» Fantasy » Hidden In The Dark, Alondra Leon [golden son ebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Hidden In The Dark, Alondra Leon [golden son ebook .txt] 📗». Author Alondra Leon

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it seemed to be like I just fixed it. She started to braid it in a very complex way that I found amazing. It took her a great deal amount of time since my hair was so long now. I eventually became uncomfortable with the silence and was happy when she motion towards the mirror.
Now I was sure I was staring at royalty. It was such an intericate braid thay it resembled the hairdos you often see in movies that take place in the mideval times.
"Oh. Wow, it's beautiful! Thank you... uh I don't think I know your name."
"It's Vanessa and your highness should not thank me. It's what I do." She said in a shy voice.
"Well, since you seem to know what's going on I'll tell you now just call me Luna and thank you anyway."
"It's an honor that princess really." She said blushing from embarasment but she smile a very sweet smile and show me to a table where I would get my nails done.
I was greeted by and old woman with a sweet grandmother face who got to work as soon as I got there. It took about half an hour to get my nails done and by then my mom was done and waiting for me. She look great. The auburn highlights she got went well with her light brown hair. It had been curled from it's normal straightness and was magnifcently pinned up. My mom was a very good looking mexican woman witha spanish air to her. The highlights really made her brown eyes standout.
"Ready to go, my little princess?" She asked
"Will people please stop using that term? Please?" My mom just laughed at my plea and walk me to the car.
. . .
When we got home my grandmother was there with my aunt get my dress ready for me. They babysitted my sisters while we were gone. They had known about my change and so did the rest of my family. How it had gotten out so fast that I was now "gifted" was a mystery to me. I also wondered who it was that we were going to explain this whole mess to my friends and their families. But, I decided not to worry about that just yet. My grandmother was fitting me into the dress.
It was an excuisite dress. I never thought I'd see the day I could actually use that word. (I have a very extensive vocabulary) It was a white dress that was embroidered with green wines that had red roses and buds blooming from them. The top was a heart shaped corset with shoulders sleeves. It was full length and puffy and reminded me of a gown you'd see in a disney princess movie. It was also a two-piece, so that meant that You could take the skirt part off to reveal a cute mini-dress.
"You look really pretty you know." a heard a very familiar voice say.
"Thanks Esme." I told my cousin in the pretty red dress.
"So I heard you changed but I never saw you changed this much in my vision. In any case, now that you know I can show you my true self." Light shimmered and wavered aroud her for a second and suddenly the girl in the red dress was no longer light skinned with light brown hair and hazel eyes, but instead a girl with a pixie cut blonde hair, fair cream colored skin, and strange red eyes took her place. The girl was still taller than me but now she had a graceful appearance. She's still the girl you nicknamed Esme as a child. The cousin you grew up with, who you're closer than sister with. She was my little cousin, a year younger, and all that had changed was her image After repeating that several times in my head, I gave her a big hug.
"I heard you're a big shot oracle now. I'm glad you remembered us, little people." I joked and that made her smile. "Since you're a witch and all there's something that's been bugging me this morning." I paused for a moment then after seeing her nod I told her.
"I look like this now and I did invite friends so..." I trailed off dreading to finish the sentence.
"You want to know if your friends will recognize you." She finished for me. "Don't worry they will. The council of elders feared this so they took precautions and cast a spell that will make the humans see what they think they should see. Except for the family of course. Since they do have magic decent, they are the only humans in history to ever have any communiction with us legally." She surprised me with all this information which of course she would know.
"Oh." That's all that came out of my mouth. Stupid! I called myself.
"Well, are you ready?" Esme asked me with the most serious look on her face.
"No. Let's go." I said honestly. She laughed and walked me out to the awaiting limo. I took a deep breath and went in.

Chapter 3

The ride to the ballroom we rented for the night was long. It was anything but silent though. Esme and I talked on and on about how and I was supose to act in particular ways to certain people. It was all very confusing but as long as Esmeralda was with me nothin could go wrong.
We were talking as we arrived and didn't notice at first what was going on until the driver politely told us to get out. I had a feeling he didn't like us all that well. This at the very least was still normal. Ever since I was little I could tell if someone was lieing or hiding something from me. Call it an instint if you will but it's always been this way and the normality of it was reasurring. That brought me strength to move forward and walk through those fateful doors that would brings more strangeness into my life.
The ballroom was quite a site. It seemed like something out of a fairy tale. I remember dreaming of this day as a little girl and was disapointed with the dread that filled me instead of joy. I straightened my back as I walked closer to my table at the center of it all. I could almost feel the stares pierce me like knives. I sat down and some of the tenstion seem to evaporate as people I didn't know lined up to greet me.
One by one they stated their names and wished me a happy birthday. I nervously thanked each and was glad when my voice didn't crack. They all seemed genuienly happy for me which is why this girl in a black mini dress stood out like a sore thumb. The way she look at me was so disturbing, I actually flinched. Her honey eyes held so much hatered in them that it surprised me since I have never seen her in my life before and the way she snarled at me seem almost animalistic in it's nature. She was also walking up to my table and as she did I noticed That her hair was a mesmerizing dark brown, along with a light tan that told me she had been outdoors alot during the summer. It wouldn't shock me if she was a cheerleader of some sort.
"Listen well bitch. I don't care who your ancestor is, that throne belongs to me and neither you or blondie here are getting in my way." She sissed. I wanted to punch her so bad at that momment that it took a minute before I looked her straight in the eye.
"It's nice to see you care so much but I on the other hand could careless of you throwing bitch fits but I really don't have time to deal with the tantrums of annoying skanks like you. I have other people to greet and your fat head is getting in the way so : GOODBYE." I made it sound so sweet I felt like I might actullay get a cavity but it seemed to make miss wanna-be furious and by the way she was blushing I had just embarassed her infront of appearently very important noblemen. She stocked off, but not before giving me a look that could kill. I just smiled innocently and waved.
As soon as she was out of sight I turned on Esme and gave her a look of my own. Who the hell was that?! I told her with my eyes.
"She's Jasmine Gardez and was supose to be the princess but now she's next in line for the thorne should anything happen to you. It's seems she's not happy at all about you poping out of nowhere and taking her place." She said calmly.
"I wonder what could have given that away?" I asked sarcasticly. After that greeting the rest of the court was easy and there were no more incidents. It was then that I was allowed to talk to my friends and that helped me relax to the point where I could enjoy my own party. I had a nagging feeling that the court coming and watching my every move was strange. It was as if they were trying to see if I was worthy to be whatever it was I was supose to be. The music started and I decided to ignore it when Yesenia ,who I've known since middle school, pulled me to the dance floor and I forgot my troubles.
I dance for hours with my friends and enjoyed my last momments together because after this they wouldn't remember me. Esme explained that since I wasn't human anymore, that humans weren't supose to know about me. Their memories of me would be erased. I began feeling a pain that can only be expressed as sorrow. I had one more thing to do before I left.

. . .

I walked over to the one person I couldn't dare face this whole time. It was strange but he was looking at me as if i was someone else the whole time. His pircing dark eyes never left mine as I got closer. It made hesitate several times. He look really good in a dress shirt and slacks. He seem lost in the shadows, since he stayed at the fartherest spot in the room from everyone else. He was always antisocial. I remembered. I looked down as I finally reach him because I knew if I looked up I would see his brow furrowed and his lips twisted into a frown. Instead I stared at the floor and said "Hi Hunter."
"Follow me." was all he said as he walked towards the exit. He knew I would follow, I always did. I stared at anything but him. The dark skinned boy I had a crush on since the third grade. I was a year younger than him but I skipped a year and that's

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