» Fantasy » Final Hour, S.K. Nuanes [100 books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Final Hour, S.K. Nuanes [100 books to read .TXT] 📗». Author S.K. Nuanes

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Dear Diary,

Well it's me need to get you up to speed. The monsters have taken over succeding at what seemed impossible became the world we live in. First was small countries, then they took over America. Hard to believe we're all living in fear. We all wonder if there is anyway to return back to how it was before. Or if we have fallen to our knees.

They'll take any supernatural being, and they will never be seen again. School is worse now, feels like a prison didnt think school could get worse. Proven wrong. At least I have my friend Drake to help through this. Mia as well. We will make it out alive...I hope

Jane. H-/font>

Night One-

"Jane!" A voice snapped, Jane woke up it was IMP3, the room was plain, blinds covered the only window it was dark and gloomy in the room. Everyone laughed at her from her being shock and how angry the teacher seemed. The teacher was white as a ghost, her hair tied black in a bun. A black dress on she had a paddle, abusing students was allowed again.
The teacher eyes were hazel and seemed forty-five.
"Stay after class!" The teacher snapped.
"Yes Mrs. Gilbert." Jane sighed.
Mia looked at Jane, "You keep falling asleep, dont you get any sleep at night?"
"Hard to sleep I keep having nightmares Why isn't Drake here?" Jane said, during a yawn.
Mia had long redish but brown hair, which was long, ivory skin, green eyes and Mia appeared 16.
Her uniform had a short plaid skirt, a white skirt with a dark blue sweater.
Jane had shoulder length blonde hair, side bangs over her left eye, blue eyes she was sixteen also.

Out in the city on a tall building, a boy about seventeen laid on the roof he had short midnight black hair it was spiked, he had ivory skin silver eyes, a piercing in his left ear it was a diamond. He had black ripped pants it had a chain on them then he had on a black v-neck shirt.
"We're all gonna die aren't we?" The boy chuckled.
"Boy why arent you in school!" A cop snapped.
Drake got up, the cop cam from the stiars he looked at the cop he had two options get in trouble or jump.
Drake smirked "I'm taking a small break."
"Come with me or I'll be force to use firearms on you." The cop said, low.
Drake shrugged then backed up and fell off the roof he landed in the back on a truck he landed on his feet he laid down on the trick then flipped off the cop as the truck drove off away from the cop.

At lunch Jane sat on the roof top garden. Mia came up, "Have you seen my brother?"
"No, he's missed all his morning classes." Jane said, shrugging.
"Who has missed his morning classes?" Drake asked.
He came from out of nowhere it seemed. "Where have you been!" Mia asked, yelling at Drake.
"Somewhere, which wasn't here." Drake said, leaning against the fence.
"They're coming to check if we all are human." Mia said, nervously.
"Who cares what they think." Drake asked, raising an eyebrow. "all of of us are human so why flip?" Drake asked annoyed.
"Teachers think you're strange Drake. They could consider you a 'vampire'/
Mia said, looking at Drake then quickly over at Jane hoping for some backup.
"So let me get this straight. Every rebel, loner ot ditcher is considered a vampire." Drake asked with a slight smirk knowing Mia would flip.
"Point is it's bad to ditch anyway." Jane said, rolling her eyes.
"Mia when you did become my mother, and Jane when did you become my wife?" Drake asked chuckling.
"Shut up, Drake you can't be doing this everyday." Jane said, rolling her eyes, tossing an apple in the air. Drake grabbed Jane's apple and bit into it then threw it over the fence.
"You owe me a new apple." Jane said, looking at where the apple could of went, Jane saw the apple had hit someone in the head she quickly got out of their view.
"Fine." Drake said, wrapping his arm around Jane.

The queen who now ruled the entire world, was sitting on her throne, her long black flowing hair appearing soft as silk.
Her skin was pale it had this soft glow to it, her eyes were emerald, she looked about twenty-one. She had on a red cape, dark blue dress from the civil war times, everything in the room and the castle was medieval. The window overlooked the ocean, the castle was on a tall, skinny rock formation. A black cat wandered in, along with a girl about fourteen her hair was long and curly it was a hazel color, her skin was flawless and it was pale. Eyes were an ember, she had a red dress which went down to her knees, a necklace that had her family crest on it, with black flats.
"Hello mother." The girl said, with a british accent.
"Hello child, what's wrong." The queen asked, as her nails became sharper.
"There was some strange activity downtown." The girl said, holding the cat.
"What do you mean?" The queen asked.
"An officer said a boy been showing signs of supernatural or a really foolish teenager." The girl said petting the cat."
"Hm send someone to collect data." The queen ordered.
The girl nodded then walked out leaving her mother alone.

It was 5th period, Drake was in Auto II, he was working on an motorcycle engine, he had on a grey muscle shirt.
"Did you hear a student was taken to prison for starting a fight after his sister was accused of being a witch?" A student asked.
Drake tried not to overhear but this was sick and now it was hard to tune out of this now.
"Wow talk about unfair law system." Another student chuckled.
Drake rolled his eyes he held his head in pan, he faked needing to go to the nurse.

Jane was walking to the nurse, she bumped into Drake looked at him.
"Drake are you ok?" Jane asked, looking at him.
The pain passed, "Yeah." Drake sighed.

Night Two

Jane went to her dorm, she shared with Mia. Mia made sure no one else would room with them. The room had two beds, twin size beds a huge window in the middle of the beds, the carpet was a dark blue, Mia's cover was a soft pink, Jane bed cover was a dark purple/ There were night-stands, a bathroom was on the opposite side of the room of the beds.
"I'm worried." Mia said, sitting on her bed.
"The math test?" Jane asked, with a slight laugh.
"No, Drake something's not right." Mia sighed. "Well he may not like the new law system, hasn't he always been rebellious?" Jane asked, confused.
"Yes but now he could get into more trouble, maybe even be killed." Mia sighed, sounding like a worried mother.
"Well I will go talk to him." Jane sighed, leaving.
Jane walked out of the dorm to find Drake.

Drake slept under a tree in the park, Jane watched him wondering if she should wake him then she yelled almost giving Drake a heart attack, "Drake!"
"I promise I didn't sleep with your daughter." Drake shouted.
Drake looked at Jane then said, "You didn't hear that."
"Come on, your sister is worried about you." Jane said, sitting next to Drake.
"Why should she be?" Drake asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I dont know..." Jane said, as she saw a man walking up to them.
Drake glared at the man and whispered into Jane's ear, "He's a vampire."
The man was tall had all black, pale skin with dark sunglasses on.
"Are you Drake? Junior attending Public School 89?" The man asked.
"Who's asking?" Drake said low.
"Servant of the Queen." The man said.
"Jane go enjoy the evening." Drake said, not taking his eyes off the man.
"Curfew is in fifteen minutes wouldn't want a young human girl running around now would we?" The man asked, showing his fangs.
"If you're the Queen Servant then why arent you at her side." Drake asked, annoyed.
"Hmm, I would watch myself if I was you." The man said, leaving.
"What was that all about?" Jane asked.
"Dont know, come on." Drake said, walking with Jane back to the school.

Back at the school, Jane walked into the room there was a girl sixteen, short purple hair with red highlights, black eye liner, green eyes, blue jeans with black combat boots with heels, and a black short sleeve shirt that said, "Screw Prince Charming where is my vamp?"
"Who the hell are ou?" Jane asked.
"Jane Hudson, correct?" The girl said, crossing her legs.
"Yes." Jane said, nodding.
"I'm Vanessa Hudson, your sister." Vanessa said.
"I dont have a sister." Jane said, confused.
"Our mother was Rachel Ruby." Vanessa said, getting up." Vanessa said, getting up.
"Why are you here?" Jane asked, watching her sister.
"Figured should be with my sister, since the vampires have taken over." Vanessa said.
"Ok, where is Mia?" Jane asked, looking around.
"She's with a new roomate."
"Ok." Jane said, unsure why she never knew about Vanessa.

Drake was in his room, the pain shot through him, he dropped to the ground his ribs made snapping sounds, his eyes changed colors.

The Queen awoke from her slumber she whispered to herself, "A hybrid has been born..."
She opened the coffin up and clapped a guard came over to her, "Yes, my lady?"
"Get me Marcus..." The Queen said low.

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