» Fantasy » We're All Stories In The End, Megan Rees [best life changing books TXT] 📗

Book online «We're All Stories In The End, Megan Rees [best life changing books TXT] 📗». Author Megan Rees

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They’d driven for several hours now. Rune and Clarissa were both asleep on the seats, while Adele and Luna sat on the floor. Isabelle was helping Jason navigate, so she wasn’t really listening to the conversation.

“So, how long have you known everyone for?” Adele asked.

“I’ve known Rune and Atlas for nine years, Ash for seven years and Clarissa for about three or four years.” Luna explained.

“And none of you have fallen out for that time?” Adele seemed amazed.

“I’ve had a few petty arguments with Ash and several unmeaning debates with Atlas, but not really. We don’t really like Clarissa, but she was told to come with us, so we had to bring her,” Luna replied, leaning back against the inside of the door. “What do you think of all of us?”

“Rune’s lovely and very sweet – we’ve had a lot of fun so far. I haven’t really spoken to Clarissa, but she seems rather self-centred. Atlas is awkward but kind; he reminds me of Rory. Ash is rather crabby and sarcastic: it’s hard to be nice to him. I honestly don’t know how you put up with him.” Adele answered truthfully.

“He can be kind, Adele – he’s just had a harsh start in life. Besides, he saved my life when a Demon poisoned and nearly killed me.” the blonde haired girl assured her.

“Yeah, Rune told me all about that one.” Adele said.

The two girls were quiet until Jason announced, “We’ll stop here for the night. Go out and stretch your legs or whatever.”

Luna reached up to open the door, falling out backwards once she’d opened it. She landed on the ground with a thud and yelped out in surprise.

Clarissa sniggered at her. “Nice falling, Wilde. We should have let you open the door at the edge of a cliff to see what happens then.”

“We should kick you off a cliff to see what happens then,” Ash retorted, helping Luna up. “Oh wait – we’d all throw a party and everyone would be thrilled to pieces.”

“There’s no need for that, Ash.” Atlas scolded him sternly.

Ash shrugged. “Whatever. I’m going for a walk.”

“Wouldn’t you need a light to see?” Luna questioned. “It’s dark out.”

“No kidding,” Ash sighed. “You have the power of fire for that reason.”

“I didn’t agree to come with you.” Luna pointed out.

“Hey guys! Adele’s going to walk in someone’s memories! We can join in too!”

Luna grinned. “Looks like your walk is out of the question.”

Adele sat down on the ground, Rune at her side. Luna sat at her other side, along with Ash. Atlas sat next to Ash and Clarissa slotted in the place next to him and Rune.

“Create a fire. I will be able to concentrate easier.” Adele ordered Luna, who lifted her hands up and shot a fireball out of them into the middle of the circle.

“Now, everyone hold hands and close your eyes so we can all connect with the memories.” Adele instructed, holding out her hands. Luna noticed the black symbol on her palms looked like a cobra’s head, which made her mind wonder. Why cobras?

“I have found one rather strong memory,” Adele announced. “One that has been with one certain person for many years. You must all be quiet if we are able to see it.”


“Daddy!” a little girl shrieked as she was dragged away from the body of her father, which was motionless and completely covered in black blood.

“Hush now, sweet one,” a young woman soothed her gently. “I’ll take you somewhere safe. Somewhere where those beasts won’t lay a claw on you.”

She led the young child over towards a large building, dodging the mass of dead bodies scattered around. She clutched the child’s hand fiercely as if her life depended on it.

An old man greeted her at the door to the building. “Mia,” he acknowledged her. “What appears to be troubling you? Where is George?”

“He is dead,” Mia murmured thickly, her eyes filled with tears. “He was poisoned by a Demon.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” the old man replied, patting her shoulder. His attention averted to the little girl at her side. “Why have you brought her here?”

“I don’t want Luna to die like George did. I want her to live a long, happy life filled with love and kindness. That’s why I’m temporarily leaving her with you in case something happens and I end up joining George.” Mia explained, tossing her chestnut brown hair back over her slender shoulders.

The old man nodded. “Atlas and Rune will keep her good company.”

“Thank you, Rosco.” Mia murmured gently before crouching down so she could face her daughter in the eye. She removed the gold necklace strung around her neck and handed it to the blonde haired girl. “This isn’t just a necklace, Luna. This contains a photo of our family. I’d like you to have it – keep it safe.”

The small child slipped the necklace into her pocket obediently, while her mother kissed the top of her head. “Be strong, Luna. Do everything that Rosco tells you to do and don’t give him any hassle.”

“Where are you going, Mama?” Luna asked timidly.

Mia stood up and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I love you.”

She then rushed out, ignoring her daughter’s desperate cries. The cries got weaker and weaker – as did the image…


“Stop,” Ash growled. “Stop this now.”

Luna was trembling all over, tears streaming down her face. Right now, she just wanted to hide away and see her mother again; to take in her sweet flowery scent, to feel her safe arms around her…

“I-I need to go.” Luna mumbled, rising up to her feet.

“Luna…” Ash trailed off, staring at her with concern swimming in his eyes. “Please stay. We’ll talk about it.”

“There is nothing to discuss. You’ve already seen it.” Luna replied bitterly, stalking off towards the forest.


Chapter 14 - Tough Love

Ash watched her leave, her head hung like she was crying. He’d seen her cry before, but it wasn’t usually over something like this. For the first time in what felt like ages, Ash didn’t feel like contradicting anyone with a sarcastic remark. He wanted to punch Adele for what he’d done to Luna. No one - and he meant no one - would get away with upsetting any of his friends!

“I swear there’s more drama here than a soap,” Clarissa remarked with a snicker. “There’s always a problem or big dilemma with that girl.”

“You shut your mouth, you useless pile of manure!” Ash snapped fiercely. “No one wanted you here in the first place!”

Adele sniggered in the background, which earned her a slap in the face from Ash, who was virtually at boiling point. “You can shut up too! Of all the memories, you had to pry in the most sensitive one to Luna!”

“You do not understand, Ash Chase. I did not pick on her deliberately – the memory stuck out like a sore thumb and I chose to look at it.” Adele explained smoothly.

“Cow!” Ash yelled. “You’re just a cow to do that to someone!”

“What interests me is that I have a feeling you wouldn’t have arguing with me if I looked into someone else’s private memories.” Adele responded.

“Well, we all know that Luna would have done that to Ash if he had something to hide,” Clarissa added, a poisonous expression on her face. “From what we know, he has nothing to hide.”

You underestimate me, Ash argued silently. I am hiding more than you could possibly imagine. You just won’t find out.

“In fact, I think Luna would stand up for Ash if even Rune was picking on him for a joke,” Clarissa continued. “I think that’s a sign.”

“Clarissa,” Atlas warned her fiercely. “don’t you dare go that far.”

“Who’s going to stop me?” Clarissa retorted menacingly.  “I can do what I like – not even you can defy my free right to voice my opinion, Atlas.”

The tall boy shook his head, looking defeated. Ash’s suspicions rose immediately. What’s going on? What is Atlas trying to hide?

“It might be worth bringing up what else Luna is hiding – her feelings,” Clarissa went on, savouring the moment. “She’s very protective of you, Ash. You’re blind if you haven’t noticed.”

“What does this have to do with anything?” Ash argued.

“She loves you.” Clarissa confirmed, her blue eyes gloating over victory.


Luna sat up a tree, leaning back against the trunk hugging her knees to her chest and crying. She felt as if Adele had stolen something precious to her, something she didn’t want anyone seeing. It felt awful.

Adele was supposed to be our friend and she just goes and pries into my worst memory. How can we trust her to not do it again?

“Luna? Are you here?”

Luna heard Ash shouting and making his way around the forest. Lifting her head, she saw a figure going around with a torch, scratching the back of their head. It could only be Ash – the figure was too tall for Atlas and too muscular for Jason.

“Luna!” Ash yelled again.

“I’m up here!” she called back, her voice still thick with sorrow.

Ash quickened his pace and shined his torch up in her face, muttering a curse at realising how high up she was. “For goodness sake Luna, get out of the tree. It’s my job to climb trees – you’re just the provider of warmth and light.”

“Is Adele with you?” Luna asked timidly.

“I’m on my own – swear on my life.”

Luna carefully made her way down the tree, but stumbled down on one of the last branches and fell. Ash dropped the torch and concentrated on her, just able to reverse gravity so she didn’t injure herself. “We’ll have to get you a bell when you next run off.” he commented sarcastically.

“That’ll be my present from you, I take it?” Luna joked, getting up.

“Hmmm,” Ash grunted, retrieving his torch. He looked slightly disturbed, which rose Luna’s suspicions. Rather than reflecting on it, she decided to ask him outright. “Is there something bothering you?”

“Oh nothing, just found out one of my friends has lied to me.” Ash replied thinly.

Luna looked genuinely surprised. “Who?”

“Don’t give me that little innocent look – you know who it is.” Ash snapped.

The blonde girl blinked in surprise. “Me?”

“Yes you, stupid. Clarissa has given me an interesting piece of information,” Ash replied angrily, arms folded. “Even more interesting, Atlas knew too.”

Horror rose in Luna’s stomach. No. She didn’t…

“I’m curious to know why you didn’t tell me,” Ash hissed. “Care to enlighten me?”

“I-I’m sorry Ash, I just didn’t know how to tell you. Clarissa sussed it out back in Nighthollow and Atlas got it out of me this morning. I just wanted to let it develop like with Atlas and Isabelle.” Luna murmured, gazing down at the ground.

“So it is true then,” Ash muttered with a trace of regret in his voice. “You do love me.”

Luna gave a tiny nod, which made Ash groan. “Look Luna, you’re my best friend and I’d do anything to make you happy. I think you would do the same for me too. It’s just that I see you more as a sister to me rather than a girlfriend. We’re both only children and had no parents as such when we

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