» Fantasy » The Story Of The Year!!, unknown [most important books to read .txt] 📗

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Jill. Jill than asked if he didn’t mind driving her to the hospital right away. When they got to the hospital the doctor was already looking for them. After the doctor seen them walk in he was so happy to see them, but sad to also tell them the news. Mrs. Swan didn’t make it. When Jill heard that she dropped to her keens and started scramming to the top of her lungs no! When she did the doctor said that Jill could go back and she her mom if she wanted to but it was a disaster to send her back there by herself. So the doctor asked if she would like if someone would go be with her while she visits her mom. So Mike went with her to keep Jill some company while she sat with mother in the morgue. When she got up to leave she than kissed her mother on her head and said her last goodbye. Jill never seen here father after that until the day Jill was going to get marred she was so sad that her mother could not be there. When Jill seen her father she asked him to give her away and he said that he would love to! Than he said to Jill that her mother would love to be there when she was getting marred. Jill than asked if he know if she was watching from haven her father said, yes, she is. When the weeding was over she took one more look at her father and said I know that she can see me from the havens above! When her father heard all he could was cry. He was so happy for his little girl growing up that he was so blind to see Jill leave with a smile on her face. When Jill and Mike got to where there honeymoon was they couldn’t stop kissing! Until the driver asked that they get inside quick and get a room to do all of that kissing. By the time they got into the hotel they had people waiting for them. The only one that was missing was Jill’s mom. When Jill noticed that her mom was the only one missing she looked at Mike and said lets go to my mom’s grave and put this flowers her grave. When they got to the grave that Jill bared her mother at, she seen that her father was there and he was crying his eyes out. So when Jill went to get out she seen her fathers face and hit the ground. When she got her father, Jill hollered back to the car for Mike to call 911! When they got there they were too late. When Jill seen there faces she just hit the ground and the flowers still in her hands. So, Mike took the flowers and put them on her mother’s grave and turned back to get Jill up off the ground and when Mike, did that Jill said no that she wasn’t going unless they took her heart and put her father’s in her place. The doctors said that it was her choice if she really wanted it done and she said that her father was the only family besides her husband was left. So when they got her dad’s heart back to live they said that it was no use to give up her heart for him. When Jill said that she was already in tears. So Mike picked up Jill with one hand and put her in his arms and told her that her dad will be okay where he is going. Than when Jill heard that she looked up at him and then over at her father and whispered that she still wanted to give up heart for her dad no matter what happened. When the doctors went to does the heart transplant they seen that Jill was with child and that she didn’t know it so they called it off for the night. When Jill woke up she was very confused. She noticed that they didn’t do the transplant and she started to scream no where’s my dad and than they brought him in and said that he’s fine now and he doesn’t need the heart transplant. After the transplant Jill was gone and her father was sad because all of his family was gone and he was the only one alive still. When Mike got home he said that he desired it. So, he went to his room and pulled out a gun and said that he was going home to be with his wife and no one can stop him at all. He called Jill’s father and told him good bye no one can stop him and Jill’s father know what he was talking about so they hung up and the next thing Mike know was a knock at the door and put the gun down to get the door and it was Jill’s father. He asked for the gun at least three times and than Mike finally handed it over and said next time don’t stop me again if you do I’ll shout you too. Then Mike walked off and went to Jill’s grave and talked to her foe almost an hour. He told her that he wished she was there to help him raise the family that he left behind and needed the most help cooking for the family that Jill had left behind. When he left from the grave Jill’s father was standing right behind Mike and said that he didn’t mean to scare him he just missed his little girl so much. When Mike got home, he took off his shoes and looked at the house and seen it a mess and called for the kids down to get it cleaned. When they where cleaning he was cooking supper for them. When they finished cleaning their dinner was ready. They all ate together for the first time sense there mother has passed and they where pleased that they even ate together at all. Time passed and they all grew old all at one time. When they where all in there teens they grew out of the house so quickly that they all forgotten about there pass……….. To be continued……………… When one day that they went to go see their father he mentioned their pass and every one of them just said nothing. They than realized that their dad had a new wife and she told them to call her mom and they looked at her like they where stupid and told her to leave them alone that she would never be their mother and told her to get out of their fathers house that she didn’t belong there and she was never going to get their fathers money. So she got up started to cry and left for the night. They all said that their mother would have been proud of them for saying that she would not be their mother that she would have said the same thing. After that their father said they where all to leave and to never to come back. After they heard him say that one of the girls said that they where going to have a baby and that because he said that he was not to see his grandchild at all. He than asked how long was she and she told him “long enough that it would not matter to him at all.” So she left and went to her mother’s grave and told her that she wished she was here to protect her from everything but her mother didn’t answer her cry for help. She than turned to her grandmother and asked what I am I supposed to do? She told her to ask God to watch over her and let him do the rest. She did it and was latter reunited with her mother and her mother told her to stand tall with her head held high. They all resaved news that their father was being rushed to the hospital from having a heart attack and they took off to the hospital to see him and to tell him that they where sorry for what they had done but, it was to late when they all got there he was all ready gone and the doctor told them that he die after the girl he was seeing left from seeing him lying there on his death bed. The doctor then told them after they get done with what they had to do to see what caused him to die that they would call them and tell at least one and then they could tell the others but that would not work because they said that they would not leave until it was done so they stayed in the waiting room all night until the next day and they where still there sleeping and the doctor came and woke them with bad news on how their father had died. When the kids heard that he was poisoned by something that he had ate. Than they all realized that the oldest had cooked dinner and was the one who fixed plates. After dinner they all said that their father said that they he was hurting and that is when he had a hurt attack. Just about that time the cops came in with a few of the kids and they where crying and the cops put hand cuff on their mother’s hands and they took her away. When she realized that the kids where the ones who stood there and seen her do it she feel to the ground and started to cry for what she had done wrong. When the next day came it all seemed like nothing had happened. Imprint

Publication Date: 05-05-2010

All Rights Reserved

i dedicat this to my mom, and my family!!

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