» Fantasy » The Truth About Katrina Remora, Ash Knight [good books to read for beginners txt] 📗

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of her big brother wanna be.
"Only the weirdest thing ever." Brock, Tracy’s almost-boyfriend, said glumly. He was a little odd but cool, he had brown hair worn in a shaggy looking style, with brown eyes, and a pretty good muscle span, Brock and Johnny were always working out together. Brock and Tracey were sitting up front with Brock behind the wheel. Tracy was staring at Kat with pleading in her eyes that Kat recognized immediately. She must have been fighting with Brock again, Kat thought as she shook her head yes.
Tracy got out of the car and then Kat climbed in next to Brock. Tracy got in back with Brenda and Johnny.
"And what might that be?" She asked as Brock started his father's Mustang, it was a deep blue so it was perfect for a pool party. "What, did Ashley Thomas make another pass at you?" She guessed.
"No silly. There was a new guy yesterday, his old man is a race-car driver. But what’s really weird is, the guy has a ton of money but he isn't nearly as stuck up as other guys!" Brenda exclaimed in disbelief.
"So." Kat said simply.
"He is going to be at the party tonight.Then you'll get to see how weird he really is.Oh, and by the way, I love your dress Katrina I can't believe how good it looks on you!" Tracy said sweetly. "You know despite the huge-um,well despite everything else he is actually pretty good looking." She said matter-a-factly,stuttering a little bit when she saw Brenda's 'Don't you dare say it' look.
"Wow,wait a minute.What do you mean he is good looking.You guys all know I'm going for Aren, so why bring up another guy?" She askd guardedly.
"Well, Ashley didn't go after Brock, she went after Aren. And..." Tracy said hesitantly. "She him."She finished quitely.
"Sorry Kat-o, but there is still the new guy.His name's Allister, Allister McCarter.Hes not a bad guy, no matter how odd he is. He doesn't have any friends yet but he is a good looking guy, gets strait A's, loves to read, I know 'cause he checked out fifteen books from the local library where I clean up and they were all kinds of books, from poetry by Edger Allen Poe,too fiction by Danielle Steel. So he is educated in taste we know that much." Johnny said hopefully.
Kat just sat there thinking 'After ten years of being hung up on this guy,he ends up with Ashley,the girl who will sleep with anyone or anything!'Engrossed so much in her own thoughts that it took her a second to notice they had parked next to Aren's house,and the others were waiting for her on the side walk. She climbed out of the car and walked up to her worried looking friends.
"How old is the new guy?" She asked with a sigh.Thinking that if he was as cool as her friends were boasting then maybe he'd have better sence than to get caught up in Ashley's web.And that any guy who didn't have the sence to steer clear of her,was hopeless.
"Your not going into the whole depressed mode,thats good. Allister is eight-teen, he is ripped and, well, you'll get to see what he looks like soon anyway." Brenda said,as she slid her arm around Johny's waist and let him put his arm over her shoulder.
Brock took Tracy's hand in his own and walked into Arens back yard, gave Aren's mom his and Tracy's invits.Then, Kat, Johny, and Brenda handed her their invitations and entered the back yard.

It was huge,the pool alone took up half the yard.Then there was the long refreshments table,volly-ball court,and the huge section of a patio set aside for the live band,and any kids who wanted to dance. Kat was mistified,that was, intil she saw him. He was leaning against the back side of the house,staring impassivly at nothing inparticular. He had hair as dark as night that had a small hint of curls in it,just barely curling at the nape of his neck,also,a deep set tan,and he was wearing a white t-shirt with cut-off jeans, and he had bare feet.He was wearing some kind of pendant too but Kat couldn't see what it was from where she was standing.
She gasped,completly taken off guard by his casual yet, some how refined apperence.Then he turned his eyes her way and she caught the short amount of breath she had just managed to recover.His eyes,they were amazing.They were a dark, emerald green.When she was finally able to tear her eyes away from his, she saw his scar. It was long and oddly tan also.But it was there none-the-less.It was a long deep scar from the outer-rim of his eye,where it curved so that it met perfectly with the lower half of his jaw. But even with the scar on the right side of his other wise perfect face he was still the most handsome guy she had ever seen.He stared at her with a small smile on his lips. She was pretty sure the smile had something to do with the fact that she had stood there gawking at him way longer than absoluly nessicary.
That was when Aren cut into her view,demanding her attention.He was dressed casually,a light blue miscle-shirt,and full legged jeans,with sandles. Ashley was hanging on his arm possesivly, wearing a orange bikini, her hair down and crazy like a frizzy red halo around her face and neck, and giving Kat the evil eye.
"Katrina right?"He asked with a smile.Looking over her dress with a small self indulgent smile.
"Yeah.Why do you know my name all the sudden?Last time I checked you didn't even know I existed." She said calmly and sweetly.Suprising everyone within hearing distance,except Allister who stood,still proped on the wall,grinning as if he were watching his favorite show.Brenda's mouth snapped open,then quickly shut again,while Tracy,Johny,and Brock just stared at Kat with undisguised suprise on their faces.
"Oh!Now there is a low blow,hahaha,I didn't know someone so pixie pretty could hold fire like that in them."He said,laughing again. She just stood there smiling sweetly till he was done,then did the one thing no one expected in a million years. She walked away from Aren Hawkins!
"Cold,I approve entirly!" A voice behind her said. She turned to find the new guy staring at her, amused. "You know thats my second cousin you just walked away from?But I don't care, anyone with a brain would walk away from a jerk like him." He said laugh again,but this time at the look of complete suprise on her face.
"...Hi?" Was all she could say.
"Hi?Well if you want to be all formal then thats just fine with me." He said, grinning wickedly. "My name is Allister,but you, my firy little friend can call me Al. Now would you mind telling me your name?Or do I get the cold shoulder too?" He said chuckling once again.
Lifting her chin and squaring her shoulders, she looked at him with with barely comtrolled anger.
"Well why not,you want the cold shoulder?It's all yours!" She said calmly, and,letting the acid seep through every word,wondered why she was acting this way to him.Then she got it, he had a hint of danger in his aura. No wonder, she must have been remembering her older brothers bestfriend! He was always in jail and hitting on anyone. Her brother had put up with it, until the guy had pulled a gun on her brother. Her brothers funeral was a week later, and the boy was sent to jail. She never thought she would act like that again.
"Wow,cool it,I'm not a bad guy. Just new,and also,whatever reason you have to hate my cousin,I'm sure it's a good one.For a relative of mine he's a real jerk."Al said sincerly,with a serious expression on his face.
He had moved closer to me,close enough I could smell his breath,he smelled like Doritos and Mountain Dew.(Which actually isn't nearly as gross as it sounds.)To tell you the truth,it only made him seem more than a little like me.We were standing close enough that I could see the pendant on his chain.It was an up side down golden trident with two snakes winding around it.What the hell was that supposed to mean?
"I'm just in a bad mood.You see the girl he is with?"I asked,when he shook his head yes I continued."That's Ashley Partona,she's a Saera scaera (rampant she-devil) and the slut of this town!She is sleeping with atleast three different guys now,but also now she has your cousin under her thumb.Used to think your cousin had brains but now I know he doesn't,anyone who gets mixed up with her can't have any common sence."I said,matter-a-factly.
"You can say that again,I hear she's even sleeping with my uncle.But it's not my problem. So,I dont worry about it."He said in his deep seductive tone,although I was begining to wonder if that was just the way his voice always sounded.
"So I hear you like to wear a Stetson?I own ten of them,I rarly ever go without 'em,or my boots,but most of all my Roper jeans.You?"I said in a subdued tone,still staring at the pendant around his neck,as if the snakes might slither off the trident and bite me if I looked away.
"Never leave home without my hat.It's actually in the back seat of my car now."He said with a chuckle.Looking at me with questioning eyes he asked:"Do you always were that necklace or just when you wanna get some attention?"
Looking down at my pendant I gave him a small smile,it was a whole bodied silver owl with a star in one talon and in the other it held a most peculiar arrow, then looked away,at my pendant again."It was my mothers,she went missing four years ago.I...I guess you could say,that in my own way,when I wear it it's like having my mom back.So...the answer to your question is yes,I do wear it all the time."I said in a sad small voice. "Either way, we gotta go on."
"But you didn't go on."He said with sad pity in his voice."I can see it in your eyes,that necklace is a way for you too not go on.You don't want to forget her and I dont blame you.I know for a fact that forgetting a family member is hard,especally when your close to them.You've already seen my scar,well I got it in a car reck when I was seven,me,my brother,my mother,and my father,were all in an accident with a bunch of teenagers who were drunk.They ran us off the
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