» Fantasy » It all started with a girl, Alyssa Kelley [short novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «It all started with a girl, Alyssa Kelley [short novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Alyssa Kelley

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Chapter one

And so it begins

Emmy ran down the temples decorative hall in antisipation, her bare feet slapping the ground with a tiny thud. She stopped at the grand door were her mother wait pationtly inside while her servents dressed Aroara in her fine, expensive robes.
The girls small hand was barley able to turn the large glass door knob that lead to her mother's immense, golden room. A servent met Emmy at the door with an annoyed look on his ugly face. "You may certainly not see the priestess looking like this, pest!" he flarred his nostrels with every word as though the statement let of a bad oder.
Emmy looked up to the distasteful man with tears in her eyes. She had not cryed for she could not she her mother, but it was that the unattractive man had smelled of onions that made her eyes water, like the pretty fountains in the temples courtyard.
The servant slammed the door so that the smooth wood touched the tip of Emmy's little nose. Suprised at first she fell back on to the velvet carpet. Her tiny fingures felt it's smooth surface as she lifted herself up onto her naked feet. Emmy pushed her light red hair behind her childish ear, fixed her messy braids, then rang the holy bell that hung next to the large wooden doors.
The loud dinging and donging of the large bell rang through out the temples walls, echoing into every royal nook and cranny. To Emmy's suprise the elaborate oak doors swung open with astonishing strength. Out poured every servent at the arms of the priestess.
Her gowns bright fabric dragged against the cold granite floors as Aroara walked gracefully to her young daughter. "Mommy!" Emmy Screamed as she darted torwards her soft faced mother. She sprinted across the golden room one little foot infront of another. Her feet only stopped when she met her mother's warm, soothing embrace.
Her mother's gleaming green eyes danced about Emmy's small face as she said. "Hello my darling," Aroara smiled joyfully. "What brings you here on such a fine occasion?" She knew the well known question was coming at any second now.
"Mommy?" Emmy's forest green eyes now begging. "May I please, please pretty please go adventuring?" Aroara looked worried. Emmy thought quickly. "Iseleth will be wih me, oh please!?" Her mother fist looked worried then in thought. She pushed her dark red hair from her face and began twirling it in deep thinking. To Emmy's suprise her mother looked up with a deliteful smile on her gorgous face. "Of course, now go have some fun honey."
Emmy was out of the temple in less then a minute, her legs, cheetah's as she ran to find her beloved bear cub, Iseleth. She found her self in her simple room. Emmy searched her velvet sheets and found not a hair. She search her closet and found nothing but a small paw print. Emmy sat on her bed in dismay, were could he be? Her diminutive ear picked up only a tiney growl. Without a thought she flipped off her little bed like an acrobat to find an inoccent, big eyes face looking up at her's. Emmy yelped a pathetic sound and jumped to her feet in a mad frenzy.
Iseleth stuck one paw out to make sure the coast was clear. His tiny brown, fuzzy foot quivered in fear as Emmy danced around the room in lunacy. Soon she ended her crazy dance and came for another peek at the mysterious being underneth the small feather bed. To her suprise, when she stuck her hand underneth the bed, all she felt was fur.
"Iseleth," Emmy giggled. "you are sure silly for being afraid of me, but me I'm the crazy one for fearing a sweatheart like you!" Iseleth and Emmy grinned at each other.
Emmy walked out the door with excitment, but she stopped. Hit with a wall of the small village's beautiful smelling aromas and the smell of dew on every pine needle in the forest. She closed her eyes and let the wonderful smells ooze in and overwell her emotions. Iseleth layed down at her feet, his soft fur warmed Emmy's little toes as she fell into a deep meditaion.
"Emmy, Emmy!" An old voice rang. Emmy opened her large green eyes to see Willow walking towards her. Willow's large wooden cane taping the shiny white tiles leading from the decrotive temple.
"Oh, hello grandma Willow." Emmy's voice small and quite, echoed down the clean white path. "What are you doing silly girl!?" The elderly ladies harsh words stabbed Emmy and reality bled back to her. "I'm," she laughed a bit, for it sounded silly. "I'm meditating, it's a pretty morning!"
To Emmy's suprise Willow chuckled. "Young girl, you remind me of a younger, quicker me." Willow grabbed the small childs hand and lead her out the temples stone gates and into the heart of the empty village, Iseleth following close behind.
"Where are you going Emmy?" Willow asked with couriosity, her old grey eyes scaning Emmy's childish face. The small girl looked down at her cubs inoccent face and smiled. "Adventuring, up in the hills." Willow could see the spark in the bright eyes of a the little girl. "Have you heard about Arelle, the old man in the hills?" The elderly lady asked with excitment as she picked up a basket that sat at her huts wooden door.
"No my mother says that ancient storys aren't for royalty, she says that there just rumors and mythes created to scare little children." Willow rolled her eyes. "Your mothers always been a picky one." Emmy grinned to the comment, nodding her head in agreement. "Please tell me Willow!" The young girls eyes begging and pleading. Iseleth plopped down on to his fuzzy belly and rolled over onto the dusty allyway. Emmy bent down to pick up a shiny, green apple that had fallen from the elderly ladies woven basket. Willow disapeared into her hut with the basket for a moment and came back with empty hands.
Closing the door behind her she gave Emmy a friendly smile. "Well then my dear, I shall tell you the ancient story of Arelle the great gardian That lives up in those hills." Willow said pointing to the tall blue hills that towerd over the small village. "I shall tell you the story while we head there." Willow continued with a smart look on her aged face. "What does he gaurd all the way up there Willow?" Emmy said taking a bite out of the juicy, green apple. A group of talkative wives and children walked down the main road, creating a dust cloud as they chattered and played.
Willow looked down at Emmy's feet, bare and dusty, then she looked at her clothes, a once white tunic, stained with grass smudges and dirt. Along with boys trousers spotted with mud and fur. But her eyes, her eyes were magnets and Willow a bit of metal, such a deep green that she drowned in a forest colored pool.
"Well my dear," Willow began, coming back to reality. "He gaurds the stone." Emmy pet Iseleth's back and set the now finished apple core next a young maple tree for the birds. "What's the stone?" Emmy's confused voice echoed down the long strech of road leading from the old village. "It contains all the evil and darkness of the world, dark magic is what is is! You see." Emmy"s eyes grew wide, again pulling Willow in with thier strong metaphoracal arms. "Of course long ago the Queen of evil, Lulith was her name, escaped from the clutches of good and searched for four diferent worthy men to take her children into there homes. These men were the nastiest, evilist, and cruelist men she could find to raise her fours babys to become evil adults." said Willow as serious as Emmy could ever bear. The yound childs face became worried, she crinkled her little nose and began to speak in a soft whisper, grabbing Willows sleave with tiny fingures. "Where is the..." Emmy gulped nerviously. "Queen?"
The old woman began to chuckkle, slapping her frail, boney hand on her meaty thigh. Then tapped her twisted walking stick swiftly onto hte dirt road that continud to wind through the dense forest. The worried look on Emmy's face began to fade into joy as she began to nerviosly laugh along with Willow.
"Silly child," Willow began as they continued to walk. "Queen Lulith was captured by the saviors, children of the gods that are put on this earth to demolish the darkness and save the people." Willow smiled widely showing all her aging teeth, then continued to talk in a peaceful tone. "It is said the man on the hill is stuck." Emmy looked to Willow consntraded. She opened her little mouth to speak. "Tell me more." Emmy looked to Willow then down the dirt road that lead through the forest. Willow smiled kindly. "I think he is trapped between heaven and earth and stays on the hill so he can feel closer to the skys."
Emmy rubbed her chin in deep thought. Her tiny fingurenails scratched her soft skin "Did you ever think he just want to be closer to some one?" she said now playing with her braided hair's yellow beads. Twirling them around and around between her index finger and thumb. Willow seemed to be thinking about something hard. Her face Serious and stern. "I do remember that there were four gardians at one time, that had came in the worlds time of need. One was fire, one was water, there was earth, and if memory serves me right there was air." Willow said still thinking deeply.
Emmy dropped her hand down onto Iseleth's soft back and pet him, feeling the fur between each of her small fingures. She inhaled a refreshing breathe and spoke in a soft voice. "Do you know which one the man up there is grandma Willow?" Emmy said lifting a spare hand to point a tiny fingure to the hills.
Willow gave this topic some thought and then smiled. "Well my dear child," she paused quickly to rest from the walk and then continued slowly. "That's a question that only Arelle could answer." she said with an old face and a young smile.
"Can I meet him?" Emmy said with large forest eyes full of hope and youth. Willow looked down to the small childish face and her happyness faded slightly. "We will see my child."
They had been walking for not more then an hour when the hills began. Tall and slightly rugged, they stood high and full of mysterious pride. The dirt road began to dwindle away leaving only a measly trail leading through the dense forest.
Emmy curious as ever ran around, turning over small mossy rocks and stones, looking under dense bushes, and even climbing trees just to see what was there. While this was going on Willow just chuckled that familure laugh and continued to walk, being sure to stay saftly on the pittiful trail.

The clouds were stealthy, keeping quiet and unseen until they reached the town skys. Aroara looked worried as she stared at the storm that had began to brew. Her jade eyes swept across the chilling scene as the mascerade of greying clouds and wind danced among the sun and sky.
Aroara's room smelled of insents as she requested a change of clothing from her polite servents that smiled and came right to her side, and

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