» Fantasy » FOREST'S FLYING ADVENTURE!!, Forest Ostrander [ebook reader web .TXT] 📗

Book online «FOREST'S FLYING ADVENTURE!!, Forest Ostrander [ebook reader web .TXT] 📗». Author Forest Ostrander

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of her friends and her mother? And what was her name?" she interupted him, and he smiled,
"The names of her friends are Michelle, Crystal, Shiela, Christine and Rain, and her mother is named Mindi," and Forest looked at him in shock when he mentioned her friends and mother's name,
"What is it?" he asked, confused a bit,
"Nothing, please continue," she answered, waving off the question with her heand, the boy looked at her with a bemused look but continued,
"Well, he wrote that anyone who saw her viewed her as an angle from heaven that has come to save them, and so they admired her and made parades up for her that still go on even today. Well, low and behold, his character wasn't really a character, but a real person, and she was the first one to puchase his book and read it. She admired at how he knew so much about her and her friends and mother, so unknown to him, she was going to go pay him a visit." and Forest smiled and waited for him to continue,
"He was walking through a park one day after getting off late from his job when he seen this young women land infront of him, now he was shocked and a bit frightened at first for he could not see any wings or a line that stated that she was being lowered by something, and the women held out her book and asked 'are you Dane Stearlingback?' and Dane nodded, speechless at the young womens looks and shocked at how she knew how to find him, and she said 'I'm Forest, I perchased your book when it first came out, and I thought I should pay you a visit and ask you a simple question. What made you want to write this book?' and knowing Dane, he kept up the conversation for a long time," and Forest smiled and yawned,
"Why wasn't he still affraid of her? I would have been," she said, now getting tired,
"I don't really know, from what I was told, it was said that Dane fell in love with her," he said, a bit tired as well,
"Then what happened?" she said, wanting him to keep going on,
"Well, a few years went by before he could see her again, but by then, she was in grave danger, for you see, her evil step mother Nena and her evil father Ryan hired a gun man to hunt her down and get rid of her once and for all," Forest flinched a bit at the failiar names, and something inside her made her feel a bit angered, but she wasn't sure why, so she waited for him to go on,
"Forest had been avoiding him for the years that he could not see her for she wanted to protect him from the guy who was comming after her, but it drove him nuts to not be able to see her, so he decided to go out and search for her and demand a presence with her and confront her and ask her why she was avoiding him," and Forest smirked
"Did he find her?" she asked,
"He did after a while, but so did the gun man, and for a few tense moments, it was a three way face off between them. However, the love Dane felt for her was strong so despite the risk, he stepped in between Forest and the gun man and refused to move, even if it killed him, however, the gun man wouldn't have minded killing them both," and Forest looked at him shocked
"What happened? Did he shoot them?" she asked, eager to hear the rest
"He would have killed Dane if it wasn't for Forest, right when the gun man pulled the trigger, Forest pulled him from infront of her and placed him behind her and took the bullet instead," and Forest clutched her chest, for some reason, she immediatly felt the pain in her chest, as if she was living the tale herself
"As she dropped, Dane caught her and held her close, tears were forming in his eyes and coating his cheeks and he appkyed pressure to her opened wound, but the blood kept gushing out of it despite what he was doing and he felt helpless, and he looked down at her and said with hurt in his voice and pleading in his tear coated eyes 'don't die on me Forest, please don't die, I love you' but she just shook her head and said 'don't cry, tears are useless now, my time is up here and you should be glad for me that I will no longer be in pain, it would have been more painful to watch if it was you here Dane, you had your whole life ahead of you, this is my destiny, I saw it a long time ago,' and her breathing was slowing and becoming more labored and Dane said 'I won't let you die on me Forest, just hang in there, help will be here and you will be all right,' but she shook her head and took a shuddering breath and said 'no, there is no need for them to come, I am almost gone anyways, it will be a waste, I am just glad that it was me and not you, if anything, you need to keep living on, and if not for you only, then do it for us,' and she closed her eyes and whispered 'but I will be back, I will be reborn in a young girl who will look, act and be like me, look for her' and she slipped into deaths hands," and Forest felt tears in her eyes as well,
"Oh, that is so sad," and the bag boy nodded, tears coating his cheeks to
"Sence then, generations of my family have been searching for this girl who harbores the spirit of Forest within her," and Forest looked at him confused
"Why? Why look for her anyways?" and the boy looked at her and smiled that heart warming smile that could melt a girls heart in three seconds
"The boy of the family who finds her becomes her boyfriend, then hopefully her husband, if Forest had been alive still, Dane would have married her instead of his wife Sherley," and Forest giggled
"Thanks for telling me, that was a nice tale," she said, a smile huge on her face, and before Forest could stand, the bag boy held on to her arm
"What is your name anyway? Mine is Alexander," he asked her, and Forest grinned, she would get a kick out of this
"Mine is Forest Ostrander, goodnight Alexander," and she stood up and headed into her room, leaving Alexander sitting on the floor with a stunned look on his face.
The Finding Of Forest Ostrander

Alexander stayed there, dumbfounded. He wasn't sure if he had heard her name right or not, could she be Forest Ostrander? The reincarnation of Dane Stearlingbacks first and always will be love? Or could she just be messing with him? She did look a lot like her, in fact, she looked identical to the one his great, great, great grandfather loved, maybe, just maybe, she wasn't messing with him after all, if she was the reincarnation, then that would mean the prophacy is comming true and she would be in danger! Alexander came out of his daze and checked his watch for the time, when he saw that it was four in the morning, he started to head back to the room where his father would most likley be getting up and would probably wonder where he was. When he came to the door, he opened it quietly, so if his father and mother were still sleeping, he would not wake them up, but as he entered in, the little light that shined into the room, illuminated his fathers figure sitting up in the bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and taking a moment to fully wake up, but when the light shinned on him, he looked up to see his son in the door. Alexander smiled and walking in, he closed the door, it took him a while for his eyes to adjust to the darkened room, but when he could see, his father switched on the lamp and the room was once more flooded in a warm light, "Morning dad," Alexander said, whispering a bit for his mother was still sleeping, curled up under the blankets, unfased by her husbands movement in bed. Alexanders father looked at his son once more and nodded, still sleepy but on the verge of being fully awake, his father stretched, "What on earth are you doing up so early in the morning son? Don't you have work to do tonight?" his father said, letting out a huge yawn which was followed by Alexander who nodded, "Yah, but I heard something out in the hallway" he said, after he finished with his yawning spree, his father nodded, curiosity getting the better of him, he stood up, "Did you see who it was?" he asked, trying not to seem curiouse but failing. Alexander nodded, "It was a girl and she says that her name is Forest Ostrander, and get this, she is identicle to the Forest that Dane loved," he said happily, but still a bit doubting that he had heard her name right. Alexanders father looked at him as if he had three heads, and they way Alexander was feeling, he wouldn't be surprised if he did sprout two other heads, "Oh really? Are you sure you heard right?" his father asked, Alexander nodded, feeling a bit more positive that he had not misheard, "I'll show you tomorrow, then you will see as well" he said determindly. Alexanders father nodded, "Get some sleep son, you will have a long night I'm sure"."Yes father" Alexander said, he climbed into bed and fell asleep, hopefully he could get enough sleep in before work would begin, maybe he might even be able to sleep the whole day away, he faintly heard his father get ready for work then leave.

Alexander Introduces His Father To Forest

When Alexander woke up, he went outside, he could tell it was morning time now, but he continued on looking for Forest. When he finally found her, he felt rage boil up withing him when he seen an older women standing

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