» Fantasy » It all started with a girl, Alyssa Kelley [short novels to read .TXT] 📗

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did as she pleased. "I request some one to go out and find my dearest daugher, I would like a worthy travaler." Aroara said elagently as well as worried. She glanced out the window again and became more anxious for the clouds now circled the distant hills in an unsetteling pace.
The servants looked at each other with perplexed faces, not quite knowing what to do. Aroara became slightly annoyed and now more frantic then before. She tapped her delicate, decrotive fingure nails on her high wooden throne and spoke in a stern voice. "Are there any of you that are willing to aid my worry and grant my wish!?" Her voice rose higher as the pressure grew. An unhappy familure voice slithered it's way through confused crowd. "I will retrive the child." Aroara look through the group of mumbling servants to see who could have possibly said yes. Her eyes scanned the room, maybe Luthaye the strong cook, or Melwari the poetic cloth washer, or maybe even Islen, the grumpy farmhand.
But no, it was none of them. An unattractive smell oozed through the golden room, getting to Aroar as soon as the words were spoken. Her eyes began to water. It was Edgar the most disliked man in the temple. His large pointy nose curled like the beak of a volcher. His breath smelled of rotting onions, and his dwindly hair supply was small and consistintly greasy, and always in the same unatractive parted style.
Aroar disapointed with her variety sighed and began to speak in a forcefull tone. "Then you...Edgar shall go find her and bring her back!" Edgar looked down his shirt and smiled grimly and spoke something that only he could hear. "AAA-HEMM!" Aroara cleared her throat, grabbing Edgar's sly attention by it's slimy neck.
"Yes your highness?" He said dropping slowly to his grungy knees, in a very fake tone. Aroara sensed something was not right with this man but he was the only willy servent to help, out of her other loyal but dimwitted servants.
She massaged her fourhead in frustaration and then talked in a slow, but stong voice. "Please just retrive her, she is the only happy thing in my life and i can't loose her!" Aroara looked out the stained glass window once more and an uneasy feeling crept in on her. The sun put on a cloudy mask and hid from the village beneth. "Now go on Edgar!!! Quickly!!!"
Edgar walked out the royal wooden doors with a smug look on his distastdfull face, he began to sniker and hiss like a dying snake. "Only happy thing Eh?" His beady viened eyes bulged out of his greasy head as he stumbled down the white tiles, contining to laugh.

Emmy began to calm down, her feet now tired and sore, walking over knoted twigs and muddy pebbles. The forests were thicker now, and the small path continued to drive through the dense thicket with ease. Willow still slightly chipper and walking as if they had just began. Iseleth following with anxious feet and a nervious mind.
The old woman looked to the skys then her grey eyes fell onto Emmy, who now was picking up interesting objects on the forest floor. Willow became worried they would be caught in a terrible storm and loose themselves in the surrounding forest, like many villagers she had known before. "We must find shelter my dear child, it shall soon rain." Willow said in a deep voice, serious and straight forward. Emmy's eyes grew big and glistned in the fading sunlight, a tear fell and glided down her childish features finally falling to the dusty ground beneath. "Why must we stop now?! I must meet Arelle! I must!" Emmy threw herself onto a patch of late blooming dandy loins and sobbed. As if all hope was lost.
Willow rolled her elderly eyes and chuckled once more, sitting down on an old stump that had been cut down years before and now covered in flowering moss. Willow began to speak in a jolly voice. "Young girl..." The woman was inturapted by the sound of large howling winds and cracking of the ancient trees above them. There branches waved and swayed as if saying hello in a dark matter.
The reflection in Emmy's eye fortold a large tree branch covered in mossy despair was desending right overhead. Not a second thought crossed her mind as Willow dove into the frighening scene and pushed the startled girl onto the patchy grass away from the tumbling limb, her speed marvoleous. Willow knew what she had put upon herself, but she didn't care, the small girl desereved to live. Willow didn't have a chance to cry before the wind was blown out of her. All turned black, she fell into a dark obyess.

Edgar made his way down the main road, coughing at the dust made by the passing villigers. Then sneezing for the dust had gone to his flarring nostrils. "Damned dust, no good at all!" he mumbled to himself, in a raspy, hissy tone. He looked down his tattered shirt and began to chuckle smuggly.
A small snow white animal climed out onto the greasy man's shoulder and began to clean it's silky fur. The pet's red eyes looked to Edgar and it's ears folded back with misguided anger. "My precious love.." Edgar began but was rudly interuppted. The creature snickered and spoke in a beautiful accent. "Oh Shut it, you pittiful man!" the ferret glarred with blood red eyes and it continued to laugh.
"Must you always reak so?!" Edgar rolled his eyes to her coment. The ferret laughed even harder now. "You stink skunk man!" her wee cackle sounded microscopic against the villige's loud ruslte and buslte, as she rolled on Edgar's shoulder histaracly.
Edgar stuffed the smooth ferret back into his stained shirt and growled. "You'll stay in there until you behave, you nasty... um monster?" said Edgar annoyed and weezing due to the dust blowing into his repolsive face.
Her muffled voice rang continueously. "Skunk man, skunk man, skunk man!" Repededly until he reach his callised hand back in and retrieved the aggravating ferret out of his raggy shirt.
"Must you always bully me?" Edgar said in a meloncally voice, his face sorrowful and tired. "Melony, you are so cruel, my love." Melony now on his shoulder once more, just giggled to herself.

To be continued......

i know there will be errors, please let me know thank you very much for reading so far.


Publication Date: 03-31-2011

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