» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading tree .TXT] 📗

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watched her drop the broken pieces into the trash. “You make it look so easy.”
“Believe me, it’s not easy.” Ariana laughed at him. She returned the broom and dustpan to the closet before sitting at the table. “And no, I don’t use it all the time.”
Aaron smiled, glad his best friend was so close. His heart pounded as she responded to the kiss on the lips he gave her. “So, what’s up?” He asked, sitting next to her and taking her hand. “And don’t tell me you came over for that little lesson in Magic.”
Ariana looked to her lap. “No, not that.”
“What is it, then?” Aaron was worried now. She wouldn’t act like this around him. Something was on her mind. “What’s wrong?”
Ariana looked back up at him and held her breath. “Derrick and Shane told me about your fight at the bar. Michael told me how he saw the grey mist of Dark Magic floating toward you and their Protector’s Pendants.”
Now he was uncomfortable. He stood, thinking about that night.
She stood behind him. “I warned you about the Dark Magic’s power when we Exiled those three Dominionites, remember?”
He turned. “Now you’re saying I told you so?”
He cut her off. “How about another lecture?”
His anger was growing along with his disappointment.
“Aaron.” She raised her voice.
“Oh, I know!” He said sarcastically. “You’re gonna tell me you don’t care about me anymore, is that it?”
He could feel the necklace’s power growing hotter with his anger, but he didn’t care.
Fortunately for him, she did.
“Stop it, Aaron Theodore!” She scolded. “Look at what you’re doing to yourself! You’re making the darkness inside you grow with your anger. I don’t want to see you succumb to the Dark Magic again!”
He was silent, staring into the silver-blue eyes of his best friend of over twenty years. “Why?”
To his surprise, she kissed his lips, long and hard. When they parted, he could see the tears in her eyes. “I happen to love you, that’s why.”
Aaron’s anger faded, his heart and soul filling with love for her. He took her in his arms and kissed her lips firm and passionately.


Sabrina found her brother in her personal quarters, placing the Crystal and its chain atop the pulsating orb. “Damian!”
At the shout of his name, he turned to face his sister’s red-eyed glare. The Merchant smiled. “Hello, sister.”
“You stole the Crystal!” Sabrina accused, pacing to the orb to retrieve it.
“I would not touch it if I were you.” Damian warned as she pushed by him.
Of course, she didn’t listen. As her fingers touched the Crystal, she felt the searing pain. She snatched her hand away, nursing her charred fingers as she glared at him.
Damian only smiled. “I did warn you.”
“What did you do?” She demanded. “What have you done to the Crystal?”
“I only wished to see for myself what power it holds.” Damian admitted with a grin. “So, I found a willing victim to test it on and used it.”
“Who willingly fell pray to your charms this time?” Sabrina mocked, folding her arms.
“Anna Woods.” He said. “I found her in Witches Grove, using the Crystal’s power to take her Clairvoyance ability.”
“To show them we still have the ability to keep them guessing.” Damian remarked. “That is all. Besides, the crystal begs to be used. I just answered the call.”
Sabrina pondered the statement. Before she could comment, she was whisked away. Not even Damian could guess where the violet mist of Magic came from, or why it took his sister from his sight.


Deep in the Canine Valley, Lady Katherine was sparring practice staffs with her student and fellow Companion Crusader, Marie Grey.
“I still don’t understand why we practice this.” Marie complained, stopping Katherine’s staff from striking her head.
“There is more to being a Crusader than just loyalty and Magic.” Katherine huffed. “I may not have been a Warrior during the Wars for Power, but I learned the art of survival quickly.”
“Weren’t Wolf and Toby Warriors?” Marie asked, spinning to miss the next strike.
“Aye, they were.” Katherine jumped out of the way before her shins could catch her friend’s move. “Yield!”
At the command, Marie halted. “Is something wrong, Lady Katherine?”
It had been years since the Crusades, it was true, but Marie was still the timid new Companion. The human girl had a lot to learn, especially about the violet Magic she held in her eyes.
“Nay,” Katherine shook her head. “I just want to rest.”
She stretched her weary muscles. They ached from the hours of practice. She thought of something. “Do you recall the lessons on healing, Marie?”
Marie placed her practice staff against a wall next to her friend’s, and sat next to Katherine. “Yes, why? Did you want me to heal your muscles?”
Katherine purred. “I will return the favor, I promise.” The woman was apprehensive. “Why not begin when you are ready?”
“Can’t you heal yourself?” Marie asked. “You are a Ancient Mystic.”
“Where would the ache go?” Katherine asked. “For me to heal another is to take the pain into my entire self, then banish it away in my mind.”
Reluctant, Marie obeyed. She placed her hands on Katherine’s Balinese-human shoulders, closing her eyes. In her mind, she pictured the healing magic flowing through her system. The bubble of magic was there, and Marie grasped it with her mind. Focusing on the bubble, she directed the magic to her hands, feeling them warm as it worked on Katherine’s muscles. She was startled out of the healing trance when she heard Katherine’s yowl.
“Marie, enough!” Katherine laughed, backing away. “Do not use yourself up! I did not hurt that much!”
Marie was ashamed of herself, falling to her knees. “My deepest apologies, Lady Katherine.”
“You need not apologize, just be more careful next time. That is all.” Katherine said, gesturing for the woman to rise. “I believe we are finished for the day. You may return to Panther’s side.”
Rising, Marie nodded and grabbed her staff. “Thanks, Kat.”
As soon as she left, Katherine turned to grab her own staff. A premonition clouded her mind. In it, Sabrina was arguing with Damian. Katherine’s thoughts turned ugly, making her frown and growl softly. She thought of how her cousin had wished to destroy the Ancient Mystics, one by one. According to Young Guardian, who kept her updated on Sabrina’s actions, the Maiden’s own brother had haunted both Sister Mary Ellen and Sister Anna’s minds, stealing a single power from each of them. In the premonition, Katherine saw the Crystal upon the orb. She wondered what it was, and how each of her cousins had used it.
On her chest, the Sisterhood Amulet grew warm. Katherine opened her eyes, reaching to touch it only to see her hands glowing purplish-silver. The Companion Magic was purple, she knew. Mixed with her own Ancient Mystic Magic color of silver, would it make such an odd color? What about the Ruby stone around her neck? What was going on?
That’s when she heard a screech from behind her. Turning, Katherine gasped when she met the evil red eyes of her cousin Sabrina.
“What are you doing here?” Katherine demanded, her thoughts angry.
“Where am I?”
“Do you not recognize the Canine Valley’s own practice fields?” Katherine asked her cousin.
Sabrina looked around. “How did I get here?”
“Did you not transport yourself here, using your powerful Crystal?”
Sabrina finally faced her feline cousin. “Thanks to Damian, I wear no Crystal now. Answer me – how did I get here?”
Katherine shrugged. “That I would not know. I would rather you leave my sight.”
“I wish I could, believe me.” Sabrina scoffed. “Since I did not bring myself here, I cannot leave. Whoever brought me here with purple magic must send me away. You, of all Companions, should know that.”
Purple magic? Katherine looked at her hands again. Sure enough, they were still glowing purple-silver. Why couldn’t Sabrina see it as well?
Katherine faced her cousin. “It would appear to have been me, though why I would want you here is anyone’s guess.”
The cousins stared at each other until Sabrina noticed the staff in Katherine’s hands.
“Do you know how to use that?”
“Of course. Wolf taught me after the Wars.” Katherine admitted, gripping it tighter. “What business is it of yours?”
“You learned the Warrior arts, yet you rally for peace in the Dream Realm.” Sabrina admonished. “How is it you never wished to be a Warrior, then?”
“I am a warrior.” Katherine said, silver-blue eyes blazing. “Just not one of your useless drones.”
“Do you teach your child these arts as well?”
“When Celine wishes to learn, yes, I will teach her.” Katherine said. “I only learned myself for the simple matter of survival.”
“Ah, but before you could use them, you were Banished to the Outer Realm.” Her cousin was smiling, the wickedness shone in her eyes.
“That was then, this is now.” Katherine said. “The Wars and Crusades are long over. As I told you before, I have no need for you, nor have you any for me.”
“Oh, but I do have a need for you.”
“I do none of your bidding.” Katherine spat, hissing. “Keep me out of your plans, and leave Young Guardian and her sisters alone. They lived peaceful, fulfilling lives before you got in their way. If I could, I would stop you myself.”
“But you cannot. You are just a Companion. Nothing more.”
The statement hurt.
“No. Thanks to you, I am a Companion Crusader with the Ancient Mystic blood from Queen Sibylline herself.” Katherine told her. “I fight for peace only, against any Dominionites left in this world. I am in charge of the entire Canine Valley with the title of Lady, with my mate Wolf being its Sire. We have a daughter who carries both bloods of Magic from her parents. We’ve come a long way since the Crusades and your Exile. Through it all, we have remained strong. Stronger.”
Sabrina rolled her eyes. “You bore me, Kat. Have you not learned anything from Young Guardian?”
“What was I supposed to learn?”
“Being a Ancient Mystic, you must fight the Dark Magic within.” Sabrina told her. “I believe you have not done this, yet. I will be there to help you.”
Katherine laughed out loud. “Help me? Hurt me you mean! If I have anything of the Magic to learn, it will be for me to learn. As for the Dark Magic, I refuse to let it, or you, get to me. Now leave!”
Dropping her staff, Katherine waved her arms in a shooing motion. The purple-silver magic flowed out of her hands, surrounding Sabrina and rendering her helpless. In moments, the Maiden was gone.
A rush of dizziness washed over Katherine, making her faint on the spot.
Story #3:
A Haunt of Healing

Anna led her youngest sister through the corridors of Philbrooke Memorial the next time she worked. It was well into the afternoon before they took a break.
“How do you feel?” Anna asked, leading her sister into the Nurse’s Lounge.
“Exhausted.” Claudia gulped down a Styrofoam cup of orange juice before slumping down in one of the comfortable chairs. “How can you do this so long without collapsing?”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t turn off your Empathy.” Anna scolded.
Claudia shrugged. “I guess I should from now on, huh?”
“You bet.” Anna said with a small grin. “Other than that, how do you like volunteering? Not exactly what you expected, is it?”
Claudia reddened. “I thought it would be more...I don’t know...”
“Glamorous? Like in the movies?” Anna finished, with Claudia agreeing. She shook her head. “This is a hospital, not some perfect Healing Palace
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