» Fantasy » Hidden In The Dark, Alondra Leon [golden son ebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Hidden In The Dark, Alondra Leon [golden son ebook .txt] 📗». Author Alondra Leon

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Chapter One

In that moment I was free. I felt my paws connect with the moist earth and the coolness of the shadows caress me. I was home in the jungle and away from the humans that caged me. I ran for what seemed like hours but I didn't care. Then I heard a sudden noise that frightened me.

No. They are coming for me, I thought. Now I tried to run faster but it was no use; time seemed to slow me down. I'm done for, and then...

I woke up screaming again.
It was the third time this week and it was always the same dream that ended the same way. I knew that I was a panther in my dream and that I ran away from hunters but they always caught up with me but at the last second I always woke up, sweating and more exausted than when I went to sleep. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower away the remains of the nightmare. On my way there, I walked past my full-length mirror without as much as a glance in it's direction because I knew I would see a tired girl in rumpled, black pajama bottoms and a white T-shirt that proclaimed, "Bite Me: If You Dare" on the front in black lettering. I went straight into the bathroom and took a nice, relaxing, long shower.
I came out and picked out a pair of ripped, black, skinny jeans and a green shirt that said, "I'm not Irish but kiss me anyway." I walked up to the mirror I avoided before to apply eyeliner and lipgloss, but as I stared at my reflection; terror filled me. It stared back at me with cat-slit, emerald green eyes instead of the usual chocolate brown and my dark brown hair was now midnight black. But, the most shocking of all were the cat-like ears poking out of the top of my head and a tail that slitely swished back and forth. Oh. My. God.

No, this is not happening!

Chapter Two

I took my towel and wrapped it around my head, took the tail and shoved it uncomfortably in my jeans which made me hiss in pain and I ran down the stairs before it got any weirder. The house was a two story with an atttic and basement. The three rooms were upstairs and the kitchen, living, and dining room were downstairs along with the two car garage. We had a huge back and front yards with porches on both sides. The house was fairly new but was bulit victorian style. As I ran, I tried not to trip and was relieved when I made it all the way down.
I started calling my mom franticly hoping this was another dream. After a couple minutes I found her in the kitchen and I took a seat at the counter and waited for her to finish making her omelet. I knew it wasn't for me because I don't like eggs. She sat down and started to eat her food. We usually don't use the dining room unless it's a holiday.
"Mom? I kinda of have something to show you." I said as casually as possible.
"Good Morning to you to Luna. What's wrong sweetie?" she asked but as she looked up to look at me, her smile faded and her face twisted in horror. Great. My mom thinks I'm a freak of nature, I told myself. I had unrapped the towel and pulled the uncomfortable tail out. "Oh."
"That's it, 'oh'? I have cat ears and a tail and 'oh' is all I get?"
"Calm down Luna, this is new for me too. But, I do have something to confess."
"What are you talking about?"
"It's best if I just show you so follow me." And with that said, my mom got up and started to go upstairs and I followed now more curious than scared.
We climbed the stairs to the attic in silence. We came to a stop in front of the attic door that my mom always kept locked so that my little sisters wouldn't 'get hurt ' but my guess is that that was only an excuse. She opened the door and signaled me to go inside. My little sisters were still asleep and wouldn't wake up for a while. It was early for them to be up so I followed my mom inside.
It was dusty in the attic and I had to stop myself from sneezing several times as my mom looked for the right box. She finally came to a box with the word "BOOKS" written on the front. What would mom want with books at a time like this? My mom seemed to read my mind and set the box on an old picnic table we were gonna get rid of but forgot to. She opened it and carefully took out several old leather-bound books. They looked ancient. None had title nor author but my mom handed one of them to me. It was one of the thicker ones but as a opened it I realizied it was blank. I was about to show my mom when letters started to appear so I pulled the book close instead and started to read instead. It was a book about the history of magical beings. What does it have to do with me? I thought, but then remebered the ears. Oh, yeah. The book started skiping pages like mad until it landed on a chapter with a picture of a witch and a half-dog, half-human thing fighting. The chapter was titled: THE GREAT WAR.
It was a detailed story of a feud between the shifters and the witches. The feud soon became a long war that lasted close to a century. it was then that the king of shifters and mother (queen) of witches ended the war by getting married. The sides still have a lot of friction between them but live in some what peace, but the heir to both sides ran away to never be seen again. They can only hope a decendent will one day show up.
"Nice story but what does it have to do with me?" I asked, almost guessing what I was going to hear next.
"Honey, I think you know. I can't read that book because I'm human but the story has been passed down through word of mouth. the fact that you can read it means your anything but." She told me.
"I can see that but why the story of the runaway royal makes no sense to me."
"What that book doesn't tell you is that our ancetor fell in love with a human and that was and is forebidden in your world. So, he ran away with her and had a family that can be traced back to you, dear." I hated the way she said 'your', like we no longer share the same world.
"So now not only am I a freak but a royal freak! That's just great!" I said, sarcasum driping like venom.
"I know this is hard for you but you're not the only one in the family. Your cousin Esmeralda is like you in a certain way."
"She's a witch and a specific type too. She's an oracle."
"Like the predict the future-mojo kind of thing?"
"Something of the sort, yes. When she had her first vison it was of you looking like this. She saw you as a shifter and well here you are. But, don't get me wrong she said you have witch power but it's not strong enough."
"Since when has she been like this?"
"It happened when she turned nine. You happen to be a little more tradional and change at your coming of age. Happy fifteenth birthay, Luna." She tried to lighten the mood but it wasn't working. In mexican culture a girl becomes a woman at the age of fifteen and a big celebration is thrown. In many fantasy stories girls get their powers at their coming of age.
"So what now?"
"We will still have your party but, the courts from both sides will come to meet you and your cousin. After that you will both start school at King Arthur Acadamy in England."
"And the surprises keep coming don't they mom?" I said bitterly.
"I'm sorry honey, but they thought it was best and frankly I do too."
I sighed and took a minute to let it all sink in, "Okay, mama. I'll do it; I mean if it means so much to you and if I don't have any other choice." She smiled at me then and pulled me in for a hug that I really needed.
"Um, but can you help me hide the ears? We can't go get ready for my party with me looking like this." We both laughed at my comment and stayed silent for a moment. Mom finally broke the silence.
"Okay. Close your eyes and relax think of how you look before this morning." I did as she told me and took a deep breath I thought of all the pictures I've seen of myself. I opened my eyes and hoped for the best.
"Did it work?"
"See for yourself." She said smiling as she took me back to my room.
. . .
I saw that my ears and tail was gone but the jet black hair and emerald eyes stayed. I also noticed that my skin was now porclin white; my usual tan forever gone. My hair that was usually shoulder length, now barely touch my butt. I thought I was looking at Snow White instead of me. Well at least the rest of me was still there. I was still the five-foot-one, curvy, girl but, I just looked a little different.
"I can see why those people want me to move; none of my friends will recognize me anyway, right?" I said backing away from the mirror.
"It's gonna be okay. Now let's get going."
. . .
When we arrived at the mall we went straight for the salon to get our hair done. Our usual hairstylist was surprise at my appearance but smile and said, "It's been a while, princess."
Don't tell me she one of them too, I pleaded at who knows what at this point. The tall, lanky woman ask a young girl a little older than me to do my hair. She was very pretty. She resemble our hairstylist very much so I was sure it was her daughter. She had straight strawberry blonde hair, light blue eyes and tall figure.
The girl complimented me on having beautiful and it was a shock because usually my hair is a mess of curls but, I guess it changed dramticly. It was still curly but now instead of a mess,

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