» Fantasy » Lost Royalty, Kaitlyn Barnett [libby ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «Lost Royalty, Kaitlyn Barnett [libby ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Kaitlyn Barnett

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the toilet out of all these emotions I'm feeling. I weep to myself as I flush the toilet. I force myself up. I go to the sink and splash water all over myself and wipe it clean. Please tell me this is just a nightmare and my Mother isn't evil and going to make this city a slave-court. Please. Please. Please.

I heard a knock on the door. I don't look that way, I just look at my reflection in the mirror knowing that I am the daughter of this evil Queen. What I used to have were hope and trust. Now I feel empty instantly and I've been fooled all these years. I can't believe how fake and stupid this all is.

The knocking continued. It could be my Mother. The one I have to live with and possibly become a slave. I don't want to risk this.

"Are you in there, Lyrosa?" A voice I knew said loudly. The knocking turned into beating. That voice was the potential first slave. Evelyn.

I open the door without any expression. I don't know what to feel now.

"Let's go study Crushah," Evelyn said, winking. I didn't say anything or make any expression, I just followed her to my room. What's the point now that she's going to be a slave anyway? Mother would know how to stop me even if I tried.

She shut the door behind her. I sat on my bed and she sat next to me.

"Listen closely, please," Evelyn said. I looked at her, again, doing nothing.

"I can tell that you probably heard the things from last night, yes?"

I slightly nodded, wanting to cry.

Even though we couldn't, her voice was set to a whisper.

"I'm super sure you already know, but you have to get out of here. You have to. You and I both know it isn't safe here, but you matter more than me. Get out of the city. Runaway."

I wanted to tell her how important she was to me, how much she could come with even if I was too. I want to tell her that I don't want to risk it because when royals go missing, it is the most serious thing of all time, news spreading like an epidemic. I just didn't have the strength to.

All I did was feel tears coming out. The next thing I knew was that I was silently weeping into Evelyn's shoulder, feeling guilty that I almost could have gotten her into more trouble. I also didn't want Iprellis to turn into a slave town. The worst part was that I have been lied to all my life. I feel played. By my own Mother who has been ruling as a Queen for many years.

"Even if you don't want to, I promise that I'll get you out of this city. I shall probably make a diversion or send someone to do so. Only you, I, your father, and the Queen know of our plans. The Guards' walls are thicker than yours." The maid explains. I didn't respond like usual, but I was nodding in my own head.

Yes, I did want to get out. I don't know where I would go. I would probably be found so easily as everyone knows the face of a royal, especially in Iprellis. It is the most popular and most populous city.

"Why did she tell you?" I unknowingly asked until I asked it.

"Well, I overheard heard your Mother saying it to your Father, which is most likely why he is quiet. I was courageous enough to confront her. She knew I was always scared of her which is why she threatens me. This was about eight years ago when her plan wasn't fully devised just yet. I know she regrets telling me, but it's said and done." Said she.

I smiled to myself because she is so brave. I envy her. She should be the Princess, not I. Father must have known for a long time. I remember that he was always quiet. Over the years, it grew. Maybe Evelyn is right.

"Don't you worry, I'm willing to sacrifice myself for you. I also did know you went in the basement, when you started walking down I saw you, then that was when the Queen came in."

I listened to every word said. I felt happy that she was willing to be my savior. I slowly started feeling happy, but heavily damaged still.

"Why can't you come with me?" I asked, sitting up and looking at her.

"You're special, Lyrosa; you know this. The Queen would know exactly what to do if we both ran away. I attempted to flee about 10 years ago, actually. I was caught by the Guards and that is another reason why I'm threatened so much. I was watched 24/7 for about a year until Cysara started trusting me again. Now, she never would. I feel as if the evil started spreading in her over the years."

I nodded to every few words, now looking at the floor.

"Evelyn!" Mother called.

Evelyn quickly said, "I want you to start packing. Slowly, so no one is more suspicious than they already are. Within a few days hopefully, I will get you out of here. Trust me."

She ran out of the room, closing the door behind her gently.

I wish I could have said thank you before she left.


Chapter Five: Runaway


That night, I did exactly as Evelyn said. Ironic, yes? I got out my suitcase used for visiting other cities near like Wrenwood, Hajiun, Elxurian City, and more. I have not traveled in a while, but that was about to change. I was to finally "travel" by myself. It made me nervous of course. I could still feel my heart pounding. I put some of my clothes in there, the ones I never wore for whatever reason that could be it. Nobody would know that it would go missing, but that is the least of my troubles right now.

I packed a bit of socks and heels that I had not worn in a few years. I also put a few hair products in there, as my princess instincts came to me for once.

I put the suitcase under my bed, ready for a lot of space. In the meantime, I have to act nice and my usual self, I'll leave when they least expect it. I'll be their savior.


About three days have passed, I have been packing a bit, little by little. My family in which I do not think of anymore didn't notice yet. Or at least they are playing the faking game like Mother is doing every day. I can play that game too like I've been doing to.

Evelyn and I came up with the oldest trick in the book. I would attempt to let Mother let me visit Wrenwood, the city closest to us by myself. I can show her how independent I am, her fake kindness should allow me to go. If that fails, we'll wait for them to leave and that's when I run. Plan B is most likely going to happen, as I'm sure my Mother knows. Evelyn plans for me to leave in at least tomorrow night or overmorrow.


It was night, and my Mother and Father left for the rare, but occasional meeting all the royals hold every few years. That was when my heart was pumping fast as I decide I can't wait tomorrow or overmorrow. It has to be now. This is my opportunity. I packed everything that could fit in my suitcase, including food and water and comfort clothes. I wanted to leave as soon as I could, so I cried while writing the note to put in Evelyn's room:

"Thank you. I love you."

I set the note down under her pillow, just a hiding spot. A tear dropped on her pillow as I shut the door behind me. I also place my tiara under it. I smile to myself. Then I start running.

Running downstairs, I hear my suitcase running, ready to burst at any second. None of the Guards were on the first floor, thankfully. They must have been on other floors. If any Guards stop me, I will tell them I am traveling. I am a Princess, surely they can't tell me no.

I look around to see a Guard coming in the hallway, I run left and I see the front door within eyesight. I look behind me, he wasn't there. My hand reached for the front door. I grab the handle. I hesitate for a second.


I open the door quietly, still loud as can be. I close it behind me, attempting for it to be quieter. The second it closes behind me, I run as fast as I can. I run down the Palace doors, leaving the gold and silver structure behind me for forever.

I run down the main road, and I take a left into a small forest so it is less of a chance that I get caught by somebody. I run until I take a few seconds to catch my breath. I look behind me, the road was barely in sight. I start walking but at a fast pace. I felt everything within me fade almost. I was nervous and I felt like crying. My heart felt like it could fall into a million pieces any second. I know fate brought me like this. It must be for the best, maybe.


Running again, I make it to the end of it, seeing a road that looks like the beginning of the route to the Palace. I take a step forward, stepping on a twig. I then heard the voices of people. I run to the left behind a few trees. I was undetected unless that voice took a turn here, which I doubt. It sounded like a Guard and his lady. That Guard used to work for the Palace I believe. I sat for a minute, catching my breath, waiting for the voices to fade. Once it did, I ran to across the road to get ahold of my surroundings. I was at the beginning of the road indeed. I ran straight, off the road. This part didn't have as many trees, it was just a lot of empty land. I was so nervous about getting caught. By anyone for that matter. I was paranoid. Just about everyone recognized me. I was thankful more people weren't as active at night. I would stop every few minutes to take a breath then keep running or walking.

I crossed that part of the land, then I saw myself at the South-east part of the city, one of the busiest parts. Even though it is nighttime, many vendors and night owls were out. I quickly opened my suitcase and shuffled for a hair tie and I put my hair up in a ponytail as I put my coat on. I closed my suitcase, with a few things still hanging out, but it didn't matter to me. I kept my head down as I heard the people talking and laughing, being happy and fully unaware of the Queen's real intentions. They don't know their Savior. I feel eyes on me. Nobody sees a woman or man in expensive clothing at night in these parts of town. I walked fast to avoid anyone

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