» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading tree .TXT] 📗

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Ancient Mystics, one of our very basic powers is Empathy.”
“Right.” Claudia said. “It forces you to feel the emotions of others around you.”
“I’m not lying, you guys.” Mary Ellen said. “Honestly, I didn’t feel a thing.”
“He must have taken it away.” Claudia shrugged.
“How?” Ariana asked. “Our powers are a part of us, whether we like it or not. How could he have stolen one of them so easily?”
Claudia jumped when Luna screeched. “Oh! I know how he did it!”
“Mind explaining to us?” Claudia asked.
“He used the Magic of Witches Grove to pull one over on her.” Luna said.
Ariana understood immediately. “He used the image of an Imaginary Romeo to distract her, taking her power of Empathy away.”
“Thus, leaving her senseless, literally.” Anna said. “Question is, how do we get it back?”
“First off,” Ariana started. “We figure what Damian has to do with Sabrina’s plan.”
“In order to do that, we have to figure out Sabrina’s plan.” Claudia slumped back in the soft-cushioned armchair. “Great. We’re doomed.”
“We’ll never figure her plan out and get Mary Ellen’s power back.” Luna was depressed as she slumped next to Claudia.
Ariana and Mary Ellen shared a depressed look. Mary Ellen hugged herself, about to cry. Being the good sister she was, Ariana wrapped her arms around her older sister, comforting her.
The Woods sisters were stuck on a dead-end road, and even Anna felt the sorrow.
Story #1:
Dark Magic Fever

Meanwhile, Gloriana and her new mate watched over them.
“Do they not look wonderful, my darling?” Gloriana waved a hand over the Dark Cauldron.
“Indeed, they do.” Orthos kissed her neck from behind. “I love misery. The Crusaders have no idea what to do next.”
“That daughter of yours is a treat.” Gloriana said. “I bet even she does not know the power within the Black-as-Night Crystal.”
“My brothers say she risked her life, clamoring in the Abyss to get it.” Orthos supplied, hugging her tighter.
The image changed with another wave of a hand. This time, Orthos could see his children in the underground dungeons of the old Dark Tower.
“What is Damian up to?” Gloriana asked him. “Why is he helping Sabrina?”
“He was wronged by Young Guardian.” Orthos spat on the ground. “For she did not return the lust he had for her.”
The couple watched as Damian pulled a pulsating sphere of colored energy from behind his back.
Immediately, Orthos knew what it was. “How did he get that Ancient Mystic’s power?”
“He stole Young Guardian’s power?” Gloriana wondered, separating herself from Orthos’ arms.
Orthos laughed. “He wishes! No, my sweet, that power is only one of Sister Mary Ellen’s many useless Magics.”
“Why target a weakling if she is useless?”
“She is not useless, the power he holds is.” Orthos remarked. “Damian holds her Empathy power, so she is unable to sense anyone’s emotions.”
At that, Gloriana laughed. She changed the image back to the Woods sisters. Splitting it, she could see the Earthly Protectors gathered at a bar. To Orthos and Gloriana’s amusement, they were fighting, biting at each other’s throats.
Gloriana smiled. “And to think – I had a hand in this. I caused all the chaos amongst the Crusaders.”
“You are proving an excruciatingly wonderful addition to the Throne.” Orthos kissed her neck, then laughed.
“The fun hast just begun.” Gloriana supplied, helping herself to his lips.


Back at the bar, Michael couldn’t believe his eyes and ears. Derrick and Aaron were fighting over Ariana, Shane and Craig were fighting over who was Derrick’s best friend, and Jake was interrupting his brother to fight over their parent’s arguing.
“This is all your fault!” Derrick spat at Aaron.
“How do you figure?” Aaron yelled back. “You’re the one who married her!”
“At least I’m not obsessed with something I can’t have!” Derrick cried.
Michael’s ears went to Shane and Craig.
“Who’s the one to teach him his craft of detecting?” Shane cried. “Certainly not you!” Craig was astonished, unable to say a word. Shane fed on that anger bubbling in Craig’s system. “In fact, he never mentioned you when we were in the System! He was perfectly happy living without his so-called best friend!”
“So-called! Who’s so-called?” Craig asked, sarcastically. “When he had no one to turn to, I was the one to stand by him. When everybody else deserted him, I stood by his side.”
“I bet he didn’t even want you around!” Shane cried.
Michael turned back to Derrick, who was now in the middle of an argument with Jake.
“If it weren’t for you, we’d be the perfect family.” Derrick announced in his brother’s face. “But no, you decided to turn rebel.”
“Don’t you get it, Derrick?” Jake hissed. “It was your fault we were fighting to begin with.”
“I suppose it’s also my fault Kendra was so depressed all the time, and Brian looked up to me for guidance?” Derrick said. “You were all the reason I ran off to begin with!”
“Poor little rich kid wasn’t getting his own way.” Jake said sarcastically. “Lemme show you the world’s smallest violin?”
Jake rubbed his thumb and index fingers together. This made Derrick even redder with anger.
Michael suddenly felt queasy. He sat down in the nearest chair. He could tell the other bar-hoppers were watching the scene, but they didn’t see what Michael did.
From the corner of his eye, he could faintly see a trail of black energy smoke slowly making its way to the group. It floated around each guy; first Derrick, making his necklace glow black, then Aaron, Jake and Craig. When it circled Shane, then Shane’s own necklace glowing black, the fighting stopped. All six guys stopped to stare at the necklaces.
“Uh, guys, do you see what I see?” Shane asked, frightened.
“If you mean the dark mist that’s making my Pendant glow, it’s kind of hard to miss.” Derrick announced.
“I don’t know what you guys are on, but you’re outta here!” The owner started shoving them out the door.
The guys were all too shocked to object as the door slammed behind them.
“Somethin’s goin’ on, and I’m not waiting around to see what it is.” Jake announced.
“Whatever it is, we’ve gotta warn the girls.” Derrick said.
“The twins will know what to do.” Shane announced. He turned to Michael. “Comin’ with us?”
“I know where it is. I’ll meet you guys there.” Michael announced.

Back at the house was a different story. Ariana was pacing the floor, trying to think. Luna fiddled with the rings on her fingers, biting her lips. Mary Ellen sat on the floor, her arms hugging her legs close to her chest. Anna and Claudia were on the sofa, depressed.
“I hate Sabrina!” Ariana announced, angry. She could feel some intense energy bubbling in her system, but ignored it, excusing it as mere frustration. “She’s been a pain in my ass since I first found out I was a Ancient Mystic.”
“We all hate her, but that doesn’t do anything about her.” Anna replied.
“This is Mary Ellen’s fault.” Claudia said.
“My fault?” Mary Ellen looked up with tear-stricken eyes. “How do you figure this is my fault?”
“If it weren’t for your so-called Imaginary Romeo and your libido, we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.” Claudia pointed out.
“That’s not true and you know it!” Mary Ellen supplied. “If anyone’s at fault, it’s Luna.”
“Yeah, right.” Luna spat. “Prove it.”
“Simple, little sister.” Mary Ellen replied. “If it hadn’t been for you entering that mirror of yours, we’d be living our lives peacefully.”
“Don’t blame this on Luna.” Ariana cried. “It’s not anyone’s fault but Sabrina’s.”
“Sure, stick up for your twin, who, might I remind you, left you for dead at that orphanage when you were five.” Claudia said.
“Can it, Claudia.” Ariana spat, tears coming to her eyes, just thinking about the Orphanage.
“How did Sabrina get free in the first place?” Anna asked.
“Kit told me it was her fault.” Luna said. “I don’t know how she got it, but she got the Abolishment Spell out of Jezebel’s Spell-Book.”
“So that’s it.” Anna said. “It is your fault.”
“Is not!”
“Everyone knows Kitten’s Claw Hawk used to be Banished to you.” Anna announced. “What kind of influence was she on you, or you on her?”
“Not a good one, apparently.” Claudia mumbled.
Ariana couldn’t stand it anymore. She covered her ears, letting her mind drift with thoughts of the orphanage in California. It was so long ago, but the memories remain the same.
Suddenly, Ariana felt something she didn’t want to feel.
She began to see something she didn’t want to see.
She knew what was making her sisters bite at each other so harshly.
She turned back to the group, screaming. “Stop it!”
At once, her four sisters stopped to stare at her.
“What?” Luna asked, rushing to her sister once seeing the tears forming in Ariana’s eyes. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Look what we’re doing to each other!” Ariana cried, gathering her sisters around her. “There’s Dark Magic at work; I know it. I can sense it, and I don’t like it!”
They heard a door slam and sounds of footsteps racing down the staircase.
“Ariana’s right.” Derrick and the other guys agreed. “There is Dark Magic somewhere.”
Ariana raced to him, burying her face in his chest and crying. He hugged her, tears in his own eyes for feeling so much of the pain, thanks to the Pendant around his neck.
Luna ran to Shane, Anna hugged Jake and Claudia greeted Craig with a kiss.
Michael, seeing Mary Ellen on the floor, curled up in a ball, went to her.
“Mary Ellen, are you alright?” He asked, helping her to sit up. “I’m so worried about you!”
“You are?” Mary Ellen asked. Michael answered by kissing her on the lips.
When he helped her to stand, Michael noticed something. “Hey, where’s Aaron?”
“He went home next door.” Derrick cleared his throat, sharing a look with Ariana. She understood immediately. “He’s really bummed over you.”
“I know, my Love, but he can’t help it.” Ariana sniffed.
“You’ll talk to him later, right?” Luna asked.
Ariana nodded. “Yeah, later.” She said, grabbing Derrick’s hand and leading him to the sofa. “For now, we have to prepare for Sabrina and Damian’s little plight.”
“Let’s deal with Damian first.” Luna said.
“Why him?” Claudia asked.
“He’s not much of a threat.” Ariana told her. “We have to get Mary Ellen’s power back anyway, so we’ll deal with him first.”
“Wait a minute.” Michael said. “Power back? You mean, this dude took your powers?”
“Only one, which confuses even me.” Anna replied. “Damian took Mary Ellen’s Empathy power away, and we have to get it back.”
“Explain to me what’s going on, and we’ll tell you what we saw.” Shane told the girls.
The sisters told the guys what happened, and the guys told them what they saw in the bar, before getting booted out.
Ariana looked to Michael. “You actually saw the cloud of Dark Magic?”
Michael gulped. “Judging by the name, I’d think this wasn’t a good thing?”
“You better believe it.” Claudia said. “The Dark Magic is just that – dark.”
“It’s the only part of the Magic no Ancient Mystic can seem to conquer.” Ariana replied. “It tries to destroy friendships, lovers, families. Wherever love is, it goes and destroys it.”
“It almost turned us against each other just now.” Shane announced. “Our bottled-up emotions over petty little things that bug us was the main target.”
“That’s why I warned Aaron about it.” Ariana replied. “Last week, we Exiled three Dominionites from his Dream Realm. A few days ago, I looked in on him. He was still weakened by the Magic, but he had these thoughts
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