» Fantasy » The Story Of The Year!!, unknown [most important books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Story Of The Year!!, unknown [most important books to read .txt] 📗». Author unknown

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The title of this book is’’ The Story of the Year”. It is about a girl who falls in love with a boy named Mike who has baby blue eyes, very tall and handsome. He has the most adorable six packs that just screamed at you through his nice fitting shirts, and his muscles are just the perfect portion. Mike is the kind of guy that works out at the gym for about three hours a day three times a week. Jill is a small framed girl with big brown eyes and long flowing blonde hair. Mike was the local handyman with the wrenches a very skilled mechanic and Jill was a secretary for the local court house. One day when Jill was in a hurry to get to work early in the morning she bumped into Mike. That kind of unforeseen kind of bumping into someone, her briefcase fell to the ground and Mike’s gym bag wrapped around her arm. Jill was embarrassed and Mike was a little rude about the incident at first but then as he looked into her eyes he realize it wasn’t at all her fault and that he was to quick to judge, so he told Jill he was sorry about being rude and for also running into her and then Mike turned and walked away. He had to get back to his apartment and take a shower so he could get to work before he was late. When Jill got to work she was beside herself, she couldn’t believe how arrogant he was and how he could be so rude about something she didn’t do on purpose. How could she have known he would be coming around the corner she couldn’t see through the wall. Then he had the nerve to look into her eyes and then apologize as if he felt sorry for her. Who did he think he was, if anyone should be mad it was her because he knocked her briefcase to the ground and didn’t even pick it up for her but she couldn’t help but think he was so adorable and never would be able to find a man like him after all he was from money and she was just a middle class working girl. Just as Jill was settled in for her hacked day a guy appeared at her desk with some flowers and said” I have some flowers here for a beautiful Browned eye girl,” Could these be for her or were they for someone else in the office? She read the card and it was just a number and it said to call anytime, Mike. She didn’t know any Mike so these couldn’t be for her. So to find out who they were for she called the number, a familiar voice answered but she didn’t know who it was she had never called this number before, the man’s voice said, “hello” again and she quickly answered, “yes I just received some flowers but there is no name sir and I don’t know whom to give them too, so could you please give me a name so I can make sure they receive them”. Mike laughed and said well is this the beautiful browned eyed girl whom I bumped into this morning, Jill was stunned but answered, “Yes,” Mike laughed again and told her they were for her and he didn’t know her name so he put the first thing that came to his mind. Jill was excited that he took the time to find her, could her luck be changing, could he really be interested in her? She thanked him for the flowers and told him she needed to get to work, but just as she was about to hang up he asked her to lunch and she accepted with the biggest smile on her face, life was beginning to get better with every word he said and she was so glad they had bumped into each now. When Jill got to her lunch break, she didn’t know where to meet this Mike for lunch. So she called him just before leaving work to find out where to meet him, and to her surprise he said to meet him outside the court house in 15 minutes and she did. On there way to eat she asked where are you taking me Mike? Mike didn’t answer at first, until she said hello is anybody in there? So he finally answered and said that he was taking her to a Chinese restaurant.When they got there, Mike got out and went to open her door for her. Then the vale came and took the car to the parking. When they walked through the door, they were welcomed by a waiter and were sited by a window inside a booth. When the waiter came over, they order the same dish and than laugh about it. Went they got done eating Mike order some desert. After a friendly lunch, they decided to go to a movie and watch one hack of a horror movie. And sometime at some scared moment Jill was all over Mike in a heart beat. After the movie Mike took Jill home. Kissed her good night and walked her to the door and went their separate ways. Then that night, when Jill got home she got a call to meet Mike outside so that they can go to the movies that night. Because that it was Friday night she didn’t have to work the next day. Plus Jill didn’t have to get to work again until Monday. When Jill got back to work all of her friends asked what had happened over the weekend and Jill said that they went to dinner and then Mike dropped her off to her house and then left and Jill said that she has not heard anything from Mike until this morning. Her friends than asked her what did Mike say and Jill said that he woke her up to drive her to work. Then right before Mike got Jill to work Mike bought her some breakfast. After Mike did that Jill told him that she would be late but Jill didn’t know that she was right behind her job. So when Mike drove around the building Jill noticed where she was. When Jill got in there the boss man Tim told Jill that she was lucky to be on time. Tim than said that if Jill wasn’t on time that he was going to fire Jill for binning late. After that Jill was never late again, because Mike was there all the time to take Jill back and forth to home and work. One day Mike forgot to go and get Jill. So Jill called her mom and told her what was going on. So Jill’s mom came and got Jill and took Jill home. Now Jill’s mom had no clue about Mike and that he was in her house. Now when Jill’s mom left Jill asked Mike what he was doing all day that kept him so busy all day. Then he told Jill that he was fixing her car for her and was just about to leave to go get her from work and take her to dinner. Then Jill said okay than you can take me to dinner only one condition and they danced all night long until the night had fallen and then they went to dinner. Mike didn’t tell Jill that he was going to ask her to marry him. When Mike asked her to marry him was stunned and fainted on the floor. Mike than called 911 and when they got there Mike told them what had happened to Jill and they said that it is what their wife’s did when they had asked them to marry them. But then Jill woke up and asked what had happened and Mike told her. When they got her to the car, Mike asked her again and Jill said I will marry!!! Then when they got home Jill called her mom to tell her the news and her mom asked Jill when, where, and how they where getting married so Jill said that doesn’t know and that she will call her later. Then they went to a party and didn’t get back till late that night. The next morning Mike was gone, and Jill didn’t now where he had went. So Jill got up and looked around to find Mike down stairs making breakfast for her. She than asked if he wouldn’t mind to drive her to work and pick her up at 5:30pm and Mike said yes that he would love to take Jill to work and that she had to call Mike before getting off of work. When Jill was getting ready to get off of work, her phone rang and it was the hospital calling about her mom going into shock and that they needed her right away. So she called Mike at 5:00 and told him to get there that her mother needs her now. Then Jill did something that she thought she would never do she called her father and told him what had happened and got there as soon as he could. Now when they got there Ms. Swan was in the emergency room and said that the doctors haven’t seen her yet and that her heart was hearting. So Jill went and got some help and they wheeled Ms. Swan back to a room in the emergency room. Now Jill was scared to death when they told Jill that she could not go back there at that time. When Jill got to go back to see her mom she looked around and didn’t see her mom, until a doctor told her to go to a room on the third floor and look for three -o- five. When she found her, she was so happy about finding her mom. After she found her mom she was so happy to see her feeling better. Her mom tried to get Jill to take her home but the doctor didn’t let Jill take her mom home. She was in so much pain and couldn’t sleep that night worrying about her mom and her job just kept her up all night. Jill finally fell asleep around 3:30am. When she finally woke up, the phone was ringing off the hook. When Jill got to the phone it was her boss trying to find her to see if Jill was going to work to day. Jill said no that her mother was in the hospital and not doing so well. Then Tom, her boss man asked if she was going to be okay and Jill said that she didn’t know if she was going to be okay. So Tom said that Jill could take off the day to be with her mother. After Jill got off the phone with her boss Mike called to see if she was going to be okay? Then Mike asked if Jill would like to go and get some breakfast on the way to the hospital? Jill told him to come on in and let her get some clothes on. When got in to the house Jill was already backing into the bed. So Mike crowd in the bed with her to give her some warmth and comfort. When they did get up they got ready to leave to go to the hospital to see Jill’s mom, the phone rang and it was the doctor saying that Jill’s mom fell into a comma. After Jill got off the phone she looked at Mike and started to cry. Then Mike asked what was wrong and just before she could answer he already knew what was wrong with

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