» Fantasy » Heaven and Hell, Anne Guest [most read book in the world .TXT] 📗

Book online «Heaven and Hell, Anne Guest [most read book in the world .TXT] 📗». Author Anne Guest

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broken nose.
“Lets go look at him then” she said sweetly and off she strode with a bounce in her step towards Luc.
The hand that wasn’t holding my insides in I used to dip in my own blood and drew a triangular symbol with Egyptian symbols across it and around it. Demons power is stronger and most successful with blood and because I was half demon I had access to this form of magic. Humans in their limited understanding call it blood magic but basically it uses the user’s life force to activate the spell or incantation. I was going to die anyway so I was going to take the bitch with me and save my brother hopefully. She was at my brother side looking down on him as I blooded my whole hand ready to activate my death spell.
I felt him beside me causing me to hesitate; I turn slightly to my right to his green eyes look back at me.
“You don’t have to do this” he gently tells me.
I look towards my brother and the bitch standing over him. “Yes I do” I slammed my hand down to my marking but he caught it before my hand could complete its journey I gasped in frustration.
“Please” I begged “don’t let her take him”
He looked torn and uncertain for a few moment until it seamed the, decision was made he waved his hand across my work making it completely disappear probably thinking I would use it the minute his back was turned and to be honest I would have. He stoked his hand down my hair as he stood and went and approached Eve.
“Eve” he called.
Eve stood up straight and turned to face Jonah she watched him approach her they appeared to be having a heated discussion that I couldn’t hear as he had magically blocking me so they could speak in private. One thing I could tell was that it was defiantly about me as Eve kept looking at me and throwing her arm in my direction. With one final hate filled glance from Eve and a strange look from Jonah they both disappeared out of sight.
Glad in one way that they gone and desperately wanting to see Jonah again my mind returned to the task in hand. I lift my hand to look at my wound to find that it had stopped bleeding. Confused I pulled up my top to see perfectly healed skin, I was just covered in my own blood. Now knowing it was safe I removed my hand and twist my arm behind me to feel my back where the blade had come through to find that it had also healed. I moved my hand to my nose touching it as I’m sure it was broke and again there was no pain. Gingerly I got to my feet realising I was as good as new. I raced over to Luc who was just coming round.
“Hi demon” I greet him as his eyes open.
“Hi angel” he replies and drags me down to hug me close and check for injury.
“Get off Luc” I protest and push myself off him.
“What happened I thought we were off to see uncle death” he asked.
Not wanting to tell him of Jonah’s part I answered as honestly as I could “some one came and fetched her away”
“Who?” he asked.
“Didn’t see” replied “unconscious” I added.
He paused and looked at me trying to see if I was telling the entire truth, I kept eye contact and he must have been happy with what he saw as he dropped his eyes and tried to move, causing his face to wince in pain.
“I think I’d better call the folks” I say as I heard Luc groan probably imagining what they were going to say.
I silently began to call dad, I paused thinking about his odd behaviour earlier and changed my mind and summoned mom instead. She appeared immediately looking at both of us in horror that was finally replaced with true demon anger.
“Who did this she” bellowed the temperature rising several degrees around us to match her anger.
“Mom” I said softly getting her to focus on me “Luc needs you, his hurt” she glanced at me and Luc and quickly managed to get her temper under control.
“I am unable to heal this” she noted as she prodded and probed at Luc’s leg that taking a second look was badly twisted. “I’ll take him home and call your father” she stood with intension. “And you?” she asked.
“Fine” I said looking around the room before looking at her confused face “just sore and probably a concussion” I added. She looked at me a little longer before dismissing what ever thought was in her head.
“You go” I addressed mom “I’ll clean this up” I said sweeping my arm around me to indicate the bloody mess of ash and body parts scattered around us.
“You sure” she asks “it will drain you”
“I know” I acknowledge “dads going to be healing Lucas and you tend to set things on fire to clean things up” I added with a smile.
“True” she kissed me quickly on the cheek “be home as soon as your able” she adds giving me the will do what your told look or else. I nod in agreement as she knelt down placed her hand on Luc’s arm and vanishing.
I let a sigh escape, I hate lying to them and to be honest I don’t even know why I am lying. I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose; I take a deep breath readying myself, and turn to then see a spotless factory. No dead bodies or body parts, no blood or ash. Struck dumb I stand there in confusion.
He was behind me, I felt him just before he placed his hand on my shoulder. “Hello Jonah” I said as I turned to look at him. His eyes had lifted in surprise.
“I can feel when you’re near now” I said answering the unanswered question.
“So it would seam” he agrees not looking happy.
“Why?” I asked pointing at the factory before us.
“I wish to speak to you I didn’t want you distracted” he informed me. I turn so I could look at him fully.
“Thank you” I near him and lean up brushing my lips across his lightly “for healing me” I kiss him again softly “and for saving my brother” I kiss him a third time. I didn’t think he was going to react and made up my mind to pull away when I felt his hands on my hips pulling me closer to his body. As he took over the kiss it changed in to raw passion and not just the thank you I had intended it to be.
I felt something cold against my back and realised that he had trapped me against the wall. He had broken the kiss off and was looking at me as if he was looking for something. His eyes entranced me and held me captive. I could feel my own heart hammer in my chest; I could feel his heart pounding in time with mine. I decided he wasn’t close enough, I freed my arms and took his face in my hands bringing his lips firmly against mine and he kissed me back this time without any hesitation.
I don’t know how long I was locked in his arms but it was the most passionate kiss I had ever experienced in my two centuries of life. He pulled away but not far, and I was glad to note that his breath was also as unsteady as mine.
“You fascinate me Lily” he whispered into my mouth dropping a small kiss to my lips immediately drawing back “you always have”
“I lust after you, and I feel safe with you” I reply with a half smile.
“Good to know” he says as he steps completely away from me. My body missed his as soon as it was gone, but I remained still not wanting to give my yearning for him away.
“I mean it thank you for saving us”
“I don’t know why I did” he replies open confusion on his gorgeous face.
“Well I don’t know how to answer that” I tell him “what did you think when you did it?” I ask.
“I didn’t want you to hurt” he answers and with that disappears leaving me alone to muse over his revelation.
“I feel the same” I mutter under my breath into the now empty building. I gather my focus ready to teleport to my mothers when I heard him whisper to me as if on the wind “dream of me tonight.”
I smile to my self and raise my fingers to my lips to feel where his had just moments before been “don’t I always” I say to the air as I willed my self home.

I arrive back at me cottage safe in the knowledge that mom wouldn’t expect me for a few hours knowing that the clean up would tire me and I would need time to rest, I had at least two or three hours before dad comes looking for me. I walked through the front door and looked round; it looked like typical cottage floral wallpaper wicker furniture, family pictures across the wall and above a huge fire place.
I threw myself onto the sofa and closed my eyes, feeling a little happier that I was home. I opened my eyes and looked at a picture of me and Luc laughing and joking, we looked happy, we were happy. I missed the family life we had and I’m sure Luc misses it too, but just not in the same way that I do.
The problem is I have always
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