» Fantasy » Hope when the world is against you, Roseamay Flame [classic books for 7th graders .txt] 📗

Book online «Hope when the world is against you, Roseamay Flame [classic books for 7th graders .txt] 📗». Author Roseamay Flame

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sat there while I walked out the door “see you around Eragon” with that I left. I walked to the forest then climbed the first tree I saw jumping carefully from branch to branch being careful not to fall or scratch my new boots. I got to the cave remembering I never told him my name “oh Eragon we shall meet again” I walked into my cave and froze something was not right I stayed silent and clapped my hands twice a few candles lighting bathing furniture in the candlelight. I looked at all the shadows and breathed in through my nose “Wildfire” a small red dragon bounded out from under my desk with my mirror on and jumped up onto the table. “what have you been doing it smells different in here” ^oh its probably my food which I got for myself^ I rushed out the cave nausea coming over me I fell to my knees by a tree and threw up into a bucket which I made appear. I felt someone gently patting my back “it's ok” I stopped throwing up trying to recognise the voice, my head pounding. Weakly and shakily I said “E-Eragon...” “Yes it’s me I remembered you hadn’t told me your name and came here to see if I could find out anything about where you lived and you’re here vomiting” I looked at him as he sat next to me “so what is your name as I already told you mine” I stayed silent wondering if I should say my real name I didn’t have to say my last name just my first name. “R-Roseamay” “such a beautiful name for such a beautiful young lady” he paused “just like the name of the Dragon Lords daughter she was called Roseamay Flame” I inhaled suddenly and threw up into the bucket. “For some reason he made her leave” he patted me on the back holding my long hair out of the way “I wish I could meet her apparently she was quiet unique and weird” I went silent “I am not weird” he stopped patting my back “huh?” “N-nothing”. The silence was broken by wildfire appearing on my shoulder. Eragon fell back and he blushed “it’s ok he’s with me” “he’s he’s with you?!” ^Yeh^ “and he talks” I giggle “wildfire please tell me that food was not steak” ^err it was no- I can’t it would be a lie^ i groan ^oh what’s wrong Rose^ “you know what steak does to me” I growled and he disappeared. Great I thought now Eragon knows I’m involved with dragons “would you like to come in?” “in where?” I looked at the cave “oh sure” “good because I need someone to spray this” I gave him a can of spray “go on please if I smell steak again I’ll pass out” he stood up and went in the cave and sprayed the spray then came out coughing with an empty can “warn me when it’s a faulty can next time” I giggled “oops sorry” “well at least you have a little colour in your cheeks now” I smiled and got up the bucket and its contents disappearing. “So you can talk to dragons” “yeh…” “that explains how you can use magic” I sighed “come on lets go inside I need to tell you something" I walked into my cave and sat on the floor in front of a chair. He followed shortly after “what are you doing on the floor?” “sit on the chair as I said outside I have something to tell you” he sat cautiously on the chair “okay what do you wanna tell me” "Well” I began “you know how you said I had the same first name as the Dragon Lord’s daughter” “yeh” “and that you said you wish you had met her” “yeh I think she would have been cool” I blushed “well you kinda have met her” he laughed at this and I stared at him seriously “when, I would have remembered that” I smiled and looked down. He fell of the edge of the chair “wait” I didn’t look up “are you Roseamay Flame?!” I nodded still looking down “no! No way really?!” he stood up and bowed to me “you don’t have to bow Eragon I ain’t a royal” “yes you are even though you were banished you are still the daughter of the Dragon Lord” he kneeled in front of me “may I lift your head” “you don’t need to ask Eragon” he put a hand under my chin and lifted up my head gently. He gasped when he saw a forked lightening scar across my left eye. “That weren’t there before” “I hide it using magic everyone knows about me having a scar so when I left I hid it to stop people knowing it was me”. “You’ve been hiding all this time these whole two-three years” “no not hiding I went to my other kingdom but I ran away I’ve been here for a year and a half” “what?! You live here?!” I nodded “why a cave?” I didn’t answer I sat there hearing something @ROSEAMAY!!!@ I swallowed and Eragon jumped up “that’s your”—I covered his mouth @ROSEAMAY!!!@ I put a finger to my lips and he nodded. I walked out to face a huge golden dragon. @Roseamay where have you been?!@”well hello to you too father”. He turned into a human folding his gold wings behind him. He looked at me with his light blue eyes the wind ruffling his dark blue hair. @Roseamay don’t start@ “I ain’t starting anything I just said hello” @well where were you, I haven’t heard from you for…@ “a year and a half” he stared at me. @Did you come out of that cave?@ He stepped towards the cave, I stopped him quickly by hugging him @Huh?! What’s this for Roseamay@ I looked into his eyes “I missed you that’s all” I smiled @you uncovered your scar@ I remembered how I got it and shivered. “Roseamay!” Eragon was holding me my father looking at my face, “w-what happened?” @you fell backwards, you remembered how you got your scar didn’t you?@ my father spoke as he helped Eragon lay me down on the ground @didn’t you?@ I nodded Eragon didn’t say anything he just looked at me. “Eragon please stop staring at me like that. Its creeping me out” he stopped looking at me saying “sorry, I didn’t mean to stare it’s just I was so worried about you.” My father sighed “my Lord have you got something to say ?” I gasped and started coughing Eragon quickly patted me on my back @Roseamay you need to come back to the Dragon Kingdom@ “why you banished me remember” coughing again as the Dragon Lord sighed. “well you can’t-” I covered his mouth stopping Eragon saying anything else @what was that Eragon, Roseamay uncover his mouth and let him speak@ I glared at Eragon warningly and moved my hand @so you were saying?@ “never mind it was nothing important.” My father looked at me “if I can make it I will come and visit you know I’m busy working” he looked down @oh I forgot you worked there@ Eragon looked between me and my father. “Look if you don’t mind father I have a guest.” He looked up at Eragon and me @oh yeh sorry I’ll go well when you’re not busy please try to come home@ he got up and took off turning back into a golden dragon. “Bye father” he flew off without a word. “Well that was a pleasant surprise and visit from your father” I just sat there. “Are you okay Rose?” “y-yeh” he sat next to me putting an arm round my shoulders. “If I may can I ask a question?” “You just did Eragon” I giggled a little “I meant can me ask you another question after this?” “I know I was messing with you Eragon you may” “how did you get that scar?... it’s okay you don’t have to say if you don’t want to” I shivered a little “it was an accident that’s all” he pulled me closer “let’s go in your starting to get cold. I nodded and he helped me stand up. Then we walked into the cave his arm still round me “you sure you’re okay Rose? You feel kinda cold and you’re kinda pale.” “I’m fine Eragon don’t worry” he looked at me and sat me on a chair. “Your father gave you that scar didn’t he?” “No he didn’t. Just drop it!” he sat down on the floor his back to me. I just looked at the cave entrance. “I’m sorry for asking over and over Rose I didn’t mean to pry or get involved. If you want me to leave I will” I didn’t reply, I sat there thinking about my father. “Rose?” Eragon put a hand on my right shoulder “OWW!” he moved his hand quickly “sorry I’m so sorry” “it’s okay Eragon.” He moved away cautiously “Eragon its fine you didn’t hurt me” “b-but you said ow” I sighed “it wasn’t your fault I have a tender spot on my shoulder” he watched me stand-up “I slept weird at yours that’s all it is” “oh okay if that’s all it is” I nodded “do you want to eat Rose it might help you feel better” I nodded and looked around the cave. “Let’s go shop for food or something I’ll pay” I shook my head and whistled. A plate of bacon, sausages, eggs, and toast with butter on; another plate appeared with just bread and butter. I sat down with the plate of just bread and butter in front of me “that plates for you Eragon” I pointed to the other plate on the table. “Oh okay but why you eating just bread and butter?” “I don’t eat bacon for breakfast it brings out my dragon side” he sat down in front of the other plate “well thanks I bet this will be delish” I smiled and picked up a slice of bread and nibbled on it, Eragon started eating I could tell he was enjoying it “you eat as if you haven’t had a meal like this in a while” he smiled blushing “well living on your own means you have to cook your own meals but you cook, it’s all just the way I like it. I will cook for you one day Rose but I am not that good unfortunately” I smiled more “well I don’t mind even if it’s only the simple cheese toasty you can do its okay it won’t make me like you any less anyway I might be able to teach you how to cook good meals like pork chops and dumpling stew” he giggled “well Rose if you aren’t too busy working maybe we can cook together sometime” I continued to eat my bread and butter as he started on his toast after finishing his eggs. I was staring at my plate with about three slices of bread left when a sausage landed on the plate next to my bread. I looked up and Eragon was smiling at me “go on you deserve it Rose anyway it might be good” I looked down then looked up again “fine” I picked it up and started to eat it “see its good right you are a good cook rose” “thanks” I smiled back at him and continued eating. ^so you saw your father Rose” Wildfire appeared on a bed curled up the size of a dog “no thanks to you Wildfire you could have warned me. Eragon excuse me for a moment” I got up and went outside Wildfire followed ^Rose what do you want I was going to sleep^ “No you’re going to my father and your gonna try and find out why he wants me back at the Dragon Kingdom. You understand” ^yes Roseamay^ I stared
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