» Fantasy » Two birds..., veronica palczewski [booksvooks TXT] 📗

Book online «Two birds..., veronica palczewski [booksvooks TXT] 📗». Author veronica palczewski

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chapter one

Alex puffed the air from his lungs, releasing it into the crisp blue sky, of one of the meany allyways in down town manhaten.the night was young ,and restles ,just as it had been so meany times before and left alex with memorys of home. the prick of slight cold ,remided Alex of the snow falling,allmost invisible , blening in with the rich,dark coulord sky.they were like fireflys, trying to escape winter but had been to late.alex sighted.he wished this could go on forever,but of corse,it never ended that soon as this thought struck him,right on cue he headed into the deep abyss of an allyway.gettingfurther and further away from the busy street and beutifle,snowfallen walkway from wich he was standing. he knew already how it would all come to an end.''no way to change it'' .alex thought. I might as well get it over with.he trugged hoplesly anong finally stoping dead in his tracks.there lingering in the shadows was the wolf.its coat glisening a beutifle yet deadly black,white teeth berred in a bearly spaced gaping open mouth.all was the same about this wolf.same difence -like pose, flawlessly beutifle fur same crooked ear ,but most strikingly,midnight black eyes its eyes ,fully black with no hint of anger or content or even sadness .like they had been stolen of their emotionforever unable to wish, unable to dream,unable to feel.finally ,as if the wolf had goten bored of him,throught up his head howeled a cry of atack and lept touards alex,mouth extending in a deadly arang of spicks.alex wanted to stay where he was .dispite the dangerestly close wolf,he knew It would  all be over if he could end it now .but of course ,he never had controle when this happend .he told himself that he could out-run this deadly creatcher of the night even thought,he knew he couldent.Alex sprinted across,the large coridor of the amost anchent looking allyway.cardbord boxes lined the paved ground were tosed carlesly throughtout the allyway.the air was deance with the hint of frost in the air ,and stars like flakes of shining white snow danced in the night ,being forever banished to the deep sea blue sky.alex chuckled alowed ,not caring about the thumping heavy foot falls and ragged hot breath of the wolf behind him.he never thought everything could seem so beutifull when he was about to die . It was like the world was mocking him,forever reminding him of his punithment . lungs burning,hair soring and eyes widened with fear, alex kept running.denying the fact that he could run no longer ,denying the fact that he was dead meat.but althought his eforts ,he couldent outrun his death. but dispite this ,dispite everything that was in his way,the moking beutifleness of everything, the satisfied and content breath of the wolf and the known truth of his solum ,definet death until he felt the deep seeping pain and prickles of cold that clawed at his leg. Alex slowed to a pathetic,half jog half limp and breathlessly gazed at the seemingly lifeless leg ,that demanded him to stop and finaly he obeyed .he turned to the direction of the wolf,who had stoped compleatly in its tracks with a grin of sly satisfatction seeping its way into alex's thoughts. he knew it was the end ,there would be no shouts of protestsor fighting hope left.this was it.alex longingly at the beulifle star speceled sky and said his last solome  words in uter wispers to the wolf''finish me''.the wolf obeyed leaped on alex and bit into his pale flawless neck. time slowed,coulors faded and escaped alex's mind as he looked up at the beutifly charcoal coulord eyes of the grasefull beast and smiled . 

chapter two

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!alex awoke to the droning sound of his, way to loud scrached and almost anchent alarm clock.''uugg...''alex groned .who ever came up with the I dea of draging kids out of bed at the crack of dawn just to face the worst 6 hour long school day bigining with 45 min of compleate insanity,also known as mr .huffmans math class.alex dreaded this day,like meany other kids around the world they shared their fate at the first day of school in the hands of teachers that looked older,and ,if it was posidle ,more boring than family night bord games.alex ploped out of bed,still half asleep,hair mated and tangeled in every wich and way with heavy bags of sleep still looming under his eyes.he sliped on his shirt and fought himself into tis skin tight black uniform pants,one of the meany down falls of birchmound secondairy school,and truged hevily down the stairs to a way to cheerfull tomas .''best day ever !!''he managed to shout over his jumping up and down.''I cant wait for school !''he ploped down eagerly in front of his egg salad sandwich,eww.alex thought that eanyone who could posibly be this exited for the worst day ever ,eather actually apretiated the smell of stale coffe,old text books, crabby looking old people, and waking up an hour earlyer than they needed only to study the usless facts of history ,or was a pycopath.and he dident think it was the first one.he slumped down in a steel blue chair next to a ugly garbige green and way to short,wooden table .alex rememberd the first time the group home had purchased the ragged old thing ,from a garage sale just outside their bilding.that thing had been at least 11 years old then ,it must be anchent now .upstaris he heard a loud rumbling sound that could easuly be mistaken for an earth quake but what alex had come to know as curtus .the bear like creacher named curtus stumbled down the ragged stairs along with josh the jock,and david moron .the names that he had nicknamed these creachers fit perfectly. joshe's insane obsetion of slaping other guys buts on a wet muddy feild,and davids dream for one of his spit balls to reach alaska instead of alexe's bowl of ''oat meal''every morning.the tree of them stumbled over the staris and compleated the morning rutine with a punch in the shoulder for each,tree stooges style.alex ducked before their sweaty thick paws could leave a permenent mark and scooted over so that one of them wouldent try to break the laws of physics and slide indetween the table and wall with their ''musular''thickness. they all ploped down on the unmaching and uncomfortable chairs that acompanyed the short green table and each grabed a boul and waited for mis shwarngy with the pot of ''oat meal'' or also known as the breackfest experiment gone wrong .miss shwarngy enterd the room with a grunt and a cold pot of ''oat meal''from yesterday in a mascara coverd face and pink striped slipers.she was an old and unatractive woman with a bleached mustash and crooked teeth. ''good morrning mrs. shwarngy.''the boys geashgerd to the strange pink creacher,but all they got in replly was a sort of grunt that couldent be clacified as eanything.she ploped down on a stool that looked like it had seen better days and poured a thick cement strong goop that apperently passed as oat meal .''um... mis you want to see my essay?''tomas questioned''essay? don't you only start school today?'' mrs. shwarngy mumbled from her yesterdays addition of the new york times .''oh I do, but I thought that since I will be in hight school,I'll need SOME kind of preperation you see...,so I decided that a 1500 word essay on 'a view of economics ' would be an excelent idea.''he smliled contently and waited for her to snatch it from his hand, but all tomas recived was a grunt and a stale unammused stare.''you should be finding yourself a job ,not filling your head with usless facts .''she carlesly tossed the stack of papers on the floor.'ahh ' alex thought he'll learn the hard way, but at least he'll learn.' ''but, I'm only 13 and in the state of new york, it's agenst the law and economics isen't usless facts . its a social sience that studys understanding the prossess  that governs the production of goods and services in an econamy.'' tomas protested .''well then, it looks like you need some more work around here if your going to use up all your time thith things like these!'' mrs .shwarngy roard and  returned to news paper,leaving tomas with a frown apon his face.'for a foster perent ,she doesen't have to be such a --' ''ding ding ding '' alex was cut off by Tomas's stop watch. tomas's frown disappeared  almost instantly and was replaced by a banana smile  left on his face .''I'ts time for school! come on or we're going to be late!''he squealed with delite. alex found it amazing that Tomas could speak normaly while jumping so hight ,you'd think he was trying to jump to space.Alex sighed and snatched the brown lump of fabric, half torn open and containing numoueous strange,  facinating stains that was considerd good enough to be called a backpack ,and slumped toard the door .stail ,crusted lunch bag in hand and cold cup of foul tasting tea. the city air was horid smelling and bound to be unhealthy, but to Alex ,it reminded him oh home.that place he never herd of and never knew ,if he could choose ,he would want it to smell just like this. not the smoke from nearby cigeret smokers,or the five week old salami at the bottom of the trash can,but the honey and cinimom spiced muffin from the rich people's lunch bags ,and the freshly cut flowers from the frorist across the street, but espesially the old book sent comming from the downtown bookshop corner.he breathed in,inhailing the wonderfull mix of smelles and carried on ,troting beside tomas.with a smirk on his face.''I've got an idea .''alex slurped he contence of the faded blue mug .''ohh goody.'' tomas replied sarcasticly.''what'll it be this time Mr. Enstine sir .''tomas smirked back at Alex.'' well, '' alex sipped his poor excuse of a beverige,''I could tell you...but your smart enough ,i'll let you guess.''he smiled  plesased with the expresseion of slight confusion and disbelife that tomas had given him. '' oh,this one should be fun, don't get to excited,it involves your little assinment there,'' alex pointed out the mound of

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