» Fantasy » Heaven and Hell, Anne Guest [most read book in the world .TXT] 📗

Book online «Heaven and Hell, Anne Guest [most read book in the world .TXT] 📗». Author Anne Guest

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“Bloody hell” Luc. I muttered as I rested my hands on my knees, I leaned forward and tried to draw breath into my burning lungs. My long dark hair had escaped its band and was framing my face, brushing against my cheeks. I closed my eyes as I pulled slow deep breaths into my lungs. My body felt abused yet again blood was all over my black vest top and my leather trousers. Thankfully none of it was mine. I heard footsteps directly in front of me, I lifted my head up just a fraction to see my brother Lucas in front of me and in about the same blood stained condition that I was in.
“If I had got the energy I would knock you on your arse” I informed him. I straightened to my just over 5 foot height, my brother still towered over me which had always annoyed me, but what had annoyed me more at this moment was the fact that my brother had a stupid lob sided grin all over his face.
“You know you enjoyed it sis.” he replied not at all impressed with my threat and to be honest he did have a point.
“Luc it’s not my job this one was yours. Any way all I want to do is retire get married and have babies.” I countered.
“Mom told me to call you, and the retiring thing, good luck with that, oh and when we see the folks again I think you should run the babies thing passed them” he smirked.
I groaned but chose not to answer as I looked around me at the carnage that surrounded us.
“So what was going on here” I asked “if mom wanted me to come with you?” I asked him.
“You know the usual” he replied.
“That still doesn’t answer my question does it?”
My brother shrugged his shoulder and then said “ask mom” as he started a search of the area. I stood watching the familiar movements of my brother not wanting to become part of this again. We’re twins of the strangest parents ever, a female demon and a male angel. We are the only children of such a union to have ever existed that we know of, we are feared, envied and hated. Our parents believe it or not are still together and relatively happy, both sides allowed the relationship to continue I think only through curiosity and the fact that she was pregnant and both sides wanted to see what would become of us.
We grew up with both parents loving us our fathers love was evident and clear for us to see for a time, I mean his an angel it’s expected. Our mother is a high level demon who was never the hugs and cuddles type mom but she has always been very protective and has beaten and maimed many supernatural beings for threatening us. She also was the one whom chose to teach us to fight, behind our father back until our father gave in and supported our mother’s decision. We have magical abilities from heaven and hell, both of healing and destruction and even now 200 years of existence none of us still know the extent or limitations of our powers. All our senses are heightened, we have speed and strength to surpass any of the other races, we both have are the dark looks of a demon in human form from our mother and once we set them free the wings of a angel inherited from our father and the combination of the two is what sets us apart, what sets Luc and I apart is that Luc has pure white feathers on his wings and mine are a raven black. I often thought that it represented both heaven and hell, but who knows?
Once declared proficient with our powers and with mortal weapons both sides made a decision about our future. We are considered neutral being that we have blood of both sides and we were given the job of policing both sides. In all fairness mainly our mother’s kin after all they are evil, I mean they are demons hell bent on causing trouble, death and chaos its their very nature and truth be told it in ours too. Occasionally there is a fallen angel but not often.

We were in an abandoned factory that had clearly become a vampire’s nest. There were human corpses rotting in amongst the vampire ashes from our kills. From the amount of bodies and remains here this had been a nest and had been in operation for a while, Luc was sent to shut it down as the human authorities had started to notice the amount of people who had gone missing in the area. What I didn’t understand was why I was here as Luc was more than able to clear a vampires nest out alone.
“Why am I here Luc?” I asked again as he continued his search, I didn’t think he was going to answer me until he swung round to face me. He slowly approached me and wrapped me up in his arms and hugged the life out of me, I returned the gesture and embraced him back and held on tight.
“I missed you little angel” he whispered.
“I missed you bad ass demon” I answered him. He laughed at our usual greeting. I pulled out of his embrace to look up into his eyes.
“It’s only been 6 months Luc” I told him as I could go years without returning home.
“I know but something feels wrong, I don’t know whether it was to do with you or me.”
“What do you mean wrong?” I asked him.
“I just feel that something is coming and I don’t know what, I don’t know if it’s from heaven or hell but its bad sis” he replied. I opened myself up to feel the environment around me, I felt the human and vampires deaths, I felt the torture of there victims. I sensed the life of humans and supernatural being within in the city. On the edges just out of reach I felt the wrongness, not wrong exactly powerful, maybe that was what my brother had sensed and it was coming. I came back to myself and faced my brother.
“Your right and I can’t sense what it is, or if it’s good or bad it just is and whatever it is its very powerful. We need to go home” I stated.
“We need to get this mess sorted out first” as his indicating the corpses and ash that was littered around our feet.
“Dad!” I yelled, we waited a few moments and there was no answer.
“I hate clean up” I groaned.
“As do I” my brother agreed with me. “Give me your hand Lily” I placed my hand in his and felt the hum of his power overlap mine and in the next breath the factory was clear. Our father could have done this with no effort and that is why we always called him. When we do it, it’s like we have run a marathon and leaves us both out of breath, combining our gifts still makes us tired but not as bad as when we have to do it alone it would usually leaves us vulnerable to attack as we literally need to recharge our batteries.
“Let’s go home” I said to Luc once my breathing had settled.
“Lets” he grabbed my hand and shifted us there.

We arrived out side our mother’s home, oh by the way it’s in hell. All the fire, smoke and darkness that’s all true but it felt like home to us as we had spent as much time down in hell as we had on earth, but not once had we been to heaven. We walked through moms cave that might I add is full of all the modern gadgets and the best quality comforts. Mom might be a demon but she likes her comfort and dad likes to get them for her. We head down towards the left where the usual meeting place is, both of us so lost in our own thoughts that we didn’t hear the grunts and groaning as we walked into the living space to see our father doing a sexual act to our mother that I’m sure is banned. I throw my hands in front of my face as my brother swings me round so my back is towards them. My brother cleared his throat to get there attention.
“No wonder he hadn’t heard us” Luc leaned down to whisper to me . This is also not the first or certainly won’t be the last time we have caught our parents in the act. I still get embarrassed but Luc just ignores it.
“Children” I hear father say followed by the sound of his wings moving.
“It’s safe” Luc bends down again and whispers in my ear, I turn round to see both my parents still naked but covered by our father’s wings to hid their nakedness from us.
My mother is a petite dark haired women, beautiful curves, and the most chocolate coloured
eyes you will see whilst she in human form. My father looks like a pro wrestler with his build, shoulder blonde hair and his huge white wings that are attached to his back and that were currently covering their nudity.
“Luc, Lilly what brings you here” father asked.
“Michael” my mother snapped “they live here” she reminded him.
“Strictly speaking we don’t we both have our own homes now” my brother informed her.
“Shut up Luc” she said as she turned back to our father.
“I don’t mean anything by it but they have the worse timing love” Michael told her as he gave her a passionate kiss.
“Mom please” I interrupted this time as Luc chuckled at my side. “If you had heard me call you dad you would have known we were looking for you” I said as they broke apart “and I thought you would have got bored of this by now.” I added.
“Not likely” my mother replied.
“Sash” Michael complained.
“Michael their over two hundred years old I think she is old enough to deal with her parents having a sex life especially when it more interesting than her own” she

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