» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [romantic novels in english .TXT] 📗

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new gear he was wearing wasn’t vanishing. It would seem the Apprentice was right; something’s gonna happen, the twins are going to be in danger, and they have to learn the Silver Magic. Not only that, but their Protectors had to learn a new magic all their own.
Before he left for the Canine Valley, he searched for the Protector. Surely, Derrick would have a better idea on handling this sort of thing than himself? Thinking back on the Apprentice’s arguments, Shadow took flight. The entire Dream Realm depended on the four of them, and Shane Morehouse was sure not to let anyone down.


“Why are you so sure of me, Sire?” Red Wolf asked once Wolf showed him around the Canine Valley.
“You were my friend during the Wars and Crusades.” Wolf pat his new Page on the back. “Come, show me what you remember.”
For hours, it seemed the wolves sparred each other, testing what Red Wolf remembered from when they were serving with the Army. Soon, every canine pup in the Valley were watching them, rooting for one or the other.
“Tell me.” Wolf breathed. “What made you come in search of me?”
Wolf cracked his staff against Red’s.
“Our families were waiting for us.”
“What about the Army?”
“Once I had my own mind again, I knew the right way to go.” Red Wolf supplied. His eyes glowed red from their usual black. “Need I say more?”
Wolf shook his head, finally noticing the crowd. He put the thought of taking Red aside to the back of his head, focusing his attention on the crowd. “Kind Companions of the Canine Valley. I, Sire Wolfton Stargazer, with the acceptance and help of Lord Guardian and Young Guardian, hereby announce tryouts for the Canine Army. Page Red Wolf Moondancer and I will judge who is worthy to join, and who is fit to fight another way.”
“What will we be fighting, Sire?” Came a question from a beagle pup in front. He looked strong in mind, but not in body.
Wolf went up to him. “What is your name boy?”
“Ronan Brownpatches, Sire.”
“We fight whatever enters this world with the purpose of destroying it rather than enjoying it.” Wolf told him. He looked up again to the crowd. “We fight anything that threatens the Dream Realm. Anything unworthy or unbecoming of a Creature or Companion.”
“How will we know what it is?” Peeped a voice beside the young Ronan. This one was female, the voice coming from a pretty foxhound with a sliced ear.
Wolf addressed her. Before he could ask her name or answer her question, she curtseyed to him. “The name is Nicola HeartLily, Sire. My friends call me Nicky.”
She pointed to her ear.
“Oh, right. The nick in your ear.” Wolf supplied. “You will know, once you are trained correctly. Is it my understanding most of your parents either died or disappeared in the Wars for Power?”
“Aye, Sire.” The crowd chorused.
“Is it also my understanding you all wish to join the Canine Army?”
“Aye, Sire!” Came the unanimous response.
“If I may speak, Sire.” Red Wolf spoke up.
“Most of them are mere children.” Red Wolf announced, stepping up to Wolf. “We must ask their Packs’ permission.”
“Nonsense.” Wolf said. “We were mere children when we were nabbed for the Warrior Army.”
“We had no choice.” Red Wolf pointed out.
“You were a Warrior?” A deep voice called from the back of the crowd. Canines stepped aside to let him through. It was a rather large bulldog, or at least, a young pup version of a bulldog. Judging by his clothing and the way Companions acted toward him, Wolf could tell this one was bad news.
“One in every bunch, I suppose.” Wolf sighed to himself. “Address me correctly, Canine!”
“I address no Dominionites!” The Companion folded his arms and stood in front of Wolf. “Dominionite Warriors killed my family.”
Wolf and Red exchanged smiles. Wolf shook his head. “Have you learned nothing in your short life, pup?”
“I learn what I live.” The pup announced in a strong London tone. “I live in the gutter an’ learn from the seat of me bum. An’ all because of the Warriors.”
“We are Warriors no more.” Red Wolf supplied. “Those who were kind-hearted, like Sire Wolf and myself, were spared. Your Sire was one of many to destroy the Dominion Wall.”
The pup was speechless. “You lie!”
“Do you not know who I am?”
The pup stared at him, waiting.
“Go ahead, Sire. Tell the pup and get this charade over with.” Red Wolf whispered.
“I am the Companion Crusader Wolfton Stargazer, Sire of Stargazer Castle and the entire Canine Valley.” Wolf rattled. “I have fought with the Crusaders, Young Guardian, Protector Derrick, Shadow, the Grand Magus, Over-Seer Aaron, Panther Grey, my wife and your Lady Katherine Hawk, the Lady of the Feline Village Kitten’s Claw Hawk, Sire of the Feline Village Tobias White-Snow, Sister Shannon and Protector Nick. I helped Exile the Master, Maiden and the Merchant; all of whom had every Companion’s powers in their command while we were on their side. Once the Wars ended, we regained our Companion powers. Some went with the Master to the Unknown Realm while others stayed behind to begin new lives. Those behind banded together to destroy the Dominion Wall, so no other would wish to rule the Dominion.”
“What was left behind?”
“A cloud of grey dust stretched the old Dominion as far as the eye could see. It was almost barren, until an old Wizard Originator reclaimed his place beside his true love.”
“Those are lies told to children.”
“Shut up, Mimsy!”
“I will not!” The hound named Mimsy stood up. “How do we know you are not making this up?”
“I have been places you have only feared!” Wolf howled at her. “Enough insolence! Return to your homes if you do not believe me! Return to your lives, your perfect homes in this Canine Valley, but live in fear, for peace is only temporary. Only when we unite in harmony will peace remain constant.”
The crowd drew silent, dispersing in fear of their Sire. Wolf was exasperated, turning his back in order to not see what his temper was doing to his people. Red Wolf gathered the practice gear and walked behind him to Stargazer Castle.
“Spoken like a true leader.”
Wolf stopped in his tracks, not turning around. He knew the voice, and he knew it well. “Go to the Castle ahead of me. Tell the Lady I will be there shortly.”
Red Wolf nodded, heading to the Castle. Wolf stood in his spot, staring at the ground.
“You heard that tyranny?”
“Aye. Every word.” The speaker pressed softly. “I misjudged you in the Underground, my son.” The Elder Sheldon Stargazer placed a hand on his son’s shoulder. Wolf shrugged it off. “I had been led to believe you were lost to the cause.”
Wolf’s ears perked. “What cause?”
“The cause of good. Our Lord Guardian’s side.” Sheldon explained.
Wolf turned and met his father’s dark eyes. “I have never known such blatant lies.”
“I knew you were good, Wolfton. I saw it in you.” Sheldon explained.
“Is that why you let the Merchant snatch me from your side?” Wolf growled. “Because you saw the good in me?”
“You know we had no choice.” Sheldon responded. “Besides, that is not why I am here.”
“Why do you darken my doorstep, Papa?” Wolf snapped.
“What happened to Pérat?” Sheldon tried with a grin. When he received a glare and a low growl in return, he shook his head. “You must calm your temper, Donar. the Wolf Magic in you is finally coming out. It will consume if you are not careful.”
“I have no Wolf Magic. Only that of this Amulet.”
“What do you think powers that amulet?” Sheldon asked. “It cannot run on its own.”
“The Mistress Sisters gave it to us.”
“When you became Earthbound; Aye, I have heard the story many times.” Sheldon supplied. “I was wondering, Wolfton. Are the rumors of your marriage to the Master’s niece true?”
“Katherine could not choose her family, just as any of us.” Wolf said. “Katherine Hawk has always been the gentlest, most astonishing female I have ever met, excluding Young Guardian of course.”
Sheldon laughed. “Of course. I do not know her as well as you, but Young Guardian seems suited to her role. Tell me more about your bride, and your daughter.”
Wolfton Stargazer grinned. Any and all anger he may have had simply disappeared from the mere mention of his small, but proud family.
They were on their way to Stargazer Castle, swapping stories when a dark cloud flew overhead. They looked up to see the cloud coming closer to them. Wolf sprung into attack position, covering his father should the cloud, or whatever it was, hit him. Both Stargazers watched as the cloud lowered to the ground. It was no longer a cloud, but a shimmering black blob. Neither could understand it.
“Reveal yourself immediately, stranger!” Wolf cried. “You are on Province ground!”
The cloud-blob stopped shimmering. Carefully, it removed the hood of its cloak, showing a face. “I know that, you stupid pooch!”
It was Shane “Shadow” Morehouse.
“Young Shadow!” Sheldon cried. “You have grown!”
“Sorry to do this to you, Sir Sheldon, but I need to steal him away for a bit.” Shadow announced. “If you don’t mind, that is.”
“Certainly. Go right ahead.” Sheldon nodded. “I will wait at the Castle for you.”
“Tell Katherine who I am with.”
With another nod, Sheldon Stargazer, father to the Sire Wolfton, shifted to his full wolf form. He loped off into the Wood that surrounded the Castle and disappeared.
“What is the matter, and why are you wearing those clothes?”
“You’ll never guess.” Shadow told him what happened with the Apprentice. He concluded with, “What do you know about the new evils in this world?”
“That is just it, Shadow.” Wolf announced. “I know nothing. What I do know is not worth a cent to my own people.”
Shadow was confused, so Wolf told him what happened.
“There may be a way we can figure this out.” Shadow supplied. “Let me do what the Apprentice wants me to do. We’ll go from there; got it?”
Wolf nodded. “Got it, but you still did not tell me why you wear those clothes.”
Shadow shrugged. “Every hero has a costume, right? I guess this is mine.” He remarked. “See you later, Wolf.”
“Return quickly!”
Before he could say any more, Shadow had taken flight and disappeared.


“What have you done, Apprentice?” Enchantra asked him.
“Something you should’ve done long ago, Mistress.” The Apprentice announced. “The men need to learn their magic, and quick.”
“They should have been sent long ago!” The Grand Shamus cried. “Back when they received the Pendants, Shannon told them to see you. Did they not?”
The Apprentice shook his head.
“They were busy, each fighting their own demons.” O’Dell remarked. “Why so quickly? Is there something going on we do not know about?”
“It is hard to explain, Mother.” The Grand Shamus supplied. “I bet Sire Wolf would tell you the same. There is something heading toward the Canine Valley that threatens the very minds of our Companions there.”
“Only in the Valley?” O’Dell asked.
“For now, yes.” Apprentice supplied.
“What form does it take?”
The Apprentice and his mate shrugged, shaking their heads.
“Does Young Guardian know of this?”
“You could ask her, my Lord.” Apprentice said. “In the meantime, I believe the Protector and Shadow are ready to learn the Magic in the Pendants.”
“Shadow is different in many ways to Derrick.” The Grand Shamus told him. “For one, Shadow was in the Wars for Power while Derrick was not.”
“They are different, aye,
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