» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading tree .TXT] 📗

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pair of her trusted friends she was raised with from the time she was five.” Aimee said, beginning to rub her brother’s back.
“Speaking of Ariana, I’m really worried for her.”
“Aren’t you always?” Aimee tried to joke, but he didn’t smile.
“I’m serious, Aim.” Aaron responded. “I tried talking to her yesterday, but she didn’t want to talk to me. The chain on the necklace became really hot, and I began to sense the Dark Magic around her again.”
“Again?” Aimee groaned. “Now I’m worried.” She looked at her brother’s eyes, which were now greener than hers. “Well, what do we do now?”
“If there was some way we could join forces, the twins and their sisters with their Magic, and us with ours, we’d be more powerful.” Aaron supplied.
Join forces. Not a bad idea, after all, and it just might work. Aimee thought with a gasp that made Aaron jump.
“Okay, what’s up?” Aaron asked, unsure if we wanted to hear what was on her mind. “The only time you screech like that is if you have an idea.”
Aimee laughed, hugging him. “You just reminded me of the Power Circle. Brilliant, Aaron Theodore! Perfect!”
“What are you talking about?” Aaron was confused.
“Don’t you get it? If we get together, we could stand a chance of beating out the Dominionite Maiden!”
“What about the dreams?”
“Let Ariana or Lord Guardian handle it.” Aimee supplied.
“Mom, what’s going on?” Six-year-old Angel’s voice peeped from the doorway.
“We’re in a bit of a Ancient Mystic crises.” Aaron tried to explain to his adopted niece. “We were trying to figure a way out of it.”
“Can I help?” Angel asked. “I know I’m not an Ancient Mystic, but there must be something I can do.”
“I’m sure your Aunt Ariana will have something for you to help with.” Aimee cried. She turned back to her twin, grabbing his arm and crying. “Let’s go!” She dragged him next door to the Readings.
With a sigh and a shake of her head, Angel followed close behind.

Derrick Reading was worried about his wife, and they both knew why. By the time he was finished with cleaning up the kitchen, he heard the loud knock on the door, and opened it.
In burst Aimee and Aaron, with Angel in the rear.
“Woah!” Derrick cried, sharing an astonished look with Aaron. He closed the door behind them and asked. “What’s the rush?”
That’s when Aimee let go of her brother’s hand. Aaron shrugged, rubbing his hurt wrist.
“Where’re the twins?”
“Lu’s across the street with her kids.” Derrick supplied. “Ariana’s at a class. Why?”
“Do you know where I could find their sisters?” Aimee asked. She was excited, her eyes widened and hand playing with the rings on her fingers.
She paced, biting her lip in thought.
“What’s with her?” Derrick asked Aaron. He looked to Angel, who just shrugged.
“I can feel Ariana’s Dark Magic bugging her, and so can she.” Aaron summed up the best he could. “It’s forcing the Unicorn Magic Aimee and I have to peek out.”
“Bradley noticed my eyes first.” Aimee supplied, stopping in front of Derrick. “When Ariana came over the other day with the kids, she claimed she had housework to do. Somehow, I knew she wasn’t herself.”
Derrick nodded, his fingers playing with the Pendant. “I’ve noticed that, too. She actually let me in on Sabrina’s comeback.”
“Who’s Sabrina?” Angel asked.
“A lady from our past who wasn’t very nice.” Derrick told her.
“Question is; what do we do about her?” Aimee asked. “I have an answer, thanks to Aaron.”
Derrick looked at Aaron, who shrugged.
“Ariana, Luna, Mary Ellen, Anna, Claudia, Aaron, and I could join our Magics together in a Protective Circle.” Aimee spat, clapping her hands after she said it.
“Will you calm down?” Aaron asked, rolling his eyes at his sister.
Derrick grinned at him and said. “In that case, why not Shadow and myself as well? We have part of their Magics in our Pendants, remember?”
Aimee paced again. “Good point.” She said, half to herself. “We have to get Kelly and even the younger children in on it, too.”
“What about Jake?” Derrick asked her. Jake was his brother that just happened to be dating Anna Woods, the oldest of Ariana’s siblings.
“He doesn’t have magic, does he?” Aaron asked, now interested.
“No, but he does love Anna.” Derrick told him. “Isn’t that enough?”
“Does he know Anna’s an Ancient Mystic?”
Derrick nodded. “We grew up with the rumors, remember?”
“How could I forget?” They heard a voice behind Aimee. When they stopped to look, they saw it was Jake. Anna was with him.
Angel ran up to Jake and gave him a hug.
“Those rumors stirred the city in an uproar.” Anna announced, hugging the girl after him.
“What are you doing here?” Derrick asked after greeting his brother.
“Anna had a vision. Something told me I had to be here, too.” Jake replied.
“Me, too.” Luna’s voice supplied, only, no one could see her.
Aimee had to giggle. “If that’s an Advanced Magic, Lu, learn it before you try it out.”
“What do you mean?”
Derrick laughed. “Your voice is here, but you’re not.” He replied. “Where are you?”
“Right in front of Aimee.” Luna’s voice said.
Angel just stood and listened quietly. She knew better than to ask questions about the unexplained.
“Concentrate, Lu.” Shane supplied as he came into the room. He shut the door behind him, nodding his greetings to the group. He turned to Derrick. “Astral Projection. It’s the only Magic she hasn’t learned yet, and she was curious.”
“You know what they say.” Derrick grinned. “Curiosity killed the cat.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t kill me first.” Luna announced, this time appearing where she said she’d be. “How’s that?” She asked, arms crossed.
“If you feel like you’re being pulled, go back to your body. Understand me?” Shane told her. She went to him, but actually went through him when she gave him a hug.
“Yes, Shadow.” Luna teased him.
“We can see you, but you’re still not here.” Aimee replied. “I don’t even sense you.”
“You have Empathy?” Anna asked her, and Aimee nodded.
“Aren’t we here for something more important than Luna’s new power?” Jake asked. “Like, what made Anna have a vision?”
“Depends.” Luna said. “What was it about?”
“Us forming a circle in the backyard.” Anna replied. “All of us.”
“Who’s all?” Shane asked.
“Well, everyone who’s being bothered by Sabrina.” Anna told him. “That means, our sisters, the Earthly Protectors and the kids, Kelly, Mark, Andrew, Melody, Caleb, and Meredith.”
“Who are the Earthly Protectors?” Derrick asked. “All I know of are Shadow and I.”
Anna smiled, hugging Jake’s waist. “Jake for one, Craig for another. He’s Claudia’s Earthly Protector.”
“That’s right.” Aimee announced. “Since the Unicorn Magic we hold is begging to come out, I thought it would good if we joined forces. Aaron’s the one who gave me the idea.”
Aaron shook his head. “Oh, no, little sister. You’re not blaming this one on me.”
Aimee took a closer look at her twin brother. His eyes were still glowing green, but it seemed only those with the Magic could see it. Neither Reading brother had said anything aloud.
“Are you thinking of the Power Circle the Musketeers made?”
He nodded his head sadly. “It did wonders then. Do you think it will work now?”
“Slow down.” Shane announced, his hands up to stop them. “Power Circle?”
“Yeah, what’s that?” Jake asked. Even Anna looked interested.
“The Power Circle.” Ariana’s voice was heard just as she popped in Magically. She caught the eye of her twin and smiled. “Shortly before I ran away from the orphanage in Shore Point, the twins and I wanted to protect each other somehow. We held hands and I wished with what little Magic I had in the Dream Locket. The Power Force within me grew, and formed a circle of protection. Therefore, we called it the Power Circle.”
“How much Magic did you know back then?” Luna asked.
Ariana noticed her sister was flickering, as if disappearing. “I’ll tell you once you bring your body with you.”
Luna and Shane exchanged looks. “Even she agrees with me.” Shane kidded.
She disappeared after sticking her tongue out at her sister, crying. “Spoil sport.”
Angel giggled.
“Am not.” Ariana called into the air. “Besides, it doesn’t matter how much I knew then, does it?”
Derrick hugged her, wondering how she popped in so quickly. He wasn’t complaining. As long as she was in his arms, she was safe from any bad guys of the Dream Realm.
“Who were the Musketeers?” Jake asked.
“Ariana, Aimee and I.” Aaron supplied.
“Yeah, we were Mrs. Gertrude’s favorite orphans.” Aimee said.
“Basically the Power Circle awakened the little power I’d had, keeping the twins safe once I left.” Ariana replied.
They heard the door open, and footsteps behind them.
“Look who I found snooping in the front yard?” Luna’s voice made them turn. She walked in the door with Logan in her arms. Kelly, Mark, Melody, and Andrew cowered behind her. Caleb and Meredith, who were ahead of her, ran to their father.
“Sorry, Momma.” Kelly apologized. “I kept them away as long as I could.”
“No need, Kelly.” Ariana grinned. “We need you four, or should I say six, for a Power Circle.”
“Sabrina?” Andrew asked, both his and his brother’s eyes open wide in fear.
Ariana nodded. “Everybody in the backyard.” She announced. “Time to make our visions come true.”
“You had one, too?” Anna asked.
“You better believe it.” Ariana supplied, nodding. She noticed how pale her twin looked, taking her nephew from Luna’s arms. “Are you okay, Lu?”
Luna was rubbing her temple. “Not really, but I’m sure I’ll be okay in a bit. I just need some grounding food.”
Ariana looked at her strangely. “Huh?”
“My body went astral, right?” Luna asked. “Astral Projection; where the physical and mental parts of the body split. Anyway, in order for them to realign properly, I have to eat something solid. Get it?”
Ariana nodded, laughing.
“You’re sounding more like a witch instead of a Ancient Mystic.” Anna noticed.
“Yeah.” Ariana grinned. “Darlene Bennington would be proud.”
“I guess all that Wiccan stuff is starting to rub off on me. Call me Multi Magically Cultured.” Luna said with a smile, and the three sisters laughed.
“I don’t mean to break the jamboree, but what’s the special occasion?” They heard their sister Claudia’s voice behind them.
“Anna and I had visions.” Ariana told her youngest sister.
“Is Craig with you?” Anna asked.
Claudia blushed, nodding. “He’ll be out in a minute, so you can stop teasing me now.”
Anna hugged her sister’s shoulders. “Never.”
Claudia shook her head. “So, what’s the ruckus about?”
Anna and Ariana both told her of their visions.
“That just leaves Mary Ellen, doesn’t it?” Claudia asked.
“Not anymore.” Ariana’s older sister announced from behind Anna. “Can we start, or what?”
Ariana looked around at her siblings. “Let’s do this, shall we?”
She handed Logan to Angel, telling her to stand aside and keep an eye on him for her. Angel took Logan and headed to a tree not too far from the large group.
The Readings’ backyard was large, so everyone was able to hold hands. Once the large group were connected, with each Woods’ sister in a particular corner, and the Three Musketeers side-by-side, they were ready to begin.
Something in the back of Ariana’s mind told her to watch her twin closely. Luna had used a powerful Advanced form of Ancient Mystic Magic without knowing much about it. Ariana herself was cautious with it, fully learning it herself. Who knew how stable it was in the hands of Aluna Star Woods-Morehouse? It frightened her, and
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