» Fantasy » The White Queen, J. M. Pohlsander [reading the story of the TXT] 📗

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take in all at once. Now I must be going. I shall be in my private chambers if you need me.” With that, the queen stood and left the room leaving Alexandra to ponder on what she said.


Hurrying along the stone corridor Queen Emogene entered her private chambers and there sitting in a regal armchair was a woman drinking tea with a dove perched on her shoulder. Not at all surprised Emogene went about her business and opened the jewelry box that sat on the table. The woman apparently annoyed cleared her throat. Emogene turned round and with an over-exaggerated surprised look said patronizingly, “My goodness Rachael I did not see you. Have you been here long? Pray tell, what is the nature of your visit? Surely, it is not so dire that you would barge into someone else’s private chambers and help yourself to their tea.” The woman Rachael placed her tea on the table next to her.

“Now Emogene we both know the reason of my visit. In fact, you most likely foresaw this meeting-taking place about a week ago.” Rachael was a beautiful woman and though she was of royal blood, she wore rather plain clothing. Being the estranged aunt of King Animus didn’t make matters any better. However; seeing that she was the only living relative on the McLæon side of the family tree and that she was a powerful user of magic, Emogene put up with the eccentric woman who loved to pry into everyone else’s business. Pulling a couple brown curls away from her face Rachael continued. “Now as you know I came to visit your daughter Alexandra and what do I find, a clueless girl who has not learned a single thing about who she is.”


Alexandra sat at the window reading. Now she needed something to keep her mind off the whole business of what happened earlier that morning. Her, a user of magic, the whole idea was preposterous. Granted she did talk to that silly bird and had had a conversation with a tree. All of it could have been a dream, or a figment of her imagination. It couldn’t be real. Yet, considering what had happened the night of the dinner party. Just a trick of the light, it had to be, nothing else could explain it. She must have been seeing things. The princess put down her book in frustration. There was no way to drown out the many thoughts that constantly ran round on the racetrack that was in her head.

She felt a chill go down her spine and the strange sensation of unfriendly eyes watching her, fell upon her so strongly she began to shiver. Alexandra sensing where the cold stare was coming from hastily looked out the window and there beneath the branches of the large oak stood a black winged man. The winged stranger’s complexion glossy and pale like porcelain blazed with vanity. His hair long, wavy, and white as snow surged with movement, as though caught in a never-ending blizzard. Without even thinking, Alexandra focused her sight, locking gaze with this creature’s mesmerizing eyes. They were cruel and piercing, blood red brooding with hatred, another emotion buried deeper in those eyes was present but as to what it was Alexandra did not know. The man was the first to break eye contact and in front of her eyes, he disappeared dissolving into thin air.

Her shivers stopped and after she regained her composure, Alexandra headed straight for her mother’s private chambers. Too many odd things were happening today and it was time to get a full explanation. There wasn't any more room for doubt. Her life was going to change whether she liked it or not. She reached the door and was about to knock when she heard her mother’s voice and another strangely familiar one but she couldn’t put her finger on where she heard it. Although she knew it was impolite to listen in on other people’s conversations, the princess listened intently at the door after she heard her name briefly mentioned by the familiar voice.

“I just wanted her to have a normal childhood. You would not understand that, you do not have children.”

“What a stupid and selfish thing to do. Do you know how much danger Alexandra could be in just because of that decision alone?” Who was this woman who would be so bold enough to call her mother, the queen of Cedaria stupid? The princess surprised by the familiar voices tenacity listened on.

“Well Rachael, I remember that we agreed years ago that I was going to do this my own way without any outside interference. There is plenty of time for Alexandra to learn of her powers. As to the impending danger, I already have a plan for dealing with whatever comes.” Replied the Queen, the name Rachael didn’t ring any bell in Alexandra’s mind. In fact, there wasn’t a Rachael that dwelt inside the castle. Who could this woman be? A sound that the princess hadn’t expected came from inside the room, the muffled cooing of a bird and the flapping of wings reached her ears, and suddenly it dawned on her. The woman from this morning was obviously in there talking to her mother. Strange, the two women didn’t speak to each other as if they were old friends at all.

“All right fine, do it your way but remember the time of the White Queen swiftly approaches and it will not wait for anyone not even the White Queen herself. I shall go, please also remember that you and Alexandra are always welcome to my cottage.” The sound of rushing wind could be heard and Alexandra stood outside the door thinking. Who was this White Queen and what did it have to do with her? It didn’t seem wise to ask her mother about the White Queen because then she would know that Alexandra had been snooping about. Who else was there to ask, her Father? No, he would probably ask too many questions at least about how she heard about it and he would most likely tell her mother. The princess began to walk about the inner courtyard in the deepest thought that she had ever been in.

Emogene turned back to the jewelry box after Rachael and the bird vanished. What a nuisance Rachael had become, she was right to be anxious but that was going a little too far. The Queen found what she was looking for; she picked up an emerald pendant with mystic symbols engraved on the silver casing. It was rather plain looking making it the best candidate for what she had intended to use it for. Now she just needed to remember how the process of creating a protection charm went. Being the Queen had its advantages but on the mystical side, it had its downsides. It was easy to get out of the habit of using magic. Emogene remembered when she would help her father and the other village elders with the annual tradition of reinforcing the barrier of protection that surrounded the whole of the village nestled in the Aerionwood. Those were simple days when her father was of a sweet nature and hadn’t yet gone sour with old age. Of course, when dealing with a large area the amount of magic used was enormous but at least the basic principles were the same. She held the pendant in her left hand and slowly waved her right hand over the green jewel. With her eyes closed, she inhaled slowly and gathered the raw magic that flowed round her. It was warm and tingled as it was absorbed into her skin. The magic pulsated through her body and directing the power to her right hand began to release it into the emerald. Emogene thought of her daughter, of how much she loved her and wanted to protect her. The joy she felt when she held Alexandra in her arms for the first time jolted from her memory and pulsed into the jewel, which now encased in a green nimbus sparkled like Alexandra’s eyes when she laughed. The queen smiled as she finally let the last pulse enter the emerald ending the spell, the green nimbus died down and the emerald sparkled in the sunlight.

Still in a stupor of thought, Alexandra found herself underneath the oak and the memory of the black winged man flashed in front of her eyes. She stopped and looked around. There weren’t any signs that the man was ever there. Leaning against the oak, she closed her eyes and again the man’s visage appeared in the darkness of her mind’s eye. The tree shuddered and Alexandra moved away from its trunk in haste. A lute began to play a melancholy air and the princess looked to see Celine sitting at the fountain playing. The musician had her eyes closed and swayed with the beat of the music totally enthralled in her masterful playing. Celine must have traveled the world somewhat maybe she could shed some light on who or what the White Queen was. Walking towards the songstress who played so fluidly, Alexandra listened to the tune and found that it made her heart drop. As the princess reached her, Celine had finished playing; she looked up and seeing Alexandra there stood and bowed.

“There is no need for that Lady Celine, please forgive me for disturbing your practice.” Celine smiled.

“Your highness there is no need to apologies I just finished when you came. Is there anything I can do for you, a jig perhaps or maybe you would like to hear a folksong?” Celine sat back down on the edge of the fountain.

“Actually I wanted to ask you something.” Alexandra sat next to the songstress who appeared to have a puzzled look on her face.

“Ask away your highness I shall try to answer your questions to the best of my abilities.”
“Well the reason I’m asking you this is because since you are a songstress you must have traveled the world a little and maybe you have heard about some things.”

“Like what pray tell? I am all ears your highness.” Thinking it would be better just to say it the princess spit the question out in a very direct fashion.

“Who is the White Queen?” Celine’s eyes sparkled and with a cunning grin replied.

“Unfortunately your highness it isn’t my place or my right to answer such a question and I believe your mother would agree that it is not time for you to know of such things. Just bear in mind that one day you will come to know the thing that you search for, however right now you must focus on learning how to control and use your powers. Forgive me your highness but I must be going. Please do not inquire any further until you are certain that you are ready to understand its importance, good day your highness.” Celine stood, and with a graceful bow, she turned and walked across the courtyard towards the oak. Alexandra watched the songstress stop by the oak.

The scene unfolding in front of the princess was a strange one. Celine walked over to the tree and placing a hand on its trunk stood there for a few moments. The familiar sound of rushing wind touched Alexandra’s ears, and the songstress jumped back she looked at the princess. Alexandra could not tell what expression was on Celine’s continence but she was clearly spooked. Celine quickly turned and hurried toward the side entrance. Could the songstress have seen what Alexandra had seen? She followed Celine but went out of her
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