» Fantasy » The Truth About Katrina Remora, Ash Knight [good books to read for beginners txt] 📗

Book online «The Truth About Katrina Remora, Ash Knight [good books to read for beginners txt] 📗». Author Ash Knight

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1. Archangel for dad, really?

Katrina, a seventeen year old, with long black hair that fell just short of the middle of her back, deep-dark blue eyes, olive toned skin, and a few freckles on her nose. Her life was usually boring but today was very exciting for her because her best friends Tracy and Brenda were going with her to get her braces removed. She had had braces since she'd turned ten, and today her family's dentist,
Dr. Freeman was going to remove them! And perfect timing too, tomorrow was her crushes birthday. She had had a crush on Aren Jordan since forever, he’s tall, blond hair, cut short and spiky and all messy you know, and he has the bluest eyes in the world, there like the color of the sky 10 times over! (A very light blue) In addition, he has the cutest smile, a grin so perfect that girls melt every time they see it. (And he’s only seven-teen!)
As she threw on a pair of her favorite blue jeans, black running shoes, and her new black t-shirt that had her favorite bands name on it (Linkin Park), she grabbed her brush and a rubber band as she ran out her bedroom door. When she had her hair presentable she walked as calmly as she could (which wasn't very calmly at that) to the kitchen where she could smell her dad cooking breakfast. You see Katrina lives with her father (who if he was younger, could pass as her twin.) in their little house in the small town of Everest, Nv. the population is two thousand nine hundred and ninety three, her and her dad live just a ways off the city limit.
When she got in the kitchen and saw her dad wasn't the only one there she couldn't help but laugh.
"You see last night I went speed dating and met Wendy here." Her father explained. Looking slightly embarrassed by her outburst of humor. Then he turned to the red headed women with green eyes and introduced them properly.( She had a very hard time keeping a straight face.)
"Wendy this is my beautiful, smart, and talented daughter, Katrina. Katrina this is my friend,....and fiancé, Wendy." He finished in a small voice. When he said fiancé her heart dropped to her shoes and came back up so quickly she could almost hear it go -swoosh-.
"Fia-Fi-FIANCE!" She finally stuttered out.
"Now dear I know me and your mother are still technically married but no one has seen or heard from her in four years. The police stopped searching years ago honey. I'm sorry but I think its time we both move on, that means you need a new mother, and Wendy is perfect for the job. Also last night wasn't the first time we had met. I've been talking to Wendy through EHarmony for the past five months." He finished with a stern look on his face that she knew all too well. With his eyes all big, mouth turned down at the corners, and eyebrows lifted slightly. Jonathan Remora wore this face when he was trying to convince his daughter not to argue, but it was also different because there was a hint of sympathy in it.
When she detected the sympathy she forgot everything else, she forgot my braces, she forgot Aren, Wendy, all of it, except for her pain and fury.
"How could you?" Was all she asked, but it was barely a whisper.
"How could you!" She screamed, all shyness gone, only pure pain on her face now.
"Honey deep breaths, remember, your asthma.” Her father warned in a worried voice. "You have to except it Kat, your mothers gone. I am sorry but I cannot spend the remainder of my life waiting. I don't have your patience...I’m sorry Kat, but me and Wendy are to by married this fall.” He said, the last part so low it was almost a whisper.
"It was my idea; please don't be angry at your father darling." Wendy said sympathetically. "I know it will be hard for you too except me as part of your family but, it is the only thing left that you can do Katrina." She did not know why but suddenly she detested this red headed ark angel of her fathers.
"No it’s not all I can do. You aren't part of my family, and I will never accept you as my mother!" With that, she ran from the room, down the hall, grabbed her backpack, and ran the three blocks to her friend Brenda's house.

"He didn't!" Tracy exclaimed as Brenda patted Katrina's shoulder soothingly as they sat in Brenda's bedroom.
Brenda had called Tracy as soon as Katrina told her what had happened, Tracy had been here in record time too. Now Katrina and Tracy look like complete opposites, she is tall for her age, with light blue eyes, and short straight corn silk yellow hair, a long nose, and small eyes. Kat, with her long, long wavy brown hair, big eyes so dark there almost black, straight short nose, and average size, you would never notice how they both had high cheekbones. However, they were not so different, they had both lost a parent when they were younger. In addition, neither of their remaining parents understood how they could still hope for their missing family members. Tracy's father’s plain crashed one hundred and seventy four feet from the ground. Kat's mother was driving in a snowstorm after a fight with Kat's father, and she just never came home.
"Yes he did.” She sobbed, wiping her eyes with her fingertips.
"Oh you poor thing. Well it is not as if it will last long. I mean we both know your dad, he couldn't even keep from fighting with the goldfish you owned when you were five, let alone another human being, and a woman at that." Brenda stated matter-of-factly.
Now Brenda was very interesting, she was about Kat's size, she had blond hair that she changed to purple a few years ago, now also unlike Tracy, Brenda had a anger management problem, but she could keep it in check most of the time. Now her eyes were very odd, you see she was born almost blind but her eyes got better after her surgery, but now her eyes were an odd silver grayish color. Now if you wanted to talk intelligence, Kat would have to say her friends had her beat most defiantly. Tracy was a straight A student, and Brenda was very wise for her age. Brenda never lost her parents, they were best friends. But Brenda and Kat grew up together, they were more like sisters than friends, all three of them were.
"Yeah she's right Kat, it’s not like your dads really in love or anything. It's just a phase, remember you have too let them believe they are in charge sometimes, it's just the way things are for people like you and me." Tracy said calmly.
"Your right...gotta-gott-gotta let them grow up, eventually. Ok ...I am calm. Thanks guys you’re the best friends any girl could ask for!" She said wiping away the last of her tears and smiling for her girl pals. They returned her smile with smiles of their own happily.
"Good everything is all better and we can all relax. Now let’s go get your braces removed!" Brenda exclaimed excitedly.

2. A party, a dance,...a mad dad!

-You look amazing- She told herself the morning of Aren's birthday party.-
When Dr.Freeman had taken out her braces he'd said they had paid off, her teeth were lined up perfectly, and were sparkling white. After getting her braces removed, her, Brenda, and Tracy went shopping for her perfect outfit for the party. She ended up buying a light blue strapless dress, with silver sparkling stars on it, and a pair of oh so cute silver sandals, she decided to wear her hair in a half braid so that it showed how long her hair was. Brenda was going to just wear a swimsuit (it being a pool party and all) that was purple and pink tie-dye, and Tracy decided on a cute pair of shorts and a t-shirt over her swimsuit (Kat had picked her bikini with blue, maroon, and sea green tie-dye, in under her dress.)
"Katrina your ride is here." Wendy said. She was standing in the doorway smiling at Kat, wearing one of her dad’s green button up shirts over skinny jeans, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. ‘Ugh I hated her and her red hair!’ She thought, but instead of saying so, she just gave her an icy stare worthy of the devil himself.
"Go away." She ordered flatly. Standing up and getting her purse, which had her cell phone, ninety bucks, her shades, and a t-shirt in it. After she had all her stuff together, she looked in the mirror one more time to make sure there was not even a hair out of place. While she did this Wendy stood in her doorway with a sad smile on her face, then she said the last thing Kat ever expected.
"You look so much like your mother; I didn't know her but your father showed me some pictures. And, with your raven hair, you and your mother look quite a bit alike. What happened to your mother, Kat?"She asked, still staring at her with that sad smile.
"Like you care! Get out of my life, I never even wanted you in it in the first place!"She screamed as she dove down the steps in a rage. Out side Brenda, Tracy and their boyfriends were waiting for her.
"Hi! What’s up, you weren't at school yesterday?"Johnny asked. Johnny's Brenda's boyfriend. He is what people would call a Ralph Macchino look-a-like. Except for the scar above his eyebrow. He got the scar in a fight last year with a boy who was picking on Brenda. Johnny has the patience of the Chinese but the temper of a redneck.
"I was getting my braces removed. What did I miss that was so important?"She asked, her spirits lifted with the sight

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