» Fantasy » Warriors Of Olympus, C.W. Benson [free e novels TXT] 📗

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kids fighting with other kids and groups of kids playing games. “ is this some kind of adventure camp or something?” i asked. “ this is where you will learn to harness your powers and become the warrior you were born to be.” he responded. “ Sweet.” i said. A boy that was much taller than me came up to us. He wore an eyepatch and was missing his right arm. “ Oh great. Just what we need, another stuck-up demigod.” he said. I got angry and an energy bolt shot out of my hand. It got him right in his stomach. “ Uhh!” he said weakly. “ Woah!” i yelled. Zeus looked at me as if i had missed something. “ since you are the god of weaponry, you can create energy weapons as well.” he announced. The one eyed guy looked confused. “ Oh. So you're not a demigod. Sorry, My name is Jonathan Joseph Alexander III. But you can call me JJ Alex. Is it OK if i teach him how to control his powers?” he said. Zeus pulled a frown and sighed. “ if you must.” he replied. JJ and I walked away. “ I'm Eric Jason by the way. I'm the son of Ares and Artemis.” he stopped me. “ How can you be the son of Ares? I'm the son of Ares. My mother was Athena.” he yelled. “ our father was a love rat. I heard he also had an affair with my aunt Aphrodite.” i told him. He sat down and decided to forget about it. “ can you use the weapon power very well?” he asked. I nodded. “ let's see about your other abilities. What eles are you the god of?” he quizzed. “ animals and plants.” i replied.
“ Ok then. First, clear your mind. Next, close your eyes. Then, picture an animal. After you've done that, open you're eyes.” i pictured a Bengal Tiger and when i opened my eyes, a young girl looked at me in a shocked way. “ tiger in the village! Tiger in the village!” she screamed. I looked at JJ. “ i guess it worked.” i said. “ let's try out the plant abilities. You see that plant pot. Picture yourself grabbing it and throwing it off the table. I pointed to the plant pot and clenched my fist. It rattled at bit but nothing else happened. “ Ah dammit!” i yelled, stomping my feet. As i stomped them, a Rifle appeared in my hand. Everybody screamed. Then, an older man around 40-50 arrested me. “ the only weapons we allow here are longbows and sabres! You're going down for a long time!” he said.
Chapter 4

As i sit in my cell waiting for any bit of hope, JJ was trying to find a way to get me out without the guard knowing about it. “ it's no use JJ. I'm never getting out of here." i said. JJ turned to the guard. “is there any way the charges could be dropped?” He asked. “ Only people of the highest authority could do that. The people with the highest authority are The Olympians.” Then he had a look on his face that meant he had an idea. he pulled out his phone. " Hello Zeus. it's me JJ. our friend Theo is in a bit of a sticky situation. could you come down?" he said. then he put the phone down. " does Zeus even have a a phone?" i asked. JJ shook his head. " this has direct access to Olympus." he said. Suddenly, with a flash of light, Zeus appeared. " i demand you release this boy at once!" he said in a booming voice. The guard stood up, quivering all the while. he got his keys and unlocked the gate. " first day here and you're already getting arrested." said Zeus. I frowned. “ thank's. That means a lot.” i said. Zeus gave me a dirty look. “ i only got you out of there so you can face my punishment.” he smirked. I gasped. Then he started to laugh. “ just having a joke. But i do need you to do something for me. On Olympus, we have an arena battle every year. My fighter has dropped out. Well when i say dropped out, i mean dropped down dead. He was also Ares' son but he was a demigod. I always use Ares' children as i have none of my own. Anyways, I was wondering if you would be my new fighter?” he said. I looked nervous. “ OK then. But how did my brother die?” i asked. Zeus done the checking for eavesdroppers thing again even though JJ and the guard would stand there. “ he got eaten by a bear. But don't worry. If you are going to battle, you would need a coaching partner.” he said. We all looked at JJ. “ what me? So cool.” he said jumping up and down. Zeus lifted his arms up and his lightning bolt appeared. He held it up to the sky. Suddenly, i fell to the ground. When i opened my eyes, JJ was right there. “ I see you're still not use to the travelling thing.” he said. When i stood up, i was at the door to a large arena. “ is this where i'm fighting?” i asked. “ Yep. The Remino Square is the place where everyone wants to fight. Inside it looks just like a forest.” he replied. I walked into the arena and every one bowed to me! Then one by one, they offered me there belongings. “ Hey Zeus. Is this meant to happen?” i asked. Zeus looked nervous. “ come with me. I need to tell you something.” he replied. I followed him and he took me to a large castle type building. “ the reason that was happening is because... you are the saviour.” He told me. “ what's that?” i asked. “ it means that you are the one who will save Olympus from the Second SkyWar. It says in the prophecy that the fifth son of Ares will stop the war and bring peace to the lands.” i looked baffled.
“ so you're telling me that a young boy from chicago who knows nothing about fighting or anything that would help me has the save the world from a war that could possibly end mankind?” i asked. “ Yes.” Zeus replied.
“ i think that when the fights are over, i'm going home.” i quizzed. Zeus frowned. “ very well then.” he said. i got ready for my first fight at the Remino square. I had just found out that it is called the 1867th Annual Olympian Warrior Games. “ you ready?” said JJ. I nodded. My first fight was against Athena's Son, Jathus. The commentator named Werthin came out. “ Welcome Gods and Goddesses to the first fight of the games! On this side, we have the wisest of the wise, the smartest one, you decide. It's Jathus!” he said. Everyone cheered as he walked out. “ and on this side, The Ultimate Warrior, The SkyWar Saviour. It's Eric Jason!” While i was walking out, everybody looked at me and saluted. How cool is that!
“ No attacks to the face and no fatal attacks either.” Werthin said. I gasped. What does he mean by Fatal? I had a feeling i was about to find out!

Chapter 5

“ 3 2 1... Fight!” Jathus came up to me. “ i'm already 15 moves ahead of you.” he said. “ Wait Stop! What weapons can we use?” i asked. “ if you have any, you can use them.” Werthin replied. Suddenly i became happier. Yes!, i thought. “ Oh Yeah!” screamed Jathus. “ my mother was the god of Warfare!” Then my hopes darkened. I created a sword with my bare hands. He created an Uzi. He started shooting at me. I jumped behing my fort. “ No fair!” i shouted. I created an Ak47 without him knowing. Then everyone gasped and gave away my secret. I jumped and started shooting with my eyes closed. Then i started laughing when i heard i was the only one shooting. When i opened my eyes, i gasped. In his hands was a four barrel Rocket launcher. “ uh-!” before i could finish my sentence, they were firing out at me! I closed my eyes and hoped for the best. When i opened them, i saw that i had a shield in my hand and that not one had even touched me. Then, before i knew it, i was running towards him with a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. CLANG! The sword knocked him out cold. Werthin came over. “ 3...2...1! ladies and gentlemen our winner tonight is Eric Jason!” he said. Everyone cheered. Especially Zeus. i felt famous. I made it throught to the second round. The daughter of Hermes was next. She was a breeze. All i needed to do was shoot her down with a bow and arrow. It took me a while to realise that now i'm in the quarter final and i could win it. The next dude was a little bit harder. He was the son of Hephaestus, my uncle. He had the power to control the fire element. He did burn me but i got back at him with a water cannon. I'm in the semi final. One more fight and i will get through to the final. The fourth person i had to beat was the worst. He was the son of Poseidon, god of the seas. He almost drowned me in the arena.
“ isn't this a fatal move?” i asked. “ are you dead yet?” Werthin replied. He had a fair point. And then i thought of something. Fire beats water. I constructed a flamethrower And shot it at at him. Still his water put out my fire. While his back was turned, i quickly turned into a bear. And grabbed him. He squirted his water in my face and i dropped him. Then he knocked me over with a giant wave. “ He got me in the face!” i said. “ It wasn't really an attack. He just squirted you in the face.” Werthin replied. Then he done the drowning attack again. This time i blacked out. When

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