» Fantasy » Final Hour, S.K. Nuanes [100 books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Final Hour, S.K. Nuanes [100 books to read .TXT] 📗». Author S.K. Nuanes

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Night 3

Jane laid in her bedshe woke up from a nightmare, which seemed like reality, Vanessa slept peacefully, Jane caught up her breath she got on her jacket on, she looked outside she had a unsafe feeling just by looking into the night.

Dear Diary,
It's me Jane wow how much can happen in one day!
I have a sister, Drake being more strange ever since his birthday, what more insanity can happen? I am worried about Drake he doesn't want me or anyone close or inside his head, I can understand though but why block me out?


"Vanessa get up time for school. Shouldn't be late," Jane said, brushing her hair.
Mia came in, "There's a new student word in the halls he is hot."
"Well I dont think Drake would allow me to date until I'm 40." Jane sighed, but she had a soft laugh.
"Talk about possessive." Vanessa mumbled.
"No, he's just 'protect of' Jane." Mia said, making Jane's bed.
Vanessa got up, then got the uniform on, she used the sweater instead of the jacket.
"So what's your first class?" Mia asked, looking at Vanessa.
"Um Ceramics." Vanessa, said, looking at a piece of paper she had in her pocket.
"That's in the art building, you exit the dorm then go to the duck pond, then there'll be a modern looking building that'll be it." Jane said, thinking of when she had Ceramics.
"I'll get to class later." Vanessa said laying back down.
Mia sighed and rolled her eyes and left with Jane.

Jane and Mia walked downstairs to the diner hall, "Wonder if Drake is still sleeping."
"Yeah, but girls aren't allowed in the male dorm." Mia said, as they entered the dinerhall.
It was like a lunchroom, round tables everywhere, upfront a counter.
There was a line, there were big windows, the floor was wood, the lighting was normal, but there was even light coming from outside.
"I should check on Drake after we eat." Mia said, as they moved up the slow moving line.
"You sure he would like a wake-up call?" Jane asked as she looked at the menu.
"Well dont think he wants to be 21 and still in high school, well unless he drops out." Mia said, getting her money out.
"I'll have the bagel, toasted and the ice coffee." Jane said, handing the lady some money.
"I'll take the burrito and a number 5." Mia said, ordering for herself and Drake if he would eat.

Jane and Mia went to the entrance of the dorm there were police crawling everywhere, with a no crossing line blocking the doors.
"What happened?" Mia asked.
"Every boy is a suspect. The roommate is high on the list." The cop said low.
"Who was the victim?" Jane asked.
"Albert Gilbert." The cop said.
Mia and Jane both looked at each other exchanging the same looks, "Drake." Mia mouthed.

Vanessa was late to class she ran down the hall to skip going outside, she ran bumped as she fell down the stairs a arm caught her, it was strong the muscles were 'perfect'. His skin was a pale white, a white shirt hard to tell it from his skin, jeans a dark red jacket, his face was sharp, good looking features.
His eyes the color of blood, black hair which was short some swiped over his left eye, green highlights he seemed eighteen or so.
"Watch where you are going." Vanessa snapped.
"Watch your mouth or I may rip your lips off." The guy said, with a sexy Irish accent.
"You wouldn't dare." Vanessa said, low.
"A man is capable of many things my dear." The guy said, helping Vanessa to her feet.
"What the hell are you?" Vanessa said, as he walked away.
"Your worse nightmare brought to life my princess." The boy said, not looking back at her.
"Stupid blood sucker." Vanessa said, rolling her eyes.
When she looked up he was there again, "I wouldn't insult a vampire if I was you." The boy said, chuckling.
"What are you gonna do bit me." Vanessa teased.
They were chest to chest now, "In time princess." The boy whispering into her ear and breathed on her skin.
He walked away leaving Vanessa alone.

Night 4

Jane exhaled she wanted to give up then she spotted him, "Drake get down from there!" Jane shouted. Drake looked at her and jumped down into a tree then jumped onto the ground, "You requested me?" Drake yawned.
"Did you do it?" Jane asked.
Drake was silent then looked at Jane, just before Drake spoke a bullet almost hit Jane, Drake dived and pushed her down, he covered her body he looked up, "Run Jane." Drake whispered.
Jane got up and ran a wrath was laughing like a manic in the distance as it grabbed Jane.
It grabbed Jane and flew off Drake ran after them.

There was chaos at the palace everyone was panicking in the meeting hall the table was low and it was showed the live activity that was going on.
The Queen throne was on top of steps looking down at everyone else in the room.
"The birth of a hybrid has brought wraiths to this world." A commander said, low.
"It only been awake since last night, Marcus is hunting it down." The Queen said, confident.
"Let's see what is happening with him." A warrior said, waving his hand over the model.

They watched as the wrath took Jane to the water front of the city, Drake was close behind them.
The wrath went over the ocean and acted as if it would drop her.
Drake growled low, then he felt a dark feeling inside of him, a dark sword appeared in his right hand, his wings came out black feather but they looked like demonic wings more then angel wings.
Drake grabbed his sword and stabbed the wrath turning it into nothing, Jane fell down and almost into the water, Drake swooped down and she landed in his arms.
"What just happened?" Jane asked, catching her breath.
"Saved you." Drake said, low.
"You have wings, your eyes one is red other is pure white." Jane said, slowly looking at Drake new appearance.
Drake flew them down to the beach and set Jane down.
"I think I may be a hybrid." Drake said, looking down at Jane, confused at his own words.
"What? What do you mean 'hybrid'."
"Half something and half another thing."
"So what are you?" Jane said, raising an eyebrow.
"A God of Death, and a vampire. Which is odd." Drake said, looking to the ocean.
"What do you mean, 'odd'?"
"It's uncommon breed, not everyday a God of Death and vampire get kinky."
Then Drake growled low and glared at Jane and held her close to him his fangs were out.

Mia was in her new room the news came on the reporter said, "There's been an murder at Sunset Beach. Puddle of blood and a dead body on the beach, the victim is Jane Hudson."
Mia stayed at the shocking news that she just heard this had to be a dream right?
A figure appeared in her room, his eyes were red, he exposed his fangs and attacked her from behind.

Drake sat there in a long room, "Welcome back my son, you have proven your self." The Queen said, walking over to him and smiling.


Publication Date: 12-22-2011

All Rights Reserved

Alex for being a great friend and making me hold my strength inside when I thought there was no hope. Alex and Vanessa you both have done so much for me I swear we could be a family. My sister who loves me and I can always talk to you, even if we have our moments you are the best sister ever.

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