» Fantasy » Lost Royalty, Kaitlyn Barnett [libby ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Lost Royalty, Kaitlyn Barnett [libby ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Barnett

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few moments again. I imagined myself opening the door just because. Then the door opened. I felt fear for a second but it was just Bo behind the door. He had opened it for me. I chuckled, wondering if I'm going crazy.

Later that night, I was laying in the same bed as a few days ago within this apartment. It felt good to be clean again. I had a new set of clothes on as well. Bo and I also didn't really talk a lot today. I think he knew me well enough to know I wasn't in the mood to talk right now. He was already asleep.

I relaxed in my bed. I wasn't feeling all too tired due to the infirmary. I started to wonder about the dream.

Who was this lady?

Growing up, I always heard that if you dream about someone, you have actually seen them in real life. I now don't believe that, as I would know if I saw something as horrendous and confusing as whatever, whoever, that was.

I ended up staying up the whole night due to the sleep previously and I was deep in thought about that lady, but I could never figure out what it was or who it was exactly.


Chapter Eighteen: Dead of Night


I woke up in the afternoon and everything for most of today was going pretty okay. The lady still wouldn't leave my thoughts, as if I was attached to the memory of her. Somehow, I thought about it so much that I wasn't even bothered by it anymore. I'm sure I would find out at some point. I wish I could lucid dream again or even remember my dreams in general. That would really help me.

"Do you think we're safe for today?" Bo suddenly asked me as I was laying in my bed.

Without looking at him, I answered him. "I don't even know anymore. Every day we have to be running, running, running because I'm a lost Princess. Well, run away."

"Right, but I feel like we will."

"How come?"

"I don't know, today and yesterday seemed pretty peaceful, and after you fell off the tree, Tobi and his guards helped me fight off the guards. When we returned to the city, I looked everywhere and I no longer saw any Wanted signs or anything else of that matter."

"Thanks, Bo, but you know that's going to change in an instant."

Bo shrugged. I don't know how he can be so positive about this, he seems more comfortable being on the run. I guess I can understand, it's been about, what, almost three months? I'm not sure, but that's my wild and probably inaccurate guess.


"What do you mean 'why' Lyrosa?"

"Why are you so positive and comfortable about being on the run? Not sure if it's just me, but you used to be a bit less positive about things. Don't you think this world is mad?"

"I'm sure I'm the same me, but I do agree that this world is seriously crazy, especially knowing about your situation. I'm also trying to be the protector, so I don't speak my mind or freak out."

"I sure don't remember that."

"Well being related to this, did your scans go okay?"

"Yes, they did, I didn't forget anything," I said in a cold manner.

"Alright, got it, sorry," Bo said, sitting at the dining table.

That night, I had looked out the window multiple times and there seemed to be fewer people then there usually were. I decided not to mind it, for obvious reasons.

"Is it just me, or is there fewer people out?" I heard Bo ask. I look to see he was looking at the side of his window. Well, guess I should mind it just like every little thing.

"Yeah, I was thinking of that," I said, looking back out again.

"Don't worry about it."

"Then why did you even point it out?"

"I don't know, I'm just trying to make conversation."

I roll my eyes. I did start thinking about it. From all the times I saw people out at night, there was quite a lot, even late at night. Now it was scarce, less than 10 people out probably. I was staring out in a trance. I saw a middle-aged woman sitting at the edge of a mini fountain in front of the building. She looked happy, with no worry of this mad world. I wished I could feel just like her. Then, I saw that something pulled her under the fountain. I blink and wipe my eyes with my hands. She was sitting the same way at the fountain again. Was I hallucinating? Have I officially gone crazy?

"I think I'm going crazy."

"No, you're not."

"I just hallucinated though."

"Probably just in your head, maybe? Or maybe you're just more tired in reality?"


"Well, what was your hallucination?"

"I saw a woman outside looking happy, then she was pulled under the fountain. But when I cleared up my eyes, that never really did happen."
"Let me see."

He looks out the window on my side of the room.

"There's nobody there. The woman probably just happened to leave, though."
"Great timing for everything, right?"

Bo looked at me hopelessly. I ignore it and force myself to think that I'm really just going crazy, I'm sure of it now. I lay down and doze off for only a few hours.


Broken sleep. I awoke to the sound of screaming, it sounded familiar. I shoot up from bed and let my vision adjust. I look out the window and see a big amount of people screaming and running all over the place.

"Bo!" I yell, running to his bed and slightly pushing him.

"Hm..." He says, waking up.

"Wake up! NOW."

After a minute which seemed like forever, he got up and I took his hand and led him to the window on my side. He stared for a second until he was awake and alert.

"Oh. My. God."

We both saw black suits outside with guns and some even using some type of magic.

"We have to hide. Now." I said. Bo agrees and pushes the curtains shut. We lock everything and we hide in the bathroom, every light turned off. We jumped in the empty tub and pulled the shower curtain over the tub.

"Oh my god. This is all my fault." I whisper to myself, feeling breathless. Bo comforts and protects me by putting his arms around me. The screams were heard for a while.

We hid for a long time, not one of us even thinking of dozing off. I was silently crying, wishing to die, wishing to never have left Iprellis. It would have been smarter to just take Mother's magic or whatever she's using. Maybe Evelyn-


It hit me even harder. She's probably dead. She's most likely gone. I think that was that feeling of my heart breaking when I first came to Delzen Hollow. I should never have been Princess Lyrosa. I should have been Dead or Never Born Lyrosa.

"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be, it's really all your mother's fault. I don't really blame you for running away." Bo whispered to me.

After a few more minutes, I stood up.

"What are you doing? Sit back down." Bo demanded.

"I have to check to make sure it's safe."
"Don't be so stupid, remember what happened last time you did something like this?"

"You do stuff on your own without me and from what I see, it's not a good thing."

"Do we just hide forever?"

"That's what we've been doing this whole time, right?"

"Bo," I said.

We heard the front door open loudly as if it was kicked down. I sat back down immediately. I held my breath. We heard footsteps around the apartment.

"Where is this damned Princess?" A voice of a man said.

"She obviously isn't here, along with that boyfriend bodyguard of hers." Another man said.

Bodyguard boyfriend?

I heard the footsteps fading.

"Wait, we missed the bathroom."

Oh. No.

The bathroom door was kicked opened it seems and there was a loud thud. I tried not to jump at the sound. Bo and I didn't move. We didn't breathe. We felt like we didn't exist.

After about twenty seconds, the footsteps left the room. For a minute, we still heard them. Barely a second later, they were inaudible. I think they left. Still, Bo and I didn't move nor speak.

Bo looked at me and said, "Are they-"


I looked behind me and saw a man in a black suit, the lights flickered on and that was when I saw a blue spark hit my face.

As if it was a transition, I was back in the dreamland from earlier. For the whole time, the shadow lady looked at me from a far distance as my imagination didn't work. She also did nothing.

The more I looked at her, the more familiar she was. Her face molded into one person and one person only then from the last time I saw her. From what I could see with her cracks, she looked like...


She was staring at me and I saw a red flare of something in her hand, I think it was magic. The echoing of my name started again, and it sounded like her voice this time.

It caused me to suffer this whole dream.


Chapter Nineteen: The Truth of Chambers


That's what I awoke to. I was confused out of my mind, it was so loud. I couldn't open my eyes. No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible. It felt like they were actually glued shut or something, and it feels like they really were. The screaming, however, was causing me a headache not to mention a great amount of fear. I felt like I was packed in with people. I couldn't feel anything else. I was wondering if I was dreaming again in blackness, and the screams were the imagination of my mind.

"Open her eyes." A voice of a woman said. I was suddenly confused. Where am I? Wait, is this what I'm thinking of? The chamber or dungeon? I could suddenly feel the light again.

No way. It was.

I felt the great anxiety grow in me so much more than ever. I broke into a cold sweat, feeling like I'm about to pass out.

I felt a hand touch my forehead, then my eyes. My eyes opened in an instant, no vision needing to adjust. A great lust of every negative emotion coming to me. What I was looking at was horrible.

The screaming turned silent. In front of me were gray walls and white floors, just like in the dream. The throne I saw earlier was there, too. A red carpet was sprawled out from me to the throne. A globe of some sort was next to the

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