witches…It shall be a land for every mythical creature that loves to spend their life peacefully…Dwarves shall no more be treated as traitors, they will be given equal respect…” at which the dwarves cheered. “Dragons shall be at our service and shall not be treated with derision… and my deep gratitude for our troll friends…” The trolls gave a lop sided grin hitting their clubs as a sign of respect to me. “The non believers will be given a chance to live peacefully with us or else they could chose to abandon this world forever…” I said.

I hurried into the forest as soon as I finished addressing my people, Zera carried me further north covering dark kingdom’s border. Lis flew to the east covering her kingdom… Lyall went to the west covering the woods, Alec went to the edge of the southern mountains. “Ready…” I said to them through our mind link. We placed the apples that were given to us on the ground. I repeated the spell that I learned from grandma before and waited for it to finish… The apple was dragged into the ground and it grew into a huge tree, and when it finished reaching it’s height, It emitted a blue barrier, I jumped on to Zera’s back and soared into the sky and watched the Blue barrier covering the fours sides of my kingdom… The power that I had sucked away with the dark curse was replaced. It looked no more dry,barren and lifeless, every direction I saw was green and filled with life…


Publication Date: 11-11-2010

All Rights Reserved

To all my friends and family for their love and support. The cover art 'red witch' by Gary e sluder

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