» Fantasy » Demon in the Snow, Heather Fledderus [rainbow fish read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «Demon in the Snow, Heather Fledderus [rainbow fish read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author Heather Fledderus

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30. The Trial 2- Crimson

Nathan couldn't stop the smile from spreading on his features. “You said it wrong.”

Quiet though his words were, in the silent room he might as well have shouted. There was a unanimous gasp from all the killers in the room. He dared disrupt their honorable proceedings, correcting their highest elder?

His smirk spread. Hell yeah, he did.

Slowly, he lifted his head to see the elders all staring at him. His head tipped to one side as he stared directly at the head guy himself, standing directly in front of and a little above him. Nathan eyed him with disdain. With the web off, it would be so easy to just finish the old man off. A B-class demon would do the trick.

But it wouldn't get him out of here. For now, he had to play along with their stupid games, wait for their weakest moment. It would come, he knew, it just needed a little bit more time.

“It's pronounced 'Hitagashi',” he enunciated, “Shi, not Si.” He froze as he realized what he had just done. And even as he drew the connection, he knew it was right. That code word that Cain had talked about that one time, the way the secret organization within the Crimson Dragons recognized its members. They purposefully mispronounced his name.

He shook his head ruefully as his smile spread, a little angrier. “I'd hate for your records to be holding a silly little typo like that forever.”

He forced the grin from his face, replacing it with what he hoped was a serious enough expression, “Please continue. Even though you've called me nothing but demon, it appears that you wish to treat me as one of your own.”

“I beg your pardon?” The man demanded indignantly, his face frozen so that Nate couldn't read the emotion anywhere on his smooth, pallid face but his eyes. So the bastard knew that he had been made.

“Denied. But I'll explain,” Nate began, his voice rising to carry over the murmur of voices that had cropped up. His irritation grew for the killers behind him. The least disturbance in their precious procedures seemed to cause the biggest amount of confusion. He'd have to remember that.

“Your laws clearly state that no demon-slayer,” he sneered the word, “Is permitted to manipulate or contract with a demon of a higher class than a D But there is no distinction in your petty rules that state that a non-demon-slayer can't mess around with demons of his choice, lower than a D or not.”

“You were a demon-slayer,” the elder began, but Nathan cut him off.

“Don't flatter yourselves. I worked with you guys as long as it benefited me. And believe me, I learned a lot, more in the field than at your precious Academy.” He smirked again. “But even there I wasn't interested in your pathetic goals. I was interested in mine, namely access to whatever literature you had regarding Ampoulles.

“Someone had to give me directions on how to get there.

“And I finally found it a few days ago.”

31. The Trial 3- There Shall be Blood

Nathan, unconcerned of the reactions he was causing, continued, “Face it, old guy. Y'all are a lot stupider than you think. Do you really think you could control a hybrid class A demon?”

The murmurs in the room died at this information, only to swell to an even louder volume an instant later as the news really sunk in. Nathan felt Hannah's dad swing the web back around him. It stung a little, but not near as much as he had lead them to believe. The web grew tighter, tighter than when  they had first captured him. But still, he wasn't going to black out because of some petty white magic. He felt relieved that he had taken Heiwa's advice and pretended that the white magic hurt him like a normal demon.

The Elder slammed something against a block of wood beside him, a gong-like sound echoing as he hollered for order in the chaos. Nathan couldn't help but feel a little admiration for the way everyone settled down again so quickly. He'd have to remember that too.

The old guy was talking again, “We hereby find you guilty and sentence you to sterilization. Take him away.”

Now was the moment, Nathan grinned as Hannah's old man came closer to secure the web even tighter. Rather than obey the tugging that beckoned him to follow, Nathan stood where he was, facing the elder, grinning from ear to ear.

He bowed to the elder, as if in respect- and the web fell apart. He straightened, stretching his arms leisurely so that everyone could see. “Like my trick?” He grinned at the elder's dumbfounded expression. “Picked it up from a former colleague of mine.” His 678th sense told him that Cain flinched at the mention of him. Nate knew that the move was practically trademarked to the Himanachi family. People would put two-and-two together. “Pretty handy, these Dispelling techniques you guys have floating around. Although you should be a little more careful when teaching them, mainly in choosing who to teach the technique to. You never know when one of them might defect.”

He grinned, turning his back on the elders to face the crowd, his eyes locking first on Hannah. One is a traitor and the others are fools, he remembered. His gaze settled on Cain. He narrowed his eyes and tested out his powers, a dry run.

What kind of sick bastard kills his own brother because of orders?

Cain flinched, knocking his chair over backwards, as Nate's accusation rang through his head.

Nate broadened his gaze, taking in all the stunned Killers. Let them know what they were up against.

“And now,” he announced, white smoke beginning to curl around his entire body, masking all but his face, “It's time for the curtain to fall.”

And with that, he vanished, disappearing into a mist that quickly dispersed throughout the cavernous room.

32. Epilogue

Nate sucked in a huge gulp of air, savouring the sweet smells mingled with energy that flowed around him like a summer wind. His toes wriggled in the cool sand, feeling the grains slither between his toes. Just standing here was helping him gain his strength back.

He sighed as he arched his neck back to stare at the sky. It was black, pitch black, but he could still see everything as if it were as clear as a bright day on Misd.

For the first time since he had first become aware of it, his Cache was silent, every demon within content- even Heiwa.

The empty desert stretched, it seemed, in every direction forever, never ending, sparsely populated with a few dead trees, all twisted into funny shapes. He was home.

He sensed it approaching even before his human senses could pick it up. The beat of wings as a demon bore down on him. In one of the other realms, he would have turned, releasing one of his Cache to battle the class-A flight. Now he merely turned to watch its arrival.

The demon looked like a dragon, complete with two massive leathery wings that beat the air occasionally to keep it aloft. It soared briefly before tucking in its wings and diving straight down towards him. When there were roughly ten yards between them, the demon's wings snapped right back out, causing a huge gust of wind that caused the sand to swirl around Nate's head.

The demon landed with a thump in the cool sand. Its head dipped down as its wings folded against its massive body.

Master. We have waited long. Everyone is waiting at the place we have prepared for you.

Nate smiled, Take me there.

He hopped up onto the demon's head and it took off, its wings snapping against the cool air. Nate sighed, watching as a small puff of white breath withered away in front of him. This was the end. He was home, away from Ko-ha or Misd, or any of the problems involved with dealing with either world.

Thinking of Misd made his mind turn towards what was happening there.  Why were holes being torn in the Barrier surrounding Misd?

Scouts were searching for you. The holes were mended as quickly as possible, in case you were near.


Your being exposed to such a rift without entering it, or being even aware of it, would have harmed you immensely. Your vessel would be unable to handle the strain, and you would surely perish, eliminating any chance we had of recovering you.

What sort of place have you created for me?

It is parallel to several of the mighty constructs of Misd, in a manner to ease you into your new world. The Brethren are eager to welcome you.

The Brethren would be the Eight I have heard of, correct?

Our leaders, yes. The Brethren have been in charge in the absence of a true Leader.

And now that I am here?

They are yours to command, yet still rank higher than the others. Comparable to the staff of a ruler of Misd.

Are you one of the Brethren?

Its head nodded slightly, I am Wahared of the Wailing Stone. I am of those who control the elements. I am the Head of the Brethren.

Well, Wahared, when we arrive, after the initial greetings, I wish to meet with the Brethren. We have matters to discuss, namely growing accustomed to the new order of things.

And then what? Heiwa asked from within.

Nate smiled grimly, his eyes intent on where he had come from.

Then we prepare for war.

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