» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading tree .TXT] 📗

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replied, correcting him. “I have to register for classes at the University.”
“What’s your major?” Shane asked.
“Biochemistry.” Mary Ellen supplied. “Something about science excites me, so why not make a career out of it?”
Ariana giggled. “Taking after Anna, are you?”
Anna was a nurse at Philbrooke Memorial Hospital, in downtown Ray City.
Mary Ellen shook her head. “No, I don’t want to be a doctor. I just want to learn the science behind medicine.” She turned to leave. “You guys take care of these two. I’ll see everyone later.”
After hugging her sisters, Mary Ellen left.
As she drove to Hill View University, Mary Ellen Woods was suddenly depressed. The twins were so happy being married and raising their children. She was the only Woods sister without a boyfriend or husband. She felt so alone, until she began to see an Imaginary Romeo of her own.
It had literally been years since she thought about him, losing her mind and attentions in books and her current career. Only when Sabrina reminded her did Mary Ellen’s dreams of him return.
He was tall, with dark green eyes and sandy blond hair. He had a dimple underneath his right eye when he smiled. He was built like a swimmer with a perfect structure. He was smart, funny, athletic, gentle and caring. In one vision of him, she was beside him, playing touch football with a few of the neighborhood kids.
If only my Imaginary Romeo was real! Mary Ellen sighed when she parked in the lot.
She made her way to the Admissions Office to register for classes. She waited in the long line of students, thinking of her Romeo with a smile. The numerous voices blended into one as she waited her turn. A male voice awoke her from her thoughts.
“Hey, Heather. Think you can give these to Burney for me?”
Mary Ellen stared straight at the back of his head. He had sandy blond hair, just like her Romeo! He handed a stack of papers to the clerk as she watched.
“Sure thing, Mike.” Heather responded, taking them.
That’s when he turned, nearly bumping into her before trying to push his way out of line.
Quick! She scolded herself. He’s getting away!
“Hi!” She squeaked.
He stared at her for a moment, then smiled. “Hi. I’m Michael Ashburn, Student Advisor.”
“I’m Mary Ellen Woods.” Mary Ellen replied, blushing. As soon as their eyes met, she felt a kind of zing that made her heart skip a beat. Immediately, she knew why.
Michael had dark green eyes and was built like her perfect Romeo. Could this be him?
“Nice meeting you, Mary Ellen Woods.” Michael Ashburn announced, keeping his eye on her. “What’s your Major?”
Mary Ellen had to smile. “I think the pick-up line is ‘What’s your sign?’” She didn’t get any reaction from him, but sensed his hesitation. She spoke up again. “I’m going to Biochemistry. How about you?”
“Me? I’m what you call a career student.” Michael replied. “I can do a lot, but don’t know what I want to do, get it?”
Mary Ellen nodded, smiling.
He tapped her shoulder. “I’ve gotta split. See you around campus, Mary Ellen.”
With that he left, and her smile faded. Too bad he couldn’t stay longer, she thought to herself. My name coming from his lips sounded so wonderful.
“Mary Ellen Woods?” The clerk at the desk called for her, making her turn. “You’re next, so have a seat.”
Mary Ellen cleared her tightened throat. “Thank you.”
She was lost in a daydream, comparing her Imaginary Romeo with Michael Ashburn. She hugged herself happily, finally realizing he was it. She couldn’t wait to tell Anna and Claudia.


It took an hour for her to register for classes, and another half an hour to find them. While she toured the Hill View University campus grounds, she looked for Michael Ashburn, but couldn’t find him. She headed home after picking Claudia up from her classes.
“You’re quiet.” Claudia remarked, stuffing her shoulder bag in the back seat before hopping in the passenger seat. “What’s up?”
“I think I found my man.” Mary Ellen announced, telling her what happened in the Admissions Office.
“Do you really believe this Michael Ashburn is your Earthly Protector?” Claudia asked.
Mary Ellen nodded. “Now, to tell Anna.”
Claudia whistled. “Intense.”
“You’re telling me.” Mary Ellen teased. “Anna knew about him before I did.”
Claudia nodded. “What brought it up? The Earthly Protector, I mean.”
“Witches Grove.” Mary Ellen told her younger sister. “Damian made me think he was him, and when I tried to use Empathy, it was useless. I couldn’t sense a thing; good or bad.”
“That’s strange.” Claudia remarked. “Was that before or after he said ‘gotcha’?”
“Before.” Mary Ellen replied. They turned in the driveway and parked. “Anna thinks he stole one of my powers away, but I didn’t notice or care.”
“There’s only one way to find out.” Claudia replied. “Use them.”
“Doesn’t matter how, just do it.”
“Let’s get the twins and Anna together first.” Claudia supplied. “I want to find out if Ariana’s Power Circle worked.”
“Good idea.” Mary Ellen complimented. “Let’s find them and meet at the Clubhouse.”
Story: #3:
Startling Revelations

“It feels so good to relax.” Luna supplied with a yawn.
“Are you feeling better now, sis?” Ariana asked.
Luna hugged her again. “Thanks to you, of course.”
“You both knew the dangers of your actions.” Anna reprimanded. “Luna, you knew not to mess with a type of Magic you don’t know.” She turned to Ariana. “As for you, I don’t care if you are the Young Guardian. You could have killed yourself giving Luna part of your power.”
“I only gave her enough to heal, Anna.” Ariana complained. “I didn’t want her to die. You, of all people should know that.”
“Yes, I do know that, but it still is inexcusable.” Anna said. “What if Sabrina had been there? She would have taken the chance to take that power away from you.”
“I’m too closed in for her to do that, so don’t worry.”
“I’m going to worry.” Anna told Ariana. “You’re my sisters. I don’t want to see either of you get hurt in any way.”
“Now she’s beginning to sound like our husbands.” Luna remarked.
“We shouldn’t dwell on what she did.” Ariana said. “We have to figure her next move.”
“Not to mention what Damian has to do with it.” They heard Mary Ellen’s voice above them. She and Claudia sat down at the booth beside Anna.
“Why would he choose the image of a guy that doesn’t exist?” Luna asked.
“He does exist, and I met him today.” Mary Ellen told her three sisters what happened in the Admissions Office.
Ariana smiled. “Another Imaginary Romeo turned Reality, huh?” She and Luna shared a grin. “Sounds familiar.”
“That’s right,” Claudia remarked. “Derrick was yours for the longest time, wasn’t he?”
Ariana nodded, blushing.
“I want to know something.” Claudia said. All eyes were on her, so she continued. “Did that Power Circle we did work?”
“No.” The twins chorused.
“Why not?” Anna asked.
“Everybody’s mind had to be focused on the energy.” Ariana replied. “Only, Luna’s wasn’t because she wasn’t fully aware after astral projecting.”
“I felt so sick and light-headed, but decided to stay silent.” Luna said. “I didn’t want to interrupt the spell, so I didn’t say anything.”
“The reason you were light-headed was because your own Magical energy was focused on yourself, and not your opponent.” Anna replied.
“Because of that, my first instinct was to watch for you.” Ariana replied. “It didn’t help when I felt you slipping away.”
The twins hugged, tears streaking down their faces.
Anna, Mary Ellen, and Claudia exchanged looks before moving to hug them.
“Look what the cats drug in.” the sisters heard a male voice. When they looked up, they saw five gentlemen. Derrick, Shane, Craig, Jake, and a newcomer only Mary Ellen knew, Michael Ashburn.
It was Craig who spoke. “What’s wrong with you guys?”
Claudia rushed to hug him. “The twins almost lost each other.”
Derrick and Shane shared a look.

“Mary Ellen?” Michael pushed aside to greet her. “What are you doing here?”
“Just talking with the family.” Mary Ellen replied, nudging her sister Anna.
“Want to introduce us to your handsome stranger?” Anna winked at her, making her blush.
Mary Ellen stood beside Michael. “This is Michael Ashburn. I met him at the college today.”
“You sure work fast.” Shane said sarcastically.
“He’s my Earthly Protector, only he doesn’t know it.” Mary Ellen announced, blushing when their eyes met.
“What’s an Earthly Protector?” Michael asked.
Ariana and Derrick looked at each other, as did Luna and Shane, Anna and Jake, and Claudia and Craig.
“Sit down. We need to explain a few things first.” Ariana replied.
Anna shook her head. “Not here.” She took Jake’s hand. “Follow me to the back of the building. It’s more private there.”
“What’s the big secret?” Michael asked, following. He stared at Mary Ellen, who was smiling with her arms crossed.
As soon as they reached the rear of the building, they noticed they were alone.
“First things first. Ever heard of the Ancient Mystics?” Ariana asked.
Michael nodded. “Yeah. Don’t they have these strange powers and do evil magic?”
They all shook their heads.
“On another subject, do you dream?” Shane asked.
“Sure, everyone does, don’t they?” Michael supplied.
“Not in the way we’re speaking of.” Luna replied. “When you dream, are they all in the same world?”
“Yeah, how did you know?” Michael asked. He was getting suspicious. “Just who are you people anyway?”
“I’m Ariana Reading, and this is my husband Derrick.” Ariana replied. “He’s my Earthly Protector.”
“I’m Luna Morehouse, Ariana’s twin sister, and this is my husband Shane.” Luna said, hugging him. “He’s my Earthly Protector.”
“I’m Claudia Woods and this is my boyfriend Craig Richardson.” Claudia announced, sharing a smile at him. “He’s my Earthly Protector, and I’m just waiting for him to pop the question.”
Craig kissed her lips, smiling.
“I’m Annabelle Woods, known as Anna.” Anna replied. “I’m the oldest Woods sister, and this, is my fiancé Jake Reading.”
Michael looked from Jake to Derrick.
Derrick smiled. “We’re brothers.”
“Which brings us to me.” Mary Ellen replied. “You know who I am already, and its time to tell you the main secrets of the Ancient Mystic Magic.”
“Ancient Mystic Magic?” Michael was confused. “Earthly Protectors? I don’t get it.”
Mary Ellen held back an urge to hug his waist. Instead, she tapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, you will.”
“You’ll have to in order to help us defeat Sabrina.” Ariana replied.
“Wait a minute,” Michael held his hands up. “Sabrina? Who’s that?”
“The Dominionite Maiden.” Luna said. “Long story short, the Maiden and her brother Damian, who calls himself the Merchant, are haunting us again. Sabrina has this strange power-crystal thing around her neck and is hurting us with it.”
“I still don’t understand.”
“Basically, the girls are Ancient Mystics.” Derrick said. He wrapped an arm around Ariana. “My wife Ariana has all the powers of the Ancient Mystics, because she’s the Young Guardian of the Dream Realm.”
Ariana stared at Michael for a moment before announcing. “You weren’t brought here against your will. Something in your heart told you to be here with us, right?”
“Uh, I guess. Yeah.” Slowly, Michael nodded.
Michael sighed, not knowing what to say. He looked at Mary Ellen, who continued to stare at him. What had he done by talking to her? What had he gotten himself into?
Soon, all but Mary Ellen and Michael were gone. They sat at a table back inside the building, with him ordering a drink.
“What did you think of all that?” Mary Ellen asked.
Michael shrugged. “I don’t know
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