» Fantasy » Two birds..., veronica palczewski [booksvooks TXT] 📗

Book online «Two birds..., veronica palczewski [booksvooks TXT] 📗». Author veronica palczewski

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neatly stacked paper in thomas's hands. ''... but, I think you'll like this part,'' he waited for his companion to show a half sly,half interested expresion until he countinued.''It'll help you get to school faster.'' at this, thomas was content ,but before he could open his mouth, Alex snatched the paper bundle from his hands and shouted: ''let's see who can get past mr .pearce before he calles the cops for geting in his lawn again!''  chapter two

 the air was frisk, a hint of frost from the dawning breese. ice cought inbeetween the rust coulord bricks of an inmemerable hidaway,and an unnatural quietness hung in the air.he looked down at the grownd ,a smile printed on his face and a voice ,sounding of crumpled paper when he spoke.a sinlge snowflake landed on the palm of his hand,it had the aperence of silver,as it cought the light of the lampost overhead.he stared at it ,his eyes almost kindly.''beutiful isen't it?...'' he stated to the mess of a man behind him.the man's aperence ,was that of a fritened animal cornerd by menicing beasts.his wimpering echoed through the ally with not a soul to hear.''that somthing so small, insegnificant,could hold more beuty than the finest masterpiece.''he held it in the palm of his hand for a moment ,a look of curiosety crossed his eyes .''but with beuty ...,comes the price of weakness.'' he crushed the snowflake in his fist, as his expression grew cold and his smile faded.he steered the subgect to the current event as he turned his attention to the captive human.he inhailed sharply .'',mr.alcroross is it.''the man fought gaenst the will of two brutes the size of dumpsters.his expensive,corperate looking sute taterd and worn from the struggle. he said nothing but his face portraid a look of fear ,his eyes filled deep with question.who the hell gave this imbisol my name? was it clark? i bet it was...when i get out of this...,he's going through hell..his mind hard at work with names and adresses,there were meany that could have given him this fate,his list of enimys grew longer untill his captor cut him from his thoughts.he gave an amused chucle,''no ,I got your name by...,other means,and if I were you,mr.alcoross,I would be carfull with my wording .'' shock and bewliderment enterd the mans mind,what the hell is this guy on?how did he-... further words were replaced by a muffled yelp from mr.alcaross.the thug to his right chuckled ,fresh blod driped down his palm''ahh,the wonders of the world.they just seem to suprise you every day .well...perhapes a wonder not of this world,but least I find them more interesting, as your world has little to offer in terms of this subject . ohh ,what my kind could bring to this place''he paced and spectated the ally his hands folded neatly behind his back.he turned and questioned with a sikly grin growing on his face.''but you know that my kind can do much more,don't you?'' his kind?what the hell?he's definitly smocking somthing or he woulden't be talking like a drunk sh-  another yelp and g gasp came from the mans mouth as one of the two bulldosers titened the grip on his arm and puncked his fist into flesh.''I grow rather tired of our little chats as I am not here for conversation.I am here for information....''he scuffed his shoes on the pavment.''and ,since I am in the mood ,I will grant you an oportunity for you to leave unharmed...''he fiddled with the silver watch on his wrist before looking  the man in the eye.''...that is,...if you are usefull enofe to keep alive.'' he folded the pen in his uper right pocket until he was saticfied with its position. he spyed the man s expresion,and was pleased to find it ,he trembled and his eyes widened wish this he smiled his genuanly kind smile,though,it could not have been intended for eanything other than prolongilg the feered expresion from the mans face.this was somthing that he was good at,seeing feer in his enemys and taking was somthing  he enjoyed deeply,as a child would on christmas morning. ''you know of a man by the name of falcore,... james falcore,...''he paced around the man until hi stood neer the mans back ''w why? he was just some coworker from my floor .''the man stammerd.''honestly t thats all I know .'' he could easely read the mans mind for facts, but he toyed with him a little longer like a cat would with a traped mouse.after all,he hadent had meany enjoyable moments in the pasing weeks,why not have some sport before the night was trough? he still had a few tricks up his sleve.



 the air stung alexes skin as it fought agenst his speed. ''ALEX!'' Thomas panted behind him.''come on! I don't need this, not today!'' At this,alex ran faster , turned his head behind his and replied.''I don't remember you ever needing this ,but it dosen't mean it's not fun!''dodging the crowds of people, he cough sight of an old block like bilding and skamperd to a stop.shortly after bound thomas hands on his knees and breathing hevily.''alex ,''he huffed. ''I 'm getting really tired of your sh-''he was cut of by the sound of a  a speeding bus that rumbled on the concreat.''come on ,really? I can't even curse without somthing getting in the way.''Alex shufled tuwards him,smerking.''the world seems to have it in for you.'' 

''then I guess your part of that.''thomas glared at him with dissaproving eyes until he snuck a glance at his watch.his eyes widened with.''5 minites!"he yelped ,not unlike a frightened mouse. he gathered his emotions and sprinted further up the bustling street, his worn and stitched sneekers thuding agenst the pavement.Alex chuckled to himself,and scaned his suroundings out of curiosity.a few of his soon to be fellow classmates glanced in his direction but utherwise payed alex no atention whatsoever. he would have liked to stay under the briliant sky and bustling city streets.It was where he belonged ,where he could fade with the crowd without a care in the world.he sighed, tucked his handes inside the pockets of his jacket ,and folowed the last of the stragglers to the steps of the blockish bilding.


birchmound high had a rather odd name, as there were no birch trees in sight as nothing close to a rabit hole so much as a mound.the public school was built long before any of its students were born and had a worn down type of atmoshere.even on the busyest of days it semmed to stay as drab as a funeral home.





Publication Date: 01-08-2015

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