» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading tree .TXT] 📗

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the night after the images at Witches Grove. Ariana promised her daughter everything was okay, and she shouldn’t worry, but Ariana didn’t dare take her own advice.
I wish I knew what to do! Ariana cried in her mind. I feel so helpless against the Dark Magic.
She snapped out of her daydream when she heard a familiar voice call. “Ariana!”
Derrick was home, and, unfortunately, there was no means of escape.
“In the kitchen, Derrick!” Ariana cried into the air.
She dried her hands on a dish-towel and left the kitchen. Derrick hung his coat up in the foyer closet, placing his briefcase on the stairs before meeting her eyes with a smile.
“I’ve got great news!” Derrick kissed her, then announced.
“What is it?”
“Where are the kids?” Derrick asked, searching the house for them while Ariana followed quietly. “I want them to hear this, too.”
She couldn’t tell him about Sabrina now.
“They’re at Aimee’s.” Ariana said. “I had some extra housework to do, so I dropped them off there after school.”
Derrick tried to meet Ariana’s eyes once sensing something in her tone. “Love, what’s wrong?”
Ariana shook her head. “Nothing, Derrick.” She told him. “Why do you say that?”
“It’s not every day your face tells a sad tale with no words.” Derrick said softly. He hugged her, kissing her lips softly. “Besides, you’ve closed yourself off to me. That’s not normal.”
Ariana had to turn away, a tear making its way to her lids. The emotions from the other night in the Abyss ran through her mind. Taking a chance, she opened herself up to him, letting the Pendant around his neck sense her pain.
Derrick handled the Protectors’ Pendant, reminded of the one thing the tough Young Guardian can’t seem to overcome. “Dark Magic.” He whispered, then looked at her. “What’s going on, Ariana Moon?”
There was that name again. For ten years, that name coming from him meant he was seriously worried for her. “Yes, there is Dark Magic coming from somewhere.”
She sat on the couch in the Study, gathering her thoughts. He sat next to her, an arm draped around her neck to comfort her.
He went on. “You can handle it, right?”
Ariana looked at him, letting the tears flow down her face. She thought of what to say, whispering. “In order to handle it, I have to learn it.”
Both Readings knew what that meant.
“Why now?” Derrick whispered, holding her close.
“My sisters and I are being tormented by Sabrina.” Ariana explained, snuggling in his warm embrace.
“How?” Derrick asked. “What is she doing to you?”
“Messing with the powers we’re most afraid of.” Ariana told her husband. “I’m afraid of the Dark Magic, love. I don’t want to learn it.”
Derrick just held her, letting her cry on his shirt. “Shh, it’s okay. I’m here to protect you.” He kissed her tears away, then met her eyes. “I love you, Ariana.”
Ariana smiled despite her tears and depression. “I love you, too, Derrick.” She said softly, sitting up and blowing her nose with a tissue. “Now, what was your good news?”
Derrick stood, laughing. “Can’t tell you, yet.” He teased. “Follow me next door and I tell everyone at once, if Shane hasn’t already.”
“What does Shane have to do with it?” Ariana asked.
Derrick’s eyes were teasing as she followed him. “You’ll see.”
Trust Derrick Reading to take her tears away and make her smile.


“What, exactly, is going on with you Claudia Marie?” Craig Richardson was worried for his girlfriend. “You’ve barely spoken to me for three days.”
Claudia and Craig were riding back to his house after a night out. Craig wanted to cheer her up, but quickly found nothing would.
“I’m sorry, Craig, but I can’t help it.” Claudia was quiet as she stared out the window.
Claudia felt him touch her hand, holding it and making her meet his eyes.
“I’m worried for you, Claud.” Craig whispered, planting a quick kiss on her lips once they’d stopped at a traffic light. “I don’t want to see you get hurt. I love you.”
Claudia had to meet his eyes, her heart jumping at the sight of them. “I love you, too, Craig.” That’s when she thought of Witches Grove. “I’ve just had a bad few nights, that’s all. I didn’t mean for you to worry.”
They drove for another five minutes before pulling into his driveway.
When she got out, Claudia saw her niece Kelly’s bike against the garage door.
“Kelly’s here, which means Cara is, too.” Claudia announced.
Craig was at her side in moments, kissing her ear. “Will we ever be alone?”
Claudia giggled, taking his hand and going inside with him.
She stood standing by the kitchen sink while he checked the house. “Cara?” He called up the stairs.
“I’m up here!” His younger sister’s voice yelled from upstairs.
“Just checkin’!” he announced, heading back to Claudia’s side.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her tenderly. “Let’s see how much free-time we have until the girls figure you’re here.”
Claudia had to smile.
She watched as he took two cans of pop out of the fridge, handing her one. He took her hand and led her to his – now their – bedroom.
Once sensing he was up to something, Claudia gave him a quizzical look. She sat on the bed uneasily, wondering what was on his mind.
“You are going to explain to me what’s going on between you and your sisters.” Craig replied as he sat next to her.
She looked to her lap, then back at him. Could she tell him about Witches Grove? “What makes you say that?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Something about the way you’re acting is making me nervous.”
“What’s there to be nervous about?” Claudia asked.
“Your safety.” Craig said softly, kissing her. “I’m just afraid neither of you are going to be able to handle it, that’s all.”
The scene at Witches Grove stood in her mind, and she stared at her hands. Her hair fell in her face, but she didn’t move it. Good thing; her eyes were tearing up.
That’s it, she scolded herself. Break down in front of your loving boyfriend. Show him how weak you are. Claudia sighed.
Craig tucked her hair behind her ear. That’s when he noticed the tear running down her cheek, kissing it away. “Whatever’s going on, I’m sure we can work it out together.” He whispered, taking the can out of her hands and placing it beside his on the night stand. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her to him.
Claudia always felt so warm and comforted in Craig’s arms. “I’m so glad you understand, Craig.”
Craig laughed lightly, kissing her forehead. “How can I if you don’t tell me what’s up?”
Claudia looked into her boyfriend’s handsome brown eyes. She explained everything that had happened in Witches Grove that night, and the horror she felt as she woke up panting.
He was quiet when she finished. She could tell he was thinking it over, but worried when he didn’t say anything after a minute.
“You probably want nothing to do with me now, do you?” Claudia asked, standing.
Craig stared at her. “Don’t think like that.” He scolded her. “I told you I’d stick beside you, no matter what. Just because this Sabrina chic decides to play a joke on you guys doesn’t mean I’m gonna desert you.”
He really did love her as much as she loved him! She gave in to the urge to hug him tightly.
He laughed. “That’s more like it.”
They met eyes, and Claudia had to ask. “No matter what, huh?”
Craig kissed her passionately. “No matter what.”
They parted, hearing a knock at the bedroom door.
Craig groaned, pulling away but holding her hand. Claudia smiled.
“What do you want?”
“We need a ride.” Cara’s voice peeped from the other side of the door.
“You’ve got a bike.” Craig said sarcastically.
“Too dangerous.” Kelly replied after him. “Momma would kill me if she knew.”
“I’m sure she wouldn’t kill you.” Claudia told her, opening the door. “Ariana’s not that mean, you know.”
Kelly smiled innocently. “I know. I just wanted you to open the door.”
“Where did you want to go, squirts?” Craig had to ask.
Kelly and Cara looked at each other, with Cara shrugging.
“It was your vision, Kelly.” Cara replied, trying to meet her brother’s glance.
Claudia’s eyes went up.
“The Hill View Cemetery.” Kelly whispered.
“Why would you want to go there?” Craig asked.
“What was your vision?” Claudia made Kelly sit on Craig’s bed and explain.
“Sabrina’s power crystal.” Kelly said. “I saw it before she took you guys to Witches Grove.”
“Have you ever been there?” Claudia remarked.
Kelly nodded her head. “Momma knows about it. Ask her.”
Claudia sighed. “You’re not going there tonight, or any other night.” She said. “At least, not without Ariana’s permission.”
Kelly hopped off the bed. “Just checking.” She kissed her aunt’s cheek before grasping Cara’s hand and leaving them alone. “See you later.”
“Now I’m really worried.” Craig said.
Claudia stared after the girls. “So am I.” She turned to him. “We’ll be able to handle it, right?”
Craig looked at her eyes and kissed her. “I sure hope so.”
Dark Curse

Sabrina and her brother Damian hid in his old dungeons of Dark Tower. Though the building had been destroyed in the Crusades, the dungeons had been underground, and had survived. The siblings set up the dungeons as their hideaway, once seeing they couldn’t return to the Unknown without being Exiled.
“Tell me again, sister.” Damian growled as he paced the dungeon. “What fuels your anger?”
“Young Guardian Exiled me to the Unknown.” Sabrina was tired of telling him. “Do you not know anything?”
Damian shifted to Dragon-Mite form, which told Sabrina to back off. “I know more than you!”
“Ha!” Sabrina scoffed, her human-form changing to a Dragon-Mistress, half-dragon, half-human girl. “You cannot scare me with shifting!”
The siblings met red-hatred eyes, with both changing back to their human forms.
Damian was silent as she continued.
“I have been to the Outer Realm and back.”
Damian wasn’t impressed. “So?”
“So, I have also heard something from Mother that might interest you.”
Damian was alert in moments. “Tell me.” He demanded.
“She is a Ancient Mystic.” Sabrina replied.
“Father is not, so we are not.” Damian told her, not wanting to believe it.
“Does not matter anyway.” Sabrina announced. With a wave of a hand, a cauldron appeared in the middle of the room. Since it was dark, she lit the room with a fire underneath it.
That’s when Damian noticed the dark crystal hanging from her neck and touched it. “Ah, the famed Black-as-Night Crystal. I am surprised you know how to use it.” He gave her a smile of his own. “Or do you?”
“I have already used it on the Ancient Mystic Sister Annabelle Woods. She is scared of her Clairvoyance power, so I decided to spook her out with it.”
“Is that all?” Damian scoffed. “With such power at your disposal, I would have thought you would not dare waste it.” He laughed. “Especially on a weakling like Sister Annabelle.”
“Not only that,” Sabrina didn’t want to be tormented by him right now. She was on a roll. “Mary Ellen, Aluna, and Claudia all have powers they are afraid of.”
“Oh?” Damian asked. “What about Young Guardian?”
“Young Guardian has only one fear,” Sabrina told him with a grin. “Her Dark Magic power.”
“Is that why you took her to the Abyss?” Damian wanted to know.
Sabrina nodded. “She will learn just how truly painful the Dark Magic can be.”
Damian was silent, circling her cauldron and tracing its
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