» Fantasy » Just Blood, authoroffantasy [best ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗

Book online «Just Blood, authoroffantasy [best ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗». Author authoroffantasy

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she wants whoever to take Triscon and have him beaten until you agree to become her slave. For eternity.”

I couldn’t breathe as I sat there thinking of what Lenoir had just explained, she would do it, I thought, she would take Triscon as prisoner just to get me to work for her. This sudden epiphany dawned on me, just there as I am thinking we had no way out, but we did! And that thought was marvelous!

“Lenoir, take him. Take Triscon and flee the country. Canada, the humans there have safety cautions with vampires. They made truce; vampires can’t come in contact with humans, or even half humans. I want you to take Triscon and head there; first thing in the morning…I mean…can you do that? For me?”

“I’ll do anything for you, Blood.”

He took my hand in his and I felt comforted but just for a moment until I heard Triscon stand up abruptly. Here came the tantrum.

“YOU CAN’T! I belong here just as much as you! This isn’t fair! I demand to stay here with you or else I might kill myself!”

“Triscon, remember that day at the building when you attempted to burn it down like I was tempted to…this is like that. You have to make a decision, one that will bring justice. I need you to go with Lenoir in order so you’ll be safe and they won’t use you to get to me. Don’t you understand now?”

“Yes but…”

Tears swelled in his eyes and I opened my arms as his small body curled in my embrace. It took a few minutes until he finally let go, the tears gone, now his eyes burned with independence. His weakness held onto him though, that dependant boy who just wanted a family.

“Fine, I’ll go, but if anything happens to you…”

“I know my sweet innocent boy will come running back to be the hero. Trust me, Triscon, I know.”

He laughed and Lenoir stood as he wiped the sweat from the sun. He was old, old enough to know when the time was right for them to be moving. Too bad, instead of tomorrow, they had to leave this instant. Lenoir turned to me and frowned.

“Blood, we…”

“Go, and Lenoir, take good care of him or it’ll be your head.”

“More like my heart, you tend to strike the point there.”

“Yeah, just get going.”

That’s when the boys took off, heading down the road like nothing, no vampire warriors even thought to look their way and I smiled. Well now I can do something. Right when the sun went down I left to go change into an outfit I had secretly bought, under Triscon’s eyes, and laughed as it was quite hard to fit around the metal dress. It wasn’t so much as a metal dress but more like a dress that was impossible to shoot through and much more as suitable to wear while fighting. It wouldn’t stand out, it was a major turn on for vampires these days and most shops had them. Although I had provided the hard steel that decorated the dress, it was light enough to move around, and hard enough to block anything. This was going to do it, I thought as I ran off into the dark club I had entered when I first became aware of Ashes and vampires, this was going to defiantly do it.

“Hey bartender, haven’t seen you much, what happened to the last one?”

“He died, Ashes got a hold of him, said he knew something of who Blood was. Wanted to know all she said to him, long time ago though really. What might be your name?”

I still proceeded to use the name Beth because, well, it was all I could think of.

“Beth and yours?”

“Kuyan. Old Hmong name my grandfather gave to me. Luckily I look a little like my mother’s side, less squinty eyes.”

“Don’t mock the Hmong people, Kuyan, they have a worthy past. Look it up, they are people of great wisdom.”

“Huh, really, I’ll have to check up on that.”

I grabbed a to-go sprite and walked, seductively, out to a table in the middle of the living room they had built into the club now. Too bad most of the people were making out but it did create a sense of being free, not having to look like I was frantically trying to find something I could use against Ashes, but rather being some hot human over in the make out room who’d ask a few questions while taking the vampire on. But there was no possible way, ever, that I’d make out with a skanky vampire. I wasn’t a fang banger, not the least bit.

“Hey pretty lady, what ya doing over here by yourself?”

Here we go, stupid drunk vampire man who looked like he was a party man who never stopped to put down his beer. This will be too easy.

“Nothing much, enjoying the lovely view. Come and sit, only if you wish.”

“Oh honey, I wish it.”

He had really bad moves, no wonder he was hitting on a human looking girl such as myself, he’d need something to satisfy him. Vampire woman wouldn’t take him, he’s an ignorant wannabe.

“Well what’s your name?”

“Vampire Asshole at your service.”

“Oh really, thought so.”

He excused my rude comment, or so I thought, until he closed his eyes for a moment and swaggered while catching his breath. He didn’t hear me at all because he was too drunk.

“No my name is Jederan. It’s for like awesome man who wants to touch you.”

“Well that’s too bad because we’re in a place I can’t be.”

“Aw ok then, how about getting out of here.”


As we headed out, me halfway carrying his lard ass, I found the moon to shine just right when I threw him into the trash and he fell, surprised at my force.

“What the…”

“Now, babe, let’s get this straight. I’m here on a matter of business, what do you know about Ashes?”

He was still drunk and laughed; Jederan got up and brushed his pants off.

“Mostly anything, go right on ahead darling, ask me…Anything.”

Sick twisted and idiotic pervert! No, I thought; have to keep my head on tight.

“Does she have a weakness, anything?”

“Yeah, think so, something about her master turning her. Something went wrong, I think I heard others say she was supposed to be a half blood but she came out full turned bitch.”

“For once I agree with you, she’s a bitch.”

“Yeah, anyhow, what else you want to talk about?”

“Nothing, now go back inside and forget this all happened.”

“I never get anything out of deals, no fair.”

Jereden walked back inside, more like crawled, he was sick now from his alcohol level. I sat down in the alley behind the club and rejoiced at the thought that nothing wrong had happened and I gained very valuable information! But my rejoicing came up short as I heard Jereden in the club inside the doors saying “I swear she’s out there” and I scrambled up as the door slid open. And there, coming out of the door, walked Ashes as her four men came beside her. Damn, I should’ve known the vampires knew me by heart, everyone now knows me.

“Sweet sweet Blood, it is nice to have finally crossed paths again.”

“Hello Ashes.”

“I suppose you’re wondering how we came so quickly.”

“You’ve got legs and feet, you can run just as fast as a car, but then again you wouldn’t waste your precious breath and come in one.”

“Smart, confident, strong…all traits I admire you for and want for my people. Come, Blood, we’ve got business to attend to.”

“I’m not going into your car tonight, Ashes, or into your home. I’ve been there…”

I stood straight and held my head high as I looked her square in the eyes.

“Done that. I’m not going back.”

“Then you will come by force, men get her.”

The four men, with Hector in the lead, ran out at me from all sides and I made a plan in my head. Go for the right then work your way to the left, and I did, making blows and blocking as they tried to fight back. It was hard to see that Hector, who clearly was the better fighter and in lead for some reason now, had come right up from behind me in a terrible slash cut through my skin as I slunk to the floor with the rest of the three I had killed. Damn so close too.

“Ah Hector; I see that you’ve been learning much more although you do not need to. She’s too easy.”

“Not so much, Ashes, she’s killed all of them.”

“So it seems but now look, she’ll be with us and we’ll finally have an unstoppable army.”

I glared through my hazy vision at her, under my eyelashes, and thought only about Triscon’s safety which made me feel better. Slightly. He was still under a vampire’s control but it was Lenoir, he was friend, not foe…right? I have to keep my head good and not fret about the boys; I should be more worried of what to plan next.

“Ashes, tell me, why am I the only one you want?”

“Well for one thing first when I want something, I get it. And I won’t allow it to run away. Second of all, you drank from me and my blood is only to be shared with my people. Third, you really ought to love me and the fact that you hate me right now isn’t a concept I’m used to so I’ll be setting up studies on you. Hope you’re happy because I sure am.”

“So what I’m like your lab rat now? Because I didn’t fall for your hideous attitude? News flash…”

I almost laughed as I said Triscon’s favorite catch phrase.

“I’m no one’s pet and I am sure as hell not yours.”

As I said it, my body went into motion; I flipped over Hector and tied his hands with the rope that I found lying beside me. As I tied his hands, knocking him out stone cold with a fierce jab to the back of his head, I turned to see Ashes was already retreating into the club…to get help. Swiftly, so fast and smooth, I threw open the door and slid down the rows as I headed towards the dance floor with no beating. The feet had stopped the dancers all staring at my entrance with Ashes in the middle.

“Now I don’t find it fair when there’s about a hundred of you and only one of me. Ashes?”

“You asked for it. Take her, but leave her alive!”

They all started to jump around and encircled me as I stood there motionless, I could work from the left to the right? No, too many. It was too many for four of the toughest vampires in training took me on. But to think of all these newbies who would just fight like they saw on TV, well with training vamps at least I could know what moves they’ll place on me. These were unpredictable hits, swinging left to right; take me under the wave of blood. As I would gasp for air when one would hit me in the gut, it
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