» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [romantic novels in english .TXT] 📗

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the left. The boys took them in their own hands and looked at them.
“What did you do to them?”
“Combined them.” The Apprentice replied. “Go ahead, put them on. I want to see if the spell worked.”
Derrick and Shadow looked at each other. “Together.”
“On three.” Shadow said.
On the count of three, they put their new necklaces over their heads at the same time. The Apprentice watched in amazement and joy as their bodies nearly glowed Gold. The golden wind from the new Pendants circled around the Shadow and the Protector. Judging by the scared but awed looks on their faces, it was plain to see they were pleased.
“How do you feel?”
“Refreshed.” Derrick supplied.
“Re-energized.” Shadow said. “Are they linked?”
“To each other, no. To your loves, yes. To whatever powers you may have had before, yes.” The Apprentice said. “They work in just the same way as the Pendants and the Lockets did, only better. Instead of two separate charms, they are one.”
“Wicked.” Derrick said, awed.
“My sediments exactly.” The Apprentice laughed. “You have the magic. Now, you must learn how to use it.”
With that, he took them away to learn until morning.

Ariana was allowed to return to her patrols once she learned the proper basic uses of the Silver Magic. She learned that type of Magic was dangerous if not controlled. She also learned she used the Silver Magic to exorcize the Djinn from Derrick’s body.
Young Guardian had other matters to attend to. Such as, what was going on in the Canine Valley, and why hadn’t Wolf told her everything he knew about it? He obviously knew something was wrong; his behavior was stranger than hers. He wanted to unite the Valley in their own Canine Army. Well, she was going to find out.
She flew through the clouds so fast, she almost missed Stargazer Castle. When she touched down, she saw Katherine and Wolf sitting on the yard swing that hung from a giant branch of a tree. Celine was there too, and she’s the one who noticed Ariana first.
“Young Guardian! Come see my new brothers!”
As she said this, Ariana touched down. She met eyes with Wolf, who growled, stood and loped away. She ignored him for the moment, concentrating now on Katherine’s new sons. Ariana sat in Wolf’s abandoned spot, watching as the pup-kits played with Katherine’s necklace.
“Are they not adorable?”
“Of course they are, Katherine.” Ariana smiled, ruffling Celine’s hair. Celine was standing over them, grinning proudly. “What did you name them?”
“The pup-kit with dark tufts on his tail is Raulf.” Ariana looked and saw the pup-kit’s tail. Sure enough, there were dark tufts of fur covering it. “The other is his twin, Lovell. Can you sense the kindness in this one?”
Ariana placed her hands on the tiny Lovell. His eyes were brighter than his brothers. More of a blue than the usual grey of a wolf’s. Lovell’s tiny eyes followed her, his hands touched hers. To her surprise and Katherine’s, he tried to howl.
Katherine laughed. “Pups, meet your Young Guardian.”
“She is the greatest friend!” Celine put in. Raulf was grasping his sister’s finger. When his brother howled, he did, too. Only, his was lower in baritone than Lovell’s.
“Congratulations, Kat.” Ariana stood upright.
“You are not leaving already? You just got here!” Celine took Ariana’s hand.
“Now, Celine, she has her duties, remember?”
“Aye, Mama.” Celine was crushed.
“I did come here for a reason.” Ariana said. “How are things, besides the pup-kits?”
Katherine didn’t look at her Young Guardian friend. “To be expected, I guess. All is well with the Valley. The Canine Army has begun, and Wolf takes Red with him to teach the pups how to fight.”
“What about Wolf himself? And you?” Ariana asked. “Anything strange happening since the Elders returned?”
“Papa hardly ever comes home anymore.” Celine remarked sadly. “Please, make him come home. Make him not be so mad.”
“Mad? What are you talking about?”
“Ariana, he is angry with you.” Katherine announced softly, rocking the pup-kits back to sleep. She finally looked up at her friend. “What happened between you?”
“Whatever did, it’s hurting me, too.” Ariana supplied. She told her feline friend what happened. “I think he’s mad at me because I had to tell Max the truth.”
“Now, you just told me. What went wrong in the Wood?”
“That’s what I’m here to find out.” Ariana grinned when she changed her form to her own she-wolf. “If you excuse me, I’m to find your husband.”
It didn’t take long for her to find Wolf. He was in the Valley’s practice fields, sparring with Red Wolf Moondancer. She shifted her form once again, catching Red Wolf’s attention.
“Page Red Wolf, I need a word with your Knight-Master.”
“Certainly, Young Guardian.”
“No, Red. Stay.” Wolf turned to face her, leaving Red Wolf staring at the two of them. “Whatever she has to say to me can be said to you.”
“This is a private matter, Wolf. Between us only.” Ariana and Wolf stood eye to eye. “Page Chikité ‘Red Wolf’ Moondancer, take your leave.”
Red Wolf was confused.
“Do you listen to her or to me?”
“I listen to her before you, Sire.” Red Wolf squeaked. “She is Lord Guardian’s successor.”
“You think I do not know that!” Wolf yelled at his Page.
“That’s enough, Wolfton Stargazer.” Ariana cried in his face. “Don’t make me pull rank, Companion.”
Wolf growled under his breath, but she wasn’t about to be intimidated by him now, or ever. “Very well. Leave, Red Wolf.”
Behind him, Red Wolf nodded. “Aye, Sire.”
As soon as he was gone, Wolf had a few more words for her.
“How dare you? In my own Valley!”
“Don’t do this, Wolf.” Ariana supplied. “Why are you mad at me?”
“For undermining my authority.”
“Big words for such a little pup.”
“Little pup?” Wolf was getting madder by the moment.
“Yes, little pup.” Ariana mocked. “Listen here and listen good. Something happened to both of us when we were bringing the Elders home. In order to find out what that is, I need to know more about this evil presence you sense so madly.”
Wolf finally broke eye contact. “I do not know.”
“You’re the one who brought it up to Max.”
“And you are the one who told Max something I told you in confidence.” Wolf barked back. “I knew I should not have told you.”
“If it involves this world, I have to know.” Ariana remarked. “Would you rather have Lord Guardian on your butts about this?”
“Not until it is dually necessary.” Wolf supplied. “I have told Shadow all I know of this...thing. The evil presence that nearly took me.”
“It didn’t take you, and it didn’t take me.” Ariana said. “Don’t you see? Whatever that was that got us was something small. We were strong enough in mind and body to fight it and win.” When he didn’t answer right away, her voice grew soft. “I’m sorry I told Max, but I had to. It’s part of being Young Guardian. I don’t want to fight against you, Wolf. You’re my friend, not my enemy. I want to work with you against this. Please, say you forgive me. If you won’t, I don’t think I’ll be able to –”
“Young Guardian!” Wolf cried.
She was silenced. To her surprise, he smiled.
“Ariana, I forgive you.”
Ariana laughed, hugging him. “About time. I was running out of words to tell you how sorry I am.”
“It is done.” Wolf supplied. “Leave it be.”
“Sorry, but I’m not finished with you, yet.”
“What do you mean?”
They began to walk back to the Castle.
“I want to know what you told Shadow.”
“Certainly. Nothing.”
“Nothing.” Ariana stopped and scratched her head. “I don’t get it.”
“I do not know anything about whatever it is, so kindly drop it.”
Ariana shrugged. “You know my detective’s instincts better than that.” She supplied. “I can’t give up until I’ve explored every option, every angle, every nook and cranny.”
Wolf sighed.
“Let’s start at the beginning, instead of the middle.” Ariana replied. “When did you first notice this presence?”
“I sensed it for months.” Wolf said.
“In the Canine Wood, between the Wood and the Perilous Forest.”
“Show me.”
“Are you crazy? What if it effects us again?”
Ariana grasped at her Dream Amulet pin on her cloak. “It won’t. I’ve got the Silver Magic under control.”
Wolf continued to stare at her as if she were nuts. “One lesson and you think you know it all.”
“I’m a quick learner.” Ariana replied. They walked ahead. “It’s mine to learn, right? In my own way?”
“I guess so.”
“So, show me where you sensed it first.”
Wolf stopped and growled softly. “Very well. We must tell Katherine where we are headed.”
“Of course.”
After they did that, they were on their way.
Story #2:
Princess of the Shady Kingdom

When they woke up, it was just another day for Shane Morehouse and his wife Aluna. It started out the same way as it usually did. Luna made breakfast, sending Caleb and Meredith on the school bus when they were ready. Shane kissed his wife goodbye as he drove himself and Derrick to work. Luna fed Logan, checking on her sister across the street. With Derrick and her four children gone, Ariana was left with Juliet and her new son, Theodore. They chatted and played with the boys until it was time for the babies naps. All seemed pretty normal until the younger children came home from school.
Luna was home to greet her two children off the bus. Only, they weren’t alone. There were three other children with them. One girl looked about twelve while the other looked nine. The boy looked a lot like her son Caleb. The girls had curly brown hair pulled up into perfect ponytails while the boy’s was perfectly combed. Luna remembered their names. The twelve-year-old was Amanda, the other girl was Celine and the boy’s name was Dwight. She also remembered their last names were the same as her own. Morehouse.
“I told them they could stay.” Caleb remarked. “Can they?”
“Only until your father gets home.” Luna shooed them to the backyard, taking her oldest son aside. “Caleb, I want you to promise me.”
“I know, Mom. No funny business.” Caleb said. “I’ll watch Meredith, too.”
“Stay where I can see you, okay son?”
Caleb smiled. “Okay, Mom. Can I go play with them now?”
Luna nodded. “Go.”
She watched Caleb race off to meet his friends in the backyard castle. It wasn’t long before somebody screamed. By that time, Shane had returned home, racing out with his wife to see what happened.
They saw something they shouldn’t have. Dwight was pointing at Logan, screaming. They were playing in the sandbox.
“What happened?”
“Mrs. Morehouse, Logan did something weird.” The younger girl Celine replied.
“What did he do?” Luna held her chest, dreading the answer.
“He yelled ‘car’, pointing his arms in the air.” Celine demonstrated by making a beckoning motion with her hands. “The car just swooped in the air, and he caught it.”
“Is that so?” Luna didn’t know what to say to the other children. She didn’t know whether to be mad or glad her youngest son’s powers were awakening.
Did he have to do them in front of other children?
She scooped up Logan, who was smiling proudly, showing off his car. “Car.”
“Yes, honey. That’s a car.” She told him, turning to the other children. “Everyone in the house. I want one of you to call your parents and tell them you’re on your way home.”
The children raced inside. As soon as they were out of sight, Shane couldn’t keep silent any longer.
“So, what are we going to tell their parents?”
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