» Fantasy » Legend: Season Two, Nick Venom [epub ebook reader txt] 📗

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path. “This has been an interesting adventure.”

“It has.”

“Are you excited to become the king?” She asked, staring at him.

He shook his head. “I was a normal young noble boy before I went to the ball. I came out as the future king. It was so sudden that I still can’t wrap my head around it, but I still want to try.”

“Well, you helped defeat an evil god, so I think you’re qualified to be the king.”

Aver smiled, kissing her forehead. “Thank you.”

Ariana nodded. “Next time, not on my forehead.”


Ten minutes later, the caravan of carriages felt the somewhat huge tremors of the fireball impacting Striktin. The town was instantly wiped off the map. Some of the villagers shed tears as reminders of their homes being destroyed reentered their minds. Some people asked what they would do without their town. Others wanted to know if they could ever recover. Nobody had answers to any of the questions. Instead, the community remained silent, reflecting on their past and futures. The destruction of Striktin impacted everybody, including those who didn’t stay there for long.

Even so, the caravan of carriages trudged through the first week without any problems. They hadn’t been attacked or even threatened. However, the eighth day provided a rose with several thorns attached to it. A bandit party attacked the rear of the caravan, forcing a split. Kira and the other carriages continued on the path towards Great Wolfstein while the last carriage swerved onto a different path; a fork splitting the destinations. Ace, Aver, Ariana, Catrina, Teresa, Mace, Silver, Ex, and Vivian remained on the last carriage. 

The bandit party rode on horses, catching up to the last carriage. Ace popped his head out of the carriage and brandished his sword. “Mace! Silver! Protect the carriage!” He ordered.

“As you command!” Silver and Mace simultaneously shouted while grinning. Ace nodded before jumping off the carriage and using his Creation: Light skill to blind the nearest bandit. He then jumped onto the bandit’s horse. 

Aver peeked outside and noticed something off with the bandits. They all wore cloaks that shielded their figures. They resembled Shadows.

Fortunately for Ace, the bandit wasn’t able to brandish his weapon before Ace sliced his chest to shreds. The bandit’s corpse fell forward as the wind picked up, blowing the hood of the cloak to reveal a man with pale skin, black hair, and crimson red eyes. The horse, then, veered off its course, throwing the corpse on the ground before fleeing. Ace managed to jump off the horse and reach the next horse, piercing the rider’s chest before jumping towards the next horse. However, the third rider wasn’t allowing Ace to reach him, brandishing a dagger laced with poison. 

The rider slashed at Ace and scratched his ankle, spraying blood on the horse. The horse began to panic, but the rider was able to direct the horse’s anxiety into strength. The rider slashed at Ace, but he jumped off before he could make contact. Ace dropped in front of the horse and brandished Azroth, firing into the horse’s skull and ending its life instantly. The rider was thrown off the horse and landed on the ground face-first, eating dirt. The other riders passed them, pursuing the carriage. 

Fortunately, at the carriage, Aver noticed the intention of the bandits -they wanted to surround them. He brandished Ashbringer and swung the weapon at the nearest bandit. The swing was as far as you could have it, but Ashbringer spewed fire that followed the swing. It burnt the bandit to charred flesh and singed the horse’s hair.

“Mace!” Aver shouted. “You think that we can take the bandits?” 

“I wouldn’t call them bandits,” remarked Mace.

“They’re not bandits, right? What did they call themselves” 

“... Shadows,” Mace whispered.

“Shadows? It is because they lurk in the-” A rider managed to close the distance, brandishing a weapon and slacking at the carriage. The cloth that acted as the roof of the carriage was ripped and torn from the slash. This granted an opportunity to an archer Shadow, who remained in the back of the pack, to unleash a fury of arrows at them. 

Mace and Silver deflected the arrows that flew at them. The arrows were discarded to their left and right, falling on the ground.

Aver watched as Ace slowly disappeared from his sight. Without their main attacker, it was up to the others to pick up the slack. Aver was fine with that, preparing himself to fight. “I won’t let you take Ariana away from me again.” He whispered, catching the attention of Ariana. She blushed at his words, looking away from him and towards the wall. 

Unlike the couple, Silver wanted to attack the bandits before they tore the carriage apart. He looked over at Vivian, who was handling the reins, and motioned for her to push the carriage to its maximum speed. She nodded before whipping the horses with the reins, pushing them to their limits which would soon tire them out. 

Silver looked out as two riders appeared from both sides of the carriage, slashing the wheels of the carriages with axes. The riders then disappeared, leaving the horses behind. The carriage slowed down as sparks flew, damaging the wood that ran the carriage. “We can’t outrun them!” Vivian shouted as the horses yanked the reins out of her hands. The carriage came to a rolling stop in an empty clearing off the gravel road. 

Silver nodded in acknowledgment of Vivian’s words before glancing over his shoulder at Ex, who had his fingers intertwined over his lap with an intense stare at the floor of the carriage.

“It looks like it's my time to shine,” Ex remarked as he stood up. “Hey Aver, mind getting me an iron broadsword?” He asked as he jumped out of the carriage. Several tens of people flooded the clearing, surrounding them.

“A broadsword? Open the rift in space and release an object of my choosing - Iron broadsword.” He plucked an iron broadsword from his rift, throwing it to Ex, who grabbed it and smirked at him.

“Well, it seems like we have a show-off here.” He muttered. 

“Yeah, they’re not going to let us go easily. We’ll have to fight here.” Aver deducted.

“We’re at a disadvantage. Let’s even the odds.” Ex said, raising the broadsword.

“Wait!” Vivian exclaimed, rushing to their side. She handed them a few potions. “I have a few Mana Restoration and Healing potions.” 

Aver and Ex took the potions. Aver gulped down a Healing potion while Ex strapped them to empty spots in his belt.

“Let’s see how many bandits you can kill, Future King.” He remarked, mocking Aver’s title.

“You asked me this in front of Ariana, so I can’t refuse. Let’s go!” He declared before darting towards the riders. Ex smirked before following him as they fought the riders. 

Meanwhile, Silver and Mace remained on the carriage and slaughtered any bandits that came close to it. Inside the carriage, Catrina held Teresa’s hand as Teresa’s head found itself against Catrina’s shoulder. Ariana didn’t cover her ears but averted her eyes. The shouts and screams were horrific, but she knew that she would hear them someday, however, she didn’t want to see the chaos unfold with her own eyes yet.

“It’ll be over soon,” Catrina told Teresa with a big smile on display.

“Will Ace be okay?” Teresa asked.

“He’s my otherworldly bodyguard. He will be fine.” Ariana remarked. Catrina looked at Ariana and nodded her head

“Miss is correct. Ace is too strong to be killed.” Teresa nodded her head softly while closing her eyes and ears from the violence outside. 

Outside, the four defenders managed to create a dent in the Shadow army, but reinforcements soon arrived. Everybody’s mana pools were zapped, gulping down what Mana Restoration potions they had before they ran out, forcing them to use weapons without the assistance of magic. 

As morale slowly decreased, Ace returned with the head of the rider, throwing it on the ground and spitting on it. “You are Shadows!” He shouted. “You’ve attempted at Teresa’s life once before, but, unlike last time, you won’t succeed.” He remarked as the Bloodlust skill activated, changing his eyes to a crimson red. He dashed into the crowd of Shadows, swerving around and decapitating every one of them. He went through the majority of the shadows, slaughtering them without mercy, until a bright light descended from the heavens, surrounding the carriage and the nearby area. The light overwhelmed them, soon taking the ability to see away from everyone. The light reminded Ace of when he was brought from Earth to Historia.

I don’t want to return to Earth, he thought as everybody disappeared without a trace after the light ascended into the heavens. Remaining in the small clearing was the blood of the slaughtered Shadows, left behind by the Goddess’s light. 

Meanwhile, the remainder of the carriages headed towards Great Wolfstein without a care in the world, except for Kira worrying about the safety of Ace and the others.

“I hope they’re safe. I wanted to continue our talks about Earth and the time I’ve missed.” Kira remarked while looking out at the beautiful scenery as it slowly passed by him. Scarlett sat by his side, her emotionless eyes not picking up the sight in front of her. Her mind dwelled on the past, never looking towards the future.

 “I hope Ace settles down with his family and lives his life out. Spending fifty years in isolation was not the best option. Now, my life should change for the better.”


She teleported everybody out in the nick of time. Only one was dead, the rest alive. The Discarded move forward.



Nazifa and his children departed Astrial Forest to escape the warehouse’s explosion and the destruction of Striktin. With Melody at his side, he could keep in contact with Kira as far as a nation away.

Even so, Nazifa worried about his first friend. He had lived centuries of ever-lasting fighting to meet a person like Kira, who never wanted to fight. Instead, Kira wanted to live his life peacefully until Nazifa kicked him in the back to meet the outside world. Now he was living a different life and learning new things. The fifty years of isolation weren’t good for Kira, who would get bored of the isolation as Nazifa had. He spent centuries in the Astrial Forest, never leaving its perimeters. Now, he was venturing towards an unknown destination.

Life had changed for everybody involved during the event of Striktin’s destruction. For better or worse would be determined by the future.

Hello All!


This was a crossover season between three properties (Legend, Kira: The Powerful Tamer, and Demon Hunters). This soft reboot saw many familiar elements returning, but many had been omitted or discarded. Numerous new characters (Vivian, Nitarr, Honor Sears, Alca Day, and more) have entered the mix because of this soft reboot. Admittedly, this season has been a toothpuller, especially the fourteenth episode. I am thankful to be taking a break from such a work-heavy series like Legend.

News on the third season will be announced via a new information-based series(Jayhawk Alert) on my blog-like ebook titled Scrapped. Scrapped will have two Jayhawk Alerts per year that announce a variety of information from every account Jayhawk Studio owns (Bookrix: Nick Venom and LI Production || Forgefiction’s Jayhawk Studio).

As for seasons regarding Kira: The Powerful Tamer and Demon Hunter, Kira will be receiving a remake of his origins coming later this year and his first season on Multiverse in December. As for Demon Hunter, he received a second season on The Underground Tales in 2020 and will be receiving its third season this October 2021.

Thank you for reading this short update on these Historia series (name of the shared universe the three series are under).

If you enjoyed this series, you would enjoy the other series in this *Generation (Gen. VII):


Generation VII:


Black Hood S2: Ruler of the Slums [Monday]

Alternative Universe S1 [Wednesday]

Legend S2: Striktin [Thursday]

Terror Hell S1 [Saturday]

Destiny: Book One [Sunday]


Until next time, I bid you all a good day. 


*The term Generation refers to Jayhawk Television’s 3 - 6 series wrap up their

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