» Fantasy » Heaven and Hell, Anne Guest [most read book in the world .TXT] 📗

Book online «Heaven and Hell, Anne Guest [most read book in the world .TXT] 📗». Author Anne Guest

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gone silent and I was furious, I paced round the room stealing looks at Lucy and Francis who was in turn looking at me with a mixture of fear and wonder, which wasn’t helping my temper.
“What about these visions?” Luc asks as I gave him the look to shut up but as usual and just like me he ignored my warning.
“There was you” she said as she pointed at me “and you” pointing at Luc “and that you are going to be in a many battles, and that you had the power to save us” she adds.
I couldn’t help it and burst out laughing but got it under control as I saw the hurt look on their faces. “We haven’t got the power to save ourselves” I tell them. With that I turn on my heels and storm through the house until I’m out on the front. Luc and Mercy had followed closely on my heels along with half the children from inside.
“Do you see” I yell swinging around to face Mercy. “This is what your cleansing is doing, what your sister is doing”
I pace and move around in agitation as my temper took over “they are children, innocent they have never done anything to warrant what has happened to them” I rage. “They are being punished for what, being born into the wrong family, being witches and member of a lower race” I demand.
“how are they responsible, for turning this world into something you and your family don’t like when they haven’t even been it for five minutes” I get right into her face “tell me that” I whisper moving quickly away before I did something I wouldn’t be able to take back.
To give Mercy credit she didn’t react to me just stood there and took it. I look back to the house to see frightened faces and all my anger is directed back at me for scaring them even more that what they already was.
“Luc” I call him to me “can we get word to Elizabeth about this so she can send someone down here to look after these kids” I ask.
To my surprise Mercy comes over to me “I can do that” she says “it’s not actually helping just passing on information” she adds.
“Thank you” I answer “and sorry for losing my temper” I add.
“Understandable” she says and was gone.
“Luc do you want to do a food run” I tell him and I’ll call Gabriel and Uriel to come here and guard the kids” I tell him as I send out a mental call to the two angels. I get a reply and a promise that they are on their way.
“And what are you going to do?” he enquires.
“I’m going to see if I can get a fix on that werewolf pack” I tell him as he gives me that you’re being stupid look he reserves especially for me.
“Catch me up as soon as you can” I tell him and I walk away not looking back knowing he would stop with the kids until Gabriel and Uriel get there.
I make my way back to the place where we scared off the werewolf pack and looked around me. As expected there were no signs of them, that didn’t mean though I couldn’t track them. I close my eyes and send out my sense feeling the energy around me, now normally I would have to concentrate hard but know it just came with in seconds probably another effect of being graced by gods. I head in the direction I felt them retreat in and make my way back into the park. My temper over the children was still there causing me to be reckless and what I was doing was very risky but I just couldn’t help myself. I look around me and again feel for them turning to my right I turn and start walking that way. A howl pierces the night and I speed up.
I inch my way into the area of the park dense with trees and suddenly I hear them all around me. I am so stupid I think to myself it a bloody trap. Not only that they had lured and trapped me where my wings would be no use,
“hi there” a tall muscular man approached me, a face full of dark whiskers making up a trampish look he came right up to me pulled his hand back and slapped me hard across my check. As his hand connected I felt pain burst across my face and blood fill my mouth from where my lip split open. My head is thrown back by the force of the blow but at least I remained standing.
He moves back as I lift my head and spit the blood from my mouth down at his feet.
“You cost me a nice peace of a witches ass tonight you fucking freak” he grunts.
“So what you into children now?” I ask with great difficulty through a broken and swollen lip.
“I do what I bloody want” he answers me. “Eve says we are to hunt the traitorous witches down and kill them all, so while we are at it we may as well as some fun” he says whilst laughing.
“You are just so stupid all of you are morons” I tell him and a look of anger washes over him “do you believe your race will get through this with no losses?” I ask him. “And that you will sit at the right hand of the new god, I don’t think so you idiot” I say with sarcasm dripping off each word. “You will be nothing more than a pet” and I laugh at his outraged look.
At that he shifted his form and attacked, I throw him off me to have another wolf latch onto my leg which I immediately kick off me with my other foot. I Hear growls and yaps all around me, another leaps at me sinking his teeth into my arm. I let out a cry more to do with shock than pain, I use my magic and send it flying away from me. The other were circling me, there must have at least be fourteen pack members around me. These where more weary and was looking for an opening. I look around me and threw out a call to Luc whilst keeping an eye on my companions.
The next moment the group attack me as one, going for my throat and my legs. I knock a huge brown wolf off as I felt pain rip into my leg and a warm liquid trail down it. I fell down on to my hands and knees which was the worst thing that I could have done. I felt fur brush passed over my arms and across my back but they weren’t attacking they were holding me still. When I looked up there leader was stood over me laughing.
“You mongrel” he sneered. “At least I have a place here you don’t belong anywhere, even that angel daddy of yours abandoned you” he said laughing.
I stiffened at his words, my power exploded in me and I felt in every part of me, I also felt a small connection to Jonah and Mercy as if they were sort of a back ground noise hovering just out of sight. I thrust my hand at the ground and just as I had in the clearing forced my power down into the ground but with intent this time. The ground around me surged and shuck around me. I could still feel bodies against me holding me but their attention was drawn to what was happening around me. I flung power outwards now sending the wolves flying in every direction away from me. I heard bone crack and break as some of them landed, with howls of pain. I stood on my feet all pain forgotten and focused on their leader.
As I took a step towards him he matched me step for step in retreating from me, a brave wolf went for me and I caught it one handed and jerked my hand, snapping its neck, not even looking I dropped it to the ground and continued to follow their leader. At that point he turned his back to me and ran I smiled and gave chase.
I saw him brake out of the trees to open stretch of ground and smiled, I willed my wings back into being and took to the sky while running, and with in a few beats of my wings I was above him. I pulled my wings tight into my body and dived into his back sending him down to the earth with me sat on his back.
I leaned forward to speak into his ear “got you” I whisper.
“Please, please I beg you” he said as he cried out in pain as I pulled his arm tight in place behind his back.
“Did the witches you slaughter beg for mercy” I say “did you give them any?” I demanded of him.
I stand quickly and flip him over so that I could see his face, once over I quickly sit back down on him pinning him to the ground again. I could feel some of the other wolves coming to watch but they seamed reluctant to come any closer and stayed away.
“Well?” I ask. He wisely didn’t answer and just looked up at me in fear. I understood it though because all through this I realised there was something not right with me but I pushed the thought away not wanting to stop what I had started. I used magic to hold him to the ground. I sat up and held my hand out willing a flame into my hand. Hi eyes opened in fear as he watched my display.
“You don’t even know who or what you are messing with do you pup” I tell him “if this Eve is so good where is she to save, you from what did you call me. Mongrel” I ask him.
I look into the fire in my hand watching it pulse and twirl in my hand, I feel the werewolf's struggle underneath me as he must have realised my intention was that I was going to finish him off, that thought stopped me in
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