» Fantasy » Legend: Season Two, Nick Venom [epub ebook reader txt] 📗

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elf followed suit, disappearing as soon as the leader did so. 

After they escaped, the chains disappeared and allowed Ace to escape. He fell to the ground, wounds covering his body. His consciousness was fading away as Teresa rushed to his side, holding him. Unfortunately, the blood loss was too much for Ace to take, falling unconscious but not dead yet. However, he will soon be. 

Meanwhile, the receptionist Clarrise and Ruben informed the crowd that Angel’s Eye was in the wrong during the fight, but everything dealing with Ace would be handled by them. The Demon Hunter party would be held responsible for the crimes against Ace.


An elf and dark elf make it to the gate of Striktin. They show the gatekeeper the pass they received from their kingdom and entered the town. “Sister, this town is really big! I can’t believe it’s the first time we’ve been here” The elf shouted.

The dark elf chuckled softly. “Remember not to get lost. We’re only here to get some information on Ace and his group before meeting up with Elenora and nothing else.” The dark elf said. The elf nodded, glancing around the town’s sights. As they headed to the outskirts of the town, they passed by a group of adventurers disembarking towards the forest. However, the elves ignored them as they didn’t fit the profile of Ace or any of their targets. 

“John said he’ll be waiting for our reports. Let’s not disappoint our savior, right?.” The dark elf whispered.

“Of course, I dedicated my body, life, and soul to John. Even when I die, I will remain loyal to him.”  The elf declared. They continued their course towards the farthest north part of Striktin to meet with Elenora and John. Plans were being set in motion.



Episode Three "Dragon King & Fizer"

Aver, Ariana, and Catrina walked into the guild, following Havok inside. Mace and Silver had gone off to investigate the dragon while Ace and Teresa went off to the marketplace, leaving them to complete the task at hand. They traveled two months from Holy Legend, the capital of Great Wolfstein, to arrive at Striktin, on the outskirts of the neighboring kingdom---Edurdale---to vanquish the Dragon King and prove to everybody that Aver is suitable as the king. 

To complete the mission, they needed every piece of intel they could get from Havok and the guild. 

As they walked up to the receptionist’s desk, a near-bald old man, wearing a Japanese-styled robe, emerged from his office, nearly running into Aver. “My apologies,” He remarked, nearly dismissing the teen as a random adventurer. Havok then noticed the man, motioning for the man to bow his head. The man nodded back, bowing his head to Aver. “I humbly apologize if I angered you.”

“No need for that,” Aver said, unsure of what he should do in this situation. “You can rise.” The man nodded, raising his head.

“My name is Ruben, the guild master of Striktin. It’s my honor to meet…” His voice trailed off, looking for a name. 

Aver extended his hand. “Aver… Aver Wing. It’s nice to meet you.” Ruben then shook his hand.

“Likewise,” Ruben said, glancing at Havok for additional information. Nobody was informed of the visit’s purpose, but everybody knew that the princess, future king, and the otherworldly bodyguard were arriving in town, but the descriptions weren’t given out. 

Havok noticed the plea for help, taking a few steps forward. “Princess Ariana Wolfstein, and future king Aver Wing.” He started, introducing them to the people sitting in the room. “They are here to vanquish the Dragon King residing in the Astrial Forest!”

“Vanquish the Dragon King?” Ruben repeated. “What ranks are you at?” He asked, tilting his head. 

“B,” remarked Aver. 

“I’m not registered in the guild. Besides, I won’t be participating in the slaying.” Ariana told him. 

“No, no, no!” Ruben shouted, shaking his head. “I cannot allow you to go. A single rank B and two unregisters trying to kill a near-godly being? It will be impossible.”

Ariana took a step forward, closing the distance between Ruben and her. She squinted her eyes, glaring at the old man. She then reached into her pocket, pulling out a royal identification card. “I am the first princess of Great Wolfstein, do you wish to become an obstacle in my path? Or will you allow us to venture to the forest?” She threatened.

Ruben quickly swallowed before pointing over his shoulder at his office. “C-Currently, in my office, there is a team of adventurers that must join you in your mission. The Fizer party are nearly all rank B’s, it’ll be safer like that.” He explained. 

“I see… so be it.” She remarked, turning away from him. Ruben nodded, thanking her, before rushing to his office and calling the Fizer group over.

The first to emerge from Ruben’s office was the leader of the rank B adventurer party, Orion. He had spiky red hair ---reaching six inches in height----that was black at the tips. His attire included a blue tee-shirt and black pants. His clothing was tattered, some parts hanging by a single piece of string. 

Appearing after Orion was Dawn, a female with long and straight pink hair that wrapped around her waist. She had a dark grey tee-shirt and night-black joggers. She smiled at Aver and the others upon her entrance. 

After Dawn came Keagan, the oldest member of the party and only black-skinned one, wearing a normal tee-shirt and skin-tight jeans. Similar to the others, he had a strange hair color of lime-green; his hair being styled into a ponytail.

The last member of the party was the youngest one, Kira. Looking to be around sixteen-years-old, Kira was the shortest one. He had short lapis-lazuli-colored hair that he parted to his right, drooping over his forehead slightly. He had on a black tee-shirt and matching jeans. 

With his late appearance, the attention was shifted over to him for a brief moment. He looked away from the stares, trying his best to be invisible to the limelight. 

“I’m the leader, Orion. My friends next to me are Dawn, Keagan, and Kira. It’s an honor to meet you.” He said, bowing his head in their presence. 

“Raise your head, we’re simply here to vanquish the Dragon King. According to Guild Master Ruben, you are to assist us in our mission. May you lead the way?” Aver said.

“Of course, it would be more honor to.” He then turned to his party, staring at Kira specifically. “Kira, can you take us to the Dragon King.”

“You want to kill Nazifa?” Kira questioned, snapping his head to Aver with an angered face. “What has he done to-”

“What he means is that Kira knows the Dragon King. He’s been acquainted with him and doesn’t want to part way with his friend. Could we work something else out?” Orion asked, cutting Kira off before he could finish his sentence. They were in the presence of a future king. Talking as rudely as Kira was, could get somebody executed on the spot. 

Everybody held their air in, waiting for a response to Kira’s rude words, but, fortunately, Aver dismissed his comment. “If it’s true, then we’ll work together towards a solution. If not, then we’ll deal with that future. For now, let’s begin our journey.”

Orion nodded, thanking Aver for his mercy, before leading everybody out of the building and towards the main entrance. However, before they could leave the town, they encountered an unconscious Ace being brought back to the clinic; Teresa at his side. They noticed the wounds covering his body; he was in bad shape. 

After some small deciding, Aver ordered Keagan to assist Ace and Teresa while everybody else continued to Astrial Forest to meet Nazifa. Aver didn’t wish to leave them behind but believed that Ace wouldn’t die so quickly. Besides, he was bestowed numerous gifts from the gods and goddesses. That’s what he believed, anyways. 

As the main group ventured towards Astrial Forest, they passed by a figure wearing a cloak. The cloaked figure noticed Aver and the others, mumbling something to himself. Inside his cloak was a microphone, reporting everything he was saying to somebody in a house on the outskirts of town. The person took in the information, setting up the first phase of their plan. Everything was way past being in motion. It was nearly completed.



Episode Four "Adventure to Nazifa's Den"

The main group passed through the main entrance, leaving Striktin, and headed towards Astrial Forest. They entered the forest through a man-made path, following it as far as it could take them. However, soon the path ended, throwing the group into the wilderness. They trekked through it with Kira leading the charge. He knew the forest better than anyone living. 

As they made their way towards the Dragon King, Catrina remained in a daze. She wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings, regretting her choice of not joining Ace and Teresa. Her lack of self-confidence stopped her from going along with him. These thoughts increased with the sight of a badly wounded Ace on a makeshift stretcher. She wondered if she could have done anything to prevent the situation or would she be in the same predicament as Teresa, helpless and only allowed to watch the events, in front of her, unfold. Teresa lacked the ability to help because she was still young. Herself, on the other hand, had years to train her body but lacked the motivation. She now gained the motivation to not be helpless and support Ace. 

Meanwhile, Ariana noticed Catrina’s dazing off. She then called out to her, snapping her out of her thoughts and back to reality. Once in reality, she looked down in embarrassment as Ariana criticized her for daydreaming. The others listened to the short lecture, avoiding eye contact with her. It was clear as day that Ariana wasn’t as nice as she seemed. The lecture was brought upon due to slight irritation caused by Catrina not paying attention. 

Orion, trying to break the tension, decided to speak up. “Kira, are we close to Na-Na… its den?”

Kira shook his head. “Nazifa’s den is a pretty far distance from here.” He then looked up at the sky, which was nearly covered up by the trees. The sunlight was shrinking by the seconds. “Looks like the night is about to descend. I say we should continue walking for ten minutes before setting up camp.”

“Why are we continuing?” Aver asked. “Couldn’t we start setting up here?”

Kira shook his head, pointing at something in front of him. “There’s a clearing ten minutes from us. It’s a better spot than here.” He pointed at their surroundings, trees

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