» Fantasy » Lost Royalty, Kaitlyn Barnett [libby ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Lost Royalty, Kaitlyn Barnett [libby ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Barnett

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victim of the bottom which was untold. Slow suffering. Brutal punishment. Darkness. All of it; but I didn't care. Cysara grabbed my arm to keep me from running and at a fast pace, she led me down the stairs. I already saw the bottom. The floor. The coldness if I were to step on it. The chills I would receive.

She threw me in, landing on my hands as my head was down. I heard the door slam behind me, locked in for good. I looked up.

This was worse than the last time I saw this.

The King gently grabbed me and led me to the spot. The spot where I would suffer. The spot where I could be sacrificed. The spot where it all ends.

The spot.

I wasn't scared at all. I was ready like always. I'm sure my body would give up early.

I'm willing to do this for the one and only. I have since day one.

Then, I sensed myself becoming vulnerable.


Chapter Eleven: The Underground Borough


The elevator came to a stop and at that moment, I felt something hurt in my heart. I don't know what it is. It's probably the whole scenario that is playing out as of now. It's happened twice now. I've already come to reality.

The elevator opens and a rush of people go in the elevator as we come out. Everyone bows when they see me. It made me have a small shade of confidence. Was I really that notorious? The thought made me chuckle a bit. Bo looked at me, already knowing why I chuckled.

A lot of the citizens welcomed me to this underground society. It felt more peaceful here. I actually felt welcomed. Too bad that could change within an instant. A fast moment. Any second someone could strike in this powerless borough. I was still following Bo, confused on where we were going. He could be bringing me to my death. No. I don't think so. Right? I shook my head and just trusted him. I'm sure if he were really evil he would have killed me in the forest right then and there, away from the people if this place really is powerless. I let out a sigh. It's okay, Lyrosa. You are fine.

We arrive at the town hall, according to the sign. Were we really about to talk to a leader? For some reason, anxiety grew in me. We enter and there was the leader. A middle-aged man with black hair and a thick black beard as well.

"Ah! Boris and Princess Lyrosa, what brings you here?" The leader of Delzen Hollow says, shaking our hands. How does he know Bo? Is this the "friend" he was talking about? I let my thoughts go away and listen to what is said carefully so no detail is wrong. Any detail wrong and I could end up dead. The situation was explained in accurate detail by my friend. The leader nods to every word he says. Once they finished talking, the leader closed his eyes for a second before opening them back up.

"If it is found out that you are here, Miss Lyrosa, then we will be forced to negotiate with Queen Cysara. If that does not work, then battle it may be. For now, we will give you luxury housing in the back of the town. Not many people stay in that area. It is secret for the most part, so I will take you there." I thanked him and so did Bo. We walked to the back of the town, which took about an hour. Not that long. I was glad but not at the same time. It's going to be easy to find me. Before we got there, the leader, King Tobi, told us a little about the history of Delzen Hollow and where things are in the city. Every time I go out, I must conceal myself, he says. It is out of the danger of someone looking for me may be here. I wasn't too worried about that. Unless they are smart. I'm sure Tobi has made this place "not very secret" if he says he would have to negotiate with my excuse of a Mother; if it does really come to that.

We made a stop and there was luxury housing. Wow! The outside was about five stories high, as it was an apartment and not a house. I was still fine with it, this could help. The outside was made of silver and it shined on me as if it knew me as Princess Lyrosa. It had pillars and looked like a place where a great leader or a very wealthy person would stay. It sort of blended in with the dark walls, somehow. I was excited, but at the same time deep inside of me, I felt that I didn't deserve this. I have yet to do anything good in my time as royalty. I must take it, though. That is the benefit of being royalty.

We enter through the bronze door that took us into the lobby. Everything in the lobby was expensive and the walls were white. The floor was black and white tile, but it felt like gold. Tobi led us to the receptionist. The receptionist was a lady with brown-orange curly hair, a young adult she looked like. The desk was bronze as well, with everything on it looking like it was worth a million dollars, even the paper!

"Code Blue, Hyoa," Tobi said, pointing his finger back at us as we stood behind him. The receptionist looked confused for a second but then nodded in agreement. She looked through her file cabinet behind her before pulling out a folder. She dug through it for a minute.

"All right, Mr. Boris and Ms. Lyrosa. You will be staying at room B3, on the second floor." Hyoa says, giving us our keys which were made out of bronze and silver.

Boris and I thanked her as Tobi quickly followed behind us. We got on the elevator and it went up this time, it felt like I was going back onto the surface.

"I hope you know that you have nothing to worry about," Tobi said during the elevator ride. I nodded to him, smiling, my hand gripping tightly on the silver rail behind me. I sure damn hope that I have nothing to worry about.

The elevator comes to a stop and it opens. We look at the hallway on the second floor. The walls were a very expensive looking white like the lobby and the floors were wooden. Walking on it still felt like gold. I seriously don't deserve this. I sigh as Bo goes in front of me, probably because I was walking a bit slow. We stop at B6, and Bo slid the key into the lock, hearing the click. We opened the wooden door and there was our room! It was a studio apartment. Two beds and there was the living room. The kitchen was on the left and the bronze chairs and tables were on the right of that, then there was the bathroom door. Everything looked like it was over a million! I still am shocked by this. In conclusion, I feel that this cost more than my own bedroom back in Iprellis.

"Wow..." I whisper to myself.

"Well, I shall be taking my leave now. If you need me, there is an emergency telephone next to the bed. And yes, this is free of charge. I'm sure a rottyubin wouldn't have money along with a good friend of mine." Tobi says, laughing. We thank him as he closes the door behind him. I replayed his words in my head:

"I'm sure a rottyubin wouldn't have money..."

Rottyubin was Crushah for runaway. I don't know why, but that killed me inside even more than I already am.

I turn around and sit on the right side of the bed. To my right was a wardrobe that I didn't even see earlier, it blended in with the wall! I opened it and was so relieved to see what was inside. It different clothing for the wealthy. Finally, I can change!

"So, how do you feel now?" Bo asks me as I take out a black formal dress that barely sparkled.

"What do you mean?" I ask him, looking at him as if I were annoyed.

"You know, Lyrosa. We're living in great luxury and you seemed very surprised by it."

"I still feel scared of my literal death. Yes, I may be living like how I always did, but someone could bust down the door any second and find their search for me."

"All right, all right, no need to suddenly be so cold," Bo says, putting his hands up. I groan and go into the bathroom to try on the dress.

The second I walk in there, I gasped, almost dropping the dress that was in my hands. There was a mirror right in front of me. I look like a homeless person. A person who survived a war. A lost royalty. My medium length black hair was so greasy and so dirty looking. My clothing was tattered, rips and even more dirtiness. I don't even know who this person is anymore. Is this really me? In this moment of time?

I shake my head. This poor reality. Poor, poor, reality.

I set the dress down and lock the bathroom door. I'm going to be in this shower for a long time. A very, long time.


I look out the window of the apartment. It is always dark as usual. How am I supposed to tell the time? I couldn't find any clocks. I sit on my bed and sulk with my black dress and now clean hair which took a few hours to clean. I looked like a royal again, for the most part. I look more like a high-class person, but not particularly a royal Princess. Maybe it's for the best in this setting?

"Are you doing okay?" Bo asks, laying on his bed, looking at me.

"How are you even supposed to tell the time in this place?" I ask, laying on my bed too.

"Well, in the mornings, it will be foggier and slightly lighter in a dark purple. In the afternoon, it will be less foggy and a purple-like haze. The evening will be barely foggy and it will be a dark purple, and night will be pure black and no fog." Bo said casually.

"How do you even know?
"I've been here a lot if you couldn't tell already."

That does make sense. I look out the window again. It was hard to tell through the blinds, but I believe it was evening.

"Evening?" I ask.

Bo nods and smiles.

I ignore his gesture and stare at the white ceiling. I close my eyes. I did not wish to eat or drink, just sleep. I pull the blanket over me and feel myself going into deep sleep already. This is the first time I felt most comfortable in a long time. It felt like I was sinking into the bed. I'm glad I can feel fine for at least a moment. Once again, my dreams dominated me for tonight.


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