» Fantasy » The Golden Wolf, Rizonne Alexander [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Golden Wolf, Rizonne Alexander [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author Rizonne Alexander

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up to me from behind as well. “Sister.” He said and I got up from where I was kneeling, I gave him one look and jumped into his arms. “Brother.” I said. when I opened my eyes a crowd gathered around me. A few other wolves had moved Sabastian’s body before it started to decompose. “Sister.” Said another voice and I let go of Sylvester and turned around. “Liam.” I said and hugged him. Huna came forth, “Lyra Mucker, tomorrow we welcome you as the new Alpha of the Luna pack. It is with great sadness that you had to go through so much to get to this point today. Catch up, eat, be happy and enjoy your home once again. The creek.” He stated, everyone clapped. All the neighbouring packs have left already to spread word of the Madirah. I was thrilled, I stood between both my brothers who greatly outgrew me in length. Flynn is healing and my mother, well she is okay.

The day went past very quickly. I was back in my old house and in my room. It felt really good being back, after the Madirah was down I took a long shower. They wanted to move me to the main wing but I declined. I want to be a part of the house, the community and the people. Flynn was still resting on my bed while I was downstairs with mother helping her cook. I could sense she was still jittery and anxious about what has happened. I finally got to meet my sister mates. Jay who is mated with Liam and Lera who is with Silvester. Sweet girls especially Samuel. He is too young to speak English, I can’t wait for when he starts speaking. Jay is currently pregnant with her first pup so I am going to be an aunt again. It was around later afternoon when Flynn called for me from the room, I went upstairs to him and opened the curtains a bit for some light to shed through. His arms were tucked behind his head and he looked at me smiling. “Have you seen yourself as the Golden wolf?” he asked me. “No, I have not.” I said smiling back at him. “It’s the most beautiful thing ever to have the Golden wolf embrace with the presence.” He said taking his arms and wrapping them around me. “You almost died Flynn.” I said staring away into a different dimension. “I am here now, that is all that matters okay.” He said. “I don’t know what I would have done if you got killed. The rage I felt towards that man when he mentioned that he would kill you struck me to the core.” I said. “Listen Lyra, we are both back home now. This is a fresh start for both of us. Mainly you as new leader of the Luna pack and me?” he asked sarcastically. “You tell me.” I said smirking back at him. “I need to check up on Emily, I’m hoping she is at the Covens Nest. It’s going to be hard for me to get in but I’m going to try.” He explained. “but you haven’t healed yet” I stated. “I know babe but my soul cannot rest is if I don’t know what is happening with her Lyra.” He said with worry in his eyes. “Alright.” I said sighing. “You will go after the ceremony okay.” I said getting up from the bed. “Thank you, babe.” He pulled me back and kissed me. “Sleep now. You need to heal.” I stated and left the room. I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen where my brothers were seated. “Hey goofball” I said ruffing up Liam’s hair. He hugged me again. “Okay boys, give your sister some breathing space. We all missed her.” Mother said and Liam let go and gave me a smile. “No, it’s okay mother, I love every moment of it.” I responded. “Lyra, I’m still trying to get everything to sink in.” Sylvester stated leaning against the counter. “Yeah, me too. Every day it was a battle to understand the truth behind all this madness.” I said. “Well, I loved dad but I know that the Creek and the pack is better off.” He said trailing off sadly. I decided to change the subject because I was in no position to declare any sort of love towards that man. I decided to take a walk outside, when I stepped out; the bath from the front door was filled with yellow petals as well as in the road too. The wolfs have been showering me gifts all day already since I won the Madirah. Little pups ran up to me as I walked down the streets, they jumped and yelped for joy. Elderly woman all bowed their heads to me and I waved back to them. I still need to get into the swing of things, firstly by getting use to this place again and secondly becoming Alpha. It was long until I found myself on the bridge that led to the field where I killed my father. I don’t know what led me here, it’s been hours since his death and emotions are still fresh. I walked off the little bridge as the sun began to set and onto the field going to the place that he died on. “Lyra.” The voice said. I turned around with much sudden. “Impossible!” I choked out. “You’re dead!” I said shockingly. “I am yes, I’m just here in spirit. Wanted to speak to you.” He said. “Dad, I think we have nothing more to say to each other.” I said turning around from him. “Lyra, I am sorry for everything that I put you through and I deserve nothing more than what you did. You did right by the pack.” He said walking away. “I forgive you father.” I said to him shouting. “Make me proud Lyra.” He shouted back disappearing into the sunset. I watched the sun set on his time as his spirit left this world to be with the rest of the Alpha’s above. Tomorrow as the sun will rise, so will I for my time.

“Wake up darling child. You have a long day ahead of you.” My mother whispered into my ear waking me up. I looked at her and smiled, I reached out to Flynn but he was not in bed. “mother, where is Flynn?” I asked. “His out with your brother’s preparing the forest for later. I gave them all strict instructions. I want this day to be perfect for you.” She said stroking my hair. I smiled at her again, I can’t believe I made it this far. I’m with my mother again, back in my bed and surrounded with my family. “Lyra, I have picked out your dress for later. Its hanging in the cupboard and I’m preparing your water to take a bath. Nula from next door will come and help you.” She said, “Thank you mother but who is Nula?” I asked. “She’s a young wolf. It’s also her first time doing the run tonight. She only matured a few weeks ago so maybe you girls can get to know each other?” she stated and left the room. This is so strange, I’m Alpha and a grown woman, I can’t be babysitting young wolfs. I got up and made up the bed. I’m glad Flynn has fully recovered, I still cannot imagine a life without him. I peeked outside the window which overlooked the forest. Almost every tree had fairy lights, exactly how I remember my mother; I thought smiling. Once I was done cleaning up the room I made my way to the kitchen where my mother was also done with breakfast and had a quick bite to eat. I was full of nerves so my appetite was very low, later on I will be leading the pack on the run. Once I was done eating, Nula came around. “Alpha” she greeted bowing her head. “Morning, you must be Nula. So, my mother said that you will be assisting with my preparations?” I asked. “That is correct yes, I am truly honoured.” She said still keeping her head bowed with no eye contact. “And this is your first run as well?” I asked. “That is correct Alpha, I am now of age.” She replied. “How old are you?” I asked. “I am sixteen Alpha.” She said. I signalled for her to follow me the bathroom where my bath awaited her. “Alright, so what’s first?” I asked her. She still looked down, “Nula, it’s okay. Please do look at me.” I said lift up her chin. She smiled and started chatting right away and when I mean chat; I am talking about regretting wanting her to speak. She was like any other teenage girl. “So Alpha, you can get in the bath and wash your hair while I prepare your attire on the bed. The only thing we are doing is your hair and dress. Nothing else.” She explained. “what do you mean?” I asked confused “we are wolfs, no make-up, no extensions, no fake lashes and all that fancy things. The ancestors have chosen you as is and plus you have natural beauty.” She explained. “okay thank you for the great advice.” I replied and got into the tub as she walked out. “Lyra.” Flynn said from behind the door. “Oh you back.” I said happy to hear his voice. “Yes I am, we almost done. I just wanted to check up on you and to see if you okay.” He said still standing behind the door. “Yes I am but I should rather be asking you that question. Have you healed up completely?” I asked. “Yes, I really am all good. No complaints. Your mother mentioned she has a tux for me, you know majority of my things is back in LV. Also my parents have arrived.” He said. There was a few seconds of silence. “Very well, please do tell my mother to welcome them and give them a place to stay okay.” I replied. He poked his head in the bathroom from behind the door. “Thank you Lyra, you are amazing.” He said blowing me a kiss. I didn’t expect to meet his parents or for them to even come back but they are part of my pack, they did no wrong but to follow my father’s instructions. After washing my hair and cleaning myself up, I got out and dried myself. I wrapped the towel around me and walked to my room. “Alpha, you are done.” Nula stated. She was getting herself ready. I smelt smoke and hurried to the window. “Oh goodness! Where is it burning?” I said worried. “Don’t worry Alpha, that is the fire that was made for the ceremony. It’s almost time.” She said smiling. I gave a sigh of relief. “You look beautiful Nula, who made the dress?” I asked. “My mother did and yours she made too.” She explained twirling around. I picked up my dress that was laid onto the bed. It was a soft kind of silk with a corset. I could see myself dying inside of this corset. My mother walked in just in time as I was about to put on the dress. “Stand like this.” She said turning me. I got into the dress and died with every pull on the corset. The dresses were very much Victorian style, nothing modern in The Creek or amongst every wolf pack. After being tied in I tried breathing but my lungs felt pressured by doing so. “Mother, no! I can hardly breath!” I moaned. “You will get used to it, plus you won’t be having it on for so long.” She said laughing. “Mother, what is going to happen?” I asked nervously. My stomach was really in knots for this whole ordeal. “Well, you will be walking the road

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