» Fantasy » We're All Stories In The End, Megan Rees [best life changing books TXT] 📗

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drawing was fantastic and incredibly accurate. Ash has never shown any interest in art. Why did he hide it? Luna wondered.

On the next page, there was a picture of Horace – Rosco’s pet raven who lived in the library. He was in flight with a small book gripped in his talons, his beak open wide in a caw.

Flipping a few more pages, Luna saw a picture of Atlas. He was sat cross-legged on the floor with a book in his lap, his face concentrated on reading it. There was also a picture of Rune sitting up a tree, a robin perched on her shoulder. She was smiling happily as usual.

Luna then stopped at the page afterwards when she realised that Ash had drawn her too. She was sitting on top of a hill, her hair tossed over her left shoulder. She had a shy smile on her face too, which was odd because Luna knew she never smiled like that. The picture may have been in black and white apart from a sky blue used for her eyes, but Ash had made her look stunning.

The book suddenly closed sharply and lifted up, flying through the air and back towards Ash, who stood shaking his head. “I would prefer if you didn’t go prying through my private stuff, thank you.” he sighed, hugging the pad to his chest.

“Why didn’t you tell anyone you had such an amazing talent?” Luna asked. “You take ordinary people or things and make them beautiful. That’s a rare and wonderful gift, Ash.”

“I didn’t tell anyone because I wanted to prove to my parents that I could be great. They didn’t believe I was good enough to be Pureblood,” Ash sighed. “They hated me, Luna.”

“How could they possibly hate you?” Luna was amazed. “You’re a bit harsh and sarcastic sometimes, but there’s not real problem with you as such.”

“My parents didn’t want me. They beat me until I bled, no matter how much I cried for them to stop. They trod on me like dirt, so I had to toughen up and face them,” Ash looked genuinely upset as he spoke. “That’s why I am the way I am. It’s also why I prefer everyone to call me Ash – it’s a small act of defiance against the people who were supposed to look after me,”

Luna opened her mouth to interrupt, but Ash continued. “You’re lucky, to have had a family who loved and cared for you. I had nothing and no one until I started training. I met people I would learn from and maybe even die for. When I was 12, I moved straight into the cabins and left my first dagger on the kitchen worktop. It had dried blood on it – just another small act of defiance.”

“Did your parents know you could draw?” Luna inquired.

“Oh yes. I spent about a week drawing a picture of them when I was 7. I was so proud of it, but when I showed them they ripped it up and told me Purebloods were trained to kill, not to draw,” Ash said. “They told me to stop drawing, but I continued and kept my drawings as a sort of diary, if you like. I threw away my old sketchpad and I have this one for company now.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Why did you draw those five things or people on the first pages?”

“I drew Alpha because I overcame my childish fear of him. Horace looks particularly graceful in flight when I visit the library, plus he’s usually carrying books about. Atlas is my nerdy best guy friend, so I had to put him in there. Rune’s another good friend and sort-of related to Atlas in some ways.”

“And why am I in there?”

“You’re my favourite best friend: why else?”

“When you have a group of best friends, you’re not supposed to have favourites.”

Ash stepped forward and placed his hand to her cheek. “Sometimes you can’t help having favourites when all you’ve known is fear.”

He then walked away back to his sleeping area, put his sketchbook back into his bag and laid down, closing his eyes as he let sleep claim him. Luna watched him for a few minutes, noticing how young and vulnerable he looked. In reality, he was a tough but reserved teenager with a sarcastic attitude and a knack for fighting; but in the land of sleep, he wasn’t any of those things. Luna found it hard to imagine what her friend was really like underneath his true personality, but she knew that he was much different.

Chapter 12 - Accept Your Fears

Luna woke up to a giggling-like sound from across the corridor. She was curious to know what was so funny – but she felt too lazy to get up. I’m too tired to face whatever trials are planned for-

Her thought stream was broken when Rune and Adele walked in, laughing hard and clutching their stomachs. Luna yawned and leapt up to her feet, staring at the two Purebloods. “What’s so funny?” she asked curiously.

“We just pulled a prank on Ash!” Rune spluttered, wiping away tears from her face. “He was really moody this morning, so Adele and I threw an ice balloon at him! His face was priceless!”

“Wouldn’t he have used his powers to avert it back?” Luna inquired.

“His back was turned so he didn’t have time – all the joy for us!” Adele sniggered.

“What did he say to you?” the blonde girl went on, unsuccessfully holding back a splutter of laughter.

“He had that ‘you’ll regret doing that’ look on his face, so we’re expecting something later,” Adele explained, amusement dancing in her eyes. “I think he’s getting cleaned up now, but it was hilarious!”

“Did I miss much apart from that?” Luna questioned.

Rune shook her head. “We’re plotting how to get to the next Treasure. I think we could use your help. Get changed and we’ll meet you in the kitchen.”


They all gathered in the kitchen, nibbling on toast and drinking hot beverages left out. Luna cupped a mug of tea in her hands, standing over the table as Ash rolled the map out. He had a bruise on the left side of his face which also touched his neck: clearly where the ice balloon had hit him earlier.

The yellow dot that was originally on the River Salt had moved across towards a forest, which Isabelle shuddered at. “Of all places, your scary Demon buddies had to hide whatever you’re looking for there.”

“Scary Demon buddies?” Ash repeated, raising one eyebrow. “Don’t make me laugh.”

“What’s so bad about that forest?” Atlas asked thoughtfully.

“That’s only Raven’s Run. People who have been brave enough to venture there don’t usually come out,” Isabelle explained, her voice wavering. “Apparently the forest exposes all your fears and tortures you using them.”

“It’s a risk we’ll have to take if we’re going to find the next Treasure,” Atlas sighed. “I hope no one’s afraid of things that are going to fatally wound or kill you. This Raven’s Run place looks pretty big, so all of us will have to go in there if we’re going to find it.”

Luna exchanged a worrying look with Ash. They both knew that Ash’s fear of his abusive parents could potentially cause him harm, which worried Luna beyond belief. What if I loose him?

“Well, that’s a two day drive from here,” Jason remarked, coming in. “We’ll have to stay somewhere overnight. What about camping?”

“I hate camping, Jay – you know well enough that I do.” Isabelle complained.

“We’re not going to get away with getting into a hotel. They’re pricey places, plus if a Demon attacks you guys will give the game away by fighting. Then you might end up in the slammer,” Jason sighed. “I’m not willing to take that risk.”

“There used to be Pureblood safe houses for those who ended up in the Normal world.” Adele suggested.

Atlas shook his head. “Those were shut down ages ago. There won’t be any active ones.”

“There must be something we can do,” Rune murmured. “We can’t return back to Nighthollow with only the locket. We promised Rosco we’d return with all of the Phoenix’s Treasure.”

Luna gulped down the rest of her tea and placed the mug down on the table suddenly. “Don’t you have any friends we could stay with, Jason?”

“Not ones that will accept Purebloods in their house.” Jason sighed.

“We could sleep in the truck,” Rune suggested after a while. “Just take the cover and lots of blankets for the people outside.”

“We can fit two people on the seats and two on the floor, so the girls can sleep inside and the boys outside.” Jason added.

“Fun. You’re throwing us out in the cold,” Ash commented in boredom. “It won’t be the forest that kills us – it’ll be the cold at this rate.”

“Stop complaining and grab your bag.” Clarissa snapped, fed up with Ash’s attitude already.

Everyone started leaving the room, apart from Luna and Atlas. The skinny young teenager was packing away the map when Luna approached him. “Atlas, I need to ask you a favour.”

“Of course. Anything.” Atlas replied, rolling the tatty parchment up.

Luna took a deep breath and lowered her voice. “It’s about Ash-”

“Has he hurt you?” Atlas interrupted, anger boiling up inside him. “If he has, I will-“

“No, no! He hasn’t done anything like that to me at all!” Luna insisted. “It’s just about when we go to Raven’s Run. I found out last night about a fear he has that could put him in a bad way or more likely kill him. I’m really worried about him, so could you possibly make Ash stay out of the forest?”

“You know better than anyone that he’ll still go in,” Atlas pointed out regretfully. “I would try, but I can’t guarantee that he’ll like that.”

“Please, Atlas,” Luna pleaded. “Ash will get himself killed if he goes in that forest!”

Atlas pondered for a moment, his dark emerald green eyes narrowed in suspicion and biting his lip. “Don’t tell me you’ve begun to care him.”

Luna slowly nodded, which made the black haired boy give a long whistle. “Well, I guessed as much. I may not have the same understanding that you do, but I don’t believe that Ash will love. He cares about his friends, sure, but I think he’s emotionally scarred about something. Don’t be upset if he lets you down, Luna. Some people just don’t feel that strongly about relationships.”

Giving her a sympathetic pat on the back, Atlas walked out, calling for Rune. Luna followed him out, confronting her confused feelings in her head. Do I really feel this way about Ash?

Chapter 13 - Inner Scars
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