» Fantasy » In Between, Rizonne Alexander [read novel full txt] 📗

Book online «In Between, Rizonne Alexander [read novel full txt] 📗». Author Rizonne Alexander

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Everything is going well with my line, Christmas was amazing too. Me and Chad went to spend the holidays at my mom’s place. It was so adorable! She loves Chad so much, she kept on telling me he is like a son she always wished she had. I haven’t been well for the past few weeks but so much has happened that I really cannot have that stop me. Penny has been great too, everything is going as planned and all I can do now is rest. Yesterday was my last day at office because I’m on annual leave for the next two months and then I have to start designing again. Almost every week me and Chad is on some gossip magazine cover, we discussed things and just decided to ignore it. Chad spends most of his time at my place, I haven’t met his parents yet, but the only reason why is because they are doing some business in Bali for the past six months already and he doesn’t know when his parents will be back.

I woke up hot and sweaty, my hair was clinging to my forehead. I felt next to me and Chad left to work already. The sun started to peak through the curtains, summer has arrived. I suddenly had a surge of nausea and bolted for the bathroom. I puked three times consecutively and then I leaned against the bathroom wall to try catch my breath. I got up and quickly brushed my teeth, once I was done, I went downstairs to call the doctor. I haven’t been feeling well for the past few weeks and I was too busy to check myself out. >>” Good morning, I would like to come in and see Dr Tiffany please. Do you have any openings for this morning?”<< I asked, >>”Good morning, yes we have nobody until ten, so if you can come now that will be great.”<< the receptionist replied, >>”Okay sure I will be there in thirty minutes.”<<  I said again,>>”Can I get your name please?”<< she asked, >>”Amber Crescent”<< I responded,  >>”Thank you, see you soon.”<<  The moment I hung up, Chad called. >>” Hi babe, are you okay?” << He asked me. >>” Hey, yes I am why?” << I replied, >>”well you didn’t look good in your sleep, you were all sweaty and moaning.”<< he replied. >>” yeah, I know but I’m okay. I’m seeing the doctor in a few minutes. I will text you when I’m done.” << I said. >>” Alright babe, please do. we need to speak tonight. If you have time?” << he asked. >>” what’s wrong?” << I asked. >>” Speak tonight okay. I love you Amber” << He said. >>”And I love you more.” << I said and hung up. I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I locked up the house and left to the doctor. My phone rang again and this time it was my mother. My phone was hooked up wireless, so I was able to answer. >>” Hi mom” << I greeted, no answer. >>” Mommy?” << I said again. >>” I’m here sorry.” << She said and sounding as if she is in tears. >>” Mom what happened? What’s wrong?” << I asked frantic >>” Your dad called, he and Bastiaan is coming back in a few weeks. The war is over, they are alive and well.” << she said. I hung up. I know it was wrong of me, but I just hung up. Why the fuck after all these months would Bastiaan decide to come back now, he might as well have stayed in Czech. I will not allow him to derail me, my life with Chad has been amazing thus far. I pulled up into the doctors parking and got out. I locked the car and walked in. “Hi, I’m Amber. Here to see Dr Tiffany.” I said to the receptionist. “Ah Morning, yes. Your file is by her already, so you can actually just walk through.” She said smiling and signalling the way. I nodded back and walked off to Dr Tiffany’s office. I knocked, and I heard she said I could come in. “Hi Tiffany!” I said too. “Hi darling, how are you? Okay stupid question because you would not be here if you were good.” She said laughing and hugging me. Tiffany is a school friend of mine, she knows my ins and outs and I just trust her. “Come, have a seat.” She said and we both sat. “What’s wrong amber? You look pale.” She said worriedly. “I’m throwing up, can’t eat and I’m just not well. I wake up dripping from my sweat Tiffany.” I said throwing my face into my hands. Tiffany was quiet, and I looked at her, her face was shocked. “What?” I asked her. “You’re pregnant?” she asked. I started to laugh, “that’s impossible the last time I had my period was….” I stopped talking. My world dropped right in front of me. “No, no Tiffany I can’t be pregnant.” I said in tears. “Calm down Amber, let’s take a test quickly okay. Head to the bathroom, you will see a little container that you need to pee in okay.” She explained to me. I felt weak, my head was crowded. “Everything will be okay.” She said with a weak smile as I walked to the bathroom. I came back with the container, “get on the bed so long.” She said. She pulled out some stick from her drawer and placed it in my urine. She then placed in on some paper towel and waited. She looked at me from her desk and I looked at her from the bed. “Okay babe, you are pregnant.” Is all I heard when I started sobbing. Tiffany came over to me. “Babe, look I’m sure you will be okay. Chad is amazing and so is your parents.” She said holding me which made me sob further. She handed me a couple of tissues and requested the receptionist for some tea. Once I was somewhat calm, I had a few sips of the sweet tea, which I could hold down too. “What next?” I asked sniffing away. “let’s do a quick scan to see how far along you are okay. Are you comfortable with that Amber?” she asked me. “Yeah, I have to know.” I said to her. “Okay now lay back and lift up your jacket.” She instructed. She pulled some machine closer and took some sort of object that she placed gel on. “Okay this will hurt a bit because in most cases, your uterus is very sensitive right now okay.” She explained. I nodded and took a deep breath she placed it on my stomach and I moaned because it was cold. While she was moving it around on me, she was pressing buttons on the machine. Then there was sound, then there was a heartbeat. That should be my heart beat right now I hoped because it’s about to jump out of my chest. “Okay.” She said laughing. “Why are you laughing Tiffany! That better be my heart beat!” I squealed at her. “Oh, the drama. That is your baby’s heart beat.” She said smiling and still looking at the screen. I listened closely, it was soothing and intriguing. “Okay Amber, do you see this over here?” She asked. I looked to the screen, “Yeah?” I replied. “That is your baby. He or he will grow significantly over time. You are about eleven weeks pregnant already and you should be due around august side.” She explained in a mouthful. “I know this is a lot to take it but I’m going to be starting you on your vitamins as well as booking you in for antenatal okay. I also want to see you within four weeks for another check-up and to check the sex of the baby.” She explained again. She handed me a towel to wipe off and she printed something from the machine. “have a seat so long, I will be back now.” She said. I got up from the bed and took a seat on the chair, I was in so much shock. I’m pregnant, I sat in a daze. Tiffany came back shortly and took a seat in front of me. “Right Amber, these pills you have to take once daily okay.” She said, “Amber look at me.” She demanded. I looked at her with my eyes full of tears. “I know this is a shock, but you are an adult, so please. You have a child growing inside of you and I need you to pull yourself together.” She said raising her voice. “This was not part of the plan.” I said to her. “of cause it was not, based on your reaction but now you and Chad has created something amazing. Soon you will realise it. Now take these pills. In the envelope if further details on your progress as well as a scan photo. I will send you an email with a few hospitals, lovely private wards. I need you to choose one so that I can book you in.” she explained. “Thank you Tiffany, I mean it. I need some time alone now, can I go?” I asked. “Yes sure, I will speak to you later.” She said and came around to hug me and see me out. I got into my car and sat there for a few minutes. I placed my hand over my stomach, “Baby.” I whispered and closed my eyes. My phone rang, and I jumped. I checked it, Chad. “No ways.” I said out loud and I decided to put my phone off. I won’t be able to handle him as well. I drove back home. My head was aching from the paparazzi that also caught me outside the doctor’s office, the flashing lights always made my head ache. When I got home, Chads car was parked outside. “Fuck!” I shouted in my car as I pulled up. “Fuck!” I screamed and hit the steering wheel. I don’t need this right now. I got out of the car and shoved the pills in my bag. I went inside, and Chad was at the door already. “Why is your phone off?” He asked angrily. “Why are you angry?” I asked sarcastically, I am so damn angry at this man right now. I needed some space to think and I am mostly angry at myself too. I threw myself on the sofa with my bag of pills. “I was worried about you Amber, you never put your phone off.” He said walking over to me. He picked me up from the sofa, I didn’t even have energy to even fight with him. “Sorry.” I said, rolling my eyes at the same time. “I need to tell you something Amber, it can’t wait till tonight.” He said lowering his head and placing me back down. “What is wrong Chad? This seems serious.” I told him and signalling him to sit. “look, there is something that I have been hiding, mostly because I am afraid.” He said. “Go on, out with-it Chad!” I demanded. “You know I love you right, I loved you from the moment I saw you and I can’t see my life without you Amber.” He said okay. “Alright, now you really starting to worry me.” I said with a pounding heart and moving closer to him. “Amber, when I’m not sleeping here by your place or on some trips that I tell you about, I’m at hospital doing chemotherapy and then recovering at home. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I could never tell you” He explained. My eyes grew big, my heart went faster and then I had a surge of nausea that made me bolt to the bathroom, leaving him on the sofa. “Fuck!” I screamed even louder, and I continued to do so. I cried, and I couldn’t stop. I sat next

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