» Fantasy » Legend: Season Two, Nick Venom [epub ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Legend: Season Two, Nick Venom [epub ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Nick Venom

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This came true as the person’s cloak caught fire first before his body. Everybody was burnt in a matter of seconds, leaving only two people left. 

“Man, why have you been hiding this from me?” Mace asked him. 

“Because I can’t use it well. I’m lucky that it worked out for me. The last time I used this, I pulled out a roll of toilet paper, so… you know… I wasn’t confident in the skill.” He ranted, lowering his guard within a second. 

“We’re going to train you with that skill as soon as we get out of here. For now, however, let’s deal with these invaders first.” Mace said, raising his sickle in the air. 

“I’ll deal with them, protect everybody else. We don’t know if there are more people around.” Aver deducted, slashing at the people. The slashes missed, but the waves of fire they shot managed to hit the other black-cloaked person. The cloak caught on fire before the entire body went up in flames, killing the person immediately.

With only one attacker left, Aver brought the sword close to his chest. “What’s your name?” He asked.

“Name? Ha!” The man said as his mist retracted to him, hiding under his cloak. “I’ll tell you if you survive.”

“Then shall be it,” Aver whispered before charging headfirst towards the man. The man reacted by brandishing a dagger, laced with poison. The man charged forward, but an unseen force dragged him back. The same force used a wind-related skill to funnel air and propel it towards Aver. The small ball-shaped tornado of wind hit Aver, sending him four feet backward. 

Mace, who watched the scene unfold, noticed a black-cloaked woman take the purple-cloaked man away. She used a skill to release a smokescreen on the ground while she ran off with the man, leaving Aver and Mace behind. 

“Where did he go?” Aver asked him.

“Gone, they escaped.”

“Let’s go find them!” Aver said, looking around his surroundings. 

“No,” Mace said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Let them leave. Focus on getting the others to Striktin. If Ace crosses paths with them, they’ll die.” 

Aver nodded, reluctantly following his order. He wanted to go out and search for the attackers, but Mace’s logic made sense to him. Instead of chasing after them, he went to carry Ariana’s body towards Striktin. 


“What was that for?” The purple-cloaked man asked. 

“You nearly died. That man was getting ready to kill you.” The black-cloaked woman declared. “Madam’s plans would’ve been disrupted if you died. Now, let’s return before she calls for you, Hex.” 

“Fine… Helina Gold.” He retorted. 

Helina, the Shadow working with Hex, shook her head, walking away. She then turned around, brandishing a dagger and throwing it at him. The dagger hit the ground next to him, sticking out of the ground. “Speak my name and I’ll personally torture you.” She remarked before disappearing into thin air. 

“I hate this life… Heka, why did you give me this life to suffer?.”



Episode Nine "Set In Motion"

“Are you ready?” Elenora asked. 

“Yes,” John said. “The Goddess told me that the plans are nearing completion.” 

Elenora nodded her head, looking away from John. She, instead, turned to face the women at his sides. An elf and dark elf stood at his side like puppies. According to what John told her, he saved them after being reincarnated into this world. Since then, the girls had been adjoined to his hip. 

“Okay, I need you two to prepare the warehouse. Take Eon and Helina with you and repair the warehouse for our first appearance. As for you-” She turned to face a pouting Hex. He was still angry at not being able to complete his fight with Aver. “-get rid of the sad look and help with the elves. I’ll need you to knock the hostages out as soon as you can. Oh, and if you could take out the guards in the shining white armor, then do so.” She ordered.

“Why do we need to go to the warehouse?” The dark elf, a black-skinned beauty, named Ela asked. “Isn’t it abandoned and in pieces?”

Elenora spun on her heels to face Ela. “That’s why I need you to go there. Repair the warehouse within the next hour or so. Eon’s skill will help you.” 

“Why can’t we take Alka and Honor? I trust them more.” The elf, named Poppy, asked. 

“I need Alka and Honor with me during our first appearance. They’ll lead the remainder of our forces.” She turned towards John. “Is the Goddess agreeing with our plan? I wouldn’t want to make mast-” She then stopped, catching herself off guard. She nearly spilled important information out by accident. “Ahem, her master.” She started, correcting herself. “We wouldn’t want to make her master mad at us.” 

“I will talk with my Goddess and see if she approves of your mortal plan. Otherwise, we’ll have to work on something…” His voice trailed off as his eyeballs bled the white out, replacing it with black. 

“...” John stared at everybody, in turn, his black eyes frightening Ela and Poppy. “Your plan-” He started, his voice resembling a female’s. The voice was faint, almost a whisper. “-is perfect, move forward.”

“Perfect, then-” Elenora started. 

“Who allowed you to speak?” John asked, the spirit of his Goddess using his body as her’s. “A young girl like you dares to speak to me?” He asked, teleporting in front of her. He grabbed Elenora’s neck, raising her into the air. She began choking.

“I’m… sorry… Ame-”

John slapped her across the face. “You dare speak my true name, infidel? Only my master is allowed to use my true name.” He loosened his grip, dropping her to the ground. 

She coughed as she tried to catch her breath. 

“My name is Cask, the Goddess of Darkness, and you’ll use that name only. Dare to speak my true name and I’ll banish you to the darkest corner of Hell.” John turned away from Elenora, returning to his usual spot. Ela and Poppy glanced at each other, trembling. They were afraid of John’s Goddess.

“Good, now let the plan move forward. Reincarnate Calamity and our deal will be completed.” John’s eyes reverted to normal, showing to everybody that his Goddess left his body. John was now in control of his body once again. 

“What happened?” He asked, looking at everybody in turn. Ela and Poppy were frightened, Hex looked a mix of distraught and scared, and Elenora glared at him fiercely. They were all frightened of his Goddess. 

“What did the Goddess do?” He asked. 

“Well… argh…” Elenora started as she placed her hand on her neck, feeling John’s hands strangling her. However, John’s hands were no longer there.

“Uh, I think we should start.” Hex said. The anger he felt over his incomplete fight was extinguished as the Goddess brought in a new emotion. He now felt immense fear of John and his Goddess. Unlike Heka, who proved to be a kind god, Cask was a terrifying goddess who was blood-thirsty and ruthless. This short encounter was evidence enough. 

“Yeah, let’s start the plan,” Elenora said, turning away from the others. She walked to the door, lingering on the door handle. “How dare she,” She whispered under her breath. “I will… ”

Hex walked up to the door, ignoring Elenora’s muttering, and heading towards the warehouse in the middle of the Astrial Forest. Unlike the others, he wanted to escape the room and breathe in the fresh air. 

Along the way, he began muttering to himself. The situation with John and his Goddess reminded him of Heka and himself. Heka had granted a small percentage of his powers to a street rat whose family had been killed by demons. These powers allowed the street rat to stand up against his bullies and even assist him in killing the demons that ravage his family. However, the powers came with a side effect. He was forced to bear the sigma of Heka, a large tree with red leaves on his left cheek, and to search for the Fountain of Youth. The dangerous part of his search proved to be when Hex figured out that the Fountain of Youth only existed in the Spirit Realm. 

Unfortunately, Hex had no access to the Spirit Realm or anybody who could help him enter the realm. Even so, he continued his search for people to assist him in entering the Spirit Realm, eventually meeting John. John proved to be an interesting figure that Hex assumed would take him to the Spirit Realm, indirectly or directly. Regrettably, John hadn’t taken him to the realm or found him people that knew how to enter the realm. He was even stuck in Elenora’s plan to reincarnate a god that he knew nothing about. 

None of this was on his itinerary. He was thrown into a world with little knowledge to work with. He became a pawn in a larger game.


“What’s wrong, Vivian?” Vivian’s father asked. He entered her clinic, watching as his daughter furiously wrote into a leather journal.

“What do you mean?” She asked, not looking away from her journal. 

“You’ve been writing in that journal ever since that wounded kid left your clinic. What about him caught your fancy?”

Vivian’s cheeks flushed. She looked up at her father, shaking her head. “I’m not interested in the kid, but his body.” Her cheeks reddened once she realized she phrased her words incorrectly. “I mean, I’m interested in how his body fights off infection and his cells regenerate.”

“Oh, sure.” Her father teased.

“Dad, stop!” 

Her father smiled. “I was called in to fix up a few rooms in the reserved inns. That boy, the bodyguard, is staying there with the future king and queen.

“Didn’t you already fix them?” She asked, tilting her head. “Why do you need to repair them again?”

“It’s room thirteen. That room…” He visibly shook. “... is full of spirits.”

Vivian jumped up from her chair and leaped towards her father. She took his hands, raising them to her eye level. “Don’t go into that room again, it’s dangerous. We had to call an exorcist to rid the dark spirits attached to you. You’re going to get affected again!”

“It’s fine,” He looked towards a blank wall, absorbed by it. “The Night Cat Inn is clean.”

Vivian looked up at her father, puzzled about the name. She hadn't heard of a Night Cat Inn before.

“Oh, and if we need an exorcist, let me call Grey.” He spoke strangely, as if under a malicious spirit's control.

“Grey?” Vivian questioned. She had contacted exorcists before and knew some of their names, but the name of Grey had passed her. It was a strange name for an exorcist.

Her father snapped out of some weird daze, returning to reality. “I’ll be back,” He muttered before leaving his daughter, never speaking of his strange remarks. Something seemed off to Vivian, but this had happened half a year before, so it wasn’t entirely strange.

“Still, this seemed different.” She muttered to herself.





Author’s Note: 

Grey is an exorcist from a different universe known as Talez of Azteca [Blade: Dungeons, Eternity, Titan, The Knight of Azteca, and so on]. Being that Grey isn’t from this universe, it’s strange that the father knew his name.

As for the Night Cat inn, it’s the name of an inn in Creation: Season One, which is a different universe; Creationverse [Creation, The Three Otherworldly Heroes, The Revival of The Domain, and so on]. He shouldn’t be

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