» Fantasy » The Golden Wolf, Rizonne Alexander [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗

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saying. It was Syber and two other witches. They found us! The spell that they were doing was deafening my mind and Safar’s. our eyes went blurry and I fell to the floor holding onto my unborn child. I could hear the continues words of the spell and it just wouldn’t stop. I heard Safar screaming and I blacked out.

I woke up to myself being chained to a chair with Jax powder surrounding me. Jax is a powder substance that blocks out any sort of magic which is used in a circumstance like this. I kept on going in and out of consciousness. I had severe cramps and I just pray my baby is okay. I’m currently almost three weeks so if she gets born now she will be premature. My head hurt, I tried keeping my eyes open but I felt drugged, I felt drowsy. I could hear Safar moaning as well and then screaming. She eventually started crying. “Stop” I whispered trying to talk. My head slumbered to the side when the door opened and banged shut kicking me out of my current state. “Wake up sleepy heads!” shouted the voice. I kept my breathing normal to not give off any sort of fear. “Ah, I always wanted to kill a Hybrid child.” The person said touching my stomach, I tried flinching, I tried protecting my child but I could not. These damn chains! I opened up my eyes, slight a blur but I could see that it was in fact Roe. One of the other elders. “Please don’t hurt my child Roe, I beg of you.” I said whispering. She gave a loud chuckle. “Listen Emarie, my plan did not entail this child. We have been looking for you for such a long time but when your pregnancy started; it alarmed the whole coven. You cannot hide that.” She said laughing. “I know that yes, this child is innocent.” I said. “She is a Hybrid, a bastard child! Nothing about her is innocent!” Roe shouted at me. “She?” I asked. “Oh darling, you didn’t know the sex of the baby yet? Yes, it’s a girl.” She stated. Syber entered the room and walked towards me, she slapped me across my face. “That is for fucking with me; you and Safar!” she said angrily. “It took me a whole week to recover!” stated. “Alright Syber, calm down. We already have both girls that we have been searching for many years. I think that is good enough that they have been caught and now we in victory.” Roe explained to her. Syber crossed her arms and huffed. “So, what are the plans with them?” Syber asked Roe. “Well, the rest of the coven wants them both dead but the baby changed things so I am waiting for feedback.” Roe said. Safar moaned and groaned, she was in a lot of pain. I tried focusing my vision properly. Syber and Roe walked up to her and grabbed her hair pulling her back into the chair making her fall onto the grounded. Both of them laughed as Safar cried out in pain. I couldn’t help but start crying, I am going to die. Im so sorry my child; I thought to myself. “Ah, a cry baby.” Roe stated. “You wouldn’t be in this position if you were a good witch like every other and minded your own business!” she laughed. “Both of you stop now!” another voiced shouted. “You’re acting childish now, we searched them for a reason and got them for a reason.” The voice stated. I looked up and saw it was my mother that was in fact talking. “Mom?” I whispered in shock, frowning trying to understand if I’m looking right. She pulled a chair and placed it in front of me. She touched my cheek as she sat down and I flinched. I wanted to spit at her. “Now Emarie, that is some vicious anger that is boiling within you right now.” She said smiling. “How dare you!” I said gritting through my teeth and a pain went down my spine. I cried out in pain. “Sounds like my grand-daughter wants to arrive early?” she said rubbing my stomach but I could not do anything. “Why are you doing this? Why? I don’t understand.” I pleaded with her. “Emarie come I tell you a story alright. When I fell pregnant with you, it was because I was raped by some random asshole. Unfortunately, when you fall pregnant with no marriage to a warlock, you get killed whether it’s by rape or whatever. I struck a deal. I practice the dark magic with the coven for you and me to survive. I did not want you Emarie, I just made sure you were looked well after.” She explained to me with a straight face, emotionless. My heart tore in pieces, my soul diminished. I had nothing, I was nothing. I closed my eyes as I could feel an outpour of tears. “You don’t mean any of this, you don’t mean it! You’re my mother!” I said screaming at her and in tears. My heart was laying on the floor and being trampled on. “Emarie, you are not understanding my point here. I birthed you and kept you so that at least one day you can be some successful witch or whatever you want to do with your life, I don’t care however I am now the leader of the coven and you have put us at risk. I will not allow that.” She said still emotionless. I could feel down my spine, I could not even buckle over to try and ease it so I cried out in pain. The sweat dripped down my forehead as the pain intensified. “I don’t believe any word you are saying. You cannot not love me, impossible.” I said gritting through my teeth. “Stop with this, you are brain washed!” I said shouting at her. There was something about this whole situation that just did not seem right, it felt unreal and I refused to believe it. My mother loves me, she did everything in her power to protect me from anything in this world. As I said those words she slapped me across my face. “I am nothing of you.” She screamed back at me. She got up and walked over to Roe and Syber, “Burn them!” she shouted at them and she barged out the room. I cried out in fear, my child. “Please! Please don’t do this please! I have a child in me, no you can’t!” I cried out as they came closer to me laughing. Roe bent down on one knee and looked at me, “You’re right, we did brain wash her and there is no way of her getting back her old self. She’s gone Emarie. She’s on our side.” She said laughing and getting up again. Safar started to gain conscious, “Emarie are you okay?” she tried to speak from the floor. Her head was still bleeding and I could see she wasn’t going to make it as she became unconscious. “Shame” Syber said. “Roe hand me my knife please, I have always wanted to do this.” Roe handed her this big butcher knife from a drawer. Syber went to Safar and kneeled down. “No please don’t, I beg you don’t do this. Please Syber, please don’t!” I pleaded with her as my tears rolled down. Immediately I felt my water break. “Syber please oh my fuck! Syber my water broke!” I screamed out. Roe came up to me and saw the water trickling. “Syber, her water has indeed broken.” She told her. “Well, that is not going to stop.” She said as she pierced Safar’s heart with the knife. “NO! NO! Safar! NO!” I screamed and shouted. “You killed her!” I shouted. The pain intensified and I shouted even more, I was in labour and I was to birth this child prematurely. “You fucking killed her! You killed her!” I continued to scream as the labour pains cursed through my body. “You all cowards, you surround me with Jax because you know I would have killed you all by now!” I said sarcastically laughing at them. “Now now Emarie, don’t be so modest please.” Syber said wiping the knife onto her skirt. “It’s your turn now. But we have a surprise for you. You see this building is a long building that you tied in. located in the forest. It’s far from the village.” She said smiling as she picked up a large vase and emptied some sort of liquid around me. The smell crept into my nose. GAS! “Syber please no. my daughter. I beg of you. Please.” I pleaded with her. “To make things fun, I’m going to untie you.” She said and with a snap of her fingers the chains were loose. I bent over as another contraction came and I started seeing blood between my legs, she was crowning already. Roe left the building already, Syber then strikes a match and let it fall onto the gas igniting a slow fire. That surrounded me, I could not leave as the Jax blocked me from doing so. I got onto the round as I started to push, the fire was spreading everywhere and I closed my eyes blocking the sight of Safar’s body catching fire. I screamed in pain and suddenly the door broke down and I saw two silver eyes piercing through the fire. I gave one more push and she was out. I quickly put her underneath my t-shirt to try and prevent the smoke inhalation. I tore the umbilical cord a part with my bare hands. She was fully formed but tiny and underweight as she was born to early. My chest started to burn and I looked up again as I saw the silver eyes looking at me. I knew that it was Flynn, he tried jumping over the fire but kept flinching as the fire touched him. “Flynn leave!” I shouted. “There is no way out!” he turned around out the door. I closed my eyes realising that he left me when I saw a wolf speeding at full force and making a massive jump over the fire towards me. “Flynn!” he turned back into a human and he coughed profusely. I point to the white powder and he kicked it, breaking the circle. I was too weak already. “Emmy, please what is going on.” He asked almost in tear. “Flynn, I’m sorry. You don’t have much time. She doesn’t have much time. I need you to take her and get away here as far and fast as possible.” I said to him. “I can get you both out here.” He said pleading. “NO! you look me in the eyes right now and you will understand every word I am saying. Take her and leave.” I demanded. I took her out from beneath me and handed her over to Flynn, I took off my clothes to form some sort of carrier for her. I placed her in it and gave her a kiss. “I love you Shae`” I said and gave her to Flynn, he was so confused and unsure. “Flynn I made a big mistake, I’m going to use my last energy now to correct it.” I said and placed my finger onto his head reversing the spell. I could see his eyes grew bigger and his heart pounding faster as all the memories came flooding back. “I’m sorry.” I said and collapsed. I looked at him as he started crying. He got up and placed Shae` down. He changed into a wolf and he picked her up and kept her beneath him. He jumped over the fire that now closely surrounded me. As Flynn disappeared out of sight, I knew she would be safe and I took my last breath.




The End




It’s been eight years since Emily died in the fire. Everything was

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