» Fantasy » The White Queen, J. M. Pohlsander [reading the story of the TXT] 📗

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be stern and expressionless. Another thing, the Captain is the most trustworthy man in the Kingdom and honesty I believe is the best policy.”

“But Papa is a military man, he runs the whole kingdom and he isn’t that way.”

“Your father is a king dear. Kings can act in anyway and do whatever they want. It is very fortunate that your father is the way he is. Now continue reading we are almost to the best part when the Prince saves the maiden in distress from the dragon. I so love that part. It reminds me of my youth.”

“Did Papa save you from a dragon?” exclaimed Alexandra in shear excitement. After a few moments of silence, the Queen taken aback by the question said.

“In a way – yes dear in a way he did. But it’s hard to remember the details exactly.” Alexandra closed her eyes and imagined her brave father in gold armor battling a dragon while her mother tied to a sacrificial post cleared her throat and said. “You were going to read, right dear, or sit there looking like a petrified stump?”

“What?” Alexandra asked after being jolted into reality again.

“Are you going to read dear?”

“Oh, oh yes mother.” With that, her thoughts of Captain Damon slipped out of her mind and the fantastic scene of a prince battling a dragon popped in as she began to read again.


Damon followed King Animus throughout the day. He sat through drowsy meetings of state affairs and stood in the throne room listening to his fellow country folk talking of their needs, about land squabbles between the upper classes, the boring rhetoric of pompous nobles donating their yearly crops to the king’s storehouses to try to get on the good side of the king. It was obvious that they did not know their king at all. Animus was a kindhearted man and was very patient. He was a good swordsman and could take on two men at once. King Animus although you could not tell was a very bright individual and though he was kind, he was not a push over. He stood steadfast in his belief of honor and justice as well as mercy he honored all of the country’s agreements and treaties. Damon thought that there was not one person in the world better suited to rule Cedaria than His Majesty Animus McLæon. After all of the daily duties were complete, Damon and his King left the throne room tired and in need of some music. They sat in the inner courtyard where Princess Alexandra and the Queen later joined them. Queen Emogene had two targets set up one for her and one for who ever wanted to join her. She asked Damon to join but he declined.

“Oh go ahead cousin it could be fun. You might even enjoy yourself.” Said the Princess a little too cheeky than she had intended. Damon was shocked and a little confused was he that severe? Only a little hurt but determined to show that Alexandra was wrong he accepted the Queen’s invitation. The contest began and the Queen’s first shot was a bull’s eye. Damon consumed in the contest had hardly noticed the Court Songstress until she began to play a lighthearted ballad on her lute. Instantly surprised he accidentally loosed his arrow and hit the edge of the target almost missing it completely. The songstress stopped and Alexandra burst into hysterical, mirthful laughter that sprang into the air and cascaded down like a waterfall. She almost fell out of her seat if it was not for the hard look that her mother gave her. Alexandra’s laugh was so contagious that Damon himself who was the subject of the laughter with a giant grin expelled huge clouds of laughter. The songstress began to laugh and all became silent as Damon finally noticed her. Celine was her name. A distant memory flooded back into Damon’s mind. She had come the day that Alexandra was born. He was an under-guardsman then and when she had entered the throne room all went quiet as each man beheld her unnaturally flawless beauty. She walked up to the Royal family and having taken her lute which hung on her back into her hands she played the most beautiful air anyone had ever heard. Celine’s hair, long, flowing and black, shimmered almost blue in the sun, as she would gracefully walk across the courtyard. Her skin, soft and lightly tanned, glowed with youthfulness. Celine’s eyes, calm but piercing, were pale green but sometimes were almost colorless. Her laugh sounded like a small stream trickling down the side of a mountain. She always looked immaculate; moreover, she seemed almost perfect. Today she wore her customary black and red gown that flowed like a river behind her as she walked. No one knew where she had come from but then again no one asked. Damon could not help but stare.

“Captain maybe you should take a rest. I do not think any of the servants want an arrow sticking out of their backs,” Said the Queen putting her hand on his arm.

“Yes I believe you are right.” Damon sat still looking at Celine. Alexandra noticing said in a quiet voice.

“It isn’t polite to stare cousin even though the person that you are looking at is the vision of loveliness.”

Damon startled changed his gaze toward Alexandra, was he that obvious? “Celine, could you play a jig? I think I would like it very much. Cousin would you like to join me in a dance?” Alexandra lovingly batted her eyes.

“Umm… yes I would.” Damon smiled and stood playfully giving a deep almost mocking bow. “Would you give me the honor of this dance your highness?”

“Why of course noble sir I am so pleased you asked.” Alexandra took the captain’s outstretched hand and stood. Celine struck up the music with a dramatic but graceful introduction, smiling they were off dancing around the courtyard. Later the King and Queen mirthfully laughing as they danced in time with the music joined them. Their merry making interrupted by the sound of a horn, which signaled the arrival of a kingdom official stopped immediately. The pageboy Mathew came rushing into the courtyard skidded to a halt and breathing heavily took a rushed and awkward bow.

“Mathew… who has just arrived?” inquired the King.

“General Ignatius Thorn, your majesty.” Explained Mathew with staggered breathing he looked as though he might collapse.

“That’s a good lad. Celine would you mind taking this boy with you to the kitchens and get him the largest bowl of ice cream you can find? He looks absolutely parched.”

“I don’t think ice cream is the remedy for exhaustion dear,” cried Queen Emogene as she heard such a ridiculous statement come from her husband’s mouth.

“Well then get him some water first and then the biggest bowl of ice cream. Why don’t you take Alexandra with you?”

“Yes your majesty.” Celine said as she draped her lute across her back and taking the pageboy by the hand led him to the kitchens. Alexandra obeying her father’s wishes, followed close behind. As they were entering the hall, Alexandra spoke.

“Mathew, why were you running so fast?”

“Beg your pardon your highness, have you seen General Thorn? He is gigantic!” Alexandra couldn’t help but laugh. “What did I say your highness?”

“I don’t think General Thorn is that foreboding. Granted that he does have a fierce look about him, I’m sure generals are supposed to look that way.”

“Well not to be so blunt but you’re a princess and he can’t do anything to you but to someone lower in station like me…“ Mathew trailed off then as if he had said something that he should not have. Alexandra stared at him with a horrified look. What was happening in the castle that she did not know about, how where the pageboys and the servants actually treated? They reached the kitchens and she forgot everything at the thought of vanilla ice cream topped with strawberries.

“And what is it I can do for you today Madame Celine?” asked the head cook Miriam, kneading the dough for the night’s bread, to be served at dinner. She bowed in acknowledgement to Alexandra.

“Well, his majesty the King has commanded that Mathew be given the biggest bowl of ice cream I could find. But first he is to be given water with insistence from the Queen.” Explained Celine with a bright exotic smile on her lips, she took a seat by the fireplace and began to strum out an ancient melody that filled the whole kitchen.

“Forgive me your highness for not seeing to your needs first. What can I do for you?” asked Miriam with wide eyes after she had conceived her mistake.

“Oh that is alright Miriam I actually would like some ice cream as well. With strawberries I think.” Alexandra turned to Celine, “What are you playing? It sounds divine I’ve never heard it before.”

Celine stopped after a moment and shrugging her shoulders replied, “It’s called the Moon’s Lullaby. This one song got me my position in your father’s court. Actually, you were just born the other day so you wouldn’t have remembered it.”

“The Moon’s Lullaby, sounds intriguing. Are there any words to it?”

“Unfortunately the words are in an ancient dialect and are almost incomprehensible and sound sort of like gibberish. I’m afraid you wouldn’t like it.”

Miriam listening intently to the conversation added, “I’d say that anything in an ancient dialect is most likely filled with magic. I wouldn’t sing it if I were you Madame Celine we wouldn’t want our princess to become carried away in an unforeseeable curse or enchantment.” She gave an over exaggerated wink that made Alexandra giggle.

“Magic you say? Do you really believe in magic Miriam? I thought that magic was only in fairytales although I’d like to think there are dragons and other creatures of that kind but I don’t think there is any such thing as magic.”

“I’d be careful what you say your highness, a sprite might over hear you and you don’t know how mischievous sprites can be.” Miriam said this with a grin and then went back to her cooking.

The ice cream was served after Miriam ordered one of her kitchen hands to fetch it and all this talk of magic seemed to flee from Alexandra’s head and she and Mathew sat at the counter enjoying their ice cream.


General Ignatius Thorn was a pompous tall and muscular man. Damon did not care much for him. Ignatius had taken the place of Damon’s father as General after he had retired some years back. The general had gone to the south to inspect the men at the Great Divide. King Animus and Damon entered the outer courtyard seeing Ignatius giving orders to the stable hand who was escorting his great stallion to the stables.

“Hail King Animus!” said Ignatius as he walked towards them. He gave a stately bow to the King and Damon reluctantly saluted. The general returned that self same reluctant salute and started in on his report. “The southern border is secure, your majesty and I have inspected the troops. Everything met to my satisfaction. Our side of the Great Crossing has been maintained with efficiency and the troops are in top shape in case there is an invasion.”

“Thank you General you may retire to your quarters to rest if you wish. I believe
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