» Fantasy » In Between, Rizonne Alexander [read novel full txt] 📗

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sounds hectic based on the emails I have been receiving.” I responded. “Thank you Amber.” He said randomly “What for?” I asked. “For making me the happiest guy on this earth.” He said smiling at me. “Oh c’mon.” I said blushing. “I really like you Chad, I do.” I responded. He cleared up the table and grabbed his keys. “Your car is here?” I asked confused. “Yes, my PA dropped it off this morning.” He replied and gave me a kiss. “I have to go now, see you tonight?” he asked me. “Yes sure, why not.” I replied and kissed me. He walked out towards the car. “Hey Chad!” I shouted to him from the door. “What’s wrong?” He hurried back to me. “I’m starting to miss you already.” I told him, so corny. He rolled his eyes at me and grabbed me. “You are so cute with your puppy face.” He said and picking me up. I stuck my face into his neck and graced my sinuses with his smell. “See you later babe, but I have to go now.” He said in my ear and put me down. He drove off and I went back in. my mobile was ringing but I missed it. A text came through, it was from Penny; *Office! Now! * it read. “O K A Y Penny.” I said out loud. I grabbed my laptop and keys and bolted towards my garage. I pulled out and sped off towards my office. When I got there, the parking lot and the front of my building was fill with paparazzi. “what the fuck!” I said in annoyance. When I stepped out, my security from the building made way for me to pass through them and get inside the building. All I could hear was mine and chad name. I finally made it inside and told reception to tell Penny that I have arrived and in office. I walked into my office and the desk was horrendous. It was filled with mail, books and messages. Before I could even take a seat Penny barged in. “Amber, it’s not even a day after the show and you already on the front covers!” she said angrily. “Oh, good morning. Should that not be a good thing?” I asked sarcastically knowing that its more than the show. “Look.” She said dropping a gossip magazine in front of me. I picked it up and fell into my seat. “Ah, gorgeous Chad Lofter. Oh wait, the heading says. Finally love found for Sheeky Designer.” I said and looked up to see her reaction. “Amber, do you know who Chad Lofter is?” She shouted at me. “Listen here Penny, I know you have worked very hard on the success of the show but seriously, show some fucking respect and sit the fuck down!” I screamed back at her. She looked at me shockingly, it’s by time she knows who the fucking boss is around here and who pays the wages. She slowly took a seat and crossed her arms. “Right” I put the magazine down. “Who is Chad Lofter Penny.” I asked her. “A billionaire, his father has massive shares in Bitcoin, does massive trades around the world and is highly known in china!” She said nervously. “Fuck.” Is all I could say. “Now the only reason why I am concerned is because I anything goes good with you it might look like strings that got pulled by him.” She explained. “What you mean?” I asked confused. “Vogue contacted me this morning Amber, they want you on the front page and so does Bazaar! What if people start thinking he pulled strings for such massive deals to take place?” She said concerned. “Maybe you are just overthinking a little, but I do understand your concerns. However, take your concerns and have a meeting with Julia, our PR and hear what she has to say. I wanted Mellissa to do the minute taking and I expect a full report tomorrow morning of the meeting from her.” I said to her. “Okay, I will do so. Are you and Chad official?” She asked me. “Yes, we are Penny.” I said in a dreamy gaze. “Well congratulations then!” Penny squealed and left my office. Suddenly my phone rang, unknown number. >>Amber, halo? << I answered. >>Hi babe, just calling to say that I booked a table for us tonight and Gazers. << Chad said. >>How did you even get my number? << I asked shockingly. He started to laugh which kind of annoyed me. >>Well I’m very well-connected babe, so can I pick you up? << he asked me. >>Yes, sure. Around what time? << I asked. >> Would six be okay with you? << he asked me. >>Yes, not a problem. << I responded. >>Okay, what is wrong? You sound off. << he asked. >>Oh nothing, nothing serious. Probably just wondering when my boyfriend of like a day was planning on telling me that he is some sort of billionaire. That’s all. << I said sarcastically. There was a moment of silence. >>Lets chat tonight okay. << he said. >>okay. << I replied and hung up.

The day went by really fast, I hardly ate anything, and I was starving. I was in and out of meetings and dealing with theft of some of my merchandise. I am tired and hungry, I just want to go home right now. I cleared up my desk and grabbed my bag. Just when I was about to leave the office, Chad walked in. “Chad, what are you doing here?” I asked shockingly as the last bit of staff was staring at us. “Well Miss Crescent, you did not pitch for our date, so I got worried.” He said looking down. “What? Wait what is the time?” I said confused, I looked at my watch; 18:25. “Oh my word Chad, I am so so sorry. I did not expect to be this busy today Chad, I lost track of time.” I said to him. “It’s okay, I got takeaways and maybe we could eat at your place?” he asked me. I gave him a hug and kissed him. “Yes, that is fine with me.” I responded. “I missed you today.” He said, “Oh, you did? Well I missed my bed today and loads of food today.” I whispered in his ear while still in his arm. “Well if that is the case Miss Crescent, allow me to fulfil those wishes.” He said laughing and swinging my legs into his arms. “Chad No! oh my word Chad no!” I squealed as he carried me out my office like a baby. “What’s wrong?” he asked me. “You can’t carry me like this! Paparazzi is outside!” I said, I was already embarrassed and shy as my staff saw everything. “I don’t care Miss Crescent, I will never hide you from the world.” He said and kissed me. He barged out the door with me in his arm, clutching onto my laptop bag as well. All I could see was cameras flashing and he quickly placed me into the car. He got in as well and locked the doors. I looked at him and he at me and we both burst out in laughter. “Fuck that was insane! Chad you are insane!” I shouted in laughter. “And that is why you adore me so much.” He said smiling. We sped off towards my place, “And what about my car?” I asked frantically. “Don’t worry about that, I already had it arranged to get moved to your place shortly alright.” He said to me and I gave a sigh of relief. “You still need to explain to me why you forgot to mention your status.” I said to him but looking out the window. “because it’s not important Amber, when I’m with you; I forget about all of that. I forget about all the money and everything else. With you its real.” He said to me, I could hear the truth in his voice. We pulled up to the house and he got out first, my eye caught the drivers head rest. It had a few strands of his hair on it. I tilt my head to get a better look and in fact it was pieces of his dirty blonde hair. Midlife crisis I guess. He opened the door for him and before I could even say something he had a bunch of red roses waiting for me outside the car. I stepped out with a massive smile. He closed the door behind me and pinned me to the car door. I could feel him against me with his hardness; he drew me in like a bee for honey. “Marry me Amber.” He whispered. I giggled. “We are only dating for a day Chad, that’s really impossible for me to answer.” I said back. “I know but promise me that you will never leave my side because you got me falling on my knees for you.” He told me. “And you have me hooked, you have me wrapped and I can’t seem to focus my mind on anything else but you.” I said back to him. He leaned in and we passionately kissed, the rain started and by time we ran to the door; we were both soaking wet. Chad locked the car and ran back in the house. He dropped the bag on the sofa and I placed the roses down too. I leaped into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. He carried me upstairs and kissing me at the same time. I could hear he was out of breath, the urge was there, and the need was there. He went straight into the bathroom and placed me down. He turned on the water in the shower and let the bathroom steam up. He then started to undress me and himself. We both were short of breath as lust grew stronger. He took my hand and I followed him into the shower. Our tongues entwined, and he swung me around and pinned me against the shower wall. He pulled me closer to him and he entered me from behind. I moaned with pleasure and he too. He was thrusting so hard that I grabbed onto his hair, as soon as he released I let go of his hair and tried to catch my breath. “I Love Amber Lily.” He whispered slowly and out of breath. “I love you too Chad.” I said confused as I clutched the pieces of hair that came from his head, I hid my hand behind me so that he could not see.   

Amber’s POV – Chapter 11


It’s been weeks already, probably almost two months since the incident in the shower with his hair. It has gotten worse to the point where he realised it and has started to cover it up. I haven’t confronted him yet, I want him to tell me what is wrong when he is ready to do so. I haven’t heard from Bastiaan but to be honest, I have been trying hard to stop loving him and to stop randomly thinking about him, but I cannot. It feels like I am linked to him somehow.

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