» Fantasy » Hope when the world is against you, Roseamay Flame [classic books for 7th graders .txt] 📗

Book online «Hope when the world is against you, Roseamay Flame [classic books for 7th graders .txt] 📗». Author Roseamay Flame

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needs to talk to you and cedric^ "err who's cedric? rose?" ^oh^ "my half brother" i smiled and eragon smiled back "okay is he good?" ^oh yes he is^ "good yeh...^ "rose you okay?" ^yeh she's fine, its the fact her father wants to see her and cerdric together^ "right is that it rose?" i nodded looking at the water. ^be there in an hour rose im gonna go find cedric and tell him^ "right wildfire" he disappeared and i sat there silently staring at the water "rose are you okay?" he splashed alittle water on me "rose?" he waved a hand infront of my eyes "rose hey" i snapped out of it and looked at eragons worried face. "eragon what you worried about?" "you rose" i just looked at him "why you worried bout me eragon?" "why wouldnt i be? i guess you have to go to this meeting" i sighed "well i aint supposed to but would you like to come to my office and wait for me" "err sure but if your gonna get in trouble for it" "thats settled then your coming" i get up and grab my bag "let me get dressed and you get dressed and we'll be off" "okay" he got up and went to change i did the same. i was standing in my black boots and emerald green dress waiting for him, he walked out looking smart "ha" "what rose?" "you dont have to look smart or are you going on a date" i couldnt stop myself from laughing "what rose? i always look like this" i calmed myself down "okay! are you ready?" he nodded and i grabbed his arm and the forrest blurred into a mist of green ane we were suddenly in an airy office with a view of the blue sky outside "look your not to tell anyone bout this place got it" he nodded looking around. i clappe and a jug of lemonade with two glasses appeared on my desk, i poured both glasses and picked one up giving the other to eragon. "cheers i hope this meeting will be quick" "cheers rose" we clinked glasses and he sipped slowly as i downed the glass. "well better go" i walked to the door. "oh dont touch anything other than the desk top the chairs and the floor and the jug and the glass okay?" "got it" i opened the door and went out closing it behind me "right which room should i go" i walked along corridors decorated by mirrors and paintings. i got to a set of double doors and heard my father's voice. @look cedric i want you to tell her the news@ ~no father i couldnt she'd hate me more than she does now~ @you are to tell your sister the news@ i burst through the doors "what news father?!" @oh Roseamay your early@ "father!" ~yes father she asked you~ "cedric shut up" @thats enough both of you@ "bighead" ~idi-othf~ he was on the floor holding his nose. @ROSEAMAY!@ i saw cedrics blood on my fist. "sorry father... cedric" i ran out. ~ugh.. i think she broke my nose~ @shut up@ ~again..~ i stood on the roof of the huge castle mansion like building. <well Rosie you hit cedric again< "piss off james" <no rosie i can be on this roof< i stood there my back to him i could feel his eyes staring at my back. "why you staring at me james you know we're not together anymore" <well your just saying that< he grabbed me from behind "get off!!" ~rose! james you leave my sis alone~ james pushes me to the edge of the roof and disappears causing me to lose my balance and i fall off the roof. ~ROSE!!~ he jumped off the roof turning into a dark blue dragon with green streaks catching me on his back "why cedric. why did you save me? i hit you." ~well you are still my sister~ i smiled as he flew back up to the roof, i got off him and he changed back to normal, a human with green eyes and dark blue hair. he folded his green streak and dark blue wings behind him. ~well father wanted me to tell you but he should tell you this news.~ "okay" we walked back to father who was still sitting in the hall. @nice to see you two made up@ i growled and cedric nudged me ~Rose wanted to know father the news and i believe you should tell her as it was your arrangement~ my father opened his mouth to speak when Eragon flew through the doors. "eragon!" <knew it rosie he had to be with you< i thought straight to james blocking everyone else from reading my mind (you better shut the fuck up or i'll fucking kill you) @roseamay what is james on about@ i dashed infront of eragon and stared at james <what has your father not told you< "no he was about to" Eragon got up behind me <well rosie< "its not Rosie! its Rosamay!"<baby girl rosie your my girl your my fiance< "what the fuck!!" i stormed out pulling eragon after me~james you bastard~ cedric rushed out after me. james stood there shrugging @great james you just had to@ ~rose slow down~ i stopped letting go of eragon. "rose what was he on about?" "eragon i ont have a fucking clue what he was on about, cedric please explain"~well sis umm its like james said father arranged for you to get married to james~ i clenched my fists ~dont hit me please~ i smiled "oh no i'm not going to hit you brother im gonna kill james or hit father" ~rose dont you'll get into trouble~ he stared at me and eragon coughed. "oh eragon are you hurt?!" "no im okay just alittle bruised" i nodded. ~well that attempt failed but then again james shouldnt have snooped in your office~ "lets go eragon before james does anything else to you" "okay" ~can i come too rose i might hurt you by hurting james~ i nodded and opened a portal. we all went through it, i closed it after cedric and we were outside my cave. ~wow~ i smiled and my fists uncurled ~Rose do you live here?~ "yup she does" ~wow rose you really looked after yourself after you left the dragon kingdom~ "well i do my best" i went into the cave and they followed "right have a seat both of you eragon, cedric" they sat down as i knelt on the floor infront of their chairs. ~now what~ "well its rose's place" ~true, Rose you okay?~... "she spaces out alot she's fine" i stood up but everything went black all i heard was cedric and eragon shouting my name.when i woke up i was on the hard bed. "cedric she's awake come in the cave" i heard my brother come in and felt his presence by the bed ~sis?~ my vision was blurred but i could make out their figures one besides the other the rest was a blurr of colour. "c-cedric, E-Eragon" ~its okay sis we're here~ i felt a hand hold my right hand "Rose its okay we're both here dont worry" "w-who's holding my right hand?" ~oh its me sorry its just you worried me so much~ everything started to come into focus and I could see Eragon and Cedric, they were a little fuzzy on the edges but i could see them. "can i sit up?" ~as long as you don't over do it Rose~ i sat up slowly and everything blurred but then returned to normal. ^so what happened at the meeting other than you hitting Cedric?^ ~come Wildfire out from under the table~ He did as he was told and hopped up onto a chair. I glared at the red dragon who was the size of a dog ^what Rose?^ "why didn't you tell me" ^tell you what?^ "about my father arranging me to get married with James" ^thats news to me^ ~Rose relax I'll sort him out later lets concentrate on getting you strong again because you worried me~ "okay Cedric I will rest" ~you will?~ ^you will?!^ "why is it a suprise to you two that she says she will?" ^she never rests unless she is truely ill^ ~like death ill~ "oh you two exagerate, Eragon I don't usually need rest that's why." ^no you normally need to rest but you refuse to^ i growled and he disappeared. ~Rose? are you sure your okay? you never do that never ever unless you really truely utterly have to~ "Cedric i'll rest if i pass out again." Eragon looked at Cedric and Cedric shrugged ~promise?~ "No I wont promise" "Rose just stick to your word please" I rolled my eyes "I always do" ~right sure you do~ I frowned ~why the long face~ he pulled a face as if he were trying to mimic me "grr" "Cedric don't annoy her" ~I'm only trying to make her laugh~ "it aint working cedric you can hear her as well as see it in her face" ~fine but Rose honestly why do you hit me so much?~ "well i can answer for her" "shut up both of you!" I stood up and walked to the table ~she told you Eragon~ they pulled faces at each other as my back was to them. "can you just grow up Cedric" I walked outside and climbed a tree, sitting on a branch.<Rosie why storm off like that? its no way to treat your fiance < i just sat there ignoring him. <Rosie come on you cant ignore me forever< he stood there staring at me on the branch.<Rosie look at me do as i say< i blocked him while he tried to control my mind. <Rosie do as i say now!< I blocked him and didn't do as he said. I knew he had stepped closer and was about to hit me but I caught his hand and threw him off the branch onto the floor, then I jumped down standing on him. <get off or i'll hurt you Rosie< "then my father will have something to say." He disappeared and I stood there. Cedric and Eragon walked out of the cave and stopped, Cedric walked alittle closer to me looking into my eyes. Imprint

Publication Date: 11-15-2014

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