» Fantasy » Fallen Into Hell, S.K Nuanes [the rosie project .txt] 📗

Book online «Fallen Into Hell, S.K Nuanes [the rosie project .txt] 📗». Author S.K Nuanes

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always seemed like a child.
Even though he had long past that life.

At the lake Robert was on a tree branch he ran and jumped in.
Annabeth took off her clothes although she had some clothing under her dress, she jumped in and started to drown her brother.
I exhaled and took off my shirt and jumped in, might as well try to have some fun.

The three day getaway passed faster, when I walked into the school I was greeted by a huge hug.
"Brent...Rosa is dead..." Katherine cried into my shirt.
"What?" I asked softly looking down at her.
She looked up at me, I have never seen her cry I didn't think it was possible but I was wrong.
"She didn't listen to what I told them about the Burning of London. She went and now she is dead." Katherine said, heavily.
Satan is going to pay for this.
I lifted up her chin with my finger so she could look up at me I cupped her small face in my hands, and kissed her softly.
"This all your fault!" Luke shouted at me.
I pulled away from Kayla and looked at Luke then snapped, "I didn't do anything! You should be grateful I warned you and your family or you would be dead like Rosa."
Luke came at us then Kayla stood in front of me then said, "Luke kill him, you have to kill me."
Luke looked at Kayla shocked that she would give up her life to save a demon.
"Katherine move he has lived his life so now move." Luke said low at her.
Katherine held my hand and leaned against me I wrapped my arm around her.
Luke punched a hole in the wall and he stormed away.
Kayla looked at me and kissed me then whispered, "I should make sure he is ok..."
She followed after him, I exhaled as I watched her run away from me after another man who loved her.

Epilogue "Dawn."

It was the night of the Winter Formal Ball, I fixed the black tux and didn't bother to do anything with my hair. "Well look at you." Satan said, leaning in the doorway.
I turned around and glared at him he came over to me then said, "Well look at you looking all nice for your love."
"Get the hell out of my room." I snarled, my eyes slowly changed to a demonic form.
Satan smirked then patted my shoulder, "Have fun...son."

It was in the ballroom I waited for her in the main lobby I could hear the music, and the talking from hundreds of people. Kayla showed up in a soft white long flowing elegant dress, with a diamond between her breast. She had her hair straight it was so soft and silk-like looking. She smiled at me and came over and kissed me.
"I never thought you of the suit-type." Kayla said, under the kiss.
I shrugged, "I am full of surprises."
We held hands walking to the ballroom no one really stopped, and stared but I felt some of the glances on us.
Which didn't surprise me no one thought of seeing me with anyone besides Angel.
We took a spot on the floor and started dancing the Waltz was the easiest dance I ever learned, I guided her through it as if a parent teaching their child to ride a bike.
I pulled her in and whispered, "I love you."
Katherine smiled then spun around and kissed me gently.

All the pain I had suffered over the years was gone nothing of my past mattered. All mattered was that I had her in my arms.

We went out to the balcony and cuddled together the sky was dark although she was warm in my arms.
It was almost New Year meaning I had lasted another year of being undead.
I kissed her cheek then her throat.
"I am sick of this."

The demon growled low.
No don't tell me...
I lunged at her against my will and started taking her life, slowly making her scream.
Although she closed her mouth against her will. She couldn't push me off of her.
What the hell why must it end now!
After I sucked the life out of her she barley had any left in her her blood dripped from my sharp canines.
"Bre---" She started.
I held her in my arms and said gently, "Sh..don't talk."
She looked at me and knew I was about to cry she had a soft laugh, "Brent, dont tell me your crying..."
She tried to reach up to stroke my cheek but her arm fell to her side.
"I don't want to loose you." I said, holding my tears back.
"Demons don't cry." Katherine said sighing wanting to close her eyes.
"They only do when they kill their love before they get to propose to them..."I said softly.
She tried to smile then she fell limp in my arms.
"Katherine!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, begging she wasn't gone, begging this had to be a dream.
Everything was so perfect, everything was beautiful. A dream I shouldn't been able to have came true, falling in love with an angel.
"Katherine!" I shouted, getting choked by tears. Her small body rested in my arms, I was shaking holding her body, I couldn't believe she was dead, and I was afraid to crush her fragile body.
Hoping if she was just playing a trick on me, her body would still be in-tact.
"Please Katherine! Don't go! Katherine! Katherine!" I shouted, the name was filled with pure innocence, beautiful and elegance.
Each time I said it became unreal.
Why couldn't there be a poison I could drink and it would keep me dead forever, even If I wouldn't be welcome into Heaven, I would still have punished myself for loving an angel. Then killing her, as if I didn't even care.
As each second passed I stared down at her body, this can't be happening.
It has to be a horrible dream, this can't be happening!
I held her dead body against me crying into her dress, she was dead.
The only one who made me smile and feel alive was gone in a flash.

I slammed my bedroom door hard as I could I punched the mirror breaking the glass my hand didn't even cut the door opened there was Satan.
"Well, well looks like our tale of 'Romeo and Juliet' has come to end. Odd...why isn't Romeo dead?"
I bared my canines at him and grabbed him by the throat and started to choke him.
"If you never killed me! She would still be alive!" I shouted at him.
Satan rolled his eyes and snapped my neck, making me fall to the ground he growled low.
"She's dead...get over it. People forget about the dead. Can't believe I raised my son to be such a fool." Satan growled low.
"I am not your son. We may have the same blood type, but that doesn't make me your damn son." I snarled low.
Satan smirked and a soft laugh and said, "Really, if you think you are so innocent. Then tell me why you kill your love?"
"I wouldn't of killed her if I was human!" I growled, holding tears back.
Satan smirked then kicked my head to the other side he walked over to the other side and said, "Human or demon, both are cruel in their own ways. I'm sure Katherine was a very cruel woman under neath that 'love' she had for you."
"She wasn't cruel at all she was---." I started then was cut off.
"She's a Demon Hunter." Satan said, low now baring his canines at me.
"She wouldn't be one if you never came into her life!" I growled.
Satan looked like he was going to rip my heart out but I wouldn't mind at all, I welcomed death.
Then he chuckled and crushed two of my ribs with his foot, "I know, yet she was going to die some day. At least you got to see her dying." Satan grinned then threw me into the wall, a loud pop came from my spine, I fell to the ground.
He walked out of the room I stood up and snapped my neck back into place.

At the funeral there were Luke and Lucas I stayed away from the crowd most other demon hunters were there they said she could be with her parents now. Which I was happy for her to be with her parents once more, although my heart was ripped into half and could never be fixed again. She was gone forever.
I could never embrace her, kiss her soft skin feel how soft her breast were.
Luke glared at me I knew I wasn't invited I left on the respect of Katherine.


How they say is there someone for everyone, or love is the most powerful thing in the world? No those people live in a world where they think life is a fairy tale, life is nothing but a black blur of lies. Once you think you know someone they change. Or when you think you know yourself you find out something, you never knew. I didn't think I could love again. Not after what happened in the past. But I know now love is nothing but a game. It will let you play and almost win, but you will end up falling and loosing it all. I loved Katherine now I killed her, nothing good last forever I suppose....

I grabbed my cloak and placed it on I put the hood on and grabbed a bag and placed some personal items in it and threw the bag over my shoulder, and climbed out the window.
This is how life should be alone.
On your own to live life as a shadow not human, just a shadow waiting for the last day.
The years passed everything changed I had stayed the same, everyone was greedy no one cared. Which was better.
Her grave was still there a soft stone color although it looked like it could fall apart, it seemed so fragile like she was. I placed a rose on the ground next to it. I pulled out the ring I was going to give her. Before everything changed. She would of made the perfect wife and mother.
Although she was dead and I was alone I wanted to take my life to be with her. Although heaven wouldn't welcome me it would shove me into hell where I would be torn limb to limb.
I turned to the city as it started to rain, nothing mattered anymore.
I was alone, I had nothing, nothing mattered I didn't deserve to breathe the air I did. I was a shadow who wanted to die although shadows don't die.

Temptation leads you into traps and suffocates you as you suffer they watch above you see you as a disgrace.
I am better off alone, and away from everyone, damned to live alone forever.

Those words echoed my head, now and forever, the truth is hard to tell and to accept.
“You were a fool to believe you could be with her.” A voice said from behind me.
“Like you care…” I said, low knowing whom it belong to.
“Oh believe me Brent, I care much more then you think.” The voice said, with a grin on their face.

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