» Fantasy » Just Blood, authoroffantasy [best ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗

Book online «Just Blood, authoroffantasy [best ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗». Author authoroffantasy

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Triscon wandered the side of the road as he heard, off in the distance, the sound of the vampire warriors. He smiled as he, being only ten now, was able to defeat these men with a single blow. This was only because he left Ashes, the head vampire leader…head of the humans as well now, while running off with his new friend, Blood, whose strength was impossible to conquer. It had been a successful escape with Blood’s abilities. Triscon laughed as he remembered what it was like being hit and tortured back at Ashes’ place then frowned as he had come to miss Lora’s sweet and kind nature. They had to leave her behind though, she was the only thing that helped Blood and him know what all the vampires would decide to do. This could be the end, he thought to himself as he looked down at his hands gladly then he raised his chin high, or just the beginning of the war.

“Triscon, what are you doing?”

“I’m keeping a look out for any others. You know they’ll run into us sometime soon and we better be ready.”

“You’re just a boy, Triscon, sit down and eat. Fill your rumbling tummy.”

“Stop acting like I’m some little boy, Blood, I want to fight. You’ve trained me enough, let me help you. Let me be you.”

“When we left that place, Triscon, all I wanted to do was kill. To murder every one of them…maybe even Ashes…but then what would that make us? Like them? We’re not like them, Triscon, we’re half human. We are to have a heart.”

Triscon stalked off, and I could see he was upset for being so cut off from the world, but he hid it very good at most times. I smiled, my heart had grown attached to the boy, and he was like my own child. If anything were to happen to him I would die. No, I couldn’t begin to think of that, being able to fight was good in order to protect him but to kill like he wanted…he shouldn’t want it. He just wants revenge, I know the feeling, I nearly burned a house of vampires…with households, being human helpers, but I didn’t bring myself to it. Triscon, turns out, was watching me the whole time with disbelief. Afterward, I remember, I caught him trying to burn down the same building; luckily I came up in time.

“What were you thinking, Triscon?” I asked him as I blew out the flames he was about to use to demolish the rackety shack those creeps, that were mostly nomad vampires, called homes around downtown L.A.

“You didn’t finish the job, so I thought I should.” He replied as he once again lit the torch and was about to pierce the walls thick wooden boards. I grabbed the torch back and threw it in water, holding Triscon’s eyes with a firm stare.

“There is no job to finish. These are people, Triscon, you must know when to stop or you will become one of them. Do not disappoint me, ever, again.”

“I’m sorry…Blood, I just…I just want them to leave us alone. I want to be free of them, of their curse, their existence.”

“In order of doing that we should kill each and every one?”

“No…I suppose not…I’m sorry mother.”

That was the first time he had ever called me his mother and I hugged the boy tightly as we walked away from the scene, or almost scene, smiling as we came out to be the better people that day. But now his heart grew cold each day, he wants to murder them, since one of the warriors had killed off his existing family when we escaped. We found out about two days later, he never cried so hard and long in my arms. I would brush Triscon’s hair from his face and sing to him, while he would fall asleep and snore in rest. These moments I treasured forever.

“You fell asleep, again, on your watch-out hours, Blood.”

“I’m sorry, Triscon, I just feel tired so much lately.”

“It’s because you drank that wretch’s blood. You should have never done that.”

“I know…I despise that day when I was stupid enough to fall for the blood thirst.”

“You thought you loved her didn’t you?”

“Yes…till I found out she was planning to kill us if we weren’t willing to cooperate in enslaving the humans. Till I found out her blood was a device which would turn any person who hated her to love her ten times stronger than that hatred.”

“I hate her Blood, a lot, would I love her as much if I drank her blood?”

“Trust me, we’ll never know, you’ll never drink from her.”

“It’s nice to have a person you can count on, even though she never keeps up her watch out hours.”

“Oh just be glad we weren’t attacked.”

Triscon rounded about our stuff, telling me he heard some vampires sneaking around a few miles east, and that we needed to move camp. I was proud of him, he was only ten yet he knew so much, so much that maybe I didn’t even know. As I grabbed hold on my things, making sure nothing was left; we put on our cloaks and headed off into the night. We were homeless, yes, but never without a home. To us a home was where we felt was safe as we slept; where we could be by each other and dream off in a happy place, where we could be away from the enemies.

“Triscon, do you ever wish I never came along. To be back there as a true warrior for their kind? To kill merciless and not just train to protect?”

“If I said anything of that matter, I would be completely lying to you. I love you, Blood; you’re my mom…my mother in all of this.”

“And I’m glad to be your “mom” but are there really no regrets?”

“None, because I know now, thinking from last night, that in order to be a true warrior…you must know when to stop the battles. To put down your sword and surrender not only to the enemy if lives were at stake but to surrender to a peace between your nation and theirs.”

“I’ve taught you well, it seems.”

“Naw, I just read a lot.”

“Little liar, you!”

I jumped onto him as I tickled him without effort, Triscon would try to dodge my hands but I was too fast, all of this ended up in laughter. We might be escapers and known to all, not to be associated with, but we were happy in our own little world. To me it was great, to him it was fun, to both it was life. As we headed around the city, finding each vampire warriors a little out of it from being just awoken during night because it was barely six. This was our chance to use their stupidity and get something to eat. I spied a small restaurant and ran for it, tugging Triscon close behind me. We entered the small building and sat down as we called for a waiter, one came as soon as we asked, and Triscon nearly ordered everything off of the menu. I smiled as I told the waiter to just bring me a glass of water and a salad, knowing my money was low…I wanted to give it up to Triscon as much as I could. As the waiter brought back our food, I could tell he kept his eyes slightly longer on us than average, right away I called for the check. He had recognized us, slightly, but still he knew who we were and could call on Ashes’ main men to come and receive her award, her half breeds. But I won’t let that happen, I thought as I put our food in the bag, I won’t be lazy on the job of protecting Triscon ever again.

“Thank you, the food was great.”

“But madam don’t you want to finish your meal I mean your perfectly fine.”

“No thanks, we have things to do. Come, boy, let’s get going.”

“Yes, mother.”

This confused the man, to him they had said we weren’t related only that we were the same breed, but this was due to my plans. If I could distract him from reaching the phone, perhaps he won’t call once we set foot out of this place, giving us time to run for it.

“Have a nice day…”

He looked on the bill as I had paid with money, and noticed the fake name I wrote down, while bringing his head up in relief. He fell for it, now he wouldn’t think we were what he thought we were…us.


Once we were safe away from harm, I took out the bags of food and handed Triscon his half over.

“Now eat, you must be starving considering you took my pay.”

“I’m sorry, Blood.”

“Don’t be, you’re a growing boy, I should’ve known. Sometimes when I look at you I don’t see that boy but your soul, which shines with manhood.”

“Thank you…you’re a pretty tough chick yourself.”

“Thanks now eat up silly.”

My smile faded as I looked out into the dark alley ways we had been living in. I would never have anyone to love, would I? To hold and cherish, to comfort me when I needed it…no I was alone…with a boy who was just as lost as I am. But even though we were lost in this world, we always knew what was right and wrong, wasn’t that the key to being found? To finding a new revolution? I only hope so.

“Hey, you two!”

Frozen in place, hearing the footsteps close behind me; I spun around to see none other than Lenoir.

“Lenoir, could that be you?!”

“Yes, it’s me, Blood! How are you?”

We ended in a hug as I introduced Lenoir, noticing he didn’t have a warrior outfit on, and we sat down as he told us of his escape.

“When you two left, all hell broke loose. Ashes went mad! Literally Blood, she was crazy when she found that her perfect pet had gone missing. Not only did she take revenge on humans but she’s put every man from age sixteen and up to is on her warrior teams. To patrol the city, looking for you and Triscon.”

My smile faded and I eyed Triscon kicking the soft pebbles across from us. His eyes, there was something there, and then I shook my head knowing it wasn’t the idea I had gotten. Guilt. He couldn’t be thinking he was guilty for getting us in trouble? Hell I was the one who announced to run away, not him, he shouldn’t be feeling that.

“This is bad; Lenoir, what can Triscon and I do at such times?”

“Run, run, and did I mention run? I’m serious, Blood, Ashes wants you guys back…you’re like her secret weapons…you’re invincible and she hates that kind of power not in her hands.”

“She should get over it and stop acting like a snobby vamp. Clearly she knows even if she’d capture us, we’d run away again, and if we couldn’t there would be no way we’d ever work for her.”

“Ashes says she’s got a way, to make you work, Blood,

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