» Fantasy » Warriors Of Olympus, C.W. Benson [free e novels TXT] 📗

Book online «Warriors Of Olympus, C.W. Benson [free e novels TXT] 📗». Author C.W. Benson

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Chapter 1

A deserted mountain. Once the most respected place on earth. Everyone worshipped the inhabitants of this mountain. The mountain I am talking about is Mount Olympus. To most people it is just a tall mountain. To others it is the Village Of The Gods. I am Eric Jason and this is my story of what happened when I visited the Forgotten Lands Of Olympus. I was on holiday in Greece with my adopted parents. They told me my real parents died when I was a baby and I was sent to these guys. They're OK but I would have always wanted to see my real parents. We were sightseeing and something caught my eye. “hey can we visit Mount Olympus?” I asked. They looked worried. “ how about we visit the Parthenon?” my adopted mother Aphria said, completely ignoring my question. She was quite thin with wavy blonde hair and a small nose. She always wore a red dress and large round glasses. “That sounds like fun. Right?” said Hefton, my adopted father. He was completely the opposite of her. He was quite weighty but tall as well. He had a huge bulbous nose and small squinty eyes. “OK.” I replied forgetting my question. It was quite cool but at the back of my mind something was telling me I should go to Mount Olympus. I asked them again and they said i should just stop going on about it. “ its probably the best thing here!” I screamed. They took me to Mount Olympus but they stopped far away from it. “OK, what is it thats stopping me from going over to it?” i asked. Hefton sighed. “should we tell him?” he asked Aphria. “Tell me what?” i asked curiously. “He is only 16,” she replied. “ But i guess he needs to know.” I was getting frustrated with them. “Just tell me already!” i screamed unknowingly. Hefton turned to me. “ listen Eric. You're parents never actually died. They are living here in greece.” he said. My heart sank in my chest. Why did you lie to me?” i asked. They looked at each other nervously. “We thought you wouldn't understand until you were an adult.” then another question popped into my head. “ How does that stop me from going to mount olympus?” i questioned. Again, the nervous looks on their faces appeared. “You're parents are actually greek gods.” my look of horror faded into a smile. Then, all of a sudden, i burst out laughing. “ you want me to believe that?” i said. But still, they kept a serious look on their face. Then one appeared on my face too. “ you're serious?” i said confused. “You're father, Ares, fled when you're mother supposedly died so he didn't get the blame.” said Hefton. “why would he get the blame?” i asked. “He was the god of War and Bloodshed. He was banished from Athens.” he replied. “Then why can't i go up there.” i quizzed. “ if he was banned, then i sure bet that any darn son of his would be banned too!” they replied. “ what about my mother?” i asked. “ she lives up on olympus now.” they replied. Then a strange thought popped into my head. “ if you know about them, are you two gods too?” i said unknowingly. They both sighed. “ My name is Hephaestus and this is my wife Aphrodite.” Hefton said. My mouth swung open. “Does that mean i'm related to you?” i asked. “ we're you're aunt and uncle. I'm ares' brother.” i walked away from them and sat down on a step. So many thoughts were running through my head but one pushed them all out of the way: I'm going up to Mount Olympus. One way or another...

Chapter 2

“ is there anyway i would be able to get up there?” i asked Aphrodite. She completely ignored me. I asked her again and she stood still. i turned to Hefton and he wasn't moving either. It took me a while to realise that everyone had stopped moving. The bright sky quickly turned into a thunderous storm. A large rip appeared in the sky and through it a giant man poked his head out. “ Are you the one they call Eric Jason?” he asked. I looked at him with my mouth wide open. “Speak Boy!” he demanded. Y-y-y-y-yes.” i quivered. “ Why?” a huge flash of lightning appeared in his hand and it struck me. I fainted after the shocking feeling. When i woke up i was surrounded by large marble columns. I'm back at the Parthenon, i thought. I realised that i fell asleep here and i was dreaming the whole time. Then a foot bigger than a human being landed next to me. I looked up and saw the same giant man from my dream. “good morning sleepy head.” he said. “ when you have finished freaking out, meet me in that tall building over there.” with a flash of light he disappeared. Then i realised that it wasn't a dream and that i actually was the son of an olympian god. I got up and walked towards the tall building at the end of village. So many thoughts rushed through my head. Am i related to all the gods? What will they think of me? Will i get my father's powers? That thought made me stop dead in my tracks. Another one of the giants came up to me with a huge trident in his hand. “ who are you?” i asked. He looked at me with an crooked smile on his face. “ you must be Theo. I'm Poseidon, god of the sea. You must have been brought here by my brother, Zeus.” he said. I looked at him puzzled. “ Oh. That big guy was Zeus?” i said just realizing. Instead of walking up to the tower, do you want to teleport with me?” he asked. Immediately i said yes. When we got there, everyone suddenly looked at me and gasped. Zeus came up to me. “we weren't going to let you in as you were the son of Ares but we have a rule here that states That we judge them by themselves and not there family.” he said. I backed away a couple feet. “was my mum human or a god?” i asked. “ You're Mother was a god. You was born when Ares had a short affair with Artemis. She was the virgin goddess of the hunt and wilderness. If you're mother was human, you would be a demigod. Since you're parents were both gods, you are now an official god. When your mother went missing, she was presumed dead. She later returned and now sits on the 4th seat. She has gone out hunting for the day.” he said. “ What am i the god of?” i asked. “whatever you want as long as it is based on your parents.” he replied. “ how many things can i choose?” i asked eagerly. “ At most... three.” he said. “ i would like Weaponry, Animals and Erm... Plants.” i said. “ very well then.” said Zeus. He spun his arms around and a large ball of fire appeared above him. Suddenly the fire shot into my heart and i could feel it burning through my body. I felt like i was about to explode. Suddenly, i opened my eyes and Aphria and Hefton were standing over me. Hefton blew a tuft of his long brown hair out of his eye. “we were worried sick! I think that hearing that story about your parents made you faint. I wonder if you understand this. One minute it's 08:23 and the next it's 09:52!” he said. I looked at them puzzled. “ what actually happened was that the whole world paused and Zeus took me up to Olympus.” i told them.
“ whatever happened were glad you're alright.” she said. It felt so great that i was out of olympus. The next day we were on our way to the airport to go home to Chicago. I asked Hefton if we can teleport home. “ i don't see why not.” he said. we all huddled up together out of plain sight and next thing i know, i'm in my Backyard. Home Sweet Home. I decided to call my best friend, Terry, and tell what happened. I was dialing when my phone exploded in my hand!

Chapter 3

After the smoke had cleared, i saw that my phone didn't actually explode. Zeus was standing there with his lightning bolt in his hand. “ Telling, were we?” he asked. My fear turned to anger. “ that was my phone!” i screamed. “you cannot tell anybody about what you've seen or so help me i will take you out myself.” he threatened. I went over to my phone and held it in my hand. “ why can't i tell anybody?” i asked. “if you do, people would come after you asking you to do everything for them. This would cause other believers to start a war saying it isn't true. The world as we know it would end and it would have been all down to you. Do you want that?” he yelled. I looked at him. His eyes burned into mine. “ no. I think.” i replied. “ Wait. If you turned me into a god, do i get any god powers?” i asked. Zeus looked around as if he was checking for eavesdroppers. “ put your hands out and close your eyes. Now think of any weapon.” I held my arms out and thought of a silver blade. Sure enough, one appeared in my arms. “ woah.” was the only word i managed to choke out. “you also have enhanced senses and the ability to turn into any animal imaginable. You can also control all flora and fauna.” i was amazed. “ i want you to come with me. I'm going to take you to Fastuos Vilage.” Zeus said. “what's that?” i asked. “ let's find out!” he replied. Suddenly, i was in a village that looked like it was from medieval times. Everywhere i looked, they're were

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