» Fantasy » FOREST'S FLYING ADVENTURE!!, Forest Ostrander [ebook reader web .TXT] 📗

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and boy was grandma going to murdur him when she gets home and tells her what Ryan did, then something happened to Forest that she was not expecting at all, Nena stepped out from behind her father, a smug look on her face,
"Plus, the trouble that you got me into with that cop didn't help your case out any either." Forest looked at her, she couldn't believe that she was standing there, she was shocked and speechless, but when she regained it, venom seeped into her voice,
"How did you get out?" she asked.
"With help from you father, he paid the fee and realeased me," she said, as if that was the most obviouse thing, which to Forest, was a bit obviouse, she should have seen that her father would find out and get his wife out of the slammer. Mindi placed herself now between Forest and Ryan and Nena and the others, she snarled at them
"Don't start anything with my daughter you two, just back off and leave her alone," she spat at them, a mother bear protecting her cub is what came into Forest's mind at the moment and she looked at her mother with gratitude in her eyes, but shot lazers at the others. Forest's grandfather, Marty came up with his pipe in his mouth and a puff of smoke comming from it,
"All right you guys, that is enough," he said stearnly. Forest had never heard her grandpa like that so she looked at him with confusion at his tone.
"Are you going to stand her and bicker like a bunch of jackles or are we going to actually explore this town?" he said, eyeing them all up, they soon began on their tour, Forest staying by Mindi, Rich, Terry and Dakota while the others except for her grandfather kept their distence, and even though they started a bit late on their tour, they managed to fit in everything that they wanted, Forest even got some really awsome pictures both from the ground and when no one was looking from the sky as well so it gave them a birds eye view look to them. When the sun was beginning to set in the distance, they all filed into their designated cars and drove to the nearest diner, as they chose a seat next to the TV and ordered their food, the news came on and it showd a blond women in her mid 30's with wavy hair and deep blue eyes, her lips were red from wearing red lipstick on them and he cheecks had a pink glow to them that showed she put on blush right before the news started to film, and Forest looked at her family who by now had their food and drinks and were having a good time, Forest wasn't really hungry so she just ordered a simple sandwich and rootbeer to drink,
"This footage was taken recently today by a young high school student Jean Compacts," the news women said, and a picture showed up of the boy, he had short wavy brown hair, his eyes were black and he had chubby cheecks coated with freackles, they even made a bridge over his nose, he was holding up a black and white picture of her past self, he was extremley excited so it was hard to understand what he was saying.
"I tell you, it's Forest! She has come back! I know it is her!" he shouted, still holding the photo in his chubby hands.
"Nothing else could have moved like that, I know, my grandfather showed me a video of her many years ago, it was passed down through his family for generations now, and now I have a new footage of it!" he was way over excited, then the show switched back over the the blonde news women,
"Could this remarkable story be true? Or is it some false acusation of a hoax? We'll get back to you tonight at 11." The news then went to commercial and Forest was left starring at the screen, she couldn't believe what was happening, now how was she going to go out? She then noticed that she has yet to touch her food and the others were almost done with theirs, so she began to eat her sandwhich.
"I told you anything can be possible, just like you always said to me Forest," she said to Forest. Forest looked at Sierra with pleading eyes begging her to not mention anything to anyone, but Sierra just went back to her meal and soon so did Forest. When they were all finished with their food, they paid the bill and headed back out to the cars to make their final journey back to the hotel and Forest was dead set on hopping into that hot tub when she got there. Forest finally noticed that Terry was acting very strange around her, he was avoiding eye contact with her and trying to sit as far away from her as he could, he didn't even sit next to her at dinner like he normally did, so she looked at her brother
"What is wrong with you Terry? You're acting very strange," she said, concerend on how her brother was acting to her, he was trating her like she was some contagiouse disease and he might get it.
"Nothing is the matter with me Forest," he said, but she could tell from his voice and posture that something was definatly wrong with him, but she did not want to pressure him anymore so she say back and crossed her arms over her chest,
"Fine then, don't confied in me anymore," she said, hurt that he was acting like this to her and they were quiet the rest of the ride back. When they arrived back at the hotel, Forest and the others walked in through the main entrence to check in, Forest looked around and noticed that Alexander was nowhere to be seen, so she took that oppertunity to get back to her room as fast as she could before he did show up. When she was let in to her room, she took out her bathingsuit from her suitcase and went into the bathroom to change, when she was undressed, she slipped on her blue one piece bathing suit with purple flowers on it and she snatched her Tweetie Bird towel and headed down to the hot tub long before her brother was even ready. When she arrived at the hot tub, she smiled in victory, she had once again defeated her brother in their endless race to beat one another, so, opening the gate, she closed it behind her, laid her towl on a bench and read the thermomitor, she was pleased when it read 79 degress, she watched the bubbles make their endless dance on the surface of the water for a minute, constently being created by the powerful jets down below. Forest slowly began to climb the stairs down and make her way to a sitting area, when she sat down, what was once weist deep was now neck deep, so she placed her hair on the deck so it wouldn't get too wet and she closed her eyes and fell into the relaxing state that hot tubs put you in, the only disturbence was when her brother finally climbed in, but he too was soon in a relaxing moment. She could faintly hear Sierra and Martin splashing around and laughing in the heated pool, and one look showed her mother, step father, father, step mother, step grandmother and her grandfather were enjoying foot massages that was being delivered by ladies in black uniforms, she then closed her eyes and soon fell asleep. Forest was suddenly woken up when she felt a tap on her shoulder, and when she opened her left eye, she moaned silently for standing right there was Alexander with a big smile on his face,
"Can I join you?" he asked, still keeping that stupid smile on his face.
"Don't you have work to do?" she asked, hoping that he did and would leave her alone, she was not in the best of mood at the moment and he wasn't making it any better either,
"Nah, it is my night off, so can I?" he asked, still persistent. Forest sighed,
"I guess, just don't bother me, it is my relaxing moment and unless you want to see daylight, you would do best to leave me alone when it is my relaxing time," she then closed her eyes again, her brother was still fast asleep on the other side. Forest felt the temperature rise as Alexander had it up to 82 now and he climbed in and laid back next to Forest, he too was surcumed to the relaxing stage.

Publication Date: 09-28-2011

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