» Fantasy » The Unknown Island, Shan Kang [best autobiographies to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Unknown Island, Shan Kang [best autobiographies to read TXT] 📗». Author Shan Kang

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Meeting With Anetta

Back at Danny's house

"Good Morning Angela!" said Danny

"G...ood M....ANGELA?!" yelled Danny

Danny then went to check every room but did not find Angela, he was getting very worried.

"Angela? Angela?" said Danny

As Danny rushed downstairs, he found a note written on the table and it said :

"Dear Danny,

I have something important to do, please don't ask me what it is.

I will be back by tomorrow morning, I promise.

Love from,


"She'll probably be back in a few minutes time since it's the morning now." Danny thought.

But after a couple of minutes, there was still no sign of Angela.

"I'll just wait a few more hours, she'll probably come." Danny thought.

But a few hours gone past, there was still no sign of Angela.

Suddenly, the angel that came and told Angela the news about the island called Anetta appeared at the window still.

"You're Angela's friend right? And Angela has lived here with you right?" asked Anetta

"Yes....where is she? And who are you?" asked Danny

"My name is Anetta, I am Angela's friend from the island" said Anetta

"Excuse me? Did I just hear you say...island?" said Danny

"Yes, me and Angela....we are both from the island. Anyway, we desperately need your help with something, do you think you could come?" said Anetta

"Wait, how do you have wings?" asked Danny

"Because I am an angel." said Anetta

"You're an...angel?" asked Danny with astonishment

"Yes, I am an angel." said Anetta

"So, does that mean Angela is an angel too?" asked Danny

"Yes, anyway, please come." said Anetta

"But how? I don't know how to fly." asked Danny

"Follow me." said Anetta

Anetta then took Danny by the hand and flew back to the island.

At The Island

Back to the Island

"Danny, Angela has been captured by the two men and is been thrown into the ocean, I don't know what they did with her but i think they took her back to England." said Anetta

"Yeah, but the men are gone now though, they just took Angela with them and her wings were shown." said Gabriel

"You mean Angela has been captured?" asked Danny

"Yes" said the other angels

"We better get back to England then." said Danny

Anetta then picked Danny up and the other angels followed too.

Back In England

"We're here." said Danny

"What can we do to find Angela?" asked Anetta

"We can try going to the police office." said Danny

"Ok." said Anetta

They then walked to the police office.

"Excuse me, officer, do you mind checking up where this girl named "Angela" is?" asked Danny

"You mean the angel?" asked the officer

"Yh.....yes" said Danny

"How did he know?" whispered Anetta

"Shush!" said Danny

"This way please" said the officer

So Danny, Anetta, Gabriel and the other angels followed too.

They were put into a small room which had a chair, a computer and a sofa.

"I know where she is, but why do you want to know?" said the officer

Danny looked at Anetta then to Gabriel then back to Anetta again for clues to answer, but none of them shown any emotion apart from the frightened look Anetta had on her face.

"We are apart of the BBC School Report and we need to find out where she is located in right now." said Danny

"Oh i see" said the officer

The officer handed them a card.

"Here, this is the address." said the officer

"Thank you." said Danny

Danny, Gabriel, Anetta and the other angels then went out of the police office.

"Whew, that was a relief." said Anetta

"Yeah, it sure was." said Danny

"TAXI!" yelled Danny

They then got into the yellow taxi.

"Could you take us to this address please?" said Danny

Few hours later...

"This is it, this is the place." said Danny

While they were there, Danny saw Angela with the men, they were just about to drown Angela from the top of the bridge.

Danny quickly ran to the bridge but he was too late, Angela was already falling down.

Danny then took off his clothes and his shoes and jumped from the bridge down to the river.

He held Angela close to his chest and they both jumped down onto the river.

"Danny!" said Angela

"Hello Angela" said Danny

"How did you find me?" asked Angela

"Never mind that Angela, we've got to get out of here....NOW!" said Danny

Danny and Angela then came out of the river, but when they were just about to run, the men were just behind them.

"You think you can run away like that, huh?" said one of the man

"Why are you after her?" asked Danny

"Is that your buisness?" said the man(1)

"Yes, I believe so because she is my friend." said Danny

"I've never seen an angel and a human being become friends." said the man(1)

"Well, friendship is not about differences, friendship is about two people who will always be there for each other no matter what the circumstances is." said Danny

"Wow, that's deep" said man(2)

"What you're doing right now is wrong." said Danny

"Oh, is it?" said man(2)

"Why are you spending your time over something like this? Don't you have anything better to do in your life? Why ruin other people's lives? Why do that? Are angels really something new to you? You could have just discovered the island and researched around it, why did you have to attack it? Why do you have to be so mean? What if this was your island? How would you feel? Do you really think it is that easy for them to get food and make a living? No. You and I are fortunate enough to have all the things that they couldn't even dream about." said Danny

Man (1) looked at Man (2) then back again.

"It's not fair on them, it really isn't."

"Well...I guess you're right" said Man(1)

"We'll let you and your angels go....." said Man(1)

WHAT?! You can't do that!" said Man(2)

"Well if you have the gut to take the angels and their island, then you do it!" said Man(1)

"....Alright" said Man(2)

"Let's go" said Man(2)

The two men then left.

"Oh Danny, thank you so much." said Angela

"it's alright, this is what friendship is about isn't it?" said Danny

"Yeah" said Angela with a smile

"So sweet, well we're going to head back to the island now, and Danny, thank you so much again" said Anetta with a smile

"Yes Danny, thank you for everything" said Gabriel

"You're the best, Danny!" said the other angels

"No problem, and if you need any help in the future, don't hesitate to ask me." said Danny

"Yes Sir!" said all the angels

Danny and Angela laughed.

Accepting Differences

Back at Danny's house

"Where have you two been then? I've been worrying all day long!" said Danny's father

"Sorry Dad, we've just had the most inspirational time together today!" said Danny

"Oh i see, and what? You couldn't even bother to write a note down?" said Danny's father

"No, Mr. Winwood, it's not like that. You see.....I need to talk to you and Danny" said Angela

Angela, Danny and Dad all went to the kitchen.

"You see, Mr. Winwood, I come from an unknown island that geographers have never discovered. And in that unknown island, there are huts, bridges with water underneath, it is beautiful Mr. Winwood, it might not seem so to you but, it is. I know this sounds too straightforward and you are wondering why I am here. see, I was planning to swim across the world and come back to my island again but sadly, I didn't suceed because I lost my way, I didn't know where I was until I found this country....England. Then, I was taken to the police officer because the men in the shop that owns the tv saw me dancing but it was time to close but since I did not know how to speak any English until now, they took me to the police officer. And luckily enough, Danny came and saved me." said Angela

"So...what are you?" said Danny's father

"I...I am an angel" said Angela

"An...angel?" said Danny's father with astonishment

"Yes, Mr. Winwood, an angel" said Angela

" this sounds ... this sounds... miraculous!" said Danny's father

"Now that you know I am an angel, you probably don't want me here anymore, so I will leave. Thank you for everything that you've done for me...especially you Danny, I will never know how to repay you but I will one day, I promise." said Angela with tears chuckling down her face

While Angela was just about to leave, Danny appeared infront of her.

"Angela...Angela wait!" yelled Danny

"Yes?" said Angela

"I...I love you." said Danny with a voice as soft as an angel's feather

"You do?" said Angela

"Yes., so please don't leave." said Danny

Danny then hugged Angela so tightly that she felt like she couldn't breathe.

"Angela? Angela wait, you can stay, you don't have to leave. Please stay Angela." said Danny's father coming up to Angela

"You don't mind me staying here?" asked Angela

"Ofcourse not!" said Danny's father

"I want you to stay with us." said Danny's father

"Oh thank you so much." said Angela

"You're welcome, my dear.

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